The Huntress's Last Day of Freedom [Himeko x ForeverMischievous]

Himeko had always wanted a simple life, one of which was never to be had. She had just wanted her brother and her to live a peaceful life with their adopted troll family. But even they weren't granted that simple wish. Himeko was forced to fight as well as her brother and knew full well that it was fight or die without honor, the ways of the new Horde when Garrosh came in. Thrall had wanted peace, which is why she had her dreams and hopes. But when the third war broke out, nothing would ever be the same ever again. Himeko was now in a new position and in a new life, one of which she wasn't use to and one of which she was skeptical of. Many long years she had been hurt by betrayal and death. Many long years she's had to fight for her life. But now, now she was free of all that. However she was pushed into her corner and didn't like it. She only wanted to be accepted by someone caring, by someone who'd actually give a shit about her. Himeko was by the wall on her knees with her arms wrapped around her as she wept. She heard Ealinn's words, which if she hadn't been an elf she wouldn't have been able to hear them. She could tell that Ealinn was behind her now as her voice was much closer and clearer than before.

She felt Ealinn get closer as she was now pressing her body against her and her arms wrapped around Himeko's body as she spoke again. "I've always been weak... Had I not been weak... My brother... Dath would still be alive... He wouldn't have been turned into a Death Knight... But I was too weak to save him... To weak to fight back..." She cried out as more tears fell from her eyes. "I forgive you... Both of you... But... I am sorry.... Sorry you had to see me like this..." She replied as she felt Ealinn gently kiss her neck and then felt a slight bit of moisture hit her shoulder, knowing full well it was a tear drop that fell on her shoulder. Himeko couldn't take it anymore, she turned around to face Ealinn and wrapped her arms around her and buried her face in her shoulder as she allowed to let herself fully cry. It was something that had to be done, something she had to get off her chest. Years she had bottled this up, for years she had never allowed herself to cry over this, but now she had to. Now her emotions were getting the best of her and she couldn't help it anymore. She knew now she was allowed to let herself go, even for a little bit, but enough to get all the built up sorrow to just come out. She had cried for a few moments and then started to slowly calm down, it was the first time since the third war since she cried.

After she had calmed down she lifted her head and looked up at Ealinn, tears still stained her eyes but she felt better though non the less. "Thank you... For at least understanding how I feel.. And... For allowing me to cry... Even if I got your shoulder all wet..." She replied as her ears lowered again. Her anger was all gone now and she just wanted to make up with Ealinn and their mistress. "I... I hope I don't break any rules for doing this but..." She paused as she pulled Ealinn closer to her and kissed her deeply. It was her way of saying she forgave her and that she was trying to make up. Pulling away slowly she looked into Ealinn's eyes and then nodded, as if to herself as to what to do next, which was eat. "Lets eat now... Now that I got that out of my system I feel better... I'm just sorry that it had to be like this... I'll do better... I try my best..." She said as she slowly stood up and held her hand out to Ealinn, which she took and then walked back over to the table and they both sat back down. She pulled the plate closer to them both and started eating. There was plenty of the swine there for them to eat which made her happy. "It tastes very good... Much better than anything I've ever had to eat before." She said cheerfully, clearly in a much better mood than before. She didn't want to mope anymore and she wanted to make the best out of this. Her actions before were horrible, but at least she was forgiven and she had forgave her mistress and Ealinn as well. She didn't know what was in store for her today, but would make the best of it regardless.
Ealinn never had an easy life, but things she had heard from Himeko, was a stab to the heart. Her life had been so triffleing, that Ealinn was at a loss how to mend it. Ealinn had always been good at careing, listening and comforting, but this pain was so seveer, that she simply didn't know how to repair this. Ealinn had lived her life, wishing she was less. Wishing she could merely have a simple life. Live in the forrest, living of nothing but what she caught. But she had learnt early, that a life like that, would'nt happend in a world such as Azeroth.
Ealinn ears rose, to listen more intently to Himekos words, as her body gently sat closer to the young Elfs, continueing to stroke her fingertips against her soft skin. She whimpered softly, as Himeko appologiced again, leaning down to kiss Himekos neck again, but Himeko turned around, just as she did, to propperly cry against Ealinns shoulder. Ealinn was suprised, but greatly pleased, as she slowly smiled halfly. The girl had clearly forgiven her, and their Mistress euqally. Ealinn wrapped her arms around Himeko, hugging her tightly. "Yes, my love.. Let it go. You have nothing to appologice for, nor anything to be ashamed of. And I am glad you let yourself go, so this would never, ever happend again. We tease and play, never hurt this way.. This was never our intention." She said, with a silent soft voice, as her lips kissed Himekos neck again, and her hand stroked Himekos back. She had so much bottled up pain, Ealinn wanted her to let lose, so she would never hush Himekos tears. Tears was so rarely a bad thing, and this was deffinatly not one of those rareties.

