the pokegirl from the ice forest.

Cassie squirmed and bucked wildly against the finger in her as she played with Crystal's pussy. " too it feels good Crystal!" she moaned out loudly. She shifted on the bed, removing Crystals fingers from her before positioning her pussy next to Crystals mouth, lapping at Crystal's pussy hungrily.
crystal also lapped at cassies pussy, but soon she moaned out and said "im cumming!!!" her juices then burst out all over cassies mouth, but she didnt stop lapping at cassies pussy till cassie came
Cassie pressed her mouth against Crystal's pussy, lapping up her cum, moans escaping her lips as Crystal kept working her pussy. "Y...yesss I'm so close Crystal!" she cried out groaning. After a couple more minutes she felt the build up of the pleasure crash down on her, wave after wave. Her body trembled and soon her pussy started squirting out her juices, spraying Crystal's face with droplet of her cum. "OHHH SHIT!" she cried out gripping the sheets as her pussy clenched and unclenched, sending her cum out.
crystal eagerly lapped up cassies juices, loving the taste. when she was done she moved to be face to face with cassie and said "amazing... you were amazing cassie... i never felt so good in my life..." she gave her a small lick on the cheek and nuzzled up against her.
Cassie cuddled up closer to Crystal smiling. "T..thanks. I tried." she said and kissed Crystal, moving a hand to her chest. She timidly started to play with her tits, biting her lip. "What now...?" she asked, knowing Crystal probably had a better idea of what to do than she did.
crystal let out a soft moan but said "no more fun for now... im tired... because i havent done it for a long time... " she then remembered her last a good memory... she was forced by a trainer to have sex with a flareon, because the trainer threatened to destroy her pack.. she shivered and unknowingly curled up into a ball and started to cry quietly... "the pain of that... it still hurt... so bad..."
She nodded and closed her eyes, laying down with Crystal. As soon as Crystal started crying Cassie's eyes widened. "I..I'm sorry!" she said. "I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" she asked, trying to comfort Crystal. She didn't know what was going on, but she was worried.
crystal said "oh cassie!! please.. dont leave me! " she wrapped her arms around cassie tightly and cried into her chest "the pain of that day... when i was raped by a fire type... of a trainer... it hurt... so much... he was so cruel, rough, painful... oh just dont ever let that happen to me!" she continued to cry, lost in the memory of what happened.
Cassie held her in her arms and stroked her back. "I... I would never let anything like that happen to you!" she said, kissing Crystal gently. "Please, it's okay... you're safe now." she held her close and tried to figure out how to help Crystal. "I swear I'll protect you..."
crystal soon stopped crying but was still scared, yet relaxed... "i dont want to go through that again... and i dont want you to defende me if something happens like that... your my trainer cassie... i cant let anything bad happen to you... even if it means going through the same pain... as that day... " she looked up at cassie, crystals eyes were puffy a bit from crying, and there were still a few tears
Cassie wiped the tears from Crystal's eyes and smiled a bit. "No... I won't let you go through any pain if I can help it." she said and kissed her softly. "No one will hurt you." she ran a hand along her stomach and smiled. "I promise."
crystal looked into cassies eyes... they were the same as when they made their first promise... true and kind... "okay..." she then cuddled close and son fell asleep, tired from the memories of what happened, and from their sex.
Cassie watched as Crystal fell asleep and shifted slightly so she could get out of the bed. She had never thought she'd do it with another girl before, she had always been fond of the idea of a cock in her, but she couldn't deny she enjoyed what her and Crystal shared. She wondered if there were any males like Crystal. She walked to the computer and looked it up, wondering if there were where she could find one. She looked over Crystal's sleeping body and smiled. She would be in heaven if she could have both a male and a female to sleep with.
crystal woke up a little bit later, while cassie was still at the computer, "she let out a cute yawn, and walked over to cassie, "what cha doin?" she asked in a cute voice. she then noticed all the pictures of available pokemorphs (same as pokegirls, just male. ) "whats with all the pokemorphs? you looking for one for someone?" she asked, a bit confused.
Cassie turned to face Crystal and smiled. "Good morning." she said cheerfully. "Me? I was just looking to see if there were males like you. I mean... I have the most amazing pokegirl by my side, but I was wondering what it'd feel like to have a male fuck me..." she said and blushed a bit, hoping she didn't offend Crystal.
crystal giggled and said "Hehe... such a naughty girl... i bet we can find one! and we will both be able to have him... how about we get a medium one to start with?" crystal looked at the pictures, then saw one that caught her eye. "hey wait, how about him?" she pointed to a persian pokemorph that looked a bit muscular, and had good features. the discription said 'kind, and eager to have fun, loves to meet new people and help other. also willing to listen to others problems, good at making friends.' "hmm... he sounds like quite the guy dont you think? or would you rather have someone else? oohh what about him?" she pointed to a rather sexy looking charzaird pokemorph. "what about him?"
Cassie blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I am a little naughty." she said and looked at the ones Crystal pointed to. "Mmm... how about both of them." she said and laughed. "Nothing like two hot guy to take care of some hot chicks." she said and smiled. She was half joking, but if Crystal was up for it she would be more than happy to bring both of them here, because my god were they hot.
crystal smiled and said "you ARE naughty. lets get both of them, and they will also be ours, well your pokemorphs, but they will still have fun with both of us. i call first dibs on the charzaird!" she laughed "he does look very hot... and i bet he would make both of us feel good, same with the persian... i cant wait!"
(you play the charizard and i play the persian? is that okay with you?)
((Yeah, that's fine.))
Cassie shrugged and laughed. "You know it babe!" she said and chuckled before clicking on the links, ordering them. She put in her credit card number and smiled a bit. "It says they should be here within two days." she said and stood up from the computer stretching. "I can't wait..." she said and smiled. "What do you want to do now?" she asked her.
crystal was about to speak but then her stomach grumbled louder than her moans "hehe... im kind of hungry... can we get some food? i can eat anything, im not picky!" she then went to the door, and tried to open it... then remembered "opps thats right i locked it." she undid the lock, and opened the door "lets get some food!"
Cassie laughed when Crystal's stomach grumbled. "Alright. Food it is!" she said and headed towards the door. After Crystal opened the door she stepped into the hallway and lead Crystal into the kitchen. She grabbed a pan and some eggs out of the fridge. "Scrambled eggs okay?" she asked.
crystal nodded, "yup scrambled eggs are just perfect!" she got some juice from the fridge and said "what do you think the boys will be like? i hope they know how to pleasure a woman the right way! that and be kind to us." she took a drink of the juice she found, and it tasted like cherries. she chuckled and said "so, who do you think will be better at pleasing us? " crystal seemed really excited about the two pokemorphs coming
Cassie started cooking and smiled at Crystal. "Can you pour me some juice too please?" she asked. She laughed and smiled. "Yeah, I hope so to... I also hope they'll be able to teach me some new things. I never had sex with a guy before so I'm kinda excited." She stirred the eggs. "Have you been with a guy?" she asked Crystal. "If so, how was it?" she thought for a second and shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. They both looked really good." she said honestly.
crystal poured the juice and in responce to cassie's question said "no i havent been with a guy unless you count that... flareon..." she shivered and said "but thats the past... anyways, i think the persian will be the best one, but its close, that charzaird had real strong muscles, so his package might be big and thick... but a persian is more flexible... its tough but i like the persian, "
Cassie bit her lip and sighed. "Oh sorry." she said finishing the eggs up and put them on plates. She brought them and forks to the table. "Want ketchup?" she asked, walking to the fridge before grabbing the ketchup for her eggs. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you might be right." she said and laughed lightly. She started eating her food.

The next couple days she got ready for the arrival of the Charizard and Persian. When they arrived she was really excited. She ran to the door when the door bell rang and she opened the door, signing for the two pokeballs that held her and Crystal's new 'friends'. "Crystal they're here!!!" she called.
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