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The Day Before You (closed for MoonlightRomance and Josu_T)

Tim ate quietly, just enjoying the food. He gazed at the beautiful girl next to him and daydreamed of their lives together. He also happily remembered everything that had happened already in their friendship. He knew there would be tough times, but the good times would always make it better. He thought about the season and how they would have many Christmas days together. Then he suddenly realised what day it was. He had lost track of time and of the days while stuck in the house. He smiled at Roxanne and kissed her cheek. When he finished his food he pushed his plate away. Then he turned to face Roxy even more. "Tomorrow is Christmas Day. It is Christmas Eve tonight."
Roxanne noticed that as he ate he was gazing at her and she could also tell that he was daydreaming, but she didn't know of what. As she ate she thought ahead to what their wedding day would be like because despite only having been a couple a short time she was certain that they would make it through anything. By the time Tim pushed his plate away and turned to her Roxanne was done too and she seemed almost surprised by his words. Clearly, like him she had lost track of the days. "Is it?" She asked, then she pulled out her phone and looked at it, sure enough it was the twenty fourth.
He looked at her and watched as she confirmed his judgement. He chuckled and kissed her cheek once she knew he was right. The next day they would exchange the gifts they had bought for eachother before they had officially become a couple. He really hoped she would like it. He was really looking forward to spending the day with her. It was their first major holiday together and they got to be alone for it. While he would have liked to have a big family meal and tell his parents about him and Roxy, he was also happy to enjoy it just with her. He also figured there would be a big family meal later to make up for losing the Christmas day meal due to snow. He figured her family might have one too, but the chances of him being welcome there were fairly slim.
As Tim leaned over and kissed her cheek she smiled at him. Much like him she hoped that Tim liked what she had gotten him although she had something small surprised for him tonight. While she was accustomed to being around family for Christmas it would be nice to just have him to share it with. This way they had some time together before they broke the news to her parents and it was hard to tell what her father might do. "Hey babe, can I ask you a question?" She asked, seeming a bit nervous about it.
Tim started daydreaming again. He got ideas of family meals with Roxy and what those would look like once they had a family of their own. She brought him out of his daze with her words. He looked over at her again and wondered what she would ask. She looked nervous and he didn't know why. He nodded slowly. "Of course you can Roxanne. Ask me whatever you want. You know I have nothing to hide." He smiled warmly and waited for her question. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he would answer it to the best of his abilities.
Roxy smiled nervously back at him as her words brought him out of his daze. While she still seemed hesitant to ask she only paused a moment before speaking, as if she were trying to decide how to word it. "How do you think your parents will react when we tell them about...Us?" She asked, her eyes wandering down as she asked and Roxy half expected to feel his hand under her chin so that he could lift her head up to look at him any moment now. As the two of them knew her parents weren't going to react well but she knew his parents seemed to almost encourage them being close, even after it became obvious that real feelings existed.
Tim was surprised by her question. Not because he hadn't thought of it, but because she had. Or at least because she had been nervous about his answer. He smiled at her even as she lowered her head. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Come on, you should know the answer to that. My parents adore you. They really love you so much already. They will be our biggest supporters as a couple. They already feel like you are a daughter to them. Now they will have even more of a reason to feel that way." He leaned in and hugged her tightly. He didn't want her to worry about any of their parents. They would deal with her parents reaction when it happened. His parents reaction he knew would be a celebration.
When Tim leaned in and kissed her forehead Roxanne looked up at him. What he was saying she knew was true: they already saw her as their daughter and adored her. "I know...I just don't want anyone else trying their hardest to keep us apart." She said softly, his words making her feel silly for even asking. As Tim leaned in and hugged her she kissed him. After a few moments of silence she decided to change the subject. "Hey... I have a surprise for you upstairs, my love." She said softly.
Tim nodded, understanding what she meant. Knowing that her parents would not approve and that there may be others against them being together felt a little like going against the world just to be together. He smiled against her lips as she kissed him. When she mentioned a surprise he wasn't sure what to expect. He looked at her with a confused expression. "But Christmas isn't until tomorrow. What could you possibly have for me now?" He paused and then shrugged. "Never mind, let's go." He smiled and took her hand. He wasn't sure where upstairs she had the surprise so he let her walk and lead the way. He had no idea what the surprise might be, but he was excited.
Roxanne couldn't help but smile at him when he asked what it was, knowing that even if she would give him time to guess what it was he never would have gotten it right. What she had was something almost too simple for him. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek then when he took her hand she stood up and began to lead him out of the kitchen, through the living room and up the stairs to her room. As she brought him up the stairs she wandered what he might think of her surprise, just hoping he liked it. Upon walking into her room she lead him over to the bed. She sat down and gently pulled him down beside her. "Remember how you're always saying you like the things I draw?" She asked, able to remember time and time again when he had complimented her art skills.
Walking next to her the whole time he had a lot of questions, but didn't ask them. He would let her surprise him. As they ascended the stairs he shifted even closer to her. When she sat on her bed in her room he sat right next to her. Her question shed some light on her surprise, but he still had no real idea of what to expect. He looked at her and nodded slowly. "Yes, because I do like the things you draw. You are a great artist. What does this have to do with your surprise?" He watched her closely, waiting for her to reveal her secret.
Roxanne grinned at Tim, not speaking another word before getting up from the bed and walking over to her desk. She then took a picture from out from where it sat between the desk and the wall before making her way back over to him. "Well.. I would say it has quite a bit to do with it." She said with a smile. In her hands she was holding a 24" x 36" picture frame and inside of it was a drawing that took up the entire frame. The drawing was extremely detailed and colored. It was of an adult female Snow Leopard and an adult male Tiger cuddling. It also had a detailed back ground of what looked to be mountains. "It was my first real attempt at wild cats but I wanted to do something special for you; I wanted it to be something I hadn't done before. I framed it the night before you came over." She said with a smile, looking at his face to try and read his reaction.
Tim watched at she got up. He saw the frame as she pulled it out. He waited to see her drawing with anticipation. As she showed it to him his eyes lit up. It was a beautiful work of art. The image was a little surprising, but very nice anyway. Every detail looked perfect. He smiled at Roxy and pulled her down to sit next to him. He took a closer look at it and then kissed her cheek. "It is gorgeous. One of your best works yet. I think I know what your inspiration was, but why don't you explain it to me. I want to hear it in your words." He was happy that she came up with that inspiration before they were even a couple. He wondered what works of art she might make now that they were together.
Roxanne couldn't help but smile when she saw the way his eyes lit up as she revealed the drawing to him. She could tell that while what she had drawn for him surprised him but at the same time he loved it. As Tim pulled her down so that she was sitting next to him she was careful not to drop the frame, continuing to hold it so that he could examine every detail if he wished. As he kissed her on the cheek she smiled, being to blush at his compliment. "Thank you, Tim. Well, I didn't really have to think about it. I knew that when you came over here to spend Christmas with me I was going to tell you of my feelings at some point. All I wasn't sure of was how you were going to react. I also wanted it to be special. I remember you saying on a few occasions that you wanted me to see how I would do with drawing wild cats so I picked two and did this." She said, leaning in and kissing him on the lips.
Tim listened to her explaination and smiled softly. It seemed fairly simple, but the result was something beautiful. After her kiss he looked into her eyes. He lifted a hand and softly caressed her cheek. She knew how to make him happy. "It turned out wonderfully. You did great for your first attempt. So, out of all the wild cats you think of me as a tiger and of yourself as a snow leopard? I think it is really cute." He kissed her once more and then grinned as he pulled back. "And if this is what you are showing me now, my Christmas present I am getting tomorrow must be something amazing." He chuckled and made sure she knew he was just joking.
When he lifted his hand and softly caressed her cheek as he looked into her eyes after the kiss she nuzzled her cheek into his hand. "I see you as a Tiger, yes but for the Snow Leopard I tried to think of what wild cat you would say I was." She said before smiling weakly at him, hoping what she had said made sense to him. When he leaned in and kissed her again she smiled against his lips. When he pulled back she had a smirk on her face. "I don't know about amazing, but it's something you'll like."
He nodded slowly. He understood what she meant. He had never really thought of her as a wild cat before, but a snow leopard seemed to fit well. It definitely made a wonderful image. Her comment about the Christmas gift just made him smile. "I'm sure I will. You know me so well, I know you will have something I'll love. I think you will like what I got you this year too. At least I hope so. But to be able to exchange gift we need to go to sleep first." He was finally feeling tired enough to sleep. He kissed her again and shifted on the bed. His other reason for wanting to go to bed was to see her reaction when she fully remembered all they had done together.
When Tim mentioned sleep it helped to make Roxanne just how tired she had become. She even let out a yawn before leaning in and kissing him after he shifted on the bed. "I'm sure I will love whatever it is you got me as for your little surprise where would you like me to put it?" She asked with a sleepy smile, half expecting him to offer to find a spot for it. Roxanne figured he didn't want her to move given how obviously sore and tired she was. As she watched him shift on the bed and shifted with him she found herself remembering more.
He was glad she trusted that he would have something nice for her for Christmas. She mentioned the picture and he took it from her. He reached over and set it aside. He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into the middle of the bed with him. He got comfortable and kept her close. He kissed her softly a few times and then he pulled the covers up over their bodies. The room was a bit messy from their activities, but they would be able to put things away in the morning. It was getting late and it was no time to worry about how tidy the bedroom was.
As Tim took the picture from her Roxy watched as he reached over and placed it aside so that it was out of the way. Then, when he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to the middle of the full sized bed with him she didn't fight him, a feeling of safety enveloping her as his arms remained around her and continued to keep her close as the two of the two of them got comfortable. As he kissed her softly she kissed back and looked up at him with sleepy eyes, moving her head to rest on his chest as he pulled the covers up over the two of them. Clearly she didn't mind the mess and agreed with him that it could wait to be cleaned up. "So, you must think I make an awfully good cat and dog." She said with a smile, making it clear she remembered now.
He loved feeling he body against his as they got ready to sleep. Her comment brought a bigger smile to his face. He kissed her head and gave her a gentle squeeze. "You are the best pet a guy could ask for. Such a good girl. I hope that I was just as good as a master as you were as a pet. And how do you feel now that you know everything we did together this afternoon?" He wanted to know she was happy. It seemed she had, but he wanted to hear her say it. Her enjoyment was just as important as his. He thought back to their time together and knew that he had loved every moment.
As his lips brushed against her head Roxanne let out a soft purr of pleasure, unable to keep the noise from escaping her lips. "Everything was amazing... But how would you like to have even more control, Master?" She whispered into his ear with a sensual purr to her voice, part of her wanting to see a flicker of pleasure within his eyes to tell her that he liked the idea. "No, I do not mean that I become your slave rather than your girlfriend but what if you could change me into your needy little sex kitten or your docile puppy?" She asked, before reaching over to the bedside table and picking up the cat collar that laid there, the big gold bell jingling as she picked up the pink collar; just the noise of it the submissive side of her seemed to find pleasurable as she let out a purr.
Tim wondered what she meant when she suggested that he get more control. He liked the idea, at least on occasion. Not always though. He loved having her as his girlfriend. When she explained further he still wasn't quite sure what she meant. He watched her pick up the collar and smiled at her purr. He leaned in and kissed her tenderly. When their lips parted he whispered in her ear. "I love it when you are my sexy little pet. But not always. Having you as my human girlfriend is just as good. But whenever you put on a collar you can become my pet again and I'll be your master. What did you have in mind when you offered more control?"
When he leaned in and kissed her, Roxanne kissed him back just as tenderly. When their lips parted and he whispered into her ear it seemed to help snap her out of whatever had suddenly overtook her. "Just as good or more?" She asked, knowing that they would never be one of those couples who gave up their romantic relationship for a strictly Master and Slave relationship and she took comfort in that but at the same time she thought his dominant side may like to control her more. "Perhaps the ability to turn me into your horny little sex kitten or your eager to please puppy any time you want?" She asked before kissing him, this one filled with lust.
Tim smiled and then returned her kiss with passion. When the kiss broke he cuddled a little closer to her. "Being with you as yourself just romantically, as girlfriend and boyfriend is at minimum as good as anything else and often better. It is fun to explore though. How would you suggest we ensure that you become my little sex kitten or puppy whenever I want? Will you just agree that whenever you have a collar on you will be that for me? Or should I use hypnosis so that whenever the collar goes on you become my pet? I'd rather not have it like that though. I think it would be even more fun if you aren't actually convinced you are an animal and you can talk to me." He hoped she understood where he was coming from with that, but he was willing to use the hypnosis if she really prefered it.
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