Ealinn smiled and kissed Himekos cheek, as she rose her head, looking to her with the same gentle smile. She slowly nodded a few times to Himekos thank, giggleing, as she had not even noticed, nor would she care, about the many tears upon her shoulder. "Oh no worry about that.. It's been covered in things far 'worse' she said, with a gentle smirk, and soft giggle, drieing away a few tears from her own cheek, before removeing those upon Himekos, with a gentle finger. Ealinn tilt her head a bit at Himekos words, only to be happily suprised, as their lips met. She closed her eyes and kissed Himeko deeply as her hands stroked Himekos back. As their lips parted, she giggled softly. "What Mistress does'nt know, she can't punish us for..." She smirked gently, before giggleing again. "But i'm quite sure she woud'nt mind that." She said, with a reasureing smile. She nodded back, smileing comfortingly, as her hand gently stroked Himekos knee. "Don't worry, my love. As long as you remember we love and cherish you, and would never do anything to hurt your heart." She put a hand on Himekos chest, above her heart, smileing softly. She nodded, following Himeko raising with her eyes, then takeing her hand, raising as well.
As they sat at the table, she moved the chair closer to Himekos, placeing a kiss on Himekos shoulder, before looking to her with a smile, as she praised the food. "Mistress, being a Succubus, does not need to eat. This, is all for us, and such is all the food we will recieve. Shows she cares." She said with a gentle smile, before joining Himeko. Elainn watched Himeko eating, still smileing softly. "Oh? What did you use to eat dear?" She asked, continueing her meal, as her eyes staied upon Himeko.
Himeko had seen all of the hardships in life, all the horrible nightmares. In her mind she was weak because of everything she had failed to do in the past. Her brother she knew was free now, but also knew he'd live with his guilt forever for what he had done to Himeko. She was confused if she should search for him or not, after all he was the only blood she had left. However that would come in time if she'd search for him or not, she knew he was free with Arthas dead, but he was still a Death Knight non the less. It did feel good to actually let herself go, even if it was for a little bit. She clung tightly to Ealinn and let herself fully go, she couldn't keep it all bottled up any longer or she'd go into a deep depression that wouldn't be good. She heard the elf's words as she cried and felt her kiss her neck again as her hand stroked her back. When she finished Himeko looked at Ealinn as she kissed her cheek as she looked at Himeko while smile. "I suppose you're right about that Ealinn." She replied as Ealinn removed her own tears and then removed Himeko's tears with a gentle finger. Himeko had closed her eyes as well as she kissed Ealinn deeply, allowing her tongue to dance with Ealinn's for a bit before breaking the kiss. Ealinn giggled and spoke, which in many ways she was right, what their mistress didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

"I hope not, but I am sure she'd allow it for this case." She replied as she went silent to hear Ealinn. "I know this now and I understand it better than before. I guess... Part of my past had to be gotten out, though I didn't expect it to be like this. But I believe it worked out pretty well." She paused as she took a deep breath. "However I think it might make our bonds strengthen, you both now know that the only thing I cannot handle is betrayal, but I also understand that I did overdo it a bit. But things are better to say the least, I feel a lot better now." She said cheerfully as she stood up and held her hand out to Ealinn and helped her up as they walked back over to the table. As they ate she explained what she had been use to eating before now. "Well... When I was growing up my adopted Troll family use to make their own dishes, mainly crab, fish, raptor, scorpion, and the rare occasion boar." She said as she took another bite and then finished it before continuing. "Now, we did make different dishes out of those, it was nice when we'd combine raptor with scorpion, believe it or not it rather tasty. The scorpions are easy to deal with, they are only poisonous with the tips of their tails, so it's easy to just kill them and remove the tips of their tails. We only killed for food and we'd make armor out of their skins or use their skins to help craft new weapons or cloths. We always used all of the animal, we don't waste any of it. The tips of their tails are used to give our rogues poison and our arrows poison." She finished as she continued to eat and she smiled softly, this food really was good and very rare for her as well.

When they finished eating she was content, she was still a little hungry, but she'd be fine for now. "Should we go check on mistress?" She asked as her ears twitched slightly. "I remember she said we were going somewhere today and I'm curious as to where we're going." She said as she slowly stood up and looked at Ealinn. "Lets go to her and let her know everything's okay now. I don't want her to worry." She said as she grabbed Ealinn's hand and led them to the kitchen to see if their mistress was still in there. "Everything's much better now mistress." She said as she saw their mistress.
Ealinn's heart, burned with both sorrow and compassion for Himeko. She felt closer to Himeko now, then she did with anyone else then Sheetha. In truth, she never really had anyone else. Ealinn had never been popular, at the Shrine of Elune where she was supposed to learn the way of the Priests. It had never been of interest, to learn of others. To learn their hardships. Their pleasures. Their beliefs. She had never cared for any of them, nor had they cared for her. This way, Ealinn never got any friends, and she knew that was the reason. And she also knew, that was the reason why she had called for Sheetha, and gotten so much more then she could have asked for. Sheetha had become a partner, and a Mistress. And now, she had brought Himeko home with her. Brought Ealinn someone else to care for. Someone else to love. She would do anything in her power, to keep and preserve what she had. She'd do anything for Himeko.

Ealinn listened again, as she did so well, to those who meant something to her. She slowly nodded, as her ears perked slightly, to show that she listened. Her hand kept gently stroking Himeko's bare back, as her nose ocationaly tugged gently against Himeko's. She giggled at Himeko's smile, and recognition that everything was going to be better. "Good girl.. Pain is there to be endured, and then rise above it. Another thing you should know, that teasing and playing, should never be misunderstood as betrayal." She said, taking the hand and rising. She lent close to Himeko, to kiss her nose as she winked. "And Sheetha loves her games. Remember that, and you'll never be hurt, when we play again." She said, and then followed to the table.
Ealinn kept slowly eating, as she listened curiously, her ears perking gently in interest. She tilt her head slightly, a bit suprised to hear, that she had lived amongst Troll's. They usually despised High Elves. At least the Troll's of Stranglethorn where known for this. She rose her brows a bit at the mention of Scorpions, giggleing silently. "Scorpions? doesn't sound very tasty at all." She said quickly and clearly not to talk down at their living, nor to interrupt, listening on as Himeko continued. She listened to the interesting lifestyle she had lived in, in a way quite jealous of it. Her life in 'luxury' had only made her a dark and wicked person. She didn't know where everything went wrong, perhaps around her families death. But that happened when she was very young, she didn't quite expect that to be the reason.
"Sounds. Like a very interesting lifestyle, love. I must say, I find it quite. Exciting." She admitted, as Himeko had finished. She smiled and continued the feast.

