The Huntress's Last Day of Freedom [Himeko x ForeverMischievous]

Ealinn watched Himeko with curiosity, as if she was something really knew to her, and it was. She had never really been together with anyone, except her minions and then the last few years with her Mistress. She had never had a younger one around, even less a young one, such as Himeko. She found the young girl a beautifull flower in bloom, and even more perfect, one who submit to a darker side of herself. THe lust and urges, that Sheetha sated, better then anyone else ever would. Yet, she seemed carefull and shy, something that was very rare, for Sheethas subjects. They where usually allways strong and proud women, broken down to a simple woman, who mostly accepted it. Himeko seemed to accept it as well, yet still being new to it. Ealinn found it cute, that Himeko had knelt for her. For her? She was'nt even a very strong Warlock yet, only a meere youngling in the dark arts. Only thing Ealinn had above Himeko, was age. Ealinn was far from an elder woman, but she was both mature and sprung out, and had been so, long before she met Sheetha. But Himeko would be so as well, after time with Sheetha.
On her way out, she smiled over her shoulder to Himeko, blowing her a kiss, and looking to Ealinn, who still stared at Himeko. "YOu two, play nice now." She said, grinned, and winked a single time, as she left the room. Ealinn giggled slightly, her ears raising a bit again, now as Sheetha had left, tilting her head as she watched Himeko.

As Himeko had accepted her hand, she let her out of the ritual room, and into a large hallway, with a stair at the end, leading to two ways, leading each way at the top. Ealinn watched Himeko with great curiosity, already knowing everything else, and the curious young girl, was far more interesting. SHe smiled and giggled at Himekos question, looking around. "It's all the little things, rich ancestors will provide. My generation, was one of the light. All of them, had been Priests and Priestess' of Elune. All the way, down to me. Their all gone now, leaving me to do what ever I wish with the place. And I was never like any of them. Changeing the house of Bright visage, greatly." She answered, with a small grin, as she looked around. She held an arm towards a doorway on the other side of the hall. "Over there is the dining room, and kitchen past that. Theres toilets on both floors, not hard to spot. Its upstairs the interesting things is. Well. Except of course the basement. But you'll see that in time... I'll let Sheetha show you that, one day." Ealinn grinned to herself. The vine inside Himeko, started vibrateing once more, Sheetha apperantly haveing control of it still, wherever she was. Ealinn looked towards Tosho, with her head tilted.

"And who is he? Beautifull creature.. Was he yours?" She asked, as she started leading up the stairs, as she watched the large cat, possibly following them. She licked her lips once again, her ears tingleing slightly.
Himeko was still in shock that the Night Elf had chosen the dark path, she never would have though that she would have chosen to go against her fellow people and take up the dark arts as a Warlock. It was common between her people to take up that path, not all Blood Elves were pure and embraced the light, oh no, most of her people enjoyed harnessing the powers of darkness and could do so with ease, however succubus's were something most of her people couldn't control unless given the proper training. The Night Elves have recently taken back up with their arcane studies and have became Mages, but not as Warlocks. Night Elves don't suffer from the withdrawal like her fellow people did. Himeko also suffered from that same withdrawal but was able to keep it under control to the best of her ability. The Sunwell, which had been the High Elves downfall, was lost forever, and thus that is why most of the High Elves became to be known as Blood Elves, in honor of their fellow brothers and sisters who died during the third war.

Even with Arthas dead, she still hated the scourge, it was only natural. The Death Knights she didn't care fore, but she understood them for they had been used against their wills in many ways. Arthas had used them and was only using them until they ran out of being useful, in that she could take pity on them. Turning her attention back to the present she nodded towards her mistress and watched her leave before turning her attention back to Ealinn. When Ealinn offered her hand to Himeko she took it and got up as her ears twitched slightly. She noticed Ealinn's breasts were much bigger than hers, seeing as her own breasts were rather small compared to the Night Elf's. She shrugged it off and tried to not get the Night Elf's attention by staring at her breasts. As they walked the entire place caught her attention, she couldn't believe half of what was there, it was so different and new to her. She listened to Ealrinn's explanation and nodded. "That would explain why I've never seen such furniture and objects before. I've been around Priests and Priestesses before, but only on the battlefield. After all... All I know about is fighting and war until mistress found me and well... Yeah..." She said as she slowly cut herself off as her face started turning red.

This Night Elf before her was a direct descendant of the High Elves, she could tell because of how she explained the exterior and furniture. Himeko was still a huntress who had always walked in the light, but things were changing for her so quickly she was starting to get lost in her own ways now because of the recent events. She was still confused as to what she should really do, however she knew it would be clear to her in time. As they walked she watched the woman raise her arm towards a doorway on the other side of the hall as she started explaining it. Hearing about the dinning room caused her stomach to growl slightly seeing as she hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday morning. However the basement caught her attention, she was curious about it, seeing as most basements was just there for storage purposes and whatnot. "What's in the basement? Most people use it for storage purposes but the way you make it sound, it sounds like something special's in there." She replied as her head tilted before she felt the vine start to vibrate inside of her, causing her to almost lose her balance as she let out a small moan. She did not know where her mistress was, but she knew she was making the vine move inside of her. After a few moments she was able to collect herself, however juices were starting to flow down her legs again as she heard Ealinn ask about Tosho. "His name is Tosho... He use to be my pet before.... Before mistress had me reverse our... Our roles..." She panted as she saw Tosho was right there behind them, following them and watching Himeko with lustful eyes.
Ealinn's eyes, was watching the curious Himeko, as she seemed to be deep in thought. Ealinn aways had a thing for the elden High Elves. THey where so suprime and glorious, before their kingdom was brought down, by the Dead King. It was little care to Ealinn, but she saw their loss, as she did her own. She had lost her entire family, to a band of rogue Druids, embraceing the fire arts of fire, before they where banished. It had devastated Ealinn, and let her to change her path away, in the hunt for power. She had gotten just was she saught, after finding the right teacher. She had taught her many things, before she as well was slain. Devasteted by this as well, she saught to a ritual, she didn't quite understand, to call forth. Company. Anyone. And the one she got, was more then she could've dared to hope for.

