Heroes in exile (Tatcon x Sana)

Rayne-Sunn could have no rational explanation for why he had put that question to her, the reasoning being found in the part of his mind that was still processing the look of her in the skin tight outfit on the ship. It was an inevitable result of being freed of the normal contraints and committments of the Jedi life, your mind returns to a more normal state though still imbued with the knowledge and training of the ages. Looking at her blush he smiled, and came up with some mediocre answer which actually did hold some degree of truth. "I wanted to see if any other Jedi had kissed. A twi'lek slave kissed me on Duro during the battle there. I had killed her master because he decided to get involved in an intercity fighting on one of the floating planets. Turned out her was a Sith informant anyway." he said, trailing off a bit towards the end of the statement before looking at her.

"Would you mind if I kissed you?" He asked out of the blue, a statement he didn't even expect to make, expecting it to remain in his head. How it was however, it had slipped past his lips and now it was just a matter of waiting for her to answer.
Listening as he explained about him being kissed her mind flashed through the few happy war experiences she had. Kai thought that the strangeness of ‘happy’ and ‘war memories’ wasn’t lost on her as different events went through her mind. Shaking her thoughts out of her mind she put the memories of the war back into their little treasure box in her mind and set them aside for another day. Psychologically she realized that she was probably what some people would call damaged or emotionally stunted from her upbringing in the Jedi and her experiences in the war. It was hard for her sometimes to blend in when she wasn’t sure how to act amongst the normal beings that roamed through the galaxy, her own strangeness had always been a barrier between her and them that was insurmountable for all but a select few that she had known as friends.

As she thought all that through in the brief moments before the end of his story about the Twi’lek’s master and his question, a myriad of emotions flashed across her face from sadness to joy to confusion and humor. All of the brief memory figments that she’d allowed out along with her self reflections on being damaged and not normal had shown in the emotions on Kailian’s face. But they stopped as did her walking when she finally processed his question.

The sheer thought of him kissing her was alien, something she’d seen, read about and thought of but had never really pondered having the chance to appreciate herself. Factor that in with the incredulous idea that anyone would want to kiss her and Kai was confused and embarrassed. Having never thought of herself as pretty or the type of person that others would be interested in kissing due to her mental damages she had just left such fantasies behind, not that she was supposed to have such fantasies in the first place.

Unsure of what to do Kai felt her face heat up in an even deeper blush as she gnawed on her lower lip, her teeth chewing lightly at it as she tried to figure out what to do as a reply in her embarrassed state. Finally she felt her head give a jerky nod without receiving prior approval from her mind. It seemed to her as if she’d lost control of her own function. But approval she had given and she couldn't take it back now, so she stared at Rayne-Sunn's face waiting to see what he would do in response.
Rayne-Sunn's face would be extremely calm as he watched the thoughts and feelings go flying past her face like a movie in fast forward. There was something unique appealing about the way her face showed emotion, and maybe her broken nature appealed to his inherent guardianship. Maybe he cared for her because he could protect her, something he lived for as a Jedi and now that that life was gone, he was living for nothing. But not now, not at the moment anyway.

When she had given her small and hesitant nod, he had to chuckle softly, her cheeks so innocently red and her disposition so seemingly childish. It was hard to believe the hardships she had survived as a Jedi and a warrior, and it was thinking of that he was able to place a hand softly on her cheek, pulling her towards him as he leaned down a bit, closing the distance between the two of them and waiting until he was extremely close before moving his lips to place them against hers, bringing her in to a soft, if somewhat inexperienced kiss as other arm wrapped around her tightly.
She felt frozen as she watched him staring back at her before suddenly it seemed like her lips and his were pressed together. That touch stirred something inside of her as heat burst forth her lips tingling as she felt his against hers, his hand wrapped around her warm and safe. Without conscious thought she relaxed into the kiss her lips softening from their shocked state to mold against his, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck and digging themselves into his hair. Everything was a blur to Kailian, it seemed as if the kiss, that one moment in time was all important and all-consuming as she molded herself against Rayne-Sunn.

A soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips as the kiss dragged on. This feeling had her floating, soaring in her own mind wondering why it had never happened before and if it would feel the same if it weren’t with Rayne-Sunn. Those thoughts were present but only barely as they flittered through the back of her mind. The largest part of her focus was on the connection between her lips at Rayne-Sunn’s, the soft feel of his hair as her fingers gripped the back of his head.
Something would ignite in Rayne-Sunn at that moment, a more base part of his brain that had been relegated due to the years of discipline and training which the Jedi Order imposed upon its students, especially strong, promising, potential masters such as himself. However when she melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him he became lost in a passion and yearning which he had never found before. It was addictive, and despite the fact he should have just kissed her, part of him was clamouring for more as his body told hold of his actions away from his concious mind.

That would be why hands would shift to sit on her upper back, holding her closer to him as his eyes closed and he continued to kiss her softly. An involuntary action would have her pressed against the wall near the exit as he simply refused to let go at his point, her body, her soul and her being so much a part of him that he couldn't imagine being free of it yet.
Dimly Kailian felt his hands roam up across her back and felt him moving her across the floor to press her against the wall, pinning her with his body even as their lips stayed locked. She felt every nerve in her body screaming for more of this contact, this touch that it was receiving at that moment. Kailian let go of her control and felt her body responding instinctually, naturally to the situation as she felt her pelvis grinding against him as he pinned her.

Small moans were escaping from her as she opened her mouth letting her tongue trace the shape of his lips even as her hands came down to grip his shoulders feeling the coiled, sculpted muscles below his shirt. Each touch of her hands across his body was making her want to touch even more of him, to explore every nook and cranny even as she wanted to feel more of him touching her. Without thinking she lifted her legs off the floor with a little hopping bounce in the little room she had between her and the wall, her legs ended wrapped around Rayne-Sunn’s waist with her arms wrapped around his neck and gripping his back on his shoulder blades.
He was travelling down the same mental path, instictual receptors in his brain demanding that this act should not stop, and the way she felt so close to him, the way her tongue moved over his lips were all things that should and must happen. That would be why his tongue came to taunt her own, tasting her as her legs wrapped around his waist, their proximity as close as it could possibly be in this situation. He wanted more, needed more, and for some reason no rational thought in his mind could seem to stop that train, as if it was a freighter full of vibranum and armed to the teeth.

Hands on her back would make sure she was well balanced when off the ground, however while using part of the wall for support and his own strength, the hands would grab on to the bottom of her skin tight top and pull it up, breaking the kiss for just a moment so he could remove the fabric and feel her bare skin under his fingertips. Stopping on her hips he would resume the kiss where they left off, his tongue now drawing a small line around her sweet lips as he fell deeper and deeper into this release.
Everything was bright colors and sharp sensations, the feel of hard muscles under her finger tips, the tingle of sensation of his lips against hers, and the fire his fingers left as they trailed over her skin dragging her shirt away forcing a brief break to the kiss, letting Kai drag in a sharp breath before her mouth was locked with Rayne-Sunn’s again reveling in the passion he had ignited. The feel on his fingers touching her skin left a trail of warm tingles and an ever growing need within her which Kailian seemed unable to satisfy.

When his tongue traced a line around her lips she let out a small gasp opening her lips to receive his tongue within her mouth, letting it explore even as her own tongue wrestled back tasting and learning everything it could about Rayne-Sunn’s. Her hands roamed up and down his back finally they gripped his shirt and dragged it up in a futile effort for her to remove it in her position. All the while her hips ground against his rhythmically pressing herself against him in a way she never imagined possible. Though all the horrors and hardships she’d seen Kai had been protected in one sense at having never been witness to the passion between two creatures.

And her passion drove her ever onwards, whimpering and groaning in need as she delved her tongue into Rayne-Sunn’s mouth returning the exploration and finding a sweet heady taste that she could only describe as Rayne-Sunn which stayed on the tip of her tongue even when she let her tongue retreat to her own mouth once more. Her hands were never calm, still trying to pull his shirt off she’d only succeeded in bunching the material halfway up his back and was about to try to rip the irritating material away if that’s what it took for her to be able to place her hands directly on the warm smooth planes of Rayne-Sunn’s broad back.
Part of Rayne-Sunn would have reacted with laughter, amused and humoured by the way she acted with this passion coursing through her veins, a wild animal finally uncaged from her years of imposed exile in a planet that would eat your soul and leave your body to rot. Her body movements were, objectively speaking amusing as well, and he would have laughed if he didn't realize that he was acting much the same. Tongue was more than eager to accept her invitation, tasting her more deeply while playing through a dance with her own. She was better than any drink or food in the world, and more intoxicating than anything Corellia or Nar Shadaa could come up with. And her hips grinding against his own was a sensation that he could easily become addicted to, even through his Jedi training. He would be replying to the actions with some grinding of his own, mixed with a bit of a thrust that would push her back against the wall on occasion.

In noticing her struggle to remove his shirt he would actually chuckle in their kiss, grinning a bit with a new found freedom as he balanced her much as he had to remove her own shirt to unbutton his, removing the fabric and exposing the strongly muscled, if somewhat scarred body of his, tossing aside the shirt as his strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her in tightly, pressing her chest into his own. Now that added just a whole other layer to the pleasure she provided.
Heat, that’s the only word that described the mixture of feelings, emotion and mental state she was in at that moment. The feel of his bare chest pressing against hers, her hard nipples pressing and rubbing against his chest as she felt him grinding himself back against her pressing her into the wall, the warmth coursing through her body and the agitated state of her mind, full of lust and need had Kailian in a state she could only describe as her being in heat. Just like an animal she threw herself at her potential mating partner, moaning and whimpering with need as she let everything except this moment in time slide away from them. Everything else didn’t matter except the feelings that Rayne-Sunn was making her feel, the flash of hot passion and molten lust mixed had Kailian panting against his lips kissing him back eagerly.

Her hands traveled across his back and chest sliding between them to feel his hard muscles and to trace the scars that he had received, each one she knew had its own story, just like the ones she carried had stories all their own. As her hands roamed over his chest and back to his back she let her fingers slide down the hard panes of muscles tracing the broad expanse of his back and reveled in the warmth and tenderness of his skin and the hard powerful muscles underneath that soft layer. Kai knew that things were out of control but she didn’t want them to stop, couldn’t have stopped even if someone were to walk in at that moment. Small hands slide down his back and into the waist band of his pants traveling down to cup his butt, even as she broke the kiss in an effort to lean over his shoulder to reach so far. Her mouth was resting against his hard shoulder and Kai nipped it lightly as she gave his rear a squeeze and smiled delighting in the sensuous feel of his body.
While she seemed to revel in his strong mass, he would concentrate on being enamoured by her beautiful lithness, curves properly placed and everything seemed to be perfect with her. There would be no descriptions for this because much like her, his mind had ceased to function as it properly should, and as he felt her lips fall away to come to his shoulder as small hands squeezed his rear, he knew that there was one more step that had to be taken, primal mind demanding it to be so.

His hands would shift to pry her legs from around his waist, dropping her back down to ground level despite any protests she may make. As soon as she would be down, he would spin her around, pressing her front to the cold wall as his hands grabbed her wrists and pinned them up on the wall as well. There was no logic to this, mind was just demanding his muscles comply, and following this forceful turn around his lips would come down to her spine, kissing along it slowly as his hands traced down from her wrists over arms and shoulders before trailing his kisses. Outstretched fingers would slide down the sides of her back so no skin would be missed, but when his kisses met her lower back, he stopped but his hands continued, grabbing the waist of her skin tight pants and basically ripping them down and off of her in a swing of primal want.
Her hands slid out of his pants and gripped his lower back as he pried her legs from his waist and had her on her own feet. Confusion was rolling across her mind as she looked up at Rayne-Sunn but suddenly found herself spinning only to come to a stop pressed against the cold stone wall, her wrists pinned above her head in his hands. A moan of pure lust was dragged from her lips at the sensuous surrender to Rayne-Sunn’s control. Warm lips trailing soft kisses down her spine trailing slowly as his hands slid down her arms to her shoulders making little shivers spread down her body. The feel of those lips and fingers sliding down her back and sides, finally reaching her lower back had Kai shaking with lust, her hard nipples pressed against the wall and her wet, molten core waiting to be exposed.

Her mind rolling in the joyous sensations that were being trailed through her by the other Jedi, all of which she knew were contrary to their teachings, but that simple thought only made the descent into her feelings all the sweeter. Suddenly she felt her pants being dragged down and off of her in a quick jerk as Rayne-Sunn tried to rip them away, the slid down her legs revealing her bare center and toned legs and rear. The tight cloth slipped down and finally she lifted each foot in turn helping him to rid her of the confining garment. Even as she realized she was naked and that Rayne-Sunn had an unhindered view of her nakedness from his kneeling view behind her she marveled at her ability to feel so hot even as the chill of the room made goosebumps break out over her newly exposed flesh.
Rayne-Sunn was well aware of the view, enjoying the exposed shape of her carefully crafted body as he tossed aside her pants as carelessly as he had every other garment. But it was the tactile and not the visual things which made this stimulus so all encompassing, so it would only be a few moments before his hands would trail up her newly exposed legs as kisses resumed on one of her cheeks before passing up back along her spine, and hands in a somewhat pursuit, moving over the back of her things and her rear before coiling around her hips to her front. As his kisses came back to her neck one hand of his would find its way to cup one of her lovely breasts, making sure to form a gap between her and the wall before doing so. The other, well the other stayed around her hips, taking in the sensitive feel of her skin there, before trailing down to rub her inner thigh, finding the skin there even more soft.

And it would be then that he would abuse the Force for the very first time, and may he be ever damned for it. While placing the kisses and soft bites on her neck, his mind would be working on his own pants, unzipping them and undoing the belt before the garment just fell along with his underwear, and that might be when she would become aware of his aroused member resting in the groove of her behind.
Kai let out soft whimpers as his hands traveled back up her legs and his kisses worked their way up her spine until he was standing once more behind her, one of his hands cupping her breast dragging a groan from her lips as she arched her back her head tilting to lie on his shoulder and upper chest as the feel of his warm hands cupping her soft tender flesh. His other hand sliding down across her hips and down to her inner thigh had her quivering, fear of the unknown mixed with impatience and the sensitive nature of her inner thighs and had her hot core burning even warmer as she reveled in his touch. The wetness she could feel on her now exposed nether lips, was starting to overflow and dampen the tops of her inner thighs as she fought to stay upright under his touch.

The sudden feeling of his warm arousal touching her, nestling between her cheeks was a sweet accompaniment to the kisses and bites on her neck that were serving to drive her wild. Kailian pulled her hands down from the wall, one hand closing over the one of Rayne-Sunn’s that cupped her breast keeping it there as she enjoyed his manipulations of her tender flesh, the other hand worked slowly, sliding over her own shoulder coming to rest on her uncovered breast, lightly pinching at her exposed and hardened nipple in time to his nips and bites on her neck working herself even higher into the frenzy than she already was. It stopped only for a few heartbeats before it continued its slide down her body before she reached behind her, resting her hand flat against Rayne-Sunn’s stomach before slowly sliding it down through his curls and lightly grasping his throbbing member.
He would find it crazily arousing when her hand sat itself upon his own while he manipulated her breast, and that would of course bring about a small moan from his lips somewhere in between the kisses and the bites on her entrancing neck and shoulder. Just the way her naked body felt was enough to make him want to forget about the Empire and just stay here with her, doing this for hours on end until everything turned to black and there was nothing left to feel.

And then her hand found his shaft and gripped it hard, which generated a few responses from his overwhelmed body. First, he would bite down firmly on the skin between her neck and shoulder as his hand balled up a bit, squeezing her curvy breast underneath his fingers. And then his other hand committed to being cruel, sliding up her inner thigh to her wet core, starting to rub up and down her slit slowly as he felt her most sacred physical area. He was completely lost in the ectasy, and he just wanted to feel even more of her all over him.
Gasping loudly Kai felt her entire body stiffen and little tingles emanate from where Raye-Sunn had bit down on her neck and squeezed her breast as her hand held onto his hard shaft. She felt his hand slide up her thigh and come to her wet center, rubbing up and down the hot slit making Kai elicit happy little moans as pleasure that she’d never imagined before erupted from her body shooting straight through her from the place that he was touching. Her mind felt ragged and frayed as she let herself float away on the feelings that he was forcing her to experience.

Even as that happened she let her hand explore his hot shaft. They roamed over the hard yet soft and supple shaft of his member, she marveled at its length and thickness as she explored it with her hand. The feelings that were coursing through her urged her on as she softly gripped him, stroking the velvety soft, yet steel cored shaft that she held in her hand. Her mind was only partially able to focus on that exploration as she still sought something more from the fingers sliding gently over her slit, she felt her wetness seeping onto his fingers but wanted even more and could stop her breathy little moans, “Please…Rayne-Sunn…I need…I…something…”
His mind wouldn't know exactly what she wanted, having his own feelings to cope with in the situation didn't improve his level of comprehension. But as his fingers felt her womanhood grow steadily more wet, something in his mind clicked that there was a further step for them to go in this dance. Something more was needed indeed, and looking down at her beautiful body before him, he would become aware of what that might be.

The hand that was rubbing her warm core slowly slid away, moving back up as he took a step back and pulled her hips more towards him, making her slide down the wall a bit so she was in a more bent over position. What was the next step? Drawing in a deep breath he would try to regain enough control to know what to say, as he looked at how her hand was still holding his shaft. "Guide me in to you..." he said lightly, feeling that that would be the something she needed.
Her whimpers and moans increased in regularity as his fingers continued to slide across her wet lips and suddenly she let out a groan of disappointment and need as he pilled that hand away from her. Suddenly Kai found her hand that had covered his hand grasping her breast shot out to balance herself against the wall as he pulled her hips backwards bending her over. The force and control that Rayne-Sunn was exerting over her body, moving her how he wanted and forcing her to elicit her little moans and cries had Kailian’s emotions of lust rolling higher. For some reason after the self-control and inner discipline of the life of a Jedi, surrendering control to someone else was delicious and relieving.

Hearing him tell her to guide him into her Kai had a moment of confusion as she tried to figure what he meant but instinctually tugged his shaft towards her body. She felt it touch her slit, bumping into her just at the top of her wet lips and sliding up and across her little sensitive nub. That first touch on her body had Kai let out a small gasp and rubbed him back across that spot, her legs shaking as her pleasure doubled and doubled again at the feel of something rubbing across her little sensitive clit. Slowly she guided him sliding him up and down her slit enjoying the feeling of him pressed against her until by a little luck and a little instinctual guidance she had him aligned with her wet core, the head of his member pressing slightly into her and bumping against her maidenhead.
Certainly didn't mind taking the reigns in the situation, indeed there was something so natural about moving her in a way that was mutually pleasureable that sat right in his mind, and he would feel like stopping any time soon. And if he could have thought on what he said, he might have been confused too, however she did seem to get what he wanted, and when he felt her warm slit passing over the head of his member, he had to surrender a gasp of enjoyment, loving how she moved him up and down her lovely, tight womanhood. When she managed to align him with her opening, he only gave the smallest of pushes in the initial entry, before pulling it back a bit.

Then he would push back in slowly, moaning as the unique feeling of her warm walls surrounding the tip of his shaft for the first time in his life. Fingers would dig in instinctively on her hips as he pushed a little harder into her each time he pulled back, knowing that this was the most amazing feeling he could have ever imagined, especially after the horrors of the last few years.
Kailian felt him start to push slowly pressing against her maidenhead before he pulled back and then sank himself slowly inside of her. The pain of her virginity being taken was minor, her barrier having been weakened so far by her physical exercise and the gentleness of Rayne-Sunn’s entry. Gasping as she felt more and more of him slowly sliding into her, stretching her in places that she never knew were there, Kai could only try to grip the wall her fingers kneading at the cold stone as she was slowly filled.

Finally she felt his fingers dig in and felt him begin to thrust slowly in and out of her, building a rhythm and thrusting harder with each inward movement. Kai’s little moans and gasps for breath became faster and louder as she enjoyed the feeling of him filling her. To the small Jedi it felt like every nook and cranny of body was being fulfilled, some purpose that she’d been missing was coming to pass as she felt Rayne-Sunn slipping in an out of her. Whimpers and squeals of pleasure started to echo through the mock temple as Kai’s pleasure started to build with every thrust, her own hips rocking back to meet him as he gripped her hips. Nothing mattered except the feeling of this union.
One would have to wonder why the Jedi Order would not have some contigency plan for young Jedi would would discover such joys, because despite everything, biology was biology and this was amazing. He felt more alive then he had in four years, four long years of miserably hiding from the malevolent forces of the universe under his father's frozen gaze. At least he had his mother, and in this moment he had Kai. The way she felt, the way she moved, even the way she sounded and smelt in this place was a complete intoxication and release all in one, and he loved it.

Naturally, as the sensations grew, the speed did as well, the combined pace of her rocking and his thrusting causing a beautiful collision that drove his entire length deeply within her. He had a feeling that something was coming, wondering that since this was his first time he wouldn't have any fortitude to make this last longer than a few moments. Ignoring the worry he just focused on the feeling of the moment, especially as he bent forward a bit to kiss the back of her shoulder, hands releasing her hips for a moment to pass hands over her body, up along her hips and her sides to her breasts and then back over his stomach, some part of his mind just wondering if this could be real. Certainly was, it seemed.
Kailian was lost in the feelings of him sliding inside of her roughly and quickly as his thrusts dragged more and more pleasure through her. This sensation was intoxicating, liberating, and simply right all at once as her instincts and biology told her that this action was something that was supposed to happen, that she was supposed to be here accepting Rayne-Sunn’s stiff member into her. That rightness mixed with the pleasure that was washing over her body had Kailian whimpering and moaning, her knees shaking as she gripped and pawed at the stone wall she was leaning towards.

With every thrust of him inside of her she felt strange sensations brewing inside of her, things she’d never dreamed of experiencing, a height of pleasure that she could just taste the edge of and wanted more. She knew nothing of the educated side, the terms and ideas of what was happening between her and Rayne-Sunn, she didn’t know that this was both dangerous and impossibly beautiful, safe and wondrous all at once for the things that could come about as repercussions. All Kailian knew was that it was wondrous and beautiful because of the sensations and how safe she felt even as Rayne-Sunn drove himself into her again and again.

She felt him kiss her shoulder and slide his hands up her body, passing them over her breasts capped by their impossibly stiff little nipples and back down to rest on her stomach. The feelings of his caresses even as the carnal passion rolled over her had Kai throwing her head back to rest on his shoulder as he leaned close his thrusts forced to be shorter and faster by their position, she whimpered and moaned at his hands gentle touches and felt that strange building, sensation rushing ever inexorably closer to her as they continued.
He was in love with the proximity, the basic human desire for companionship was embodied in this moment and when she tilted herself back a bit to be closer to him, then the sensation felt all the stronger. This was what lay beyond the grave, the bliss that everyone wanted to preach about across the known galaxy. He was left to assume none of them had felt anything like this, otherwise they would be with their lovers, not yelling at passer-by's on the street.

Just like her though, he was feeling the building pressure, and with the increased speed and shortened depth, there was no way to stop the onrush of impulses. Brain and body was reaching its limit, and just as he slowly wrapped an arm around her midsection, he would sense an explosion of delight as all the muscles in his body tensed and he came within her, a motion that seem as natural and expected as the passage of time. Free hand would move to support himself on the wall as the feeling of his climax passed all through his body, seemingly overflowing like the volcanoes on Mustafar.

He would try to speak, but he simply couldn't. He suddenly felt like he was weighed down with lead and steel, and the only thing he felt was her, all of her and her nearness. Heaven, they had called it, something like heaven.
The feel of him exploding inside of her, sending jets of pulsing heat deep inside of her had Kailian wailing out her own response her body tightening as the pleasure that had been building exploded. The rush of pleasure that washed over her body, her mind going blank and every nerve tingling and hypersensitive had Kai writhing and bucking back against Rayne-Sunn. Her inner muscles worked to milk him as he poured his essence inside of her, that simple thought that rushed across her pleasure blanked mind increased her pleasure yet again.

Through their actions she felt his essence poured inside of her and Kailian felt a completion somehow, something she hadn’t known she was missing was now there. As her body tensed and trembled, undulating back at Rayne-Sunn as the indescribable pleasure racked her body Kai knew that she would do this anytime Rayne-Sunn asked her to. She felt a sense of belonging mixed with the pleasure and as the waves of all consuming feeling subsided she felt her muscles, rubbery and weak struggling to hold her upright, only Rayne-Sunn’s arm around her middle keeping her from falling to her knees.

Standing she panted trying to get her breath, struggling to find herself after the explosion of pleasure and the pleasant tingling aftershocks and sensations that were still rolling through her. The only sound she was able to make was a contented little moan as she leaned forwards against the wall trying not to simply melt into a puddle at Rayne-Sunn’s feet.
There was no resisting the tiredness now, and slowly bringing himself down the floor, he would bring her along with him, holding her tightly as he did. In the natural progression of their movements he would slide out of her, moving the two of them around so he would sit with his back to the wall, and he would bring her to sit across his lap, the silence after the storm that all lovers revelled in when it was a true experience.

It would take some time for him to muster the energy and desire to grab their discarded clothes, handing hers to her and taking his own, finding a moment when getting dressed didn't seem wrong. Soon after he was clothed however, he perked up, and looked down to the far end of the mock Temple.

"We're in trouble.." he said quietly, and that was when the first laser strike hit the gravitational generator on the base of the platform, and it started to fall, listing to the side as it lost its means of remaining stationary and upright. Impulse would take over as he grabbed Kai and ran for the stairs to bring the two of them topside, instict demanding that they get to the ship as soon as possible.

Topside, Jun-Kun was running out the front door at top speed, and seeing the TIE fighters attaching his beloved platform, he drew up all the powers in the Force he had in himself, and worked on manipulating the home into a somewhat stable direction and try and slow its descent. Whenever the two of them would appear, the elder Winn would look over his shoulder, strain showing on his aged face and ordered, "Get to the ship! Go!"
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