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"It's alright, I took an independent tour myself so i'm ok, uhh..and.. your....chest" Dren said trying to stifle his laughter.
Alhambra give him a confused look before looking down and turning bright red. She lowered herself into the water more and thought to herself Just great, this is what I get for trying to make friends, awkwardness abound...
Marcus was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed Dren and Alhambra until she slid into the pool opposite him, she was blushing fiercely. He didn't wonder why when he saw Dren's smirk, he was pleased to see them "hiya Guys, settling in?"
"O.. oh, hello there, my name is Alhambra, pleasure to meet you sir." She bowed again towards the older man before continuing, "I will be working after this weekend."
Marcus smiled at the beauy, "nice to meet you Alhambra, i'm Marcus and i think i shall certainly be requesting the pleasure of your company, are you settling in ok?" he asked
"Yes, my room is very spacious and comfortable, thank you for asking, how are you finding the mansion?"
"oh i've been monitoring the construction of the place for some time and i think it's wonderful, i've been very excited about the place for a while now" The thought of pleasures to come and this busty beauty in the tub with him suddenly realise he was naked and getting quite excited.
"Do you know anything about whats on the other side? Walter said I couldn't see it yet because its not done."
Marcus thought for a moment, "i believe they're putting the finishing touches to some more facilities such as gyms and some specially themed rooms, like an Arabic harem room, a dungeon a grand royal bed chamber, things like that?" he paused for a moment before continuing "so Alhambra, why did you choose to work here?"
Alhambra got a confused look on her face when he mentioned the harem room.

"I took the job cause my parents said the social experience would be good for me, I... don't get out much. Ummm, what did you mean by a harem room?"
Marcus noted the confused look on her face "well i guess the harem room would be for a client here to requst if he or she wanted to hire several butlers to play with and wanted multiple sex partners?" he paused before continuing "But thats just one of the rooms they're finishing today. i'm sure there will be rooms to cater for all sexual desires"
Dren was shocked when he heard marcus explaining a 'Buttler's' job, so shocked in fact that he was immobilized for a moment, "Marcus.... I think you should bite your tongue when speaking to a lady." he said after finally catching himself
Alhambra was at a loss for words when she heard what Marcus was said, it wasn't until after Dren had spoken that she had time to recompose herself.

"I... I thought we were here to clean and keep the mansion running. I assumed I'd be asked for things from club members, but nothing like that,I thought I'd be fetching tea or food for them... I don't know if I can handle this..."
Marcus was surprised by the reactons of Alhambra and Dren, but recovered quickly. "well maybe I have the wrong end of the stick, perhaps you have been hired to clean and perform those duties? I dont know, I certainly wouldn't be concerned i'm sure it will all become clear" Under normal circumstances, having felt he had made something of a faux pas he would have made his excuses and left, however he was consious of his nakedness.
Alhambra didn't know what to say, she had a blank expression on her face and she slowly lowered herself into the water more, until only her face was above the water. She closed her eyes and put her head back, lost in thought.
Marcus wasn't sure how he had said the wrong thing but pretty sure he had, When Alhambra leaned back and closed her eyes he decided to get out of the pool, hoping she wouldn't see him naked. Bearing in mind she didn't know why she was here, it didn't seem appropriate so carefully he climbed out of the pool.
Dren was surprised when Marcus came out of the pool naked, and even more so at how well endowed he was, as if by instinct he said "Mmm,mmm well isn't that just a wonderful sight."
Alhambra snapped out of her stupor when Dren spoke. She lifted her head and gazed at him intently.

"What... what should I do? Did you know about this?"
Dren was a bit surprised and scared by her intense look but said,"Sadly, yes but, the reason I didn't tell you is because I thought it best that our boss would explain your duties." while giving her an apologetic smile.
Alhambra looked away ashamedly. "I don't know if I'll be accepted here even if I do decide to stay. I'm not exactly... normal. There's a reason I don't get out much."
Marcus was surprised how pleased he was by Drens lingering appreciative loo at his body, and as a result he didn't rush to put his towel back on, but took his time. Alhambra was confused and young and looking for guidance, he didn't feel he could leave her like this, he was sure Dren could talk to her but he felt she needed support. He said to her "Alhambra, you're a beautiful young lady, i'm sure you'd fit in excellently here but the choice is yours. What is it that bothers you? maybe we can put your mind at ease?"
Alhambra looked from Marcus to Dren, clearly troubled and confused.
"I dunno, its kinda personal..."

Part of her really wanted to get everything off her chest, but she was worried she might scare them off. Her indecisiveness was clearly shown on her face as she repeatedly opened and closed her mouth as she looked back and forth between the two.
Marcus smiled kindly and said "if you choose not to tell us that's fine I certainly wont pressure you into telling me. However sometimes it's good to get things off your chest, you may be surprised how people react"
Alhambra looked between the two one last time before she decided it was time to tell them, for better or worse.

"Umm, I'm not really sure how to put this, but... my body isn't completely normal, while I may be a girl, above my..." she had trouble forcing the word past her lips, "vagina... I have a penis..."

She said it all with her eyes closed, scared to make eye contact with them. Even after she finnished speaking she kept her eyes shut tight, afraid of seeing the looks of horror and disgust on their faces.
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