Heroes in exile (Tatcon x Sana)

Kai took the few minutes to relax savoring the afterglow of what had happened. Settling her head onto his chest as he held her on his lap, she was almost asleep when he moved and she agreed it was time to get dressed. She figured it was almost time for dinner and that they probably had been down in the temple for too long. Pulling her clothes back on she giggled quietly as the fact that his seed was making her undergarments a little gooey and it felt strange to move around with it leaking out of her.

The Force took the same moment to warn her of impending danger as it did him and she shifted her balance just as the floating home took a hit and began to tilt. Latching her hand into Rayne-Sunn’s she followed him as he ran for the surface a mixture of surprise, curiosity and horror flowing through her mind at the attack.

Once they reached the surface she stood staring at the TIE fighters that attacked the platform. Feeling Jun-Kun working to hold the platform stable and slow its descent, Kai heard his order to head for the ship and couldn’t shake the feeling that this must somehow be her fault and had to do something. If it hadn’t been for the assassins after her then this probably wouldn’t be happening. With that in mind she decided that she had to do something and worked pulling at the Force to break of a piece of the marble colonnade and send it hurtling through the air at the swirling mass of TIE fighters hoping to hit one.

Staggering at the taxing drain of preforming a feat with the Force that she wasn’t used to Kai stumbled before heading towards the landing platform and Rayne-Sunn’s ship. She didn’t even wait to see if she’d hit anything as she ran, somehow she’d lost hold of Rayne-Sunn’s hand while she worked to fight back and she hoped he would be at the ship when they got there along with his father and mother.
The marble would make a mark on the squadron, dropping two TIE's from the sky, but that hardly seemed to make a dent in the group that was there. Kai would actually be the first to run for the ship, as Rayne-Sunn took in the look of the enemy, and turned to face his father. "I'm going to find mother and bring her--"

"Boy don't be stupid! Your mother is dead!" Jun-Kun growled, obviously coming under pressure from the strain of maintaining the platforms position, but it was never an easy struggle fighting against a planet's gravity. "She flew out the window when we got hit and fell off the side. Now go son, I'm old and failing, you are your friend can actually make a difference in the galaxy, now go!" he said, and with the little bit of spare Force energy he might have, he pushed Rayne-Sunn down the stairs to the ship, which would slam him lightly against the side of the ship.

"Kai, in the ship.." Rayne-Sunn would say once he recovered from the shock of the impact and picked himself up, dropping the ramp so she could get in. "Droids, start the ship and man the turrets! Escape plan alpha six!" He barked as he ran up the ramp after Kai would get on, or dragging her on if he had to. He would say nothing more, running up to the cockpit to get the freighter off the ground as fast as he could, and take towards space.

Once they were away, he would try to look back at the falling family platform, just in time to see his father blow it in to hundreds of pieces, and launch it up at the squadron who was converging on the two escaping Jedi before the elder Winn fell into the core of Bespin. Again, no sound, no cry and nothing would come from the cockpit as tears started to run down Rayne-Sunn's cheeks are the ship rocketed towards outer orbit as fast as its powerful engines could manage, defensive laser turrets whirring to life and firing at the few TIE's still following them.

Though freedom seemed possible once the sky turned black and they pulled away from the planet, and look to the left would surrender all possible hope at the moment. "That is the Exactor...that's Vader's ship..."
Stumbling into the ship she felt Rayne-Sunn’s steps pounding up the ramp after her as she collapsed in the cargo bay, her body drained by the amount of energy she’d been forced to exert to throw that piece of marble. Everything was a blur around her as the droids and Rayne-Sunn enacted an escape plan that she could do nothing to help with. Without knowing the particulars she felt she would be more of a hindrance than a help as she tried to calm her body and regain some energy.

The lifting of the ship from the platform, the engine rumbling as they sped away served to dampen but not drown out the explosion of the Winn family platform. The sound was unnecessary as she felt the passing of Jun-Kun and his wife in the Force. The Rayne-Sunn’s agony at the loss was palpable for her even from her position in the cargo bay as the ship swerved and dodged, firing back at the TIE fighters chasing them. Finally Kailian forced herself to her feet and made her way into the cockpit of the freighter, and collapsed into one of the chairs in the small cockpit. The tears on Rayne-Sunn’s face did not go unnoticed and as much as she wanted to reach out a hand to comfort him Kai held back fearing to be a distraction.