Ealinn blinked, as Himeko started speaking again, smileing kindly again. She tilted her head, and smiled, realising this kind of interior, was much the same as the deceandents of the last High Elves. Blood Elves. Red and purple details upon a golden base. Ressembleing the carvings of the great city. The fallen, city. Ealinn grinned slightly, as she saw Himeko blush, and she pulled her close, so they walked with their sides against each other. "Ooh? And? I'm all ears..." She whispered, with a grin, raising her ears to the sides, in a curious manor. She giggled again, continueing the lead around the Mansion.

Himekos curious question, woke a devious hint in Ealinns eyes, as she seemed to be delving into past memories, with a distant look in her eyes. The basement was Sheethas pleasure chamber, where she had many an interesting tools, to tease, please and torture. Ealinn had been through it all, far from being entirely submissive. She enjoyed punishment, and not neccesarily just a little of this. So she had been defiant quite a few times, just to be planted in that chamber. Her eyes returned to the prescent, and fell upon Himeko again, still with the same devious hint, and small grin. "You'll see, love." She said, winking a single time, as she lead up the stairs. "Let's just say, it's not a storage chamber. And i'll let your imagination work on that.. I'm guessing it'll have a fun time with that." She said, giggleing a single time, as she lead towards a large chamber door.

Ealinns eyebrow rose, as the moan passed Himekos lips. Her eyes glided downwards, towards Himekos pelvic, and then realised. She laughed gently, and looked back up on Himeko. "One of those? They feel good, don't they?" She asked, with a grin, as she saw Himeko winch from the pleasure, and tilted her head slightly, as Himeko explained Tosho. Her eyes glided back on Tosho, noticing his lustfull glanceing at Himeko and grinned. "Sounds like our Mistress.. Yet, I'm sure Mistress taught him his place as well." She said, with a questioning glare down on Tosho, as to tell him to stay away. Himeko was'nt his now. Sheetha would've had a reason for the vine, Ealinn was sure. Sheetha wanted Ealinn to please her. Perhaps, Himeko had been told, to hold her climax until Sheetha allowed it? If so, she bet Sheetha wanted her to force Himeko to break this. Being as hot, as the vine might get her, this should'nt be too hard. Even Ealinn would'nt be able to hold herself, in a situation as Himekos.
The vine continued it's work inside Himeko, not stopping its teasing quite yet. Ealinn pushed open the large door in front of them, with relative ease. The door looked to be far heavier then that, should'nt've been that easy for her. The door revealed a bedroom, with a large bed, with beautifull red silk sheethes. "And this, is the bedroom." She said, smileing. She lead Himeko inside the room, and then turned around, closeing the door, slowly behind them, as her eyes turned attention towards Himeko. "So.. How was your first encounter with our Mistress?" SHe asked, smileing as she tilt her head. The vine slowed down, instead of vibrateing wildly it only did slightly. Not giving Himeko a moments rest.
Himeko enjoyed looking at the furniture and objects, it really made her happy to see some of the older things that had once belonged to her ancestors. Himeko had very few friends, but most of her people were shunned when Garrosh Hellscream became the new Warchief. If she hadn't been so loyal to the Horde she would have resigned from it, but deep down inside she knew she had to stay with the Horde. The Alliance spat on her race because of how they 'fell' from grace, or so to say. Despite the fact that they had came from the same bloodline, almost all the Night Elves hated the Blood Elves, so for this woman to be different from her people, it was a nice change. She tried to follow in Thrall's footsteps, for she wanted to find a peace between the Horde and the Alliance. She hated all the bloodshed deep down inside, but knew that in order for them to ever find a coexisting peace, some lives had to be put on the line. Her life had been put on the line many times and many more after the Wrathgate incident, which was a complete nightmare.

Himeko knew Sylvanas hadn't issued that attack, for she knew full well Sylvanas wouldn't attack her allies like that. The king of Storm Wind really pissed her off, and if Jaina hadn't came when she did, Himeko would have been killed. She had tried to attack him when he tried to take Under City from their Forsaken Queen, stating that it was his right to do so. It didn't belong to him or his people, it belonged to the Forsaken who had once been humans of Lordaron. Himeko still tried to fight the burning hatred she harvested for the Alliance, she didn't want to fall behind too far from Thrall, the only Orc who had ever gave her hope. After the third war her people had no where to turn, the Alliance wouldn't have them and Sylvanas had begged for Thrall to let them in and become one with the Horde. Himeko was indebted to both Thrall and Sylvanas for this. Himeko's ears twitched again as her face went to a deeper red when Ealinn was asking her about how their mistress found her and whatnot.

She didn't know how to explain it and her ears lowered slightly. "I don't really know how to explain it... But it's embarrassing..." She replied softly as she continued to follow Ealinn. She was confused when she was told that the basement wasn't a storage chamber and her head tilted to the side again. "It's not? But... Just what is it used for then?" She asked again, she didn't want to push any wrong buttons here but she was very curious now about it. As the vine vibrated and caused her to moan she saw Ealinn look downwards and then laughed gently as if she knew just what was there inside of her. "Y-Yes..." She panted slowly as she did all she could to keep herself from collapsing. When they were talking about Tosho she nodded in reply. "Mistress did... She taught him his place really... Fast..." Himeko hadn't been told to hold back, but she didn't want to release herself right here. When the woman came to a stop, she noticed they were in front of a heavy door. Ealinn opened it like it was nothing, however it looked very heavy to her. She noticed the room she was brought to was a bedroom and then she heard Ealinn speak again as they were led inside before closing the door behind her. The vine started slowly down, only enough to allow her to catch her breath so she could reply. "My first experience...?" She asked as she then paused thinking back on what had happened to her.

