Don't tease Draco. (closed to Urooj)

Luke Mason

Aug 22, 2011
Brandi sighed as she set her trunk down by the Hogwarts Express. She turned and looked at her parents. "Okay Dad, I'll be sure to owl you come Christmas time." She told him, as she gave him a peck on the cheek. "Mom, I'll make sure to let you know how my studies are going. But you know my marks are always good." She told her. "Oh and Professor Snape didn't make me a Slytherin Prefect for nothing." She said. She gave her Mom a kiss on the cheek.Then she knelt down to ruffle Lizzy's hair. Lizzy was only 10, so she had one more year to wait. "Aw, don't worry sis, I'll send you lot's of owls!" She said. She watched as they left, and stood up.

Brandi stood up and adjusted her tank top. Lizzy had grabbed it and pulled it off her shoulder on one side. She wasn't wearing a bra, as was her custom, so she made sure she had it on just like she liked it. She liked the low cut tops and short skirts. It made the boys notice, and she liked that. Just as she turned to get on the train, she seen Draco Malfoy looking at her. She smiled and winked as she got on and found an empty cabin.
Draco scowled as he walked behind his parents as they headed towards the train. "Mother.. Father.. I am capable of going by myself" he said through his teeth. He closed his mouth when Lucius turned around, "Look Draco, I want to make this clear. I will not have a mudblood beat you in your classes." he hissed. Draco dug his nails into his fist and kept quiet. He looked up at his father, "I'm a prefect... father.... that means I am one of the best in my house." he said simply and fought back the urge to say more. Lucius smirked, "Ah, very well Draco. I expect you to win the quidditch cup.. since you are captain. Don't bring shame to the Malfoy name." Draco groaned and turned towards his mother, "I'll owl you when I settle down and keep you updated" he said and smiled. He glanced at his father and nodded and watched them leave. "About time" Draco muttered and looked around the crowds for his friends.

He smirked when he saw Brandi. Damn she's hot, he thought and raised an eyebrow when she winked at him. He smirked and carried his trunk onto the train and headed towards the back in search of an empty cabin. He made a face when he realized they were all filled and smirked when he saw Brandi sitting alone. Draco slid the door open and sat down in front of her. He looked her up and down and smirked. "Not bad" he muttered under his breath and glanced at the door when he saw it slide open. He smirked when Blaise walked in. He noticed Blaise's eyes wander towards Brandi and sat down next to her. "She's hot" he mouthed and Draco chuckled.
Brandi made sure everything was put away. She grabbed the hair tie on her wrist and put her long blonde hair in a pony tail. Her bangs fell on the side of her face, framing her baby blue eyes. She looked up when she heard the door to the cabin open. She seen Draco walk in. She watched as he sat down. Brandi crossed her legs. She thought Draco was good looking and liked him. She just didn't want to quit teasing him yet. But she wasn't going to let him get too good a look at her now. She still had the whole school year ahead of her. That and her thong really didn't leave much to the imagination. Then she seen as Blaise walked in and sat next to Draco. Brandi was just getting ready to check Draco out when she heard the door open again. She looked up and saw her best friend, Nikki walk in.

Brandi jumped up. "Nikki! How are you? It's been ages since we talked. Why didn't you send me an owl or two?" She said badgering her. Then she stopped when she saw the look Nikki was giving her. "Oh quit." She said. Then she pulled Nikki into a hug. She squeezed her tight, their breasts pushing against each others. Nikki laughed as Brand hugged her. Typical Brandi. She hugged her back. She was aware of Draco and Blaise watching them. Brandi finally let go. "Well sit down Nikki. How was your summer? Did you meet any hot boys while you were in Paris?" Brandi asked as she straightened her top, as it was a little loose and moved as she let go of Nikki.
Draco raised his eyebrow as Brandi looked at her and didn't say anything. He turned towards Blaise, "Well seems like father is on my case about the quidditch games this summer." he said and narrowed his eyes and Blaise chuckled. "Watch it Zambini or you might be kicked off the team" he smirked as Blaise made a face, "You're no fun mate" he said and glanced over at Brandi. Draco chuckled and rolled his sleeves up, "Anyways, how was you summer?" he asked casually knowing that he didn't care. He knew Brandi was watching him and he would not have given a shit if it was some other girl. She was different, she had sex appeal.

