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an officer (gentleman?) and the lady ( picklechiffon and wolvenrogue)

W The Doctor tidied up, at a loss for words. Today had been a trying day. First he lost a newborn that morning due to complications, and now a new mother. His heart felt heavy. He watched Robert from the corner of his eye, and wondered. He cleared his throat.

“I’ll let you be for a moment, I’ll be right back.” He went up stairs to the room where the young mother was resting. He sat down by her side, tear stains streaked down her cheeks. He gently shook her awake. “Jessica,” he said softly, waking the girl. “I have a big favour to ask of you.” Explaining the situation to her, he let her dress then led the girl down to the room he left Robert in. The Doctor opened the door and approached him and the new baby.

“Robert, I know this is a rough time, I am sorry there was nothing I could do for her, she’d lost too much blood. But the baby girl, she needs to be fed.” He turned to the door way revealing a pale young girl. “Jessica lost her baby this morning, but she’s still making milk and can feed yours if you let her.” He stepped out of the way for the damaged young woman to come forward. Fresh tears pricked her eyes as she moved to take the baby and nurse her.
Robert looked at the young woman with tears streaming down her face to match his own, and gently placed the baby in her arms. "Her name is Elizabeth" he said. He knew her mother would not have approved if she had been there, but under the circumstances, naming her Elizabeth seemed altogether fitting. As the young woman exposed her breast without shame, in front of Robert and he put the baby to it, baby Elizabeth took Jessica's nipple in her mouth and began to nurse. The young woman sat down, and a relieved smile came over her face. Robert couldn't help but sit beside her and watch as his daughter was nurtured by the young woman.

Robert went to the doc and asked in a whisper "where is her husband in her hour of need?"
The doctor pulled Robert out of the room and whispered softly to him.

“She is the new girl from the brothel; there is no father, not one she would name anyway. The evidence suggests she was brutally used.” He paused as that information sunk in to Robert. “She is clean, and there is no risk to your little Elizabeth,” he said offering a kind smile. “Take her home, let her help you with the baby, maybe something else will come of things, you never know.” The Doctor turned his back and went back to preparing to remove Elizabeth’s body.

Jessica watched the interaction between the men from under her thick long eyelashes. She cuddled the baby close and whispered softly to her. While she had been grief struck about losing her own, it seemed more tragic that this perfect little girl wouldn’t know a mother. She lifted little Elizabeth from her nearly empty breast and set her to the other. It felt so right to be holding something so small to her body.
Robert walked over to Jessica, and smiled weakly as he watched his daughter at her breast. He took the bag that sat on the floor in the hall and put in the buggy, and retrieved a blanket. he brought the blanket in and wrapped it carefully around the young woman and Elizabeth. Placing an arm around her he walked out to the wagon and lifted her into the seat. The young woman was slight of body and even with Elizabeth felt nearly weightless to him in his arms. He climbed in to the buggy and began to drive." My name is Robert" he said. "thank you for being willing to help me."
Jessica kept her head down as they travelled, keeping the baby snug and warm. She offered a weak smile at Robert when he said his name.

“Jessica,” she said softly as she brushed the blanket from little Elizabeth’s eyes. She gazed into the darkened sky. She didn’t know what to say. This little girl was helping heal her own soul. She hadn’t wanted her baby, until it was too late.

She was certain he’d been conceived on her first night in the brothel, when she was rapped by several men. She’d been bought as a token to a band of militia men, passed around like the party favour they paid for. She swiped at her tears. For some reason she’d been offered a second chance and an opportunity to prove she could be a better person.
They made the rest of the trip in relative silence, each consumed with there own private grief, An innocent child forming the sole bond between them, at the moment. Robert knew the girl, And that was what she appeared, barely 20 if that, would come with her own special baggage, but in his desperate situation, she seemed an angel sent from heaven to him, and the only sure way he knew that Elizabeth would survive. Her mother Elizabeth had left every thing prepared to receive a child, at the cabin, and Robert only hoped that so young a woman would know what to do. He could cook and clean, but when it came to babies he was helpless.
Jessica regarded Robert. He seemed struck by his grief, unsure of what to do. She wondered as they drove if the Doctor had told him her age. She shook her head thinking it likely didn’t matter considering the circumstances. He needed someone to nurse his baby, else she would die, and she needed something to love after losing her own.

