Blood Fury and Love


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was dark, cold, and wet in the forest just twenty minutes from Private Drive, twenty minutes by car anyway, somewhere in the expanse of the thick woods two car doors slammed, and the screech of tires pulled away, leaving only a single figure suffering in the dirt. Deep black hair, and Emerald green eyes, along with a scar marked the boy as Harry potter of all people, but he was barley recognizable. He was covered in blood, coated with bruises and contusions and there was severe warning of multiple broken bones, and perhaps a stabbing or two. He was wearing only a pair of pants and nothing more, and he was slowly dying, bleeding out from sluggish wounds, but Harry knew the smell of blood would attract something that would make the pain all the worse, no doubt eating him alive. Wolves, or Bears, maybe even a cougar, though he didn't know if they lived around there.

There was a loud snap of a stick breaking in the woods and Harry moaned in terror, he didn't want to die, not like this, not with Voldemort still alive and Bellatrix still on the loose. Not with so much to live for! “what a shame.” the voice was as smooth as silk, but as cold as an Alaskan winter. Harry's eyes managed to flutter open, though he couldn't see much, due to his lack of glasses. “the great Harry Potter, beaten and abandoned by his own family.” Harry could feel someone's mind rooting around in his own, but he was too week to even try and stop it. “do you know what I am human?” the person asked and Harry tried to nod, he couldn't. “” he managed to mutter, his throat sore from being throttled. “that's right.” the man continued, kneeling next to Harry and gently stroking the boy's black hair away from his face.

“i can take away your pain Harry.” the man murmured. “i can make you stronger than anything you have ever been before. Nothing will hold you back, and you will never have to fear death again.” Harry's heart leaped in his throat, slamming against his Adams apple for a long moment. Not fear death!? Yes, he liked that, he didn't care how that made him similar to Voldemort, Harry was tired of almost dying at every corner, he just nodded and let himself be swept away by black clouds with a Vampire attached to his neck, and for the first time, Harry felt no fear.

Not ten minutes later, the Vampire stepped through shadows, the unconscious, but no longer dying boy in his arms as he strode forward, ignoring the other in the room in which he had just appeared and gently laid Harry on the bed. “this boy is mine.” the man stated glancing at the occupant, Vampires could be very possessive, and the warning was clear. 'this is my new son, harm him and I will do you ten times worse' “he will be bedridden for a few days, the transformation will be very hard on his already broken body. He will need to feed as soon as he wakes up, make sure there is a suitable human nearby, an enemy more preferably as they might not survive the feeding.” he paused, his eyes narrowed as he contemplated. “and do see about finding him some new clothes, I have a muggle family to kill.” he stated simply, slipping back out of the room through shadows, leaving Harry out cold and in the hands of once enemy's.
Asher stared after the bloodhaven as he left, raising a shapely eyebrow before looking at the boy laying on the bed. "....the man is a master of understatement. I think I may enjoy this."He said sounding amused as he left the bedroom, to go both in search of Voldemort and of pretty. Cause well..he was pretty. Oh...there was always little pretty. many choices on who to feed to the boy who lived.

When Harry potter woke after the days of the transformation rooting itself into his body, Asher was waiting for him to wake. The vampire lord De Mereloit was amused, heartily amused by the fact that the boy who lived, was now going to have immortality. Smirking as he looked at the boy he gently shifted his pet from his lap, brushing his lips over draco's hair."Love go. And bring me....pettigrew. Tom said I could feed him to the boy."He ordered shooing the blond out of the door before moving to sit on the edge of the bed looking down at harry.

"So, you live."He purred softly smirking as soft hair slid around his shoulders. His hair was neither blond or white, but true gold, like melting metal. His eyes a dark dark blue, almost black. Like twilight caught on the edge of midnight. Gently using a washcloth to clean off harry's sweat wet face."Shush love, your meal is going to be here soon."
Harry whimpered when he woke, over the course of three days his body had painfully healed itself, painstakingly erasing every wound, scar, fragile bone, and even internal bleeding. though not before Tom, Lucius, Draco, even Snape had seen the horrific state that the boy had been in. Harry's savior came to check up on him often, Gabriel Bloodhaven, the leader of the Vampire Clans had taken a personal interest in Harry, and it looked as if he had plans to adopt The-Boy-Who-Lived as his Heir, being that Gabriel had no sons of his own. but nothing was certain, and Gabriel did have a habit of playing with people like they where interesting toys...