Draco raised an eyebrow as the door slid open and another girl walked in. Draco watched her get up and hug her friend and smiled. "Mate is she wearing a bra?" Blaise whispered and Draco looked over at him. "Well how about I find out?" he chuckled and stared at her boobs. Blaise was right, she wasn't wearing a bra. Even better, Draco thought. Draco didn't look back at the girl and started to talk to Blaise about his father's latest scheme in ridding the castle of mudbloods. Blaise laughed, "Oh mate, your father needs to find something to do in his free time other than plan the destruction of our school." he said as Draco smirked, "honestly I could care less, as a matter of fact, they need to start filtering the school. Especially in this house." he said in a low voice and crossed his arms as he looked out the window. The rest of the train ride consisted of random conversations about holidays and quidditch.
Brandi finally sat back down. She looked at Draco as he started to talk about Quidditch. "Oh, Draco. You and Blaise are sure to win the cup this year." She said as she stretched her legs out in front of her. She made sure that her skirt was pulled down. She looked up at Draco and smiled. "Well, I personally think that the mudbloods need to learn their place." She added. She knew that some people thought she was muggle born. The fact was, that she was actually a pureblood. She just didn't like to flaunt it like some. Brandi sighed. "So Nikki, you got to get me a chocolate frog when the cart comes by. I'll pay you back at the castle." She told her friend. Brandi was getting tired of stretching, so she pulled her legs back and sat back up.

As Brandi sat up, her tank strap fell off her shoulder again. She was too busy talking to Nikki to realize that it had fell. By the time she noticed, she knew that Draco and Blaise had seen. She smiled at Draco as she pulled her strap back up. So he got a side view of her boobs. Oh well. Make him hungry for more. She thought to herself. Brandi looked at Nikki. "Well, Nikki, I have to go change into my robes. We're getting close and I have to make sure the first years get to Hagrid okay." She told her. Then she looked at Draco. "See you up front." She said knowing that he was the other Slytherin Prefect.
Draco looked at Brandi, "I can assure you we will win. I refuse to lose this year." he sneered and watched her stretch her long legs. He directed his attention else where and looked at Brandi again, "And I assume you know where that place is?" he shot her a look and smirked, "Well I assume you are not a mudblood, perhaps a mixed?" he asked casually. Draco was getting somewhat irritated with her interrupting his conversation with Blaise. If she wasn't so damn hot, he thought and raised his eyebrows when he noticed her tank strap fall and caught a glimpse of her boobs. He smirked as she smiled at him and turned to look at Blaise. "Blaise your pathetic." draco muttered and watched Blaise straighten up and look at Draco.

"Why don't you go out and change too. Unless you want to watch me. Which is something every girl dreams about" Draco sneered and watched her friend leave quickly. He grabbed his robes and took his time changing. He made sure his pin was fastened on his robe and smirked as the train stopped. "Well Blaise, I'll meet you in the great hall" he said and walked out of the compartment and headed out of the train. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the first years. "Well... what do y=we have here" he sneered and chuckled as their eyes widened. "Fucking idiots" he muttered and walked up to Brandi.
Brandi was making sure the first years had gotten into their Hogwarts robes. Then she heard Draco calling them idiots. "Draco, their not just idiots, their morons and peons too." She said smirking at him. "Well? What are you waiting for? You can't miss Hagrid, he's the giant oaf over there." Brandi said. "Get moving. I'm hungry and we can't eat until you dunderheads are fucking sorted!" She told them as they started to walk to the front of the train. Brandi looked at Draco. "Just think, only three more years of having to babysit the first years." She said. She saw a first year boy staring at her. "Watch this." She told Draco. Brandi undid her robe as she walked over to him. She bent down and looked him in the eyes. She knew he had a full on view of her boobs. "So, what, may I ask, are you staring at boy?" She asked.

Brandi saw the first years eyes get wide. "Well? Answer me." She demanded. "No...nothing. I..I got to go." The first year said as he went to stand by the others. Brandi laughed. "That's great. He'll probably be jacking off to that tonight." She said as she turned to look at Draco. "Well, I thought it was funny. Should have seen him trying not to get an erection right in front of me." She said. Then she fastened her robe back up. "I'm outta here. Their with the Oaf, they'll be fine." Brandi said as she started off to the carriages. "See you in the dungeons." She said and smiled at him.
Draco shot Brandi a look as she continued to insult the first years. "You have quite a mouth on you." he sneered and raised his eyebrows when she called Hagrid an oaf. Stealing my lines, he thought and made a face. Draco watched her boss them around and smirked, "3 more years..." he muttered and turned around to head towards the carraiges. Draco could care less about the first years. Like Snape would do anything about it, he thought. He turned around with an annoyed expression on his face and raised his eyebrows as he watched her bend down.