Her virginity was stolen from her and she signed a binding contract with a demon so she could have that same feeling all the time. She looked back up at the woman and took a deep breath before speaking again. "It was... Not something I would have ever imagined... I was a virgin until she took it from me... Leaving me with no where else really to go but to stay by her side... I signed a contract with her and well..." She pointed towards the collar around her neck so that Ealinn could see, she did notice Ealinn had one similar to hers so she should know. "And well now here I am..." She finished as she could still feel the juices sliding down her legs and her body was growing very hot with each passing second.
Himeko once again, seemed to sink into thought, just as Ealinn had done. Ealinn watched her walk, the rather tumbly walk, as the vine continued to playaround inside her. She grinned slightly, at the deep blush, and giggled a bit. She bumped her behind against Himekos, while makeing sure she helped her keep her balance, with her hand. "Don't be like that. A little humiliation from time to time, feels quite good. And you'll see much more of that, my love." She said, winking once again. Himekos curiosity brought her to another question, makeing Ealinn grin slightly, shakeing her head slowly. "You'll see, my love. Your so curious, my dear. Mistress must love that. It's a playchamber for our Mistress, more, she'd punish me for telling i'm sure." She said, looking back towards the door. Sheetha was quite happy about her little suprises. And she always urged for reason to punish her pets, punishment being her favorite type of pleasure. She even enjoyed being punished herself, from time to time. Ealinn knew this, and she knew about Sheethas weakness. Her pleasure point. Biteing her wings, brought Sheetha into total submission without a question asked. They where sensitive above anything, which was why she hid them in most encounters. One hit towards them, and she was greavely wounded. She would never die from this, yet she'd unable to fight back.

Ealinn nodded, looking back at Tosho again. He would have to wait, no matter how lustfull he was. She wanted a piece of the new girl too. And she was first in the food chain, at least until their Mistress said otherwise. Ealinn turned her attention back on Himeko, smileing as she waited in great anticipation, for Himekos tale. She walked over to Himeko again, takeing her hand and pulling her towards the bed. She sat down, and nodded for Himeko to do the same. If she was hesitant, Ealinn pulled her hand, so HImeko would end on the bed. Ealinn kept her head tilted and listened. She licked her lips, as her virginity was mentioned. All new to everything? Ealinn shivvered slightly, and put her hand on Himekos thigh, strokeing it gently. Her hand stroked over Himekos inner thigh, soaking her palm in the juices from Himekos pussy. She grinned and licked her lips, raising her hand to it.

"She got to take your virginity? That will've pleased our Mistress. Your quite the little price?" Two fingers passed her lips, licking off the juices and purring softly. Her eyes then dwindled towards Tosho, pointing on the ground. "You, stay there dear." She said, before turning back to Himeko. She then put her hand back on Himekos thigh, before moveing down from the bed, sitting down on her knees in front of Himeko. "I belive.. Our Mistress would excuse.. A little.. Quality time, together.." Ealinn whispered, her eyes focusing on Himeko as she put her other hand on Himekos other knee, strokeing the other from her thigh to the knee. She then slowly spread her legs, if Himeko didn't protest.
She couldn't help but get lost in thought, as she looked at the place more. She had been pulled back to reality from Ealinn bumping her behind into her as she tried to help Himeko retain her balance with her hand. "I'm just... I've just never been put in this position before... I've only ever been humiliated on the battlefield, but nothing like this before.. Nothing prepared me for this..." She replied softly as she continued to try and keep herself from falling apart. Her ears twitched again, which was becoming pure habit now, seeing as her ears never twitched this much while not being on the battlefield. When she heard Ealinn's words about the basement she didn't press any further. "Okay Ealinn, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble for telling me fully about it." She replied as she was led into the bedroom and she looked around it, taking everything she saw with awe. Never in her life had she seen something something such as elegant as this bedroom before until now. The Night Elf turned her attention back to Himeko as she started to explain her story before pausing.

The woman walked back over to her again and took her hand as she was led to the bed. Ealinn sat down on the bed and motioned for Himeko to do the same, which she did. Himeko finally told her the story and when she finished she watched the woman to see her reaction to this. She felt Ealinn's hand on her thigh and then it stroked gently. Ealinn's hand stroked over her inner thigh now and was soaking her hand with Himeko's juices from her vagina. She watched Ealinn grin as she licked her lips before raising her hand to her lips. Himeko's ears lowered again slightly as she listened to Ealinn. "Y-Yes she did... She was more than happy to be able to take my virginity from me... And what do you mean by little price?" She asked confused by what the woman meant as she watched her as she put two of fingers into her mouth as if she was licking her juices off her fingers. As Ealinn turned her gaze back to Tosho and pointed to the ground as she commanded him to stay down there. Tosho laid down obediently as he watched the two.