Draco looked over at the whimper, fighting to sneer at Harry, but after seeing the boy in agony for three days, often screaming as bones broke and reset, that he just couldn't manage his hatred towards Harry anymore. he vanished quickly and Harry's green eyes opened for the first time since becoming a vampire. he gasped in astonishment at how CLEAR everything was, his eyes glowing with the power his wizards blood gave him. Vampires where not like the vampires in the stories, Muggles, for example, could not become vampires.only wizards, and the more powerful the wizard, the more powerful the vampire they became, unless of course they where born a vampire, they had powers that others could only dream of.

"thu...thirsty." Harry managed to gasp, his body was aching, his mouth and throat where dry, his green eyes fixed on Asher's neck, watching the vampires pulse beating in his throat, but didn't strike. some primal instinct informed harry that Asher was no good to drink from. he shuddered at the cool rag, and tried to turn away, it was too cold...or maybe he was too hot? Harry didn't know, Harry didn't care. "Thirsty." he rasped again, swallowing hard when the door opened, and stuttering, stammering Pittigrew slinked in, looking terrified. Harry didn't even give him a chance to scream. he was out of the bed, tackling Pittigrew to the ground, pinning him there with harsh grips of hair and shoulder, his legs pinning the rest of the rat to the ground as his fangs found purchase in the neck, missing the pulse, but getting a good mouthful of blood anyway.

Harry was a surprisingly clean feeder, only a single dribble of blood slipped from his mouth, trailing a red line down Peter's neck as he jerked the man, tearing the neck even more, impatient and hungry, ripping open the neck to make Peter bleed more, bleed faster as he held the man tight, ignoring the gurgling complaints as he sucked and slurped and swallowed. anyone listening outside the door would akin the noise to someone getting a blowjob, only with pained and fearful moans instead of pleased and pleasured ones. Harry finally pulled away from Peters neck, the rat still and lifeless as Harry licked up the last dribbles of blood before licking his lips clean, looking sated and full as he blinked at Asher with wide, innocent eyes, as if he wasn't quite sure what he had just done. it wasn't uncommon for a freshly turned to have a few hours of memory loss after they woke up, Harry's docility and confusion wouldn't last long.
Asher growled sotly, smiling a little as he reached out, gently pulling him into the adjourning room, wanting to clean up the room gabriel had given his heir, but not wanting harry near any humans yet."How do you feel?"He asked using a dry towel to clean him up before raising his voice a little to shout out to the people listening.Well. At least draco he knew was out there. Tom and lucius were probably busy doing death eater things."Little pretty, go get your father, and clean up the room while I take care of him."He ordered before shutting the door and turning back to harry. Knowing that he had only a limited amount of docileness left, and wanting to make sure the other was well before he went wild."Do you need anything?"He said already laying out more clothes for him.
Harry blinked a little, feeling sluggish and slow as he was led around, his skin was now as pale as the moon, part of his wizarding heritage no doubt. some vampires retained their human appearance completely and others changed drastically, no one could explain why or how, it was just one of those things that happened. Harry was mostly clean, as Gabriel had bathed him before hand, mostly it was only sweat and a little bit of blood from Pittigrew from when Harry had released him. "pretty." Harry muttered softly, blinking slowly. "little pretty?" he was trying to place the nickname before he gave up, deciding he didn't know who that was. "i'm fine." Harry stated glancing at the clothes before stripping out of his old pants made of silk that Gabriel had brought. he changed silently, looking amazed as he examined everything from the new clothes, to the bathroom tiles, to his own hands. Vampires could see so much better than humans could! "Pittigrew..." he muttered frowning before his eyes widened.