Draco twirled his wand in his fingers an chuckled as he headed towards the carriages. He found Blaise and sat down next to him. "Damn, you missed it." he said, "she's easy. I'm sure even you could have a go at her.". Blaise laughed, "Why would I do that? Oh wait she's fucking hot. I call dibs." he added and stretched. Draco sighed as the carriage started, "another fucking year.... " he muttered, "and now we have to wait on those fucking first years to be sorted." Draco headed towards the Great Hall and sat down. "We better not have any mudbloods in slytherin this year, father wont appreciate it." Draco whispered and Blaise bursted out laughing, "What would he do? Come here and kill off everyone?" he said and smiled. Draco chuckled, "Not a bad idea... it would make this place more bearable." he rolled his eyes as Dumbledore gave his speech and the sorting finally began.
Brandi smirked at Draco. "Hm, it's not the only thing I have." She said as she walked off. She found Nikki and ran up to her. "Hey! Where the hell were you?" She asked. "Never mind. Let's go watch the sorting." She said grabbing Nikki's hand and running to the great hall. They finally got there and went to the Slytherin table. "I wonder how many mudbloods we'll get?" She said. "It's just too much fun to make them fear us." She said elbowing her. Nikki couldn't help but laugh. "Shut up Brandi." She told her. Brandi looked at Nikki. She got inches from her friends face. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you make me." She said turning to see the new Slytherin that was sorted. She seen the boy that she had teased with her boobs. She laughed as he quickly walked by blushing. "Hey,what's your name?" She said as he walked by. His eyes got wide as he told her. "Well, welcome to Slytherin." She said.

Brandi ate after the sorting. "Oh gods I was hungry. Well, glad that's done with. I'm outta here. Gonna go take a shower then go to bed." She said. "Oh wait;" Brandi said. "the first years." She went over to Draco. "Hey, Draco, let's get the kids tucked in so I can go take a shower." She told him. Then she watched as the first years looked at her. She sighed. "Come on. I'll show you to the dungeons. But be quick. I have better things to do than to be your guide." She told them.
Draco watched the sorting quietly and chuckled as Blaise commented on the first years. "Damn... shes cute, i'll give her 2 years so she can grow a bit." he muttered and smiled when she was sorted into slytherin. "So far so good Malfoy" he said and glanced over at her. Draco made a face, "She's a first year, have some standards" he sneered and looked ahead. After what seemed like ages, the sorting was over and the food appeared on the table. "About time" Draco said as he filled his plate with food. He ate quickly and pushed his plate away when he was finished.

After Dumbledore gave his speech, Draco stood up and stretched, "Great so now I have to sleep in this pathetic excuse for a bed." Draco complained as he watched the first years walk up to him. "Oh.. right... " he muttered and made a face. He turned to look at Brandi, "Good you're here. Get rid of these... first years. This is a waist of my time" he said and watched her lead them to the dungeons. Draco watched her mutter the password and pushed through the crowd of first years and walked in. "Boys to the left, girls to the right" he quickly said before heading up to his dorm. He walked in and slammed the door. "Back already? that was quick" Blaise said as she took his shirt off. Draco rolled his eyes, "well... i let Brandi handle it" he said as he did the same. Draco stretched and laid on his bed. "I fucking hate this dorm" he hissed and closed his eyes.
Brandi looked at Draco. "Well that was helpful. Way to go Draco." She hissed at him before he went to his dorm. Brandi went into her dorm and seen Nikki. She sighed. "I don't know how Malfoy was made a prefect." She said as she sat in Nikki's bed. "So? What are you gonna wear tomorrow?" She asked. "Me? You know what I'm gonna wear silly. I'm going to wear that sheer black dress I bought Italy." She said. "Gonna have some fun with the guys." She added as she jumped off of the bed. "I'm off to the shower. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone." She said with a laugh. Brandi grabbed her robe and towel and made for the bathroom. She went in and turned on the water. It felt so good to have the hot water on her body. She only wished she had someone to share it with.