Ealinn turned back to Himeko as she felt her place her hand back on her thigh before moving down from the bed and was now sitting down on her knees in front of her. "She... Would?" She asked as she watched the woman put her other hand on her other knee and began stroking the other from her thigh to her knee. Himeko's legs was soon spread open, which she didn't fight it seeing as she was in no position to do so. "Wh-What are you doing? If you don't mind me asking?" She asked as she watched Ealinn who was now in between her legs. Was she going to do to her what their mistress did earlier? She didn't know but she still continued to watch with curiosity.
Ealinn grinned, and giggled slightly. Nothing ever prepares someone for the first time. At least so Ealinn thought. Her first time, was with Sheetha as well, and memories of that time, still soothed her mind. She had'nt kept herself for the right person, had just always been a bitter woman, because of her losses. A man never caught her atention, nor did a woman. Until Sheetha, that was. "Of course you weren't, my love. That is why, that time will never come again. Yet you'll remember it always. We can only try to replica it, from now on." She said, with a slight grin. That certain feeling, the first time would never be felt again. Yet Sheetha had her ways, to make every time, just as wonderfull. Ealinn would've drifted away in thought, if Himeko was'nt so iteresting, and madly arousing.

Ealinn giggled a bit, and waved a hand. "Don't you worry my love, I quite enjoy our Mistress' punishment.. Yet I wan't you to be suprised as well." She said with a smile, and a gentle wink. Ealinn watched Himeko with great intrest, her eyes wandering about on Himekos body. She licked her lips, and her hand gripped Himekos thigh a bit more tightly, before strokeing about on it again.
Ealinn grinned, and giggled slightly. "I bet, our Mistress didn't ask nicely, to be allowed your body..." She said, winking a single time. She knew that was'nt Sheethas way, to ask for something before she took it. Sheetha enjoyed a little screaming and squirming. That was why she so often hunted for new targets, not easily getting that from Ealinn anymore. She had Ealinns ears and nipples, which where both equally sensitive, which Sheetha often abused, yet it was'nt always quite enough.

Ealinn grinned at Himekos casious question, knowing very well Sheetha would'nt. Ealinn slowly nodded, as her hands caressed down Himekos thighs, as she licked her lips. "I'm quite sure she would, my love." She answered, giggleing at Himekos innocent question, rolling her eyes gently. "Don't be so humble, I saw you eyeing my body earlier..." She said, winking a single time, as she leant down between Himekos legs, letting her tounge meet the walls of Himekos pussy, licking over it, as her eyes focused on Himeko. Her hands gently caressed Himekos thighs, one hand strokeing up Himekos stomach, and to her breast caressing it careingly. She was far more gentle then Sheetha, very well knowing they where both in the same place. She was actually urging to have Himeko take control. Ealinn liked being dominant, but she wanted to see if Himeko could do so as well. "Remember, my love, that you don't have to accept anything from me, without a fight. We're equal. With me, you can experiment as well. Let your curiosity take hold. Without Mistress around, you can do as you wish." She whispered, with her eyes pointed towards Himeko, as her ears lowered slightly. Her tounge began pleasing Himekos pussy again, this time slideing between her walls, as Ealinn closed her eyes, takeing full pleasure from the taste.
"So... It's supposed to be like that?" She asked as she tried to imagine it well. "So... Humiliation... Is supposed to be a good thing? I thought it was supposed to be bad..." She replied as confusion was clearly written all over face. She remembered her first experience very well and just thinking about it made her even more wet than she already was. Himeko tilted her head again as she heard Ealinn talk about how she enjoyed the punishments. "Why would you enjoy punishments though?" She asked confused as she looked at Ealinn as she was more confused than anything now. "I don't understand any of this Ealinn... Part of me tells me this is all wrong but the other side of me tells me this is right... I'm just so confused..." She admitted to her as her ears were as low as they could go as she was ashamed of even herself, but she felt she could confide to this other elf. Hearing her voice again as she mentioned about how her mistress hadn't even bothered to ask her to be allowed to have her body, oh no she just took it. "No... She didn't even ask me... She just... Forced herself on me... And then took my virginity and stripped me of pretty much all I had.

"Ummm... Okay then..." She replied as Ealinn giggled at her question and then her face turned a deeper red now when she heard her mention how she saw her eyeing her body. "I... I was only looking at what you was wearing..." She stuttered as Ealinn leaned down in between her legs and let her tongue slide out to meet the walls of her pussy that was still wet. "Nnnn..." She moaned as she felt Ealinns tongue licking over the walls to her pussy. She could feel the urge to take control start to take a hold of her now the more Ealinn continued teasing her. And then, that was when Ealinn spoke one last time, as if giving her permission to have her way. "Very well then..." She said as she pulled Ealinn out from between her legs and rolled herself off the bed and then got on top of Ealinn. Himeko wanted this and she wanted to have her way with Ealinn's body right then and there. Pinning her down Himeko leaned down to smell her hair and smiled softly to herself. "You're hair... Smells so lovely..." She replied as one of her hands stroked over Ealinn's body before finding their way to her breasts.

Ealinn's robe was soft but her skin was softer. Himeko was slowly allowing herself to give into the pleasures she had been feeling earlier when she first laid eyes on the Night Elf. Lowering her face to meet Ealinns she kissed her deeply and let a soft moan escape her throat. Breaking the kiss she looked down at Ealinn and then down to her robe, the robe was in her way and so was her bra. "I don't want to rip your robe... But..." She paused as she took a deep breath in and then began working on the robe. "But it's in my way... I can remember how mistress pleasured me... I'm still inexperienced with this... But I want to try..." She said with all honesty as she found a way to completely remove Ealinn's robe and then removed her bra and panties, if she wore any and then moved her lips over to one of Ealinn's breasts and let her tongue slide out as she licked at the very hard nipple. Her other hand caressed the other breast as she tried to pleasure her the best she could. Hoping she was doing everything alright.
Ealinn smiled gently at Himekos confusion, thinking it very understandable. This was all very new to Himeko, and Sheetha and Ealinns ways, was far from straight with the 'usual' way. Probably a way she'd had never heard of. But Ealinn undoubtably enjoyed it. The humiliation felt so wrong, while it felt so good, the mere thought of it, made her feel warm in her abdomen. "Well, it's not the way, many would treat, my dear. It depends on character, and who you are. Yet humiliation is a natural part of life, would you rather embrace it, and enjoy it, or let it rob your sanity? The way Mistress humiliates me, keeps me in line, and keeps me in my place. I know my Mistress is stronger then me, so even if I had thoughts of ever leaving, I knew I could'nt. Yet I have no thoughts of running. Mistress is someone, I'll find nowhere else.." She finished, smileing with a loveing hint, as she lowered her head, almost looking rather shy. She had always been rather carefull and shy around the word and hints of love. She grinned lightly at the next question, looking back to Himeko. "You'll see. Theres many ways of punishment. Yet our Mistress' is among the meanest, theres always something to be gained." She whispered, grinning again. "Well.. Ask yourself.. Aren't you happy she did?" Ealinn asked, grinning. Ealinn had given in quickly, as she had been looking for company and got just this.