"RAT!" he hissed a fury filling his eyes as he spun, shirtless, but with pants on, he never seemed to be able to get a shirt on, as he rushed back out of the room, Draco in the middle of changing the bed, paling when he saw Harry rush into the room, gaping when Harry fell, not on him, but on Pittigrew. "FUCK IT ALL!" Harry hissed, eyes wide with rage. "i fucking killed you! god dammit!" he hissed examining the Rat's face with rage before he stood and turned to Asher, with a glare on his face. "i needed him! i needed him alive!" he screeched, emotional and panicked, forgetting that Sirius was dead. "I needed him alive!!!"
Asher looked startled, staring at the other. Not sure what to think before baring his teeth in a snarl jerking draco behind him to put his larger bulk between the young human and newly made vampire.""Why? I was told that he was one of the few humans we had here that we could spare, permantly."He said, sneering a little at the idea of peter being helpful to anything, he sighed."What's wrong?"he said calmly, trying to keep calm. Hoping that the other would be calm with him. Not wanting to lose control of his master's heir, or have to take drastic measures to keep him under control.If he did that, gabriel'd take a strip out of his hide.
Harry snarled as he stood up, green eyes flashing with the deep crimson red that showed when a vampire was getting particularly pissed or afraid, and since Harry was certainly not afraid that left only pissed, and a pissed harry was bad news when he had been a wizard, what would he be capable of as a newly turned vampire!? "i NEEDED HIM!" Harry screamed, shadows twisting at his feet, almost threatening to trip harry but they slipped out of the way like slithering serpents as Harry advanced on Asher. "i needed him! i needed...." he paused, his breath catching as tears started up in those green eyes as he remembered Sirius's death. "no...i...i guess i don't need him after all..." he muttered softly, sounding traumatized as he turned, head down, back into the bathroom, the door slamming shit and locking, the sound of water turning on, the scent of Draco's terror heavy in the air as the blond shivered and trembled behind Asher, collapsing onto his knees as his strength gave out on him. "f..fucking...hell..." Draco muttered, holding himself. "Harry's fuckin SCARY."
Asher nodded looking confused as he watched harry go into the other room, swallowing hard before he turned picking harry up and cuddling him against his chest as he left the room."Come on pretty, we better go tell Gab that his pet is awake."He muttered nuzzling the blond's hir, trying to ease his terror. His stomach and heart hurting at the idea of him being afraid. Not that he'd ever admit it, but he hated his pet being terrified. "Lord Voldemort, Gabriel."He muttered as he held draco, walking into the office."Your pet's awake."

Tom raised a eyebrow, looking thee two over, trying to figure out if harry had done anything to them."He is?Does he need anything?"He asked curious about what a newly made vampire was like. Having never been aaround one the few days after they'd been made
Gabriel looked up, his blazing blue eyes glowed with the power that was contained within him, his hair was as red as the blood that was still seeping out of Peters body, his skin as pale as snow and certainly FAR too beautiful to be anything but a pure blooded vampire. he took one look at the trembling Draco and scowled, he rather liked the little pretty, he was spunky and was never afraid to speak his mind. "he's locked himself in the bathroom m'lords." Draco managed to stutter. "we had a bit of a fright but i think Potter has calmed down..." "the first few hours after the transformation is very traumatic." Gabriel admitted, rolling up his scroll and setting it to the side before nodding to Voldemort. "would you care to join me? you have expressed interest in my newly turned." he smirked a little, not much got past Gabriel. "he will need a calming drought, have Pretty fetch me one from the Greasy one." he ordered with a dismissive flip of the wrist, Draco nodding as he glanced up at Asher. "will you go with them? i don't think either of them would stop Harry if he attacked my father." he admitted looking rather sheepish as he straightened himself out, finally gathering himself out of his terror.

when Gabriel and Tom and Asher returned to the bedroom, Peters corpse had been dragged out into the hall, no doubt Harry had gotten tired of looking at it. when Gabriel went in Harry was staring at his hand as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "did you know that your hand is made out of itty bitty lines?" he asked blinking up at Gabriel and tensing when he saw how many people there where, before relaxing when Gabriel spoke, his voice rich, calming to the newly turned. being that Gabriel was Harry's Patriarch, or, the person who turned him into a vampire, Gabriel had soothing effects on Harry. "how are you feeling Harry?" Gabe asked, sitting next to Harry who frowned a little. "i'm...confused... i keep remembering things, and i get angry...and then they go away and i can't remember why i was upset." "that's normal, don't worry it will only last a few hours."
Tom smiled slightly as he moved to sit in the window seat, studying the two vampires. It was discerning to be read that well by gabriel, and yet he wouldn't pass up the chance to see a vampire newly made."Itty bitty lines?"He asked sounding curious. This wasn't the harry potter he knew, and he wondered how much that being a vampire would change the reckless stubborn gryffindor.