Brandi got out and put on her robe. She dried her hair and walked out. On her way to the dorm she was the first year she teased. She sighed. She went up to him. "What's wrong? Can't find your dorm?" She asked. He told her that he was homesick. She just stared at him. "Well I hope that gets better." She said and went into her dorm. Brandi slipped on a black silk bra and panties. "Well, I think I'm tired now. Night Nikki." She said as she crawled into bed and fell asleep.
Draco woke up early the next morning and went to go take a shower. He turned the water on and sighed as he felt the hot water relax him. Draco missed the luxuries in the manor. He stepped out and dried himself off before changing. He took his time getting ready and when he was satisfied, walked back up to his dorm. He smirked when he saw Blaise sit up, "Classes start in an hour.... just so you know" he said casually as he put his robes on and pinned his badge on him. "I'm heading down to the Great Hall, you better hurry the fuck up" he said as he headed down the stairs.

Draco sat down at the table and started to eat. He scanned the slytherin table and smirked when he ssaw the nervous faces on the first years. He felt someone sit down next to him and turned around, "About time" he sneered and smirked as the owls cam swooping in. Draco spotted his eagle owl and smiled as a package dropped in front of him. Draco opened it and chuckled to see that he received his usual box of sweets and a letter from his mother. Draco pulled his schedule out and smirked, "Potions first thing in the morning? this should be good" he said as he stood up and headed for class. He saw Brandi out of the corner of his eyes and walked straight ahead.
Brandi got up and looked at the time. "Nikki! Get up!" She said as she bounced onto Nikki's bed. She seen her open her eyes. "Morning sunshine." She said. Then Brandi got dressed in her black dress with only a black thong on and no bra. She knew she could get away with not wearing one, because even some of the Professors enjoyed her outfits. Brandi smiled as she braided her long hair. "See you in the great hall!" Brand yelled as she grabbed her bag and skipped out of the common room. Brandi was looking at something and didn't see Draco heading straight for her. She ran right into him. Brandi rubbed her head. "Ouch. Watch where your going!" She told whoever she ran into. Then she looked up to see Draco glaring at her. "Oh knock it off, you don't scare me." She told him as she went around him and sat down to eat breakfast. Just as she got her food, Professor Snape walked by to give her her schedule. "Thanks Professor." She said as she ate. Then she noticed him looking at her. "Something wrong professor?" She asked smiling innocently at him.

Brandi loved the way she could bend any guys will with her body. Sure sometimes it took time, but she could always do it. Brandi looked up and saw Blaise getting up. "Hey Blaise, got a minute?" She asked him. She got up, got her bag and walked over to him. She seen him staring at her and she smirked. "What class do you have first?" She asked him. "I have potions, anyways, what's up with Draco. Did he get up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" She asked.
Draco glared at her, "Watch where you are going. I know you enjoy throwing yourself at guys, but this is taking it to a new level. Although I do have the affect on people." he smirked and walked ahead of her. Draco tried hard to not give away the fact that he was looking at her. He cleared his head and headed towards the dungeons. Draco stopped by his dorm to go get his book, and started to head towards the potions room. Draco sat down in his usual spot ad quickly went over potions. Draco hated school and studying, but his father had threatened to disinherit him if he continued to let his grades slip.

Draco smirked as Blaise came down and sat next to him. "Well, you took a while" he said and looked over at Snape. Sure snape scared the living daylights out of others, but Draco could care less. He leaned back and slouched as snape went on with the lecture. Draco glanced over at Brandi, and raised an eyebrow when he saw what she was wearing. Trying a little too hard now, he thought and looked away.
Brandi glared at Draco. "Oh Draco I love the way you think you know me." She hissed at him. "There are so many things you don't know about me." She added. Then she stormed away to the dorms. It was cold in the dungeons, so she grabbed her robe and put it on. She did the middle button, grabbed her Prefects pin, put it on and went to class. When Brandi walked in she seen Blaise sitting by Draco. She smiled at him and winked. Then she seen Draco looking and stuck her tongue out at him. She laughed at his reaction and turned around when Snape started his lecture. She was sure that she would be able to break Blaise before Draco. She just had to see how far she could take it without actually doing anything to him.

Brandi walked out of class and went to Transfiguration. She knew that McGonagall wouldn't much like her outfit, so she did the top three buttons. She took a seat and waited to see who else was in class with her. She seen Nikki walk in. "Hey Nikki. Come have a seat." She said. Brandi leaned in and whispered to Nikki. "Draco acts disgusted by this, but you should have seen him looking." She said as she seen him and Blaise walk in. She smiled at them. "Nice to see you again Draco, Blaise, do we have the same schedule?" She asked then smirking at Draco.
Draco smirked, "I don't have any intention of getting to know you better than i already do." his eyes traveled down her body and quickly went up to her eyes. He brushed past her as he headed towards the dungeons. And looked over at Blaise, "Is she the house whore?" he asked and glanced over at her. Blaise shrugged, "more like the tease. But that seems accurate to me." he answered and continues to take his note. "If so, I might as well have a go at it" he added and Draco fought back his laugh. "If that's the case then I wouldn't mind a one nighter with that bitch. I mean since it is what she does." Draco said and put his quill down. "What do you say Blaise? A little bet? Lets see who gets her into bed first." he asked and smiled as Blaise nodded.

After class, Draco walked up to Brandi, "I see you're covered now" he teased and smirked as he walked away before he could hear what she had to say. Draco sat in the back in transfiguration .. as usual. He stopped and looked at Brandi and shrugged, "seems like it... lucky for you." he said smugly and sat down behind her. Blaise smiled and sat down next to Draco. Draco chuckled when he noticed her face. She's way too obvious, he thought as he looked ahead at the cat sitting on the desk.
Brandi looked at Draco. "Ha, like I want you to know more." She said as he walked away. She shrugged and headed to Transfiguration. She got there before Draco and sat down. "Mmhmm, say what you want Draco. But you can't hide the fact that you look. Don't tell me you don't, because I know you do." She said not even looking up at him. Then when he sat down she couldn't help but smirk. She knew that Draco looked. Of course he did, he was a guy.

Brandi left transfiguration and went to lunch. She seen Nikki there. "Hey Nikki!" How was your day so far?" She asked as she began to eat. Nikki looked at her. "Why aren't you showing off?" She asked putting her finger under Brandi's buttons on her robe. Brandi smiled. "Just forgot to unbutton it. I was in Transfiguration after all." She said shrugging. Nikki looked at her. She undid Brandi's buttons. "You aren't gonna get Draco that way." She told her. Brandi looked at Nikki. "Why are you helping me to get Draco?" She asked her. But before Nikki could answer, Draco and Blaise walked in. "Actually never mind. I don't want to know." She said as she continued to eat. She buttoned the top two buttons back up. She wondered what he would do when she stopped showing off for a bit. "See you at dinner, Nikki." Brandi said as she went to her dorm. She took off her robe and put on a black silk bra. Then she grabbed her robe, put it on, but didn't button it. She smirked at herself in the mirror. Let's see how he likes this. She thought as she headed for her next class.
Draco pretty much ignored her for the rest on transfiguration and smiled when she quickly went off to lunch. Blaise looked at Draco, "well... she seems bitchy. Good luck mate." he said and smiled when Draco raised an eyebrow, "Just an excuse. She's annoying though.. is she even a pureblood?" he asked and watched Blaise shrug. "Sure does act like one" he said and Draco laughed, "which makes this even more amusing." they got up and headed down to the great hall for lunch.

Drao noticed she was still covered at lunch. "maybe she fucked someone and is hiding the marks" Blaise suggested and Draco raised his eyebrow, "I mean that seems accurate seeing how she enjoys attention." he added. Draco smirked, "Well.. if she doesn't get attention, then she will probably strut around wearing nothing." he smirked, "well i'm going to ignore her and see how that plays out" he said as he started to eat. Draco watched her leave and smirked. He headed towards Herbology and made a face. "This is slave work" he hissed as he rolled his sleeves up and looked over at Blaise. "Four to a table" professor sprout called and Draco raised his eyebrow as he saw Brandi walk in. He looked at Blaise and smirked, "Look.... now the dress is gone" he said and rolled his eyes as Blaise stared her down. he watched her come up to their table and kept his face emotionless. "Keep your mouth shut, I don't feel like being annoyed today" he said as he went to work. He smirked and shot Blaise a look.
Brandi sat down with Draco and Blaise. She looked at Draco and raised her eyebrow. "Hmm, I must be special not to get a snide remark from you, Draco." She said. She looked at Blaise who was staring at her. "What's wrong Blaise. What's with the staring?" She asked him. She seen him quickly look away. She laughed. "You two are quite the duo now aren't you?" She said as she began to work on the assignment. After class she looked at them. "Well that was fun." She said wiping the dirt off of her arms. "See you to later. I'm outta here." She said, not even caring that Draco didn't care.