Ealinn looked up to Himeko as she talked about their Mistress, raising her ears slightly in surprise. Ealinn was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ealinn as she stood up, following her with her eyes, tilting her head. "I really don't think that is necessary, dear I th..." She was again interrupted as Himeko took her hand, giggling softly as she plucked a last piece of meat from a bone, placing in her mouth. "Okay, okay.." She mumbled, smiling with a soft giggle.
As they entered the kitchen, Sheetha turned her head, looking rather surprised, that the two would come to her. She stroked the cheek of the Succubus by her side, and then waved her hand a bit. "We shall speak later." She said to the Succubus, who bowed slightly, before turning to walk off. Sheetha walked towards the two, smiling as she tilt her head. Ealinn cleaned the tips of her fingers as she looked up to Sheetha, nodding in agreement to Himeko's claims. "Oh? Well that is wonderful to hear.. I could'nt have my two little loves, to go about hurting." She said, raising a hand for each of her pets, gently stroking their chins. Her eyes then turned to Himeko, as she smiled gently. "Will you remember.. That we will never wish to hurt you that way again? That when we trick you.. We are only playing? Ealinn knew nothing wicked would happen to you. If she didn't, she would've never betrayed your heart." She said, with a serious, yet gentle voice, as she rose her hand to Himeko's chin again, stroking it and her cheeks gently, as she awaited word.
Himeko was glad their bonds were stronger than before, it was a good thing despite how it had to get there and all. Her troll family was the only family she knew of except for her brother. The Darkspears were her family, she felt connected to their gods and beliefs. She was different from the others of her kind, which was good. Most of the others didn't see eye to eye with Thralls ways like she did, they in many ways didn't believe a world without constant bloodshed was possible. Arthas was dead, after all she had led her rangers in there when they joined up with the others from the Alliance and the Horde. She had managed to get her revenge but it was too late for her family. This was her new life now, she no longer would fight for Garrosh and she would only fight to protect what she had now. Her family would understand, she of course wouldn't go into full details, but she'd let them know she was fine and not to worry about her. "I promise to keep that in mind Ealinn." She replied as they walked to the table. "I know this now, just wish I had before. But it worked out pretty well to say the least." She said as they ate.

She could tell Ealinn was shocked about her troll family, only the Darkspears allied themselves with the fallen High Elves. "My troll family is those with the Darkspears. The great trolls of the Darkspear are completely different from the other troll tribes. They seek peace like Thrall and was a good influence on my growing up." She reassured Ealinn as she then listened to the question about scorpions. Giggling she looked at Ealinn. "Their meat is tasty, however to one who wasn't raised on the foods my brother and I were it might not taste good if they didn't fix it right. Scorpion has to be fixed right, has to have the right seasonings and whatnot. If I had my bag with me I'd offer you some. I had a little left I had saved for a special occasion. The way we fix it up is to keep it from going bad and still taste good. I remember how to cook all my family's dishes however." She said proudly as she ate more and listened to Ealinn. "Well we had to find ways of turning a horrible situation into a good one. I may have lost my blood family, but I gained a new family, and just as loving. Speaking of which... I was wondering if I could send two letters out. One to my family to let them know that I'm safe and doing fine and one to Garrosh letting him know I'm resigning from the Horde until we get a warchief worthy to lead the Horde." She asked as she lowered her ears a little, hoping she'd be allowed to do at least that.

Himeko needed to check in on their mistress and find out what was going on today for them. Ealinn started to speak when Himeko took her hand and led them to the kitchen. "I cannot help but worry..." She said as she led them inside the kitchen. When she saw her mistress she saw another succubus was with her. "Oh I didn't know you was busy mistress..." She replied as her face went red with embarrassment and then their mistress walked over to them. Himeko nodded as her mistress spoke and then she saw her mistress raise a hand to both of them and stroked their chins gently. "I promise mistress to remember that." She replied with all honesty as she looked at their mistress. "I remember you said we were going on a trip today... Where are we going mistress? I mean no disrespect mistress, I'm just curious is all." She asked as she twirled her fingers together in hopes she hadn't done anything wrong. Her elven nature normally got the best of her when it came to her curiosity.
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