"He probably would attack wouldn't he?"He said sounding amused as he got the potion from the potions master...who was currently being entertained by pretty. Of course, lucius would suffer endless teasing for it later, but for the moment asher was content to leave them alone. Setting draco down on his feet, he brushed a kiss over his forehead."Stay here.I'll be right bakc."he said having deposited the blond in front of the bedroom door, before walking in, holding the potion towards gabriel, not knowing if he'd take offense if asher just gave his heir the potion."Little pretty is calming down.He'll be fine."He muttered knowing the other vampire was upset at the idea of draco being upset.
Harry's eyes flicked up to Tom, the emerald green glowing as brightly as the Evada Kedavra that had almost killed him several times, blinking slowly at the dark lord his head tilted at him, as if trying to remebure who he was before turning to the door that popped open, blinking as Asher walked in, Harry scowling at the tube. "i'm not drinking that." he growled, sounding as ever the hard headed griffindor he always was, already on his feet and at the other side of the room, Gabriel sighing a little. "it is for your safety as well as ours Harry, please don't fight me on this." "fuck you!" Harry ordered scowling darkly at Gabriel who smirked a little. "Gladly, but you have to take the potion first." Harry went deep red and started sputtering at the thought of fucking Gabriel turning to Asher with a scowl on his face. "tell him i don't have to!" "Asher is MY underling Harry, not yours. Asher will not defend you on this." "i don't want to! i HATE potions! they taste bad and they make me tired and sleepy and then the nightmares come and i can't wake up!" he complained, inching away from the slowly advancing Gabriel who paused at this statement. "i cannot trust you to stay calm Harry, not in your worked up state, either take the potion, or i will make you take it." red flared in Harry's eyes and he snarled violently at the order and the threat, hissing as he bared his fangs to the world, the gleaming points looking dangerous in the light, but Gabriel didn't even flinch, he just increased his hold on Harry and motioned for Asher and Tom to get behind him.
"If I get bitten gabbie, I'm going to be pissed."Asher stated as he moved up behind the young vampire, letting tom catch the brunette's arms against his sides, holding him close. Asher growled softly as he gripped the other's face, tilting the youngling's head back,"I vote we make him take it, I hold you pour."He said hlding the brunette still,more out of sheer force instead of hurting him to keep him still. "We'll be here when you wake up, and we'll scare the nightmares away."He said soothingly, looking over the brunette, smiling a lttle at the other two."You have to admit harry, we're scary enough to chase anything away, even your scary ass nightmares."
Harry hissed furiously as he tried to dart away from Asher, but he was new to his powers, and Asher was quicker and was quick in restraining harry who snarled and jerked, struggling against the older vampire and the Dark Lord as he tried to reach around and bite them, kick them, something! screeching in rage, spitting thin streams of what looked like Venom at Gabriel. most vampires had a venom, it helped restrain their victims, some vampires could spit it, like a spitting cobra, unfortunately it didn't work well against pure blood vampires like Gabriel, who ignored the Venom that Harry was spitting at him, and grabbed the boy's chin, forcing the tube to the boys mouth, Harry choking and sputtering on the first mouthful, before swallowing the second, falling limp in Asher's grip, a small whimper falling from Harry's lips as he felt the hazzy Potion induced drowsiness strike him almost immediately. "nothing can scare the nightmares away." Harry whispered softly. "Voldemort sends them, he makes me watch...he wont ever stop.." he slurred, Gabriel motioning for them both to let Harry go, leading the brunette to the bed and carefully tucking the boy in. "sleep, Harry. the nightmares will not come tonight." he promised, slipping into Harry's mind and building a barrier, it would only last the night, but it would keep the bad dreams away. "so Lord Voldemort, how do you like a freshly turned vampire? wild little bunch they are."
Voldemort nodded looking curious still, as he looked both sorry and curious."he is..he is most curious.I must admit, it has been a long time since I've seen him fight like that."He said sadly, befoe shaking his head."I know that is mostly my fault, for destroying everything, but I do try to stay out of his mind just...doesnt work."He said his mind so broken that he'd couldnt even control himself most days. Whih is were the vampires,and the malfoy's helped. They sort of balanced out more of his wilder moments.

Asher nodded slightly,smirking as he looked at gabriel."Though there's nothing wilder then a pureblood when they get old enough to truly understand the pleasurable posion."he said wisely.
Gabriel smirked a little. "Harry Potter IS a Pureblood." he stated simply shaking his head a little. "his father was James Potter, Heir of Gryffindor, and his mother was Lily Evans, a pureblood from a family long in hiding. Lily herself did not even know who she truly was, not Evens, but Serpis." Gabriel stated simply. "you didn't think i myself would turn just ANYONE did you?" he asked with a smirk on his lips as he examined the sleeping Harry. "he will be stable when he wakes up, and we will have a better judge of his personality then. he will be the same for the most part, but there will be ways where he has changed. it is, after all, not just a physical change that he is going through, and after the abuse he's been through i doubt he is a very happy child." he glanced at Tom. "i am going to go and check on little pretty, Asher, would you stay and watch Harry? he knows you and as far as he will care you have taken the best care of him so far, he might trust you more easily."
Asher whined a little before nodding."You'll send little pretty in after you're done with him?"He asked tilting his head."I put off my feeding for the evening, because I knew the boy would be waking. Now...I really am hungry."He said ignoring his cramping stomach for the moment, because he had wanted to watch his friend's heir instead of take care of his own needs first.