Little Elizabeth started to fuss, and Jessica carefully arranged her under the blankets to let her nurse again. The tiny mouth rooting for her nipple then latching on. She knew she was being punished for not being grateful for the gift of life she’d been about to give her son, and that’s why he’d been cruelly snatched from her. But she desperately wanted to help heal the broken people in front of her, to help them become a family.
Hearing Elizabeth's soft cry, Robert looked over to see Jessica working under the blanket to put her to the breast. Robert felt comforted when Elizabeth snuggled in and the sounds of satisfied suckling could be heard from beneath the blanket. As they approached the cabin, Robert began to sob softly, his shoulders shaking. He had planned this trip in his mind a thousand times, but never, ever with out Elizabeth. The moment cut him deep, and the grief the was suppressed by shock and the needs of a child came pouring out. "I'm sorry Jessica" was all he could manage to choke out as the pulled to a stop in front of the small cabin, that had been so loved by Elizabeth. Robert beat back his tears, and walking to the other side of the buggy carefully lifted Jessica and Elizabet down from the seat. He wrapped an arm around her on the snowy ground, and took her inside. The fire was still smoldering, an a pot of water that sat near the hearth was still warm. He had Jessica sit down on the bed. and then went out to put the horse away and when he returned, he carried a gift he had made for Elizabeth as a surprise, but that now would do her know good, and would be sorely needed by Jessica. He set the bentwood rocker, upholstered by soft rabbit fur, that he had made with his own hands, in the middle of the floor in front of the hearth where momma and baby would be warmed by the fire as they nursed. His voice cracking, Robert said, "This is yours now, yours and Elizabeth's". He knelt in front of the fire place and built it up a bit. and before getting up, he uttered a silent prayer, God might see him through this for the baby's sake.

"I'll be outside for a bit, I have a chore to do" he said as he went out the cabin door. He walked slowly now, his heart aching and got a shovel, and finding a peaceful spot overlooking the valley below, he began to punish the ground for taking his Elizabeth from him. He worked furiously, tears and sweat mixing on his face. When a grave had been dug, and was read for Elizabeth's arrival later that afternoon, he went into the cabin and hung up his coat. Jessica was in the rocker with baby Elizabeth, who was sleeping peacefully against her breast. She was rocking slowly, and the rocker made a satisfying creak and she rocked. "Wake me in two hous or so", he said. Robert was exhausted, and he fell to the bed and was soon asleep.
Jessica was over whelmed at the love that the inside of the cabin seemed to exude. It was obvious the baby’s mother had enjoyed being here, and loved this home with her whole being. Jessica felt like an intruder and imposter into this perfect story book life. She nestled into the chair built in love for another woman. She held the baby as she slept, and watched Robert settle himself into bed. She sighed softly holding the warm bundle close to her beating heart and felt the baby’s heart flutter rapidly.

She got lost in the dancing dying flames of the fire. She never thought at three months shy of sixteen this was where she would be. She rocked slowly as she contemplated her new circumstances. She hoped she’d be able to help him through his grief. She was glad she had so many responsibilities in the orphanage she grew up on. It meant she knew how to care for a baby, which is what he needed the most help with.

Several hours later, after another brief feeding, Jessica set the baby down in the prepared crib, and knelt by the bed. Gently she shook his arm to wake him.
Robert woke with a start. Elizabeth? what's the matter, then he saw Jessica, and reality came crashing back to him. He got up and rubbed his eyes, feeling somewhat better for the nap. The doc would be there soon, and he would need to bury Elizabeth. "you should get some rest" he said offering the already warmed bed to Jessica. "I'm going out and get some meat for dinner." Robert took his rifle and left the cabin. He returned a few minutes later with a couple fresh rabbits which he had skinned and dressed and placed in the back pot for stewing. When he came in the cabin, both Jessica and Elizabeth were sleeping quietly. It was then that her heard the sound of doc's wagon. Robert stealed him self, put his jacket back on and went out to meet Doc.

The wagon pulled up with a coffin on the back. Roberts lip began to quiver as he saw it. He shook Doc's hand and the two men lowered Elizabeth into the grave Robert had prepared. It was then that reality sunk in and Robert colapsed to his knees. His tears streamed from his eyes, and his shoulders shook with grief. Doc watched as this continued for several minutes. He walked quietly to the cabin and going in found Jessica sleeping and gently woke her. "He is going to need your help for a few hours." Doc helped Jessica with her coat and led her out to the grave where Robert was still grieving openly. "Take him in the cabin Doc said. I'll see to closing the grave."
Jessica pulled the coat tighter about her as she slipped her slight hand in under Robert’s arm and guided him into the house. Nodding to the Doctor, she closed the door firmly behind them. She helped the despondent Robert out of his coat. Then quietly she set about stoking the stove and prepping the rabbits to stew. She rummaged and found the means to add some potatoes and carrots to the mix, along with some pearl onions.

Soon the scent of the gently spiced stew filled the cabin, making it warm and comforting. She retrieved Elizabeth from her crib and covered them both with a blanket as she nursed the baby. She watched Robert from the corner of her eye. Once the baby was fed, she righted her blouse and stood. She walked over to him and placed little Elizabeth into his arms.

“She needs you to be strong. You are her only parent, she needs you to be okay.” Jessica’s voice was soft as she passed off the tiny parcel. She hoped it would help ground him back into reality, he was here, his love was not, but he needed to keep his eyes forward and move slowly towards moving on.
Robert dried his eyes, and took Elizabeth in his arms. She was tiny and warm and had a satisfied smile from just eating and being held safe and warm. He rocked her in his arms and slowly, ever so slowly, the pain eased for the moment. When she was finally sound asleep he handed her back to Jessica to put back to bed. Robert felt almost as if Elizabeth was as delicate as though she was made of glass. He watched Jessica, as she put Elizabeth in the crib. She was obviously comfortable caring for his child, and despite her tender age, possessed an inner strength that had just pulled him through the darkest moment of his life. He stood behind her and without thinking about what he was doing, places a hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip, his cheek against her head, as he looked down at Elizabeth.
Jessica froze. The intimacy of his hold strange and awkward. She moved away from him just by a step. She looked in to his eyes.

“I know you are in pain, and that you loved her mother very much. I’m not tell you to forget her, but remember she would want you to carry on for the baby.” Jessica wrung her hands. She was not good at this. She sighed.

“I am 15, I’ve been Worthing in a brothel since I was 14, too old for the orphanage. I had no where else to turn. I didn’t want my baby, I prayed to be free every day I carried him. Then he was taken before he could even breathe. But then you were there, and in need. I couldn’t love my own, but I promise to love yours.”
Robert looked into her frightened eyes. "It seems we need each other", he said. "I can't raise a baby by myself. Even if I did knowhow to care for her, there is no way I can feed her. She will die without your help. I can't thank you enough no matter what I might do."

Robert hadn't thought about the details of having a strange young woman in the cabin. So far they had taken turnes in the bed, but that wouldn't work for long. Bob Put on his coat and went out to the barn and gathered some hay. He brought it int othe cabin and set it in a corner and was started covering it with a blanket . He was almost through when Elizabeth started to sneeze.

"I guess I cant have this in here" he said. He took the hay outside and Elizabeth stopped sneezing. Elizabeth was down for the moment and it was time for them to rest also, she would be up in 2 hours. Robert turned his back for Jessica to get ready for bed, and then rolled up in a blanket and lay on the floor, leaving the bed for her.
Jessica appreciated the effort Robert was going to for her. She quickly got into a modest night shirt. Then she touched his arm.

“There is no need for you to sleep on the floor. The bed here is big enough for us both.” She smiled at him tentatively. She was used to sharing a bed in the orphanage and then in the brothel. Here though she hoped he wouldn’t force himself on her, as she offered this compromise.

But given the temperature outside, the floor would be mighty cold come the middle of the night. Jessica crawled in, and shuffled over to the far side, leaving plenty of room for him, if he chose to join her. She said a silent prayer that he would be an honourable gentleman, and closed her eyes.
Robert was surprised at her offer, but the floor was cold, and his bones wer old and achey. He looked over and seeing her eyes were closed stood up and took off his pants and shirt, and still in his underwear climbed under the covers, the bed was warm and felt wonderful compared to the hard floor. They were both asleep in minutes.

What seemed like minutes later Robert woke to Elizabeth's tiny cry. He found him self laying on his back and Jessica laying on his shoulder and tucked under his arm which now lay along her back. He quickly moved his arm as Jessica woke to find herself snuggled up to him against the cold.

Robert got up quickly, and picking up Elizabeth, brought her to Jessica to feed in the bed. He then went to the fireplace and built up the fire, and set the pot next to it. then he went and set on the edge of the bed.
Jessica woke with a start at the sudden movement of Robert’s body under hers. She sat up groggily as he brought the baby to her. Sitting in the bed, her back propped against the carved headboard, a pillow under it, she held the baby and nursed her. She looked out the darkened window as the baby sucked on her nipple.

Soon the soft snuffles of the nursing stopped, and little Elizabeth fell contented back to sleep. Jessica slipped from the bed and changed the baby before settling her back into her crib. She made her way back to the bed, where Robert sat on the edge.

“I wish I knew what to say to you.” She said softly hoping to start up a conversation. It was inevitable that they talk about things, but she didn’t want him awkward about her either.
As Jessica climbed into the bed, Robert lay on his back next to her a few inches between them. "It felt good having you next to me," he said. " I'm not used to sleeping alone, I havent for a very long time. He lifted his arm, to let her snuggle beneath it as she had before.

He told her of hpow Elizabeth andhe had met, and what they had been though. He was amazed at how easyit was to talk to the young girl as she lay next to him. "Tell me abiout your life" he asked.
Jessica took a deep breath.

“My folks died when I was 6 of yellow fever. I was placed in the orphanage, but no one seemed to want me. I was one of the older ones there, and I just got older. At 14 they told me I needed to leave, they packed my bags and sent me on my way. I made my way to the local tavern to wait tables if they would let me. And they did for a bit, but soon it wasn’t enough. I was approached by Madam Wyte. She told me I could make much more money if I came to work for her, selling my body. She didn’t tell me that she had already sold me.” Jessica paused. She’d been enslaved from the beginning.

“ I got a lot because I was so young, and then one night a group of 4 militia men came in. They liked the look of me...” She trailed off. She still didn’t like thinking about that night. How they all took turns, watching as each had their way with her. It was that night she had gotten pregnant. She shivered involuntarily.
A hot tear streaked down Robert's weathered face as he listened to her story. "you have had a hard life for someone so young", he said. " I wish I'd been there that night" he said softly. "I'd have taught those boys some respect for their uniform, and young women. I served in the army 30 years, and never did we do something like that. I'm so sorry Jessica. Your safe here" He hugged her gently and kept her close. Before They knew it, Elizabeth was hungry again, and they hadn't slept. Robert got up and picked up Elizabeth and brought her back to the bed, this time sliding in next to Jessica, and watching her put Elizabeth to her breast.
Jessica shrugged.

“There is nothing that can be done about it.” She accepted the baby and let her root into her full breast. She lowered her eyes as she felt his gaze on her. She flushed slightly as she shifted the baby to her other breast. He seemed like a man of his word and of honour. But she was leery. She had learned men tend to look with lust one a girl as young as she was. She let the baby have her fill, before handing her gently back to Robert. As he set the baby down, Jessica adjusted herself back into her night gown.

She waited for him to settle back into the bed before she closed her eyes and slept.
Robert put baby Elizabeth back to bed, and returned to the bed and laid next to Jessica letting her snuggle against him again. This time he relaxed and they fell sound asleep. Robert woke to the sound of birds, and sunlight in the window. He got up and stirred the fire building it up and heating water as had been his habit. Without thinking, he got out the basin he and Elizabeth had used for bathing. It was at that moment he remebered that It was Jessica, not Elizabeth and she was just 15. They would have to find some way to deal with the problem, he just wasn't sure how. Washing one's own back in a small basin was nearly impossible without spilling a lot of water.
Jessica woke as the room warmed and the bed cooled without the extra body in it. She watched Robert get the basin ready to wash in. He paused and seemed confused. She sat up and got out of bed.

“I can wash you if you like,” she said quietly. It wasn’t like she had never seen a naked man. She used to give baths to the more prestigious clients in the brothel, either before or after they had had relations. She blushed as she met his gaze.

“I know I am young, but it is not practical for you to try and do that on your own.” She raised her eyes to his, before turning her back. “You can get yourself ready, and just tell me when you need me.” She said.
Robert paused. "But I thought you would want to bathe first while the water is warm, and fresh, then i will bathe after you, That is how it always was with Elizabeth," he said. You wont be able to bathe yourself either. I know its awkwrd, but I mean nothing by it. I won't molest you, I promise."

He waited a moment to see what she would say. It fely awkward, and in many ways it made him sad, but the two of them had been thrown together by circumstances, and now had to make the best of the situation. A young life depended on it, as the peace of both of them.
Jessica looked at him and blinked.

“I know you wouldn’t. But I am quite capable of washing myself. Please. Let me do this for you.” She said simply.

It was true she had plenty of practice bathing her self in small confined places. But she knew he would need a hand, men generally did. She also trusted he was a man of his word, but truely she did not need the help, not like he needed it.

“I don’t mind, going last. It’s alright.” She said softly. “Please.” She motioned for him to go ahead. She turned her back and waited for him to get undressed.
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