The moment he mentioned Darth Vader, she refused to think of him as the padawan and Jedi knight that she had known growing up at the temple. She’d met him when he’d been brought in as a small boy and had been friendly with him throughout her own training and at several times had worked with him and Master Kenobi during different operations. His treachery was the reason that so many of the people she had known were dead, he was the reason her life had been destroyed and it was hard, oh so hard not to hate that creature who had once been a Jedi. As much as Kai wanted to surrender to that hate she knew it was better to simply feel pity for him, and to fight him wherever it was possible. “What are we going to do to escape Rayne-Sunn?” The Exactor was a fast battle cruiser and she wasn’t sure if the freighter they were on could outrun it.
Rayne-Sunn would look down to his controls for a long moment, and then let them go as he noticed their craft was no longer going forward. "There is no escape now Kai...they have us in a tractor beam. Droids, cease-fire and store yourselves in the cargo hold." He said over the ship's intercom, drawing in a deep breath before turning to Kai. The tears he had shed were gone, and suddenly that cold, iron determination had returned to the Jedi's eyes. He wasn't thinking revenge now, only survival and that required thought and a plan. "Come with me." He said, taking Kai's hand gently and leading her down from the bridge as the Exactor grew ever closer to them.

Once in the cargo hold he would look around to make sure the ship was still in one piece before taking pause for a minute. "You will have to find a way to sneak in to the control tower and disable the tractor beam if we have any hope of escaping. You're better at mind powers, and that is the only way you're going to get up there without being overwhelmed. I'll try and hold them off in the bay while you do that." He said, surprisingly confident of that fact he could take on legions of stormtroopers and even Vader himself if he had to to help them see another day. "Can you do this?" He asked carefully, placing his hands on her shoulders and holding her close as he looked into her eyes.
She felt the ship jerk under the tractor beams influence and waited with Rayne-Sunn. Looking out at the large Star Destroyer looming through the viewport she felt a soft shudder ripple through her body. The pleasure and ecstasy of earlier now seemed like a long off dream or forgotten memory as the realization of just who they were being dragged closer to flooded through her and Kai wasn’t sure how to react. Instead she just acted on autopilot following Rayne-Sunn into the cargo hold and waiting her hand held in his as he laid out his plan. Her mind was filled with doubts but when he’d asked if she could do this she nodded without hesitation, one thing was sure either she would succeed or she would join her fallen masters in the Force.

Reaching into her holster Kai pulled her lightsaber free and prepared to fight her way off of the freighter as soon as it had docked. They would only have a few minutes for her to get to the control tower and back before either of them would inevitably come into contact with the Sith that was now hunting them. Kai felt and heard herself give out a little chuckle as she realized that even now, on the cusp of probable death she still felt unable to say that fallen Jedi’s name, as if it would dishonor all of the true Jedi who had stayed faithful until their deaths. That giggle turned into chuckles followed by near hysteric laughter as she waited for them to dock. She knew that she must seem insane to Rayne-Sunn but she waved her hand at him, “You would’ve had to have been there.” Finally catching her breath she calmed herself and stood before the ramp waiting.
She wouldn't seem insane at all, in fact for once Rayne-Sunn seemed to understand why she was acting the way she was. When she finally spoke he smirked and pressed his forhead against hers gently. "I was." He said softly, and while she sat waiting to go out the ramp, he would actually turn her around, and point towards a small hatch on the wall. "I should have explained. That is your exit. It's an emergency exit that goes out near the engines so you have plenty of cover to get behind. I will handle the rest. Now get over there." He replied, pushing her lightly in that direction as he turned to face the large loading ramp.

He did all he could to calm his nerves, because to pull off the following steps would require some heavy concentration mostly because his lightsabers were still in his quarters at the front of the ship. Straightening his dress shirt and squaring his shoulders, he felt the freighter touch down before looking over his shoulder at Kai. "When I reach the bottom of the ramp, you go. Popping the emergency hatch will raise the shields, so it'll keep the ship safe while we get her loose." He paused for a moment and looked forward, before glacing back to her. "May the Force be with you Kai..." He said, before dropping the ramp and raising his hands to the waiting legion of stormtroopers.

