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Dec 30, 2010
Character profiles are to be posted here.

Alhambra walked up the mansion that was to serve as the club house she'd be working at for the next little while and opened the door, she had been dreading this place the entire walk here, being told she needed to get a job and learn to properly interact with other people. She had spent her entire life staying away from others as much as she could since she was... different. Even though she was a woman she had a penis, a trait shared with one of her mothers whose ancestor had had a curse placed on her many generations ago. All of the hesitation was completely forgotten as soon as she took her first step inside.

As Alhambra walked around gazing at the many decorative ornaments she heard a man clear his throat behind her. She turned and gave a small, awkward bow. "Oh, hello sir, I'm Alhambra, I will be working here starting next week."

The man gave her a warm smile and offered her a tour, he said his name was Walter as she began to follow him down left hall.

"This side of the manor is where the living quarters and recreational rooms are, the other side is for club activities mostly. I would offer you a tour of that side after this one, but there is still some work being done and it would be best to stay out of the way for the rest of the weekend."

Alhambra gazed around in awe as she followed Walter, from what she could see, the entire mansion was just as clean and wondrously beautiful as the main hall.

As they came to the first door on the right, Walter broke the momentary silence, "this Door here leads to the bedrooms, there are two beds in each and you may stay here whenever you like, free of charge." He glanced at the bag that Alhambra was carrying and added, "you may leave those here for now and you can choose a room on the way back if you'd like, there is no one else on this side of the manor so your bags are safe."

Alhambra put her bags down and continued following the man, she learned that there was a pool across the hall and down a bit, with a wight room and adjoining spa directly across from there. At the end of the hall was a large lounge, with 2 big leather couches, 3 large chairs, and a 50" television mounted on the wall. On the other side of the room there were 2 pool tables, a ping pong table and an air hockey table.

"Holy shit, this place is great," Alhambra whispered to herself.

Walter, overhearing the girl's not so quiet whisper laughed and said, "We're not done yet, follow me..." He set off towards the large double doors directly ahead of them and strode outside. "This is the outdoor lounge, as you can see there are rock benches all around, picnic tables by the fountains and over there we will put in flower beds once we officially open. Over there, off the path to the left there is a tennis court. And off to the right, there is a small pool of water that you can swim in with a lovely waterfall pouring into it. I won't take you out there right now as the path isn't finished yet but I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to explore it once its finished tomorrow."

They walked back to the first door and Walter unlocked it and let Alhambra in, telling her to choose whatever door she wanted as they were all the same. Before turning to go Walter added "remember, this weekend is all about getting familiar with the grounds and you future co-workers, you are the first one here so far, but we should be getting more people coming in pretty soon. A few club members may come by as well."

Alhambra chose to walk upstairs, she chose the first door on her left and jumped onto the soft queen bed closest to the door. As she gazed at the ceiling she realized she had no idea as to what would be expected from her when she started work.
Marcus strode through the grand front doors, he knew that the place wasn't yet ready for business but he was very keen to see it. He went looking for Walter the custodian, he was excited to hear about the new staff, and if the place could fulfill all the promises it offered.
Valdren Had just arrived at the large mansion and whispered to himself, "Holy Shit, This place is fucking huge!" and made his way into the Main hall but as he entered he bumped into a man that looked to be in either his late twenties or early thirties, "Sorry, My bad, man." Valdren said apologetically.
Marcus was bumped from behind as he admired the building. He turned to see a handsome young man who mumbled an appology. marcus was in a very good mood today and held out his hand "Hello, please not to worry, I'm Marcus I was looking for Walter, i dont suppose you caught sight of him on your way in?"
"my name's Valdren but please call me Dren. and sorry, but no, I haven't seen any Walter." Valdren Said shaking the man's hand.
"not to worry dren." said the still smiling marcus. "so are you here to work or play, or even both?" Marcus was curious about this young fellow, he looked good enough to fit in well in the plush luxurios surroundings.
"Sadly, to Work, But if your offering then I wouldn't mind a lil' play as well." Dren answered licking his lips seductively.
Marcus smiled, he was a little taken aback. This was precicely the sort of new experience that he was so excited about yet it was still a line to cross for him. He was surprised and excited when he found himself saying "I'd like that very much Dren, perhaps when the place is up and runing you'd look after me for a day?" Marcus was scared about the thought of it but also couldn't deny the stiring in his pants.
Dren Smirked at his words seeing the slight fear in his eyes but couldn't help himself, so he leaned closer to him and whispered seductively into his ear, slightly licking it, "Maybe, If you've got the right equipment."
Marcus felt his cock jerk when Dren licked his ear and despite the fear he felt, his excitement was overiding and he was very surprised to hear himself whisper back to Dren "my equipment is just fine. Er.. i'll let you settle in, but if you find you have no company later on you're welcome to visit me, er if you wanted some company that is? When the plans for this place were announced i bought the mansion next door, erm.. up to you" Marcus turned to leave, his heart racing. he was sure if it wasn't for the banging of the builders Dren would hear his chest pounding.
[Sorry, I should have specified, but Walter is up for use by anyone, hes not my character, feel free to use him whenever, think of him as an NPC.]
marcus was just leaving when he saw Walter and gave him a warm greeting. "mr Marcus, i'm sorry i didn't realise you'd be visiting today" said the kindly custodian. Marcus smiled "oh not at all Walter i'm just being nosey really, i'm excited about the opening is all and i find myself at a loose end"
Walter grinned and said "perhaps you'd like to try the steam room and jacuzzi? It's just been completed and i'd feel much happier if it were tested before the opening?" Marcus thought for a moment and said "why not, it's been a tough few weeks, a bit of relaxation would be grand, please lead on" Marcus soon found himself relaxing in the steam room, closing his eyes and allowing his mind to drift.
Alhambra decided that there were too many things in this mansion for her to just lie on the bed and waste the day, she decided to go for a quick swim in the pool. As she got off the bed and rifled through her bags for her bathing suit she realized she forgot it at home. Luckily, it wasn't too far of a walk so she grabbed her mp3 player and walked out of her room. As she walked down the stairs to the main floor she saw Walter coming up from the basement level dorms. He held the door for her as she walked into the hallway. While the pair walked towards the main entrance hall Walter asked her how her room was.