Brandi sighed as she made her way to Defense against the dark arts. She was getting tired and hungry. She walked into the classroom and sat down. She seen Nikki walk in. Oh great. Now she gonna make me show off again. She thought. "Brandi, how many time do I have to tell you." Nikki said. "But I'm trying someth..." She was cut off. "I don't care. Unbutton. Now." Nikki said. Brandi looked at her. "Why are you so set on me showing off to Draco?" She snapped. Nikki smiled. "You two would make a killer couple. The envy of Hogwarts!" She said. "Now do it." Nikki demanded. Brandi sighed and undid the top two buttons to show more boob. "There? Happy?" She asked as she seen Draco walk in. Brandi watched as he glanced at her. She shook her head. Nikki looked at Brandi. "See what I mean? Did you see the look on his face?" She told Brandi.
Draco looked up at her, "I thought I told you to shut the fuck up. I already hate this class and now I don't want my ears to be filled with your voice. I could care less about what you want." he looked away and went back to completing the assignment. Draco looked up a little and his eyes went to her boobs. Not bad, he thought and went back to work. He looked over at Blaise, "next time, remind me to sit elsewhere. I don't want to obscure my vision with those pathetic excuse for boobs" he said and smirked when he noticed Brandi heat up. Blaise fought back a laugh and the two of them wet back to work.

After class finished he watched Brandi walk out and turned when he hear Blaise's voice. "Did you see her face?" he asked and laughed, "Draco only you would tell a whore that her boobs were too small" he said and walked towards Defense against the dark arts. "What's the point of this class?" he asked and looked up to see Brandi. His eyes went down to her boobs and he looked away. "Damn I want to suck on those tits so fucking bad" blaise said from behind and Draco smirked. he walked past her and leaned in, "what's wrong? trying hard to get my attention?" he asked and sat down behind her once again
Brandi narrowed her eyes at Draco. "Not that I know of." She hissed at him. She went back to work and then heard Draco saying that her boobs were to small. She reddened, but didn't say anything to him. Oh, Draco, just you wait, in time you really will regret that statement. She thought. Brandi laughed. "If I wanted your attention, I would have your attention." She hissed at him. Then she glared at Nikki. "Oh great plan Nikki." She said as class finished up. But before Nikki could say anything, Brandi picked up her stuff and left. Brandi went to her last class of the day. She sat down and watched as Draco and Blaise walked in. She hadn't done anything to her robe, so she was still showing quite a bit of her tits. She really didn't care. But she did see Draco and Blaise sneak a peek as they walked by.

Brandi went and sat through her next class. It was the most boring class of all. All the professor did was lecture. Brandi put her head in her hand and started to doze off. She woke up to chairs sliding across the floor, and seen that class was over. Thank god. She thought and went to dinner. She ate, then went to the dorm. She grabbed her robe and towel, and took a shower. After she got out, she slipped into her robe, and dried her hair. Then he walked out into the common room to go to her dorm. She saw Blaise and Draco look at her. "Don't give me that fucking look Draco. I have my robe on and you are the one looking." She said as she looked at Blaise and winked at him. Then she went to her dorm to get changed.
Draco smirked and didn't bother to talk to her. He looked around and locked eyes with another slytherin girl. "She has too much of a mouth on her, don't you think?" Draco muttered and looked at Blaise. "Well there are other things I want that mouth to do" Blaise said and stared at the back of her head. Draco rolled his eyes and sat back. He hated being in class. Its not like I need to be here. he thought and sighed. Once class was over, he chuckled as Brandi quickly walked out of class. "In a hurry aren't we? planning on changing for me again?" he asked loudly and smirked as he shot him a look and walked away. Draco waited for Blaise and headed down to dinner.