Tom nodded a little looking shell shocked at the idea of the potter's being purebloods."Thats....I.... no one knew?"He said sounding amazed." That will be good, that he will stablize once he wakes."He said shoving all other thoughts away, to think about at another time.
Gabriel nodded and smirked at Tom. "no one knew, i beleive they where hiding from Dumbledore, because they supported Grindelwald in the first War." he admitted simply. "i need to do some more research but i do beleive that the Evens family have long been dark wizards, very dark." he admitted. "though the Potters have always been incredibly light wizards. it would explain why Harry is such a powerful wizard. most only have Light, or Dark bloodlines, Harry has both." he smirked a little. "i will send Draco to you." he promised bowing to them both. "now, if you will excuse me, i have work to do." he stated calmly before striding away, Draco entering a few moments later smiling as he slid over to Asher. "i was afraid he'd attack you." Draco admitted looking Harry over, the boy sleeping peacefully, angelic like. "looks certainly can be deceiving." he muttered sourly as he leaned his head to the side, baring his neck to Asher.
Asher laughed softly pulling the other into his lap, licking the other's neck as he watched tom leave, wrapping his arms around the blond' waist."Hmmm just like yours are, little pretty.Your a demon."He growled a little, lowering his head, biting down. Biting down harder, sighing softly as blood filled his mouth, hand fisting in the blond's hair, pulling his head back for better access, as a hand rested on his hip, holding him close.Grinding against the other, his body hardening as his body reacted to the rush of getting blood.
Draco smirked a little. "you only say that because you get to fuck me." he teased, gasping as the hand tangled in his hair and moaning as he felt the fangs slip into his skin, arching to help Asher get better access and moaning again as he was bit harder, licking his lips as he gasped softly, silver orbs fluttering closed as he felt the intense pleasure rushing through him, his hips jerking lightly, wanting contact as Asher ground into him, a small needy whimper falling from Draco's lips, gripping Asher tightly as he struggled to restrain himself. "ah...aah..."
Asher lifted his head, mouth stained with blood as he licked the wounds closed."Hmm true.But you'd let me hurt you wouldn't you, little pretty?"He purred stroking his hands over the blond's body, amused at the other's reaction to him.And a heart he long thought dead tightened at the idea of someday losing both lucius and his son. Cuddling the man close he sighed nibbling gently at his skin.
Draco moaned softly, limp in the others grip, panting softly as he smiled. "yes. i'd let you hurt me anyway you pleased." he murmured softly, feeling dizzy and disoriented, as he always did after being fed upon, blood loss and heavy arousal did that to a person, it also made them very, very sensitive and he arched into the touch, moaning again as he tried to wiggle so that Asher's hand settled onto where Draco needed it most, his cock. "please.' Draco whined softly, nipping lightly at Asher's neck. "please."
Asher laughed softly, softly groping the other teasing him as he nuzzled his neck."So sensitive pretty."He teased undoing the other's clothes, sliding a hand inside, gently stroking him, leaning back in his seat as he looked up at the blond's face, pulling him down for a kiss before sinking his fangs into his lip, sucking gently, smirking as he pulled away. The blond looked delectable with blood beading on his lips.
Draco moaned eagerly, arching into the hand, humping it as he panted, mouth falling open in a silent plead for more squirming when the hand settled onto his cock properly, a pleased, and thankful moan falling from his lips. "a..aah." he jerked as he was bitten again, spilling into Asher's hand a blush settling onto Draco's cheeks. he couldn't help but cum quickly, he never could, a hair trigger after being fed on, most people where, but Draco still found it embarrassing. still he could go for five or six orgasms, so he was still pretty special. "nnn..more, please." he pleaded, though without the desperate not to it that time.
Asher laughed softly shifting, moving to get up,transfiguring the chair into a bed of their own, laying the blond down as he laid out on top of him, gently rocking his hips into the other's as he strokked him back to hardeness, kissing him slowly."More pretty? Always demanding more. Such a demanding princess."He teased kissing him slowly, staring down at him.
Draco moaned as he arched against the other, panting eagerly as he rocked his hips back, shivering and groaning, uncaring that Harry was laying only a foot away, only wanting more. "please, yes, more...and don't call me princess!" he ordered panting hard. Draco could handle being called pretty, but princess was a blow to his ego, no doubt why Asher called him it. "mmm fuck me, Asher, please." Draco moaned, arching against him as he struggled out of his own pants, not wearing underwear again, he never did, made the access easier, so he was now naked in a room where anyone could walk in, and fuck did that make him even harder.
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