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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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Aug 25, 2011
Welcome to Hindoi Academy a place for elite mythical creaters. Before I talk about rules, guidelines, and dress code I'll cover a few miniscule things. Hindoi Academy rests at the edge of a bustling city whose citizens believe the school is for young celebrities or morbily wealthy people. In reality it is a place for mythical creatures of any sort. Be it werewolves, centaurs, shapeshifters, minotaurs, vampires, witches, elves, sorcerers, or anything else here they are welcome. Before posting you must go to this link: to create your CP (Character profile)

*The School*
Hindoi is a large school on sprawling acres of a heavily wooded area. The first floor is like this: Upon entering the heavily wooden door with silver scawlings (to keep humans out) you find yourself in a giant entryway filled with carefully placed sofas, wooden floor, and royal purple wallpaper. This is the fanciest place besides the garden. To the left is a doorway leading to West Wing with classes in which you use your brain: Mathmatics, Sociology, History, Phsycology, Etc... To the right is an idenical doorway leading to the East Wing which holds the Physical classes: Sculpture, Gym, Metals, and Sports. Straight ahead is North Wing which holds the cafeteria, restrooms, and library. The cafeteria holds everything that any creature could want, even human volunteers for vampires or succubus's. The garden is accessable through a door in the library. Outside the main school there are two dorms the one to the left of the school is Kaitlyn Manor the girls dormatory. Its complete with a main entryhall, dining room, kitchen, library, and cellar all of which are on the first floor. The second floor is rooms 1-10 which girls may pick their room and customise it as well. The boys dorm, Gerard Manor is to the right of the school building which is idenical in layout as Kaitlyn Manor.


1. No killing, fighting though is allowed
2. Do not just jump into sex, it's allowed but at least create a story first.
3. Create coherent sentences or else 4. Bullying is okay if it's character to character but OOC bullying is not alright. 5. Keep OOC at a minimum. It is permitted on the Charact Profile thoug the link is above. 6. Your character can go to what ever classes they want but please dont skip too much. *Guidelines* 1. Combining races is okay but if you choose to do this your characters must have drawbacjs from both sides. 2.Only combine two races, any more than that and you MUST change your character. *Dress Code* The only time you may wear anything other than the school uniform is whenever you are either in the dormatory or at a dance. Dance dates will be decided at a later date. The uniforms are: ~Girls~ Red skirt, white button up blouse with red bow around neck, black vest with school insignia on the left, something on your legs (Socks, tights, fish nets) and black shoes (your choice). ~Male~ Pretty much the same as girls but pants instead of skirts, polo instead of blouse, and a tie instead of bow. Girls may wear whatever they please in their hair.

*Dorm Rooms Currently Occupied*

::Girls Dorm::
4. Nichole 'Mizure' Shirayuuki (Snow Witch)
5. Sheila Rancore (Vampire)

::Boys Dorms::
6. Nicholi 'Natsuru' Shirayuuki (Witch Shifter)

Please claim your room within one of your posts! Thanks!
RE: ~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Beasts]

Sheila Rancore stepped out of the sleek limosine and looked up at the prestigious Hindoi Academy. She grabbed her Gucci purse and instead of going inside the school where the Headmaster and Teachers were waiting to greet her she turned to the left and walked to the girls dormatory. Ascending the stairwell she noticed that on the foyer there were two hallways, one to the left and right. Having picked her room ahead of time she quitely walked to room 5. She was pleased whenever she opened the door.
It was decorated in a black and ivory color scheme. To the left was a large bed with black sheets and an colored blanket, a vanity stood against one wall as well as a wardrobe (her luggage lalready unpacked thanks to the servants). On anouther wall was a door leading to her marble and silver personal shower. Sitting on the stool by the vanity she looked in the mirror and began brushing her silky hair. Putting on a red headband behind her bangs she also began applying her makeup. It was going to be fun.

[If anyones woundering why my character didnt burn up in the sunlight its something i forgot to mention. Glamour spells can be purchased at the school store in forms of powers, pills, liquids or shot. Depending on how much you pay is how long the spell lasts.]
Nicholi and Nichole Shirayuuki stepped out of the Red Toyota Minivan their parents dropped them off in, and were surprised to see how big the school was and gazed at the entrance in pure awe. "This school is huge!" Mizure said with a blowpop in her mouth. "Y-your right, Mizu but lets go to our dorms we have a lot of things to put away you know." Natsuru said handing her the suit cases she brought. then they walked into the main hall and there was a janitor who was kind enough to tell them where the dorms were located, as they went their separate ways Mizure said "Natsu, lets meet in the Foyer in an Hour, kay." but before Natsuru could answer she was sprinting down the hall so she could find her dorm.

Natsuru was lucky he found his dorm with ease and chose room 6 and was quite pleased with the furnishings there and began to unpack. surprisingly he finished within 30 minutes and decided to read a book he brought with him called 'Polar opposites: the chronicles of Fayth and Harmony' to pass the rest of the time.

Mizure was sprinting with her bags in hand until she finally found the dorms when she did she chose a random room and walked in, when she did she saw a girl with beautiful blonde hair and like the perfect body putting make up on and said "M-my bad."
Sheila turned her head to the girl that had just entered, her short lavendar hair was an amazing color. She stood, having already finished her makeup. All she wore was the school uniform red skirt (hemmed so it was short to her liking) and white button up blouse.
"Hello, I'm Sheila Rancore of the Rancore Vampire family." She said, her voice smooth.
Mizure was surprised at how beautiful Sheila's voice was and stayed quiet for a while but eventually answered more shy than usual "H-he-hello m-my n-na-name is Nichole Shirayuuki but please call me Mizure."
"Mizure.." She said lightly, flashing her canines which were small as of right now. Walking over to her bed she began putting on the rest of her uniform.
"A pleasure to meet you. This is my room, but the rest are open and you may customize them as you please." She said, pulling the wool vest over her blouse, the tieing on the red bow and tucking it under the collar of her blouse.
"Thank you, Sheila, by the way do you have the time, my watch is busted." Mizure said walking towards the door with an open mouth smile exposing her blueberry flavored blow pop.
The vampire looked at a clock on a bedside table.
"Six a.m. Classes dont start until eight, school ends at three. Dinner is served in the dining room at seven. Breakfast and lunch are at school."

Sitting on the edge of her bed Sheila began putting on thin black tights.
"One last thing, students are free to create their own school schedukes just asxlong as you dont repeat the same class."
"Thanks just wanted to know, I have to meet my Cousin in the Foyer." She said walking out the door and into the hallway. then added "See you around Sheila." and began sprinting towards the foyer

Natsuru was halfway done with his book when he noticed the time and quickly put it away and made his way toward the foyer

Surprisingly the got there at the same time but before anyone could say a word Mizure started dragging Natsuru to the girls dorm, luckily he had long hair or he wouldn't have gotten past the dorm mother. Mizure stopped right in front of Sheila's room, knocked and said "Sheila, it's Mizure can I come in? I have someone i want you to meet."
In the process of putting on her heels Sheila stood and looked at the clock, an hour until breakfast then classes.
"Be my guest." She answered trying to locate her school bag.
Mizure opened the door and said "Sheila, I'd like you to meet my cousin Natsuru." motioning towards him, who was standing while rubbing his right arm as if hew was cold. "H-hello, by the way my name is actually Nicholi but feel free to call me Natsuru." he said reluctantly after Mizure elbowed him in the ribs for not introducing himself correctly.
Looking at the two nearly identical to each other. Usually not a nice person Shiela bit back any remarks she might have had.
"Of course, nice to meet you Natsuru." She smiled at the small boy.
Natsuru then Bowed respectfully and said "I sincerely hope my cousin hasn't caused you any trouble." after, he rose from the bow he felt her annoyance and said "I can see we may have caused you some trouble, so we will take our leave now, right Mizure?" Understanding what he was saying she just silently nodded.
"No trouble and no annoyance." She assured them fixing her hair to ensure that it was okay. Turning from them she continuted looking for her bag cussing silently at the servants.
"Ok, then." Mizure said and walked to the left wall and sat down on the floor. "Are you looking for something?" Natsuru asked after giggling girlishly at his cousins childish behavior.
Sheila raised an eyebrow at the boys giggle.
"My school back, a brown satchel." She answered, opening her woredrobe and tossing aside some clothes. She slammed it shut angrily causing it to crack.
"Oops." She smiled, sometimes she forgets her own strength. Looking around her bed she still couldn't find the goddamn thing. She even went so far as to look underneath the bed.

"Oops." She smiled, sometimes she forgets her own strength. Looking around her bed she still couldn't find the goddamn thing. She even went so far as to look underneath the bed.
The vampire looked up, a piece of hair falling over one of her eyes. She looked over at the window sill and sure enouph there it was the brown leather satchel with silver buckles.

Her red lips became puckered with light annoyance.
"Stupid help..." She muttered standing up straight and walking over to the window. A snobbish look came over her face as she saw a scuss on the top.
"Ha ha you stared at the thing for like 10 minutes and didn't notice it was there. Ha haha." Mizure stated uncouthly, "M-mizure bit your tongue." Natsuru said feeling slightly embarrassed.
Then grabbing it anyways she looked at the twins. Looking them up and down she smirked.
"Breakfast and classes are in half an hour, shouldn't you two be getting ready?" She asked, tilting her head.
We both made a face like this; O.O then looked at one another "She's right!" we said in unison and immediately Mizure went to room 4 and Natsuru started sprinting to the boys dorm saying "See you around Sheila!"

Mizure got dressed quickly and headed back to sheila's and asked "Hey, Sheila you mind helping me out with this bow, I'm really lousy at tying it."

Natsuru had just gotten to his room and tore through his closet to find his uniform which suited him rather well and began to undress and redress him self. he was done in a matter of seconds. shirt tucked, blazer on, pants with perfect creases and a pair of black leather men's dress shoes.
Without emotion Sheila stepped foreward and bending over slightly to get level with her blouse collar. Within a few seconds it was tied. She stood up, easily five inches taller because of her heels.
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