"Mhmm.. Only what I was wearing." She whispered, winking a single time, as her ears remained low. She had noticed Himeko seeming uncomfortable before, as if her confusion was saddening her. One day, Ealinn would have to take some time, to really talk with Himeko. Her young life, had suddently been pulled into maturity, without any questions asked. Sure, she had seen war, but these days even children parttook in wars. When Himeko agreed to Ealinns words, she rose one ear in suprise as it tingled a bit. But it was quickly lowered again, as she was remoed from Himekos legs, lowering them a bit in shame, but that quickly disapeared, as she was pinned by Himekos body. She moaned softly as she dropped to her back, looking up to Himeko, with needy eyes. Her cheeks turned a slight pink color, over the dark purple skin, as she was praised. She bit her lower lip as Himekos hands touched her body, moaning behind the biten lip. She watched as Himeko carefully undressed her, moveing her body, to make this easier, clearly wanting it. "You donøt. Have to be carefull with me, m.. My love.. Mmh.. I've.. Tried it all.. D.. Do as you plese.." She had been wearing no panties, as her Mistress had commanded so many times. And as soon as Himekos tounge met Ealinns niplle, she gasped, takeing a deep breath, as she arched her back, feeling her body ignite with lust. Her nipples had always been incredebly sensitive, which Sheetha had been more then willing to abuse. Ealinns ears tingled, as they remaned low, as she nibbled her lower lip. Her hands rose, to caress Himekos breasts back, licking her lips as she closed her eyes. "Your.. Body is so s.. Soft.. Nnh.." Her nipples only grew harder, the more Himeko would play with them, as Ealinn squirmed bellow Himekos pleasing.
Himeko listened to Ealinn's words and nodded. "That is true... I guess I shouldn't reject it if I'm to keep my sanity." She replied with all honesty. "I've just never had anyone put me in my place like this before, it's different than how Garrosh treats me. Then again he'd never look at anyone outside the other Orcs or Taurens like mistress looks at us..." She said as her ears twitched again as she thought hard on the topic at hand. "So... Not all punishments are bad then?" She asked with more curiosity showing as she then thought about how she had ended up really enjoying what her mistress had done to her. Well... Except for making her revoke her rights to be Tosho's owner... That she still wasn't too pleased about, seeing as she had loved him so much, but not in that way. "In many ways I am... I'm very glad she did. I am very thankful to her, but still upset about having to revoke my rights to Tosho..." She replied softly as her head lowered in shame.

"It's... It's true!" She replied as she blushed deeply again as she looked at Ealinn. Himeko had enjoyed fighting, but she was starting to enjoy sex as well. Once Himeko was on top of her she had worked her way to removing her robe gently, she was still gentle but knew it had to go. The bra was easy to remove, which she did just that as her eyes now looked at the fully nude elf that was under her. She never thought about how beautiful Night Elf women were until now. This woman was gorgeous! Ealinn was looking up at her with needy eyes and she leaned down and kissed her deeply. Breaking the kiss she let her hands have their way with Ealinn's body and a small smirk showed on her face when she heard her moan through her bitten lip. "I cannot help but be careful... I've never been in charge like this before and I haven't done this enough times to really know fully what I'm doing yet..." She replied as her left hand found its way to her pussy and began to rub her clit gently.

Her mouth was enjoying the soft breast as she nibbled on her nipple gently as she then felt Ealinn's hands on her breasts and she let out a soft moan. "So is yours dear..." She replied as she felt the Night Elf's nipples growing harder and harder now the more she touched and nibbled. "I will admit... Your breasts are much bigger than mine... You can easily fit your hands on mine while I have a hard time getting my whole hand over it..." She said. She never use to be envious, but due to recent changes, she had became something completely different now. She slipped a finger inside of the woman's pussy now and began moving it in and out of her slowly and gently, she could feel moisture the more she did and knew she was getting wet from all this.
Ealinn thought for a moment about the situation they where both in, pouting lightly, before she grinned. "Well. In a way, giving in, to insanity, is somewhat part of what we've done. If you ask others. Most would disagree and take distance to our choises. Yet when I ask myself, what is sanity, compared too the path I chose? And I always answer the same. Boring, pleasureless and.. Lonely." She ended the sentence, with a slight blush, and a lowered expretion. To the question, Ealinn grinned and tilted her head a bit, with a dreamy expretion. "Depends. To me, it isn't. It depends if you can take a little.. Pain. Limitless pleasure and humiliation. Which I know I can. Yet don't let it scare you. Mistress only rarely step over boundries, she knows you can take. Nothing like the punishment I recieve, will come to you, until a couple of weeks. Depending how defiant you are." She winked slightly, and grinned. She tilt her head, looking down at Tosho as she mentioned it. She giggled a single time, and smiled before looking back at Himeko. She rose a brow slightly, before gently putting a hand under Himekos chin, to raise her head. "Hey. It's only part of your change.. You, are a pet now, just as me. Meaning you can't have one yourself, until you've prooven yourself to our Mistress.. And Tosho will still be your friend. He just needs to get over the part, where he sees you as a partner to fuck, and i'm sure he will." She giggled, with a gentle, teasing grin.