Draco smirked and deliberately sat near Brandi. He didn't even look at her and ran a hand through his hair as he know she was looking at him. "How do you do it Draco?" Blaise asked as he eyed Brandi. "She keeps looking you" he whispered and Draco shrugged, "Well she doesn't need my attention. Whore's are only good to sleep with. Thats all she is" he said and started eating. "Harsh mate" Blaise said as he quietly started to eat. His eyes automatically moved over towards Brandi and looked away when Draco elbowed him. "Blaise why don't you go sit next to her and just fuck her, i'm usre she won't mind" he muttered and quickly finished eating. The two of them then headed back to the common room. Draco took his robe off and sat down on the couch with a smug smile. He saw Brandi walk out in the corner of his eye and turned his head to look at her. "Calm the fuck down and don't flatter yourself. You should swoon at the sight of me looking at you like every other girl here." he chuckled as she went up to her dorm. "Well Blaise... you go the wink. Now go in for the kill" he said and watched blaise straighten up.
Brandi combed out her hair and put it back in a braid. She loved her hair braided. She noticed that it went to the the middle of her back. She smirked as she looked at herself naked in the mirror. "Draco sure doesn't know what he's missing." Nikki said, as she walked in. Brandi looked at her. "You sure about that?" She asked Nikki. Brandi really didn't have any plans, so she put on a red bra and panties. She noticed that her stomach was still nice and flat. She smirked again. She though she had an amazing body. "To hell with what Draco says." She said to Nikki. Nikki just laughed and shook her head. "Girl, if he only knew your secret." She said. Brandi frowned. "Yeah, well, I just haven't found the right guy yet." She told Nikki. She seen Nikki walk over to her. "What if I tell you that the right guy was right out in our common room, just waiting for you to make your move?" She said. "Who Draco? Yeah, like I would lose my virginity to him." She snorted.

Nikki shrugged. "Okay, suit yourself. I'm going to the great hall again. See you later." Nikki said, leaving Brandi alone to think about what she told her. She finally got up and grabbed her favorite red dress. It wasn't a short as the others, but she still liked it. She figured she would go to the library and study for a little bit. It couldn't hurt. Brandi just finished putting on her mascara and lipstick, when she heard a knock on the door. She wondered who was knocking on the door. She opened it and saw Blaise standing there. She smirked. "Hello Blaise. What's up?" She asked as she looked at him.
Draco smirked and looked at Blaise, "Well? she's pretty much naked anyways. Knowing her she probably has nothing on under that robe. Just go in and do what you got to do. Its not like she won't like it." he said and watched Blaise sit there and hesitate. "Malfoy, you sure about that right?" Blaise asked and looked at Draco with a stern look on his face. Draco nodded, "You see how she throws herself around. She won't say no. Maybe she just needs to get laid." he said and watched Blaise stand up and take his robe off. "Don't forget that contraceptive charm" he called out loudly and chuckled when Blaise shot him a look. Draco pulled out a piece of parchment and started to write to his mother like he promised.

Blaise went up and knocked on the door. He fixed his hair and smirked when the door opened and he saw Brandi standing there. His eyes went up and down her body, "Oh you know whats up" he said as he walked into the dorm and locked it. He pulled his wand out and muttered the charm and wrapped his arms around her. He leaned in and kissed her, "damn you're hot" he said against her lips and let his hands travel up and down her body. Before she could react, he took her dress off and pinned her against a wall. His hands started to make their way up to her back, and he kissed her again as he unhooked it. "Well? what are you waiting for?" he asked
Brandi was surprised to see Blaise standing there. She heard him, and smiled. Before she knew it, she was standing pinned against the wall in just her panties. She smirked at Blaise. "Hmm, do I now." She asked. But she knew exactly what he wanted. She smiled into his kiss. When he told her she was hot, she smirked. She moved closer to him. She put her hands under his shirt, feeling his toned abs, and smooth skin. She couldn't help but moan. Slowly she made her way down to his pants. She heard him being impatient. She looked up at him. "Just calm down. This will be worth the wait." She told him, as she unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor. She couldn't help but laugh when he cast the contraceptive charm. "You won't need that, I'm afraid." She said as she kissed him. "Shh, don't say anything." She added as she ran her hand down to his hard dick, rubbing his head, and watching him for reactions.

Brandi sank down to her knees, and ran her tongue up the length of his dick, stopping at his head, she kissed it, then put it in her mouth. She sucked his head, while she swirled her tongue around it. Then without warning, Brandi slid down his shaft, stopping when she felt his head in the back of her throat. She heard Blaise gasp, and she smiled to herself. She sucked on his shaft, while her tongue explored it as well. Then she started to pull back, and suck on his head again, running her tongue on the tip of his dick. She could taste the pre cum, and she moaned. Just as she started to move her head on his dick, she felt him put his hands on the back of her head.
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