"Very nice thank you. OH! What kind of things will I be doing when I start work? Will I be helping you?"

Walter gave her a shocked look and opened his mouth to speak before entering the door to the main hall. He spotted the new people at the front door and apologized to Alhambra quickly before rushing over to greet them.
it wasn't long before Marcus was overheated in the steam room, so wearing only a white towel he made his way to the large deep plunge pool jaccuzi. He switched the pumps on and watched it come to bubbling life. Dropping his towel he took a deep breath and jumped into the pool, the water was warm but the change in his body temperature was dramatic and when his head burst back through to surface he gasped aloud and felt alive. his mind wandered back to dren and all of the other people he was sure to meet here, he leaned back and smiled broadly.
[My bad, saw your post after I made mine, guess we'll just say it happened first? :p]

Alhambra walked back into the mansion with her bathing suit in a bag and headed for the pool. she changed into her bathing suit in the provided change rooms and headed to the pool.

As she entered she saw a man coming up for air and she blushed slightly, never had anyone outside of her family seen her wearing such revealing clothes, her large breasts bouncing in the revealing swimsuit as she bowed to the man and apologized for interrupting his swim. If it was up to her, she would have worn a one piece suit, but her parents assured her it would help her get over her complex about her body if she could feel comfortable in a bathing suit like this first. Of course, the bottom piece wasn't a typical bikini bottom, she had some things she still had to hide.
Marcus lay in the warm water, his muscles relaxing. His mind wandered to the beauty he had seen in the corridor. She had a fabulous body and he really hoped he'd see more of her soon, in fact his thoughts soon led to his cock swelling, despite the obvious nature of the mansion he was glad the bubbles concealed it.
Dren was getting bored walking arounf the mansion so he found a room, which was rather large, and undressed until he was only in his purple boxers, covered the lower half of his body with a black towel and made his way to the to the pool jaccuzi.

When he arrived there he was surprised to see a woman who he hadn't seen and Marcus, then he sniffed the air and noticed the 'Girl' wasn't completely as she appeared. "Having fun without me?" he asked sarcastically to the 'girl's' surprise

[Btw Dren's room is right next to Alhambra's]
[Darn I was kinda hoping you'd occupy the other bed XD]

Alhambra turned to the new person behind her and blushed again when she saw his naked upper body. She gave him a small bow before walking over to him and extending her hand.

"H- hi, I'm Alhambra, pleasure to meet you," she said quietly, obviously shy.
Dren shook her hand cautiously sensing 'her' meekness and said, "Hello, Alhambra I'm Valdren, but please call me either Dren or Val."

Then he noticed how top heavy she was and 'cat whistled'.
Alhambra blushed again at the whistle and smiled.

"I'm going to be working here when the club officially opens, what about you?"
"Uhhh, well, I've always been really quick when dusting and I always leave the room spotless despite being really fast, is that what you mean?"
Realizing that 'she' was sent here not knowing what she was going to actually be doing he said calmly, "Yes, Mine is cooking, pool and jaccuzi cleaning." but thought 'I can't believe she doesn't know what she's going to be doing here, she's in for a hell of a shock. hehe'
Alhambra walked over to the pool and lowered herself in slowly before turning and asking, "I'm sorry Dren, was it? Did you meet the nice old man named Walter? he gave me a tour of the place when I first came by, if not and you need a tour let me know, I'll do my best to show you around." She didn't notice that the cold water left her hard nipples completely visible through the thin bathing suit.

[Also, feel free to add any rooms to the mansion you want, I just gave the ones I could think of off the top of my head during my first post, realized I didn't have any sort of eating room/restaurant, kinda bad for a place that the buttlers are able to live in if they wish XD.]
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