To Ealinn, a gentle partner was something completely new. Sheetha had been gentle to her, several times but never carefull the way Himeko was. It was a relieveing change. And the fact, that she knew it would ge tthem punished, made it even better. Sheetha always found excuses to punish her pets, and this was easily bent to one. Himekos eyes, made Ealinn blush slightly, and look even more needy, after being displaied. Her ears tingled, being lowered submissively, as her chest rose and dropped, with her heavy breath. Her lust was clear in everything her body did, which showed Ealinns true self, even more. She needed attentioned and company more then anything. She had always been alone, and didn't want to be so anymore. Now she had two. Her mistress, and a lover. Weather Sheetha liked it or not, Ealinn would try to take Himeko as often as she could.
Ealinn continued moaning, her body shivvering bellow Himekos touch. She looked up at Himeko, and smiled at her words. She was about to speak, but just as she was, Himekos hand reached her clit, and she gasped. Ealinn shivvered once and then arched her back, which pressed her large breasts, against Himekos mouth.

"Nngh! I.. I'll.. Help you.. Arh!" She screamed with glee, as her nipple was nibbled, starting to breathe even heavier. "H.. Harder.. Y.. You.. Can b.. Bite a little harder.. Nnh!" She gasped and moaned, as she looked back up on Himeko, as she complimented her breasts. She blushed slightly, licking her lips as she closed her eyes, moaning pleased as Himeko slid a finger inside of her. Juices was already flowing from Ealinn, forceing her to shivver again. "Mmh.. M.. Meaning.. It only g.. Gets.. Easier to.. To do this.." She squeezed both Himekos breasts roughly, as she grinned a bit, but gasped into a pleased moan, turning to caressing gently again. "Y.. Your. Body i.. Is young b.. But n.. nevertheless beautifull.." She said, smileing back up at Himeko. She continued moaning, and closed her eyes. "I.. I want.. You to i.. Imagine.. Wh.. What y.. You'd.. D.. Do to.. To our Mistress. If.. You had the chance to h.. Have your way with her.." Ealinn whispered past her moans, arching her back again, as her chest shot op and down even more eagerly. Sheetha enjoyed schemeing, and Ealinn enjoyed countering them. And she would do just this. If they where to be punished, they might as well create themselves a good reason.
"But mistress said this was normal. She said that everyone was pretty much like this." She replied as she was now more confused than before. "I'm use to some pain... I'm sure you've seen my scars... They're not pretty... But this pain you speak of... Is different from what I get while fighting, correct?" She asked as Ealinn turned back to her and then gently put a hand under her chin as she raised her head to face her as she spoke again. "I've never heard of a person being a pet before... Not until now... So... We are both pets? And mistress is the huntress, or so to say? And Tosho licked my cheek that had mistresses juices mixed with mine... It sorta... Changed him into this..." She replied as Ealinn giggled again and had a grin on her face.

Himeko didn't know they'd get in trouble for this, after all Ealinn told her it was what their mistress wanted. She watched the elf blush again slightly and continued to look at her, this time with more need in her eyes. Ealinn lowered her ears submissively as her chest rose and dropped as she breathed heavily. Himeko was enjoying hearing the other elf moan, it actually turned her on. She continued toying with the girl as she then heard her speak again, however she was screaming with glee. "Th-Thanks... I need all the help I can get..." She replied and then was told to bite her nipples harder, and that is just what she did. She nipped Ealinn's nipple slightly harder. Her hand was already getting soaked the more she fingered the girl, which turned her on more. She slid another finger in and began moving her fingers around more inside of her.

The moans was really making her own juices flow, which they were starting to coat Ealinn's leg now. Hearing about how beautiful her body was despite the fact that she was young made her face turn a deep red, as deep of a red as it could get. Her ears twitched when she was told to imagine what she'd do to her mistress if she had been given the chance to and only a few things popped into her head since she still didn't know much. A thought did pop into her head however, and it was to see if Ealinn had ears that was as sensitive as her own. Working her way up she leaned down and took one of Ealinn's ears into her mouth and began nibbling on it as she started moving her fingers in as deep as they'd go and at a faster pace now. Her hand that was on her breast squeezed harder as she pinched the nipple harder as well. She was going to do as much as she was allowed to, given Ealinn still wanted her to.
Ealinn grinned softly. Sure, everyone had it bellow the surface, but no one wanted to admit it. So few, would ever admit enjoying depraved acts, like those happening under Sheethas roof. All too formal and stuck up, to admit being aroused by acts, such as Ealinn and Sheethas. Which only made it all even better for Ealinn. "Ohh they are.. But they'd never admit it. Theres so many unspoken boundries and Taboos, keeping all the formal men and women, from embraceing these sides of themselves. And trust me, in hide, they enjoy acts like these as well. You'll just never know."She said, with a devious expretion. She tilted her head, not haveing really eyed the scars before, haveing focus on differant thoughts. She smiled and slowly nodded. "Very differant, my love. Very." She only answered, smileing gently, with a slight hint of a grin.
She nodded to Himekos futher question, smileing gently, tapping a finger against her collar, with a nod. "Yes.. Most would call us slaves, we're not treated that way, yet treated as pets. Not pets, breed for war and fighting. Pets to have fun with. Pets to cheer their owner up, in dismal times. Pets to please, when your in need." She tilted her head, looking down at Himeko again. She pouted slightly. "Hm. Perhaps the effect of her aphrodisiac? Its not very strong, but.. Perhaps it had a differant effect on him. He's quite loyal still, though. So he isn't all gone?" She asked, looking back at Himeko with a smile.