"I surrender!" He said, stepping forward and heading down the ramp, and if Kai was still looking, she would see his lightsabers slowly creeping out of his room, and sitting behind the wall beside the ramp.
Reveling in the feeling of his skin against hers, Kailian wanted to rage at the prospect of him going into such danger alone. A small part of her finally understood the reason the Masters always spoke against forming bonds and relationships with people. Her strange connection to Rayne-Sunn which had formed over such a short period of time was screaming at her to protect him, keep him safe, that he was hers and someone else wanted to harm what was hers. It took all of her effort to not grab onto him when he turned her around towards the hidden exit. “May the force be with you Rayne-Sunn…”

After that Kai only had a brief second to notice the floating lightsabers before she dropped soundlessly behind the quiet engines and used the force to bend the winds of those Storm troopers nearest to her, making them see an officer of the ship. As she did it she remembered that some of those troopers could be the clones she’d once commanded, some of them may be men who she’d saved or helped or formed friendships with. The pain of that thought, the injustice of what the emperor and his lackey had done to the galaxy had Kai walking quickly striding past those numerous troopers and out of the landing bay. The quickly formed and in some ways naïve minds of Storm troopers made it easy to bend the images they saw in their minds.

Making her way quickly through corridors she fought to keep her mind off of Rayne-Sunn and how he was doing. Instead she was forced to constantly bend the illusion onto different people’s minds. The officers and some strong willed individual creatures were the hardest as she added and dropped the illusion from each person she passed. The constant strain was slowly taking its toll and she was struggling with the last few until she stopped outside the doors to the command center, dropping her illusions completely and thumbed her saber, stepping onto the command deck in the cruiser’s control tower.
After Rayne-Sunn and the storm troopers had reached the end of the ramp, he heard her exit the hatch, and with a soft hum the ship's shield activated, but not before his lightsabers had flown past and into his hands, igniting and dropping the two who were escorting him in a matter of seconds. Now it was a matter of dealing with the hundreds upon hundreds of laser blasts that were coming his way. Grinning to himself behind the yellow and purple blades, he released them and used the Force to get them spinning in front of him at great speed, generating an near invincible forcefield that the bolts couldn't get through. The small tricks that master Windu had taught him were now coming to the fro, and as he slowly walked towards the multitude of troopers before quickly snatching his sabers and starting to cut through the legion.

He would seem like a man possessed with the speed and seemingly random assortment of moves he was making amid the mass of white, making short work of the detachment that was sent to capture these two stray Jedi before he was standing there looking at the destruction he had wreaked, breathing deeply from the exertion. Then he was witness to a sight that made him happy that Kai had not stayed, but for him, it might prove to be disasterous as a black gloved hand thrusted towards him, and the next thing Rayne-Sunn knew, he was flying clean across the hangar.
Stepping onto the command deck Kai was met with the chaotic buzz of activity of a ship actively engaged in some sort of action. The officers were shouting about sending more troopers to the docking bay while others were asking for casualty reports and still others were giving orders on where and how to fly the ship. The hum of her lightsaber was almost lost in the cacophony until she slashed it through a navigation console watching it explode in a shower of sparks and sound. Using the Force she pulled the two Storm Troopers standing near the back hatch close enough to sweep her saber through the space between their helmets and their chest guards.

Dispassionately Kailian watched their bodies tumble to the deck falling limply even as their heads rolled away, before the command deck erupted into overwhelming noise and light as laser pistols were fired at her and crew members screamed in panic. Falling back onto her training Kai almost felt like she was watching herself from the outside as her mind was allowed to drift, even as her body reacted automatically relying on the Force to guide her movements as she blurred through every member of the crew that was fighting her. Finally what seemed like an eternity of only a few seconds the command deck was quiet and Kai walked over to examine the consoles, glad that they had changed so little from the GAR battle cruisers that she had ridden on when her and Master Almrik had accompanied clone troops into battle.

Working quickly Kai broke the tractor link and started to set about a crazed network of commands and programs loose on the ship’s controls. There wasn’t enough time to destroy the hated vessel but the damage that her commands would cause would put it into the dockyard for several months at least. She felt the first of those commands as the ship twisted and jerked wildly, the engines firing up to dangerous levels of speed for a ship its size even as Kai raced back down corridors heading for the docking bay they had arrived at.
Rayne-Sunn had to groan with the strain of recovering from the toss, but he would barely have time to breathe before he was lifted up again, being turned to face the dark lord from across the massive room as he tried to resist the power being focused towards him. He managed to get his hands moving before Vader threw him again, this time bringing Rayne-Sunn towards him much as Kai had done in the bridge. As Vader ignited his saber to prepare and cut the Jedi in two, Rayne-Sunn found the will (and anger) to break the hold as he went sailing overhead, his sabers coming to life just in time to parry the terminal blow as he flipped forward to fascilitate him landing on his feet. Firmly planted he would turn and face Vader, and their own battle would begin.

At this point in time Rayne-Sunn's mental state was not stable to be used with his trained saber style. It required a small dip in to the Dark Side in order to enhance the strength, speed and unpredictability of the user but with Rayne-Sunn's mind slipping further and further towards the fact his parents had just died because of him he would inch himself closer to danger every second he was fighting Vader. It would be the feeling and knowledge that Kai was coming back that started to stablized him a bit, and catching Vader's saber between his own, he yelled at the ship, "Troops, fire!" The order got one of the droids to swivel one of the turrets towards Vader and open fire. The bolts would not hit him, but it sufficently distracted the dark lord that Rayne-Sunn could concentrate and send a strong Force push and drive Vader towards the other side of the hangar well away from their ship.

"Shields down, spool up, Kai is coming and we're getting out of here! Whatever you do, don't stop firing!" He ordered as he ran towards the ramp, jumping over the fallen bodies of the storm troopers to get there. Closing the ramp behind him he would make for the escape hatch, pulling it open as he looked towards the door Kai had left through earlier, and eagerly waiting for her return.

"Please stay down, please stay down..." he said to himself as he kept sensing to see if Vader was coming at them any time soon, and whether or not Kai would make it that last short sprint.
Stepping in front of the sensor Kai stepped out onto a scene from her experiences in the war. Troopers were scattered throughout the bay in different states of injury while others lay still and silent. The entire scene was enough to give her momentary pause as she felt the overwhelming presence of death and of a very powerful force user standing in the midst of that death. Fighting her fear Kailian made a break across the bay, her saber swinging and clearing a path through the few troopers that stood in her path. Taking them in the back, most of them didn’t even have time to know what was happening before they fell.

Pushing the possibility that once again she was killing troopers she’d known, saved, and formed friendships with Kailian kept her blade moving blocking the incoming fire from troopers who had watched their comrades fall. The deflected bolts bounced from the ship’s shields letting her know they were still functional, and the brief moment she had to look told her that the ramp was closed, meaning Rayne-Sunn must be back aboard. That thought brought momentary panic to her mind, the realization that she was the only other force user in the bay with that creature. A momentary lapse was all it was but it was enough as she felt a bolt slam into her calf sending her sprawling across the deck as her body skid her saber flying from her hands and landing next to a dead trooper.

“Fierfek!” using one hand she clutched at her burned leg and with the other she summoned her blade, she just felt the handle slide into her grip when a boot slammed down onto her hand forcing another scream of pain from her throat. Gritting her teeth Kai looked at the boot, the black polymer plasti-armor of the boot trailed up more of the same glossy armor. It’s normally pristine exterior was scratched and marred by some sort of fight, Rayne-Sunn the thought came to her mind instantly that he’d been fighting this creature. Glaring her defiance up at the helmeted face she bared her teeth in grim smile, before her hand came away from her wounded thigh driving a knife into the front of the dark Jedi’s leg allowing Kai to scramble painfully and drag herself through the hatch on the ship her saber left behind, broken under that black boot.
Rayne-Sunn would be waiting there for her, her short struggle to get on the ship cut short by him grabbing her around the waist and pulling her up and in to the cargo bay, slamming the hatch closed behind him as he carried her towards her room. "Take off, get us out and keep firing those lasers so we can leave a last legacy!" He commanded to the droids, working as hard as they could to adjust for the fact that the Star Destroyer was listing quite heavily with the commands and damage Kailian had done on the bridge. But they managed, and in a few seconds the armed freighter was airborne and flying quickly out of the bay, moving around the twirling Star Destroyer to find a way to cover their path, as they launched in to hyperspace incredibly quickly, breaking a few standards of protocol in order to do so.

While this was taking place outside of the ship, Rayne-Sunn would sit Kai down on her bed. He had seen all that had happened, and so he got to work immediately, grabbing the first aid box off the wall just outside. "How is the hand?" He asked quietly as he cut away the charred leg of her pant to look at the blaster shot. Looking at the wound he would take out a large bacta patch, pulling it free of the wrapping before placing it, and holding it against her leg as he looked up to her eyes to see how she was feeling.
Feeling strong hands grab her Kai relaxed into the grip her energy deserting her as her body tried to cope with the blaster wound to her leg, the pain in her hand and the exhaustion from the amount of Force work she’d done. Stumbling she tried to help as he carried her towards her room and set her down on her bed. The feel of the ship moving was enough to calm a large part of her nerves. The downside was as her adrenalin faded her body was able to directly relate more and more how much damage she’d suffered. Hissing in pain she felt Rayne-Sunn cut away at her pants, trying to look at her wound before slapping a bacta patch onto it. Another painful grunt was forced from her lips before the numbing agent in the bacta went to work calming her twitching leg and the fried nerves in it.

Looking down at her right hand Kailian grimaced, “Its busted…” the back of her hand was purple and swollen and Kai could feel the bones grating against each other, their small nature made them inherently more fragile. Giving a grim little laugh, “At least my fingers aren’t broken, just the hand.” Wincing she tried to look away and block the pain like she’d been taught but it was hard. Exhaustion, shock, and the nerves from their encounter were still racing through her as she tried to stop the pain. Kai made sure not to meet his eyes and never told him if it hurt or not, because honestly, how stupid would it be to ask if her broken bones hurt or not. That made her start to giggle, but it soon swept into full out hysterical laughter as Kai tried not to cry, the fear and other emotions that were still rolling through her making her unstable after such an event.

When she finally calmed down she was sniffling and there were tears in her eyes. “I lost my lightsaber…” her voice sounded defeated and broken. There were two problems with the fact that her saber was gone, the first was now she was weaponless until she made a new one, and the second was that the Jedi had always kept a database of sabers that had been made and who they belonged to. And Kai’s was still her original saber, which meant that now the empire knew exactly which Jedi they had encountered and who they would be hunting for in the future.
Her mind was so fragile, it was almost cute to watch her work through her thoughts, emotions, sensations and feelings. Drawing in a deep sigh, Rayne-Sunn would look back down to the leg, wrapping some bandage around the patch to continue to hold it in place as he looked at her hand. He breathed lightly as his fingers traced over the skin of her hand, refusing to touch down until they came to the broken bone, and then they fell hard so a soft snap was heard. "There, the bone should be back in place. Now we just have to let it heal." He said, speaking so softly still as he grabbed some more bandage to wrap her hand up and keep it steady.

He almost ingored the fact her saber was gone, instead tending to the important things, and once he had applied the required bandages, he would actually swing her legs up gently onto her bed, and have her lie down, even if she protested. "Don't worry about the saber. They already knew you weren't dead, and now they know you're not weak." He said as he ran a hand gently through her hair, sitting on the side of the bed to comfort her as the vessel continued to make its way through hyperspace. "You'll make a new one. I know just the place. For now, just rest my dear Kai...you've done a lot today." He continued, before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on her soft lips.
Numbly she watched him wrap her leg her mind a million miles away. Without her lightsaber Kai felt somehow less than she should be, not truly a Jedi as she should be. That iconic defining item that all of the Jedi carried was now destroyed, her lightsaber the one that defined her career, was gone and Kai felt the hole it left. A sudden snapping pain flashed through her causing Kai to scream and double over pulling her hand away from Rayne-Sunn whimpering. Understanding went through her after a moment and she allowed him to wrap her hand up.

Tears were still in her eyes as he told her that she just needed to let it heal. She felt him guide her, swinging her legs up onto her bed and lay her down, Kailian didn’t even make the attempt at protest, she was tired, in pain, and depressed over the loss of her saber. His placating words about making a new one just bounced off her mind, her thoughts kept telling her how she’d lost the last connection to her previous life as a Jedi, her last link to Master Almrik gone. Kai tried to hold herself together but as Rayne-Sunn leaned down and kissed her she tried to stifle her sob.

Grabbing onto him she Clung to Rayne-Sunn her arms wrapped around his neck as she cried on his shoulder. “It’s gone…It wasn’t just a saber…” Hoping he understood Kai stopped trying to talk and just let herself cry clinging to him. Finally after a few minutes she stopped sniffling and sat back, not looking Rayne-Sunn in the face. She couldn’t believe how truly she’d broken down over something that must seem so small.
He would hold her tightly when she clung to him, knowing deep seated emotions for the first time now as his mind slowly grappled with the fact the two of them were without a home, and his parents were dead. Maybe he wanted to cry, but not now...not when she had lost something that he knew was quite precious. Maybe...

"Sabers never are just that. Look..." he said, grabbing one of his sabers from one of his holsters and holding it in front of him, and in her line of sight. The design of which she might have seen before as he hovered it above his hand with the Force.

"I spent a lot of time tracking this down. It belonged to my master, and it traded hands from a man in the lower world of Coruscant, to a trader on Nar Shadaa, to Corellia, and then finally to me. It belonged to Master Windu, and I protect this with my life." He said softly, looking at the saber contemplatively since he noticed that she wasn't keen on looking him in the eye. However, after telling his story he would look at her, and smiled softly.

"I know somewhere we can go to hide. And there, we can find you everything you need to rebuilt your saber, and make one that means something to you. Could even use a rancor tooth if you wanted." He said with a soft smile, gently taking his saber and placing it back in its proper place. "For now, just rest. You need it." He rubbed her arm gently, and then slowly got up before heading away from her quarters towards the bridge.
Kai watched as Rayne-Sunn pulled out a saber, showing it to her, it was a design and particularly a saber she was familiar with. It’s purple blade was distinctive, and the hilt was also distinct in its plainness. Instead of saying anything she sat quietly and listened to his story about retrieving his fallen master’s saber. Still unable to look at him, with her emotions so unstable she kept her eyes on that sleek piece of equipment, her eyes burning now with envy and sadness. She wanted to get her master’s saber but it was like her saber, destroyed. Her depression was silly, Kailian understood that but even Rayne-Sunn’s promise of rebuilding her saber or even improving it was of little relief to her mind.

At that moment she felt him rub her arm, and leave the room telling her to rest. Rest, however; was the last thing on Kai’s mind. She felt adrift, with every true tie to the order having been severed all that was left was her training, the memories of fallen comrades, and Rayne-Sunn that she had to cling to. Everything now that tied Kailian to being; Kailian, padawan of the Jedi order was gone. With that in her mind Kai rolled onto her side, pulling her damaged hand in front of her and letting her injured leg stretch out. Fitful sleep descended upon her, as dreams of her most recent fight with the Dark Jedi and the death of her master four years before haunted her sleep.
He would wish he could take his own advice, or even better be able to say the right things to ease Kai's slowly slipping mind, but he just didn't have the heart or calm mind of the Jedi he was to do just that. She was not a normal Jedi either, the war had seen to that and now he was faced with dealing with a normal person who never learned the methods for coping with her issues, and no means of seeking help beyond themselves because they were exiles, and the universe was not interested in their problems, their plight, and the help they needed. Sighing to himself he could only head to the bridge and sit in his chair, turning towards the navacomputer to set their coordinates.

He would have to make crossover jumps between systems to try and lose their hyperspace trail so the empire wouldn't be able to find them, and he felt some jumps out into the far Outer Rim would assist them greatly, before making a few jumps in to the Middle Rim, and then out to their destination. It would take a while to complete, but then again they could use the time to try and collect their thoughts. With the coordinates posted, he turned to one of his droids, and nodded. "Make sure the Empire doesn't catch up, and the jumps happen as fast as they can. I'll be in the hold."

Standing in the empty space he reflected on how alone they were now. His parents were dead, his home destroyed...everything that had kept him grounded was now a distant memory along with the Jedi Order. Slowly sliding his shirt off of his torso he let the coolness of the space around him seep into his skin. Closing his eyes he slowly drew his sabers, and started to focus on walking the line with the Dark Side, but never crossing, using that power to lend to his strength, but never let it become his strength. Be as his master, never falter away from the Light and always be a threat for those who wish to punish the innocent. With the death of his parents in mind he kept his eyes closed and sparred with the air, sabers ignited as he tried to calm his mind by fighting with it instead of letting his rage take hold and fight in anger.

He would do this for hours, sweat sliding down his back as his eyes remained closed and he continued to try and calm his mind, shut away the pain of their isolation and try to be able to face the trials the two of them would have to face in the coming days..weeks...months...years...
After a fitful sleep Kailian woke, her leg throbbing as the anesthetizing effects of the bacta wore off. It still kept her leg clean, and was helping the wound to heal properly, but now it ached and hurt enough to cause Kai to let out a little whimper as she moved. Hopping she limped around her quarters, still dressed in the ripped and dirty clothes of the day before. As she looked down at her leg and then back to her hand Kai realized that they were in a bit more serious of a predicament than they had originally thought. Struggling Kai was able to fight her way out of her tattered clothing, thought that was mostly by ripping the battered garments off piece by piece and piling the rags on the floor.

Finally she stood naked, never having worn undergarments before it seemed to be helpful at times but also most embarrassing at time. Right now she wanted nothing more than to go into the refresher and clean herself, maybe take a shower or a bath. Probably best to take a shower in her condition was the final decision she’d made. But after a few moments of looking around she realized that she had nothing with which to wrap her bandages, and most probably would be unable to wrap them at any rate with one hand wrapped up in so much gauze and padding.

Making sure to make small movements especially with her leg, Kai hobbled to her bed and wrapped the sheet around herself, before deciding to hop through the ship until she could find Rayne-Sunn. Eventually she happened upon him in the hold, practicing his lightsaber drills. The sight of those glowing rods struck a pang inside of her for a moment before she was distracted by the naked sweaty chest of the well-built man doing the practicing. Kai took a few moments to enjoy the view, watching his muscles rippled under the skin, and the sweat drops slide down that toned skin. Even in her broken condition Kai felt the newly awakened lust that Rayne-Sunn had kindled on his family platform. Deciding to make her presence known Kai cleared her throat before speaking, “Rayne-Sunn…do you think you could help me…I can’t shower without wrapping these…” Thinking for a moment she blushed as she realized something else. “Actually I can’t shower on my own, I need both legs or both arms to clean myself…um…” Her embarrassment was keeping her from asking for help as she bit her lip staring at the floor of the hold.
It would be a bit of an abrupt stop to his activities when he heard her voice, and in the end he ended up throwing his sabers right across the hold towards the back wall, the blades extinguishing before they landed. He had been so entraced by his activity he had lost contact with whatever might have been happening in the ship. He had to stop and breathe very deeply for a few moments, and Kai might notice that black aura that came over him again, before dissipating into the floor as he calmed. Shaking his head a few times he would take in one more breath and turn towards Kai, before standing in bewilderment. Her frame silouetted by the blanket was something absolutely breath taking to observe, and given the physical exertion he had just been doing, he might have passed out if he had lost his breath. He would almost forget for a bit that she had asked for some form of help, and he would have shake his head again to rediscover his focus, and actually respond.
"Oh..yes certainly. Here." He would say, walking towards her, and without much of a second thought he would gently pick her up and carry her towards the washing room in his arms. Apparently he was feeling extra protective of her now that she was even the littlest bit injured. Going into the relatively spacious cleaning quarters would sit her down on the counterspace by the sink. "Now let me see..." He said to himself as he went searching for what was required. He would soon come back with a small plastic glove, smiling sheepishly. "We have to keep your hand bandaged, so this should keep it dry." He said, carefully sliding the waterproof garment over her fingers, and then unrolling it ever so gently over her broken hand.

He would then turn his attention to her calf, which he analyzed carefully before slowly peeling the patch away from her skin. "Some water should actually do it some good. Air it out before we put another patch on it." He continued, throwing away the medical item before coming to stand in front of her again. And then he did something relatively unexpected, and stepped closer to her and gently cupped her cheeks in his hands, and drew her in for a long, careful and loving kiss.
She watched him stop and stare at her for a few moments and it suddenly dawned on her what she must look like standing there in only a blanket and a blush stained her cheeks. Turning to look away she stared at the deck again, and waited for him to recover before suddenly she found herself being lifted gently from her feet and cradled in Rayne-Sunn’s arms. As he did so she squeaked and wiggled, giggling a little bit and playfully admonished him, “Rayne-Sunn!” Finally she relaxed in his arms resting her head against his chest as he carried her to the ‘freshers and set her down gently on the countertop.

Smiling she felt happy again, somehow Rayne-Sunn simply balanced her and took away the uneasy feelings. Simply being near him helped to calm and focus her, though at the same time she felt like she lost focus, because time seemed to slip past without her noticing, like before she realized what was happening he was wrapping her hand in plastic when she’d been staring at him and hadn’t realized what he was searching for. Her own sheepish grin answered his, “I figured I would need to keep that wrapped up until the bones set at least.”

Next she waited for him to check her leg and just nodded as he told her that she should get some water on it. What she wasn’t expecting was him to suddenly step close, cupping her cheek and drawing her in for a kiss. The tenderness and simple comfort of that kiss was something new to her. The day before she’d experienced Rayne-Sunn’s passion filled kisses, and then that evening his comforting ones when she’d been in pain, but now it was as if he was trying to tell her something through that kiss, soft and sensuous but not deep and demanding. Finally when their kiss broke Kailian was in a daze her head still following Rayne-Sunn, before she came to her senses. “Um, Rayne-Sunn…I’m gonna need a little help cleaning…” That blush stained her face again as she tried to ask him to help her in the shower.
He had to smile at that little blush on her cheeks, it was just so damnably cute on her. And the way she asked her question, it all just worked together to make a simply adorable image. Nodding a few times he looked at himself then at the refresher, "Right...um...alright." He said foolishly as he would strip himself clear of his remaining clothes before walking over to the refresher to get it running and warm. It was quite a traditional unit, but even in a spacecraft jumping back and forth through hyperspace it warmed up quickly. It would be then that he walked back over to her and grabbed a corner of her blanket, offering to take it off for her in order to save the effort.

When that was done he would stand close in order to offer assistance so she could make it to the stall, granting her enough strength so she wouldn't have to use her bad leg or broken hand to get in, and shortly she would be under the warm water and steam, one of his arms wrapped around her firmly to keep her supported as he smiled down at the petite Jedi. He would just begin getting her cleaned, running some water through her hair at first as he free hand went through it and giving a soft massage in order to just make her feel better, calmed and more at ease with the situation.
The tension and embarrassment was almost palpable as Kai tried to look anywhere but him. His slightly stuttering foolish reply only heightened Kai’s sense of embarrassment, as she took it almost as a sign of reluctance on his part. Finally she felt him moving about the room removing his clothes before he stepped into the water turning it on. She felt a small tug at the edge of her blanket and let go of it her cheeks flaming as she had to accept his help, letting him half carry her into the showers. The warm water washing over her was relieving and Kai closed her eyes and let her face go under the spray, washing away her tensions and problems of the last few days along with the grit and dirt from the adventure.

She was starting to relax, letting herself lean back against Rayne-Sunn as he helped to support her. Smiling slightly she kept weight from her injured leg, even as the warm water stung at the healing wound, mostly she just relaxed back against Rayne-Sunn enjoying the warmth and strength he offered, a sort of relaxing effect that he had on her. Kailian stiffened when she felt his fingers in her head, mostly from surprise and she fought to keep the contented moan from breaking free as she felt him massaging her scalp, cleaning her hair. That fight was something she lost as she heard her moan echo quietly in the small shower. Immediately after she ducked her head face flaming even as she felt her body responding to Rayne-Sunn’s nearness and their current state of dress, she felt his slippery muscular body sliding against her back as his hands washed her hair.

Biting her lip Kai debated with herself for a moment before she spun around and hugged Rayne-Sunn from the front. Letting her own wet body slide against his she made sure to keep her leg from taking too much of her weight as she rubbed her stiff nipples against his chest. Her audacity and the simple fact that with her injuries she could feel such a need to touch and be touched in that stimulating way that had happed back in his family temple surprised Kai. That state of surprise didn’t stop her from feeling that attraction however and Kai reached up to wrap her good hand around Rayne-Sunn’s neck, pulling the much taller man down so that her lips met his as passion and heat raced through her.
To say that Rayne-Sunn hadn't expected her to feel quite so passionate given the state of affairs and her injuries would be an understatement. One moment he was just gently cleaning her hair, and then next she was turned around and pressed against him, strong hands sitting on her lovely hips to help keep her steady by instinct, and the grip only grew when she pulled him down for a kiss. The passion flowing through he was so surprising that he would not know what to do at first, but then everything connected and he replied, returning the kiss with equal passion, though maybe with a sense of desperation as his emotions reeled themselves towards this positive energy, and away from the reality outside of the ship.

His hands would slowly shift to the curve of her behind and hold her there, the reason being two fold. First, he simply loved the feeling of her butt, and secondly because it gave him a good angle to lift her up slightly, helping her to keep the weight off of her injured leg as much as possible. Always concerned he is. It was hard to concentrate with her naked, smooth, wet body pressed against his, but maybe that was the point as he continued to kiss her so deeply, tongue looking to taste her once again, because she was becoming an addiction he was happy to have.
The feel of slick skin sliding against her had Kai feeling warm and tingly again, an itching need starting in her core as she felt his hand held her by her rear. When he’d grabbed her Kai couldn’t suppress the soft moan she felt as his rough hands grabbed her and lift her slightly. Using her good leg Kai bounced once and leapt up wrapping that leg around him and her injured leg was wrapped around him lightly keeping all pressure off of it. As soon as she did that she felt his shaft trapped between them her slick folds wrapping around it and pressing against the base of it as she forced it against his stomach.

Smiling as he kept kissing her she wrapped her arms around his neck, her uninjured hand sliding into his hair and playing with the short wet strands as she let him hold her up. With her body being held up like this she didn’t need to stretch so far to meet his kisses and let his tongue delve deeply into her mouth as she kissed him back, passion fueling her actions as she clung to him. As the feelings grew she felt her pelvis rocking against him sliding her slick core against his shaft up and down and her mouth fought with his for dominance. This time she was facing him and just being able to see his expressions was new and exciting rather than how he’d taken her from behind the last time. Her own was one of wonton lust and desire as she let out her moans and gasps against his lips every time the thick head of his member brushed against that little cluster of nerves at the top of her slit. “Ohhhh….Rayne-Sunn…I want…it…again.” She wasn’t sure how to articulate what she knew she wanted after all she’d never truly been educated on sex, instead she just knew what had happened with Rayne-Sunn before.
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