Heroes in exile (Tatcon x Sana)

Smiling she nodded snuggling against his chest, “Time…something we have so little of and at times too much of.” Closing her eyes she rested her head against Rayne-Sunn’s shoulder as he carried her up the stairs towards the bridge. Her head was still tingling from the kiss he’d placed on it as he took her from the kitchen. As he carried her little butterflies fluttered in her stomach she felt content. And then he settled her down into the bridge chair just as they came out of hyper and everything went wrong. As soon as they had settled into normal space she recognized where they were and could feel who was there despite the distance in space. “Why…especially when I’m in just a towel…”

Groaning she looked out the screen and grabbed onto her armrests feeling attention on them before suddenly green bolts were flashing past as a pair of cruisers opened fire and the outer elements of the fleet turned towards them. Holding on she felt the ship jerking and lurching as they dodged incoming fire. “They just launched fighters, your droids may want to get us out of here in the next half minute or we’re liable to be ex-jedi and them to be ex-droids…”
"Well...I guess that tells us the Emperor is still paranoid about Jedi." Rayne-Sunn teased, trying to keep a little light on the situation despite the rather aggitating fact they had come under a lot of fire very quickly. "Vader must have warned him that where were jumping around to get away." He added as he ran to the intercom next to Kai, and contacted the droid responsible for the weapons. "Keep the fighters occupied for twenty seconds so we can get out of here, or we're all going to be added to the landscape of the planet." He said, and then just looked down at Kai, and smiled. "As you said...why when you're in a towel." He said, before going flying through the open door back towards the cargo hold as a result of a particularly sharp maneuver. If they could say one thing about the ship...it sure handled well for a box.

He would land with a pretty loud thunk as he flew quite the distance into the ship, landing on his back and losing his towel before eventually rolling into a stack of boxes near the back of the ship. He would probably be alright, judging from the stream of aggitated words echoing off the walls of the cargo hold as the ship jerked to and fro to try to avoid the blasts from the cruisers and the chasing fighters. And then the twenty seconds would pass, and all of a sudden the ruckus would stop. Kai could quite obviously see the robots had managed to pop in the correct coordinates and save them long enough to launch into hyperspace. Something had to be said for paying for the best mathmatical minds ever constructed.

"Kai m'dear...could you help me find my towel..." A lonely voice said from the mostly empty hold.
She felt the freighter shifting and jerking as the turrets fired keeping the fighters occupied for a few minutes while they plotted a new course. Suddenly she felt the ship shift as it went through a sudden turn and clung to her seat. From the corner of her eye she watched as Rayne-Sunn went flying through the open hatch and couldn’t stop the blind panic she felt for a moment at the thought of him being seriously hurt. At the same time she tracked him with her senses and he didn’t die and his presence in the force was still strong and steady meaning he couldn’t be too injured so she tried to relax until suddenly everything went quite as they jumped into hyper and she heard Rayne-Sunn’s calls for help finding his towel.

Hobbling upright Kai limped through the ship heading for the cargo bay and found his towel sticking to a bulkhead in the hallway leading to the open cargo space and shook her head. Though it wasn’t bad her leg was starting to ache from being on it so soon after getting it injured despite what the bacta had done to speed along the healing process. She tried to hide her wince as she stepped though the doorway into the cargo bay and took her time to look over Rayne-Sunn’s naked body and dangled the towel from her fingers. “Are you sure you want it back? I kind of like the view.”
Rayne-Sunn would just be casually laying on his back when Kai was finally able to come and rescue his towel. Though he had expected her to say something about his predicament, he didn't quite expect her to say what she did. This simply caused him to raise an eyebrow in amusement as a grin passed over his lips. "I will only stay like this if you do...something wild." He teased. He didn't really have anything in mind, but the way she said her last sentence...it just turned something in his mind. Seriously, how many times could they keep making such sexual advances on each other before they would be bored with the concept.

But he certainly wasn't, and lying there with her taunting him with his towel, he was feeling that old fire of passion flicking a bit to life in his stomach. Maybe it wasn't anything to go hog wild for, but he wanted to see what she might do with such a proposal, unless of course she just threw his towel on him and walked off. Then the Padawan would have had her first experience as a tease, and Rayne-Sunn would know the pain of being on the receiving end.
For a few moments Kailian took the time to eye him up and down tracing his body. Her mind took in the image, hard muscles along with a few scars from his battles and a well sized package which her body took the moment to remember what it could do to her. Her face was flushed and she stayed where she was leaning against the door frame nibbling at her lower lip deciding what to do to his offer. Finally she grinned and shook her head throwing his towel over his head. “I don’t think so, I’m too nice to wild.” Her voice held a hint of challenge and a bit of laughter before she turned and limped from the cargo bay.

She felt exhilarated at teasing Rayne-Sunn, free to act as she pleased in a playful manner as much as she wanted. That happy mood lasted halfway back to the bridge as her leg really started to pain her and her limping grew more pronounced until she was practically dragging her leg with soft whimpers every few steps. Finally though she made it back up to the bridge and collapsed into a chair to wait for Rayne-Sunn and whatever revenge he might come up with for her playful attitude. Until then she tried to meditate and control the pain in her leg.
Something about that small, singular moment in time was more passionate and delightful than almost anything that had led up to that moment. There was something about the way she seemed to be tempted by their desire, and then decided to play a little game just to add a little humour to the entire scenario. Rayne-Sunn couldn't help but chuckle at her when she tossed the towel on his head, and hobbled off.

It was then he became aware of how badly her leg was hurting her, and though he wanted to continue this little game they had started, his primary concern was always her well being, and her protection. That would be why he wouldn't rush to the bridge, instead running back to his room to slide in to a pain of loose fitting, rough woven beige cotton training pants before grabbing the health pack in the bathroom. It would only be a minute or two before he ran up the stairs to the bridge, and quietly sat down beside her.

"You really have overworked yourself Kai." He said with a small, sympathetic grin on his lips as he looked through the pack for the best equipment to apply to her wound, but in the end, it was only the bacta patches that would fit the bill. So he gently placed one upon her leg, and looked at her meditating, and trying to control the vicious pain.
Kai felt Rayne-Sunn settle down beside her and take her leg from her to apply bacta to it. Wincing she sniffled at the pain, the blaster bolt was the most painful injury she'd suffered during all of her years in the order. Normally it was small burns or cuts and the occasional burn from the edge of a saber but nothing like the blaster injury. It wept plasma and started to throb as the numbing agent from the previous bacta patch wore off. She knew it would take a few moments before the new one started to sooth the injury and just gritted her teeth to wait it out.

After a few minutes she sighed and relaxed as the numbing agent in the bacta patch went to work and her pain settled into a gentle throbbing instead of a searing burst. Sitting back into her chair she grabbed Rayne-Sunn's hand, still sniffling from holding back her tears and also emotional from everything that had happened throughout the day. Sometimes Kai just felt overwhelmed and right then was one of those moments as she sat there holding Rayne-Sunn's hand clinging to it as a lifeline of stability in her shifting chaotic world.
Rayne-Sunn would just remain steady as she held his hand, more than happy to act as a pillar of support in a turbulent time. He was starting to feel that what had happened to him today was just another page is history, not something that he should or could dwell on. His parents would have to die at some point, especially his father for the power he had wielded in his life. His mother was innocent and so caring considering the life the men around her had taken, and maybe in a while her death would be the hardest to accept. Regardless, he could help Kai and he knew that he would succeed in that.

And so he just held her hand carefully as the bacta would start to work over the wound slowly, and when a suitable amount of time had passed for that to happen, he would slowly stand himself up while still gripping her hand. "Want to go get some clothes on? Musn't be too comfortable in a towel." He teased, and trying to lighten the mood, "Though I certainly don't mind the view it gives."
Finally she felt the pain ease and then Rayne-Sunn decided to be witty and remarked on her towel and even the view it offered him. It seemed that now the joke was on his side as he was able to look into her cleavage and at her rear when she walked around wrapped only in the white cloth. Blushing she looked down at herself and then looked up at him, her hand still in his. “I guess that would be good, though if I need to I can stay this way…” Kai looked up at him coyly her eyes half lidded as she trailed a finger over her towel covered skin. Shivering at her own touch across her slightly cold skin Kailian broke out in goosebumps before she wrapped her free hand around herself.

Feeling cold she looked up at him again, “Help me up, and help me stay warm until I can get dressed.” To emphasize her point she held out that freehand towards him to let him pick her up. Maybe he would even hold her and carry her back to the sleeping quarters. Shrugging mentally she decided it didn’t matter so long as he stayed at her side.
Rayne-Sunn smiled sympathetically to her when she managed to give herself goosebumps. It was kind of sad to see her attempts to be flirtatious backfire against her because of one malady or another and while she certainly managed to be seductive, the after effects just made his feel bad for the little Jedi. Smiling he took her free hand and brought her to her feet before doing as she expected and picking her up to carry to the bedroom.

It would be a short walk before they were there, and though it might be expected for him to the chivilric thing and simply place her down, he wanted to be close, and to be with her, so he slowly came down on to the bed with her and placed her on her back as he slid between her legs. Supporting himself while running a hand along her soft cheek while his lips came to hers, just wanting her to feel his love. Her towel would come undone through mysterious forces, but there was no act to it, just him wanting to have his warm body pressed to her poor frigid self and the beautiful shape it took.
Feeling him pick her up Kailian smiled happily. She hand never been able to rely on anyone before and it simply felt incredible to be able to have that feeling with Rayne-Sunn. The young Jedi knew that no matter what she could rely on him to be there and to help her if he was able. After a life of isolation, war and then exile the young woman was ready to cling to practically anything for a shot at a real life. Rayne-Sunn was her shot at that regular life, the only shot an ex-Jedi like her would probably get. It wouldn’t truly be a regular or normal life like most beings in the galaxy experienced but it would be something, and something was better than simply existing like she had been and now after tasting that something she could never go back to simply existing.

She came back to herself when she felt Rayne-Sunn gently laying her down onto the bed. What she didn’t expect was for him to crawl on top of her laying on her between her legs which she automatically hooked over him holding him with her. During his laying down her towel had fallen open and lay beneath her with him laying against her exposed skin. She felt his lips on hers and his hand against her cheek making the young woman moan into his mouth her hands sliding up his back before one buried itself in his hair as she tried to enjoy his warmth. If he didn’t get off of her soon Kailian knew they were about to have another round of that sex, her own body already starting to get damp and tense with arousal.
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