It was getting clear, that Ealinns reactions, where turning Himeko on as well. Good. Ealinn didn't want her to stop, but keep experimenting. Takeing new steps and broadening her horizon. Ealinn smiled at Himekos thanks, but the smile slowly vanished, turning into a pleased gasp, and another muffled scream, as se bit her lower lip. Her nipples was so sensitive, that the hard bit sent pain through her body, not comparable with anything. And it turned her on even futher. Sheetha so rarely did it for her, knowing how much it pleased her, and mostly wanting to tease her. But Himeko happily oblidged, makeing er body shivver, and unable to really caress Himekos breasts any futher, dropping her hands down on the ground, as her nails scrached the floor gently. Her body was burning hot, and her juices was flowing from her freely, soaking Himekos hand futher.

Ealinn noticed the feeling of Himekos juices, moaning and grinning a bit, as she noticed the red blush on Himekos cheeks. She rose her leg a bit, so it stroked over Himekos wet pussy, as Ealinn licked her lips. Yet Ealinns expretion changed, as Himeko moved a bit upwards, from Ealinns breast. She didn't move for her mouth, so it was'nt to kiss her. "Wh.. What are y.. Ahh..." She gasped, turning silent, as Himekos lips got around her ear. Her mouth was open, and expretion written with anticipation, as if she was stunned by the touch of Himekos lips, and kept entirely in place by this. And then as soon as Himeko started nibbleing, Ealinns eyes closed and she gasped into a moan, her body shivvring and beginning to move again. Ealinns ear tingled, as if it wanted to get lose. "Y.. Yehes.. Nngh! D.. Don't stop.." Ealinn gasped with moans, clearly not really wanting, as the ear seemed, as her body shivvered, and her breath intensified. And then as she felt Himekos fingers go faster, and hand squeeze tighter, Ealinns body twitched wildly, as her juices flowed freely from her, and she gasped loudly in extacy, and her eyes was pinced. She could'nt hold long, bellow a touch as Himekos. Her sensitive spots teased, and pussy pleased by her fingers, Ealinn was given, in Himekos hands.
"Hmmm... So... This is seen as a taboo? Why would this be a taboo though? If mistress says it's natural then it shouldn't be a taboo, right?" She asked as she was slowly starting to see why her mistress had done what she did, she had been freed of her old life, freed from being a war slave to Garrosh who was not fit to be their Warchief. Many times he had called her horrible names due to the fact that she wasn't in his circle of beloved races, after all she was a Blood Elf and he only really accepted Orcs and Taurens into his circle, into his Horde. Oh how she hated being an outcast in her own faction, hated how her people and the rest of the other races in the Horde were outcasts. However, she felt more sympathy for the Goblins since they had just recently been brought into the Horde thanks to Thrall. Garrosh hated them, but respected Thrall's orders on letting them stay within the Horde and allow them to take shelter in Orgrimmar. Himeko had enjoyed the company of the Goblins, they were very nice, yet interesting since she had only a few encounters with the Goblins that were neutral to both the Alliance and Horde.

Turning back to Ealinn, she noticed she was now actually looking at the scars on her body, as if she hadn't noticed them before. In many ways she had grown tired of all the fighting, yet didn't know about this world until she had been forced into it. "At least... At least this is better than all the fighting... I have grown tired of fighting against your people Ealinn... We all come from the High Elves and to me... Fighting each other like that is just wrong... I don't want to fight in this stupid war of Garrosh's anymore! I've always wanted peace! Peace that Thrall was always trying to build between our to factions... Our Horde is not like it use to be... It's broken and shattered... Garrosh forsakes all who isn't Orc or Tauren... All he cares about is bloodshed, he doesn't want peace like Thrall or the rest of us do! Please... Help me Ealinn... Help me heal these wounds that have broken our bonds as sisters... You are not like the rest of your people, you do not shun me like they do... I cannot help it that I suffer from the same arcane withdrawal as the rest of my people... I crave it just like the others, however I've been able to find ways of keeping my withdrawal at bay..." She replied and then Ealinn had smiled gently before tapping her finger against Himeko's collar before replying. "I'd rather be a pet to this than be a warrior for Garrosh... At least this won't get me killed... And at least I'll be able to feel good and make someone else feel good too..." She said softly, clearly accepting her fate more and more now that she had thought really hard on the issue at hand. Hearing the word 'aphrodisiac' made her head tilt again for she had never heard of it before. "Aphrodisiac? What's that? And that is true... He is still here with me, isn't he?" She asked as Ealinn smiled at her again.

Himeko wouldn't stop now even if she wanted to. She was enjoying this far too much after all. She continued pleasuring her, nibbling harder and harder while her hand squeezed harder, her fingers pinched harder as well. She didn't know just how well her boundaries were but knew Ealinn wanted her to be rougher with her, which she was doing just that. She would pleasure the woman the best she could. Himeko felt the woman shiver with pleasure under her and was loving the sounds of her moans and gasps of pleasure. It was so much better than hearing screams of pain and death which she was so use to. She was starting to like this world much more better than her previous one. She, in many ways didn't pout when Ealinn stopped caressing her breasts, she knew she had to have been doing something right for the elf to begin scratching her nails against the floor gently. She could feel the heat from her, and could tell she was going to cum soon due to the fact that her juices soaked her hand more so now. She remembered the words her mistress had used during their encounter, and was pleased with herself for remembering them well.

Himeko had only begun picking up the pace when Ealinn rose her leg a bit and stoked against her pussy, which was just as soaked as Ealinn's. Another moan escaped her throat when the elf did that and then she had made her way up to her ear. She wasn't going to kiss her, which is why she made sure to be where her ear was. She leaned down and began nibbling and suckling lightly on it, which the result was just as she had imagined it would be. This womans ears were just as sensitive as hers and it was a good thing too cause she didn't wanna look like a fool for just going up there to do this if she had no reaction. Ealinn went silent when her lips went around her ear and she could see the elf's mouth was open as she was waiting for this. Smirking to herself she proceeded and heard Ealinn gasp into a moan as her body began shivering and moving again. Himeko was pleased with herself for being able to pleasure Ealinn, after all this was her first time in this seat and wanted to keep at it. However she knew that Ealinn's orgasm was nearing its peek as her body began twitching wildly the more she did. "So good... I won't stop... Don't worry..." She replied as she dug her fingers in as deep as they could go, thrusting into her in and out with such speed she didn't know she had. She nibbled slightly harder on her ear to drive her further as she pinched her nipple much harder this time, almost completely losing herself in her own pleasures.
Ealinn smiled and nodded at Himekos question, giggleing slightly at her confusion continued. "Our Mistress, is our everything. Sadly, not others. Her visions of life, love and pleasure is far from the norm. She comes from another world, entirely. She does'nt know the Taboos of Azeroths humanoids, yet knows what darkness subsides in many. A Taboo only means, that it 'should' be wrong. Does'nt mean, that it is'nt done. Most, put in our position, would give into this, that. I believe is what our mistress ment." She answered, smileing as she tilt her head. She watched Himeko delve into deep thoughts again, as she pationetly waited for her response, being rather hard, considering how aroused she was. But Himeko seemed to have some things, she needed cleared out. Needed sorted.

Ealinn smiled, hear ears lowering a bit, as Himeko reffered to 'her people'. Ealinn had never felt connected to the Night Elves. She had felt much more connected to the olden High Elves, even though she only knew about them from books and family scipts. She saw their people as one, as they had once been, being entirely oblivious to the war waged between them, because of a weak alliance with differant factions. Yet the Night Elves haded the 'Fallen' High Elves, now known as Blood Elves, and it was returned the same. Something, that would probably never change.
As Himeko seemed to plead Ealinn for something, Ealinns ears tingled a bit, as a gentle smile formed on her lips. She'd do anything in her power, to mend the wounds Himeko spoke about, yet she could not erase the past. All she could give, was compasion and love. Two things, capable of mending most wounds of the past. She slowly shook her head, and leaned closer, to pationatly kiss Himekos lips, when she had finished speaking. Her ears tingled as she did, her purple eyes focuseing on Himeko. "I'll never share the Night Elves hatred, nor will I ever see your need for the arcane, as a weakness. Everyone, has something they need. Something they can't live without. In time, your needs will be replaced, and our Mistress will be all you need. You will never wage war again, for the petty dispute between the two weak factions. If you will ever have to fight again, it will be for what your Mistress, and never shall it be in vain. Your Mistress has no enemies. Has no one to strike. Nor does many wish to strike at her. War, is behind you, my love." She whispered, her eyes focusing on Himekos, with a comforting glow, as her lips curved to a gentle smile. She giggled a single time, looking to Himekos collar, and nodding a single time. "Good. Our Mistress will never forget that." She said, smileing and kissing Himeko again. Ealinn could'nt hold her arousal any longer, and gently put a finger over Himekos lips. "Shh.. I'll answer all your questions, another time.. You'll have many centuries in our mansion. Many more days to get answers. And I'll answer any you'll have, that is within my knowledge. Yet now, we both need something differant." She said, with a gentle grin.

The increasingly rough treatment of Ealinns body, only seemed to futhen Ealinns pleasure. She squirmed bellow Himekos touch, and rose a hand, to put on Himekos hair, gently grabbing it, as her nipples was begining to be bitten rather hard. Ealinn clenched her teeth, and pinched her eyes, screaming past her teeth, as her body shivvered more franticly now. Her hand was quickly removed from Himekos hair, as she was once again bitten, releasing her teeth into a loud pleasureable moan, as she arched her back once again. Her leg started rubbing against Himekos pussy, as the other spread wider, so she would'nt get in Himekos way. Ealinns submissive gasps, caused her to slowly lose her breath, haveing to gasp for it occationaly, to even have some. Her eyes rolled in their sockets, as the pleasure drove her crazy, whimpering a bit bellow the rough treatment. She didn't want it to stop, and the whimper was'nt ment to give this signal. Ealinns teeth where clenched again, to keep herself from screaming wildly, as her ear was bitten even harder. Her heels was pressed against the floor, as she moved her hips upwards onto Himekos hand, as it kept slideing fingers inside of her.
Ealinns eyes widdened, and she screamed loudly, as her body went into convultions, twitching wildly, as her orgasm flourished. Her exhausted gasps continued, and she rolled her eyes in their sockets again, ear wiggleing wildly between Himekos lips. The hardened pinch upon Ealinns nipple, forced her to clench her teeth and pinch her eyes tighter, as her juices flowed freely to the ground. "S.. So good.. Nngh! Y.. Yes! I.. I love you.. S.. So much! Th.. Thank.. Our ancestors.. Mistress found you! Nnh!" She gasped past her shakey lips. She bit a lip hard, as her fingers scrached the floor once more, her eyes still staying off Himekos, for as long as her ears was bitten. They, where Ealinns submissive spot. The spot to be teased, if anyone wanted her to obey entirely.
Himeko nodded and looked a little saddened by this news. "Well I'm glad mistress found me... Glad she took me in and did what she did to me..." She replied softly. Himeko knew that they had all once been tied together, but the Night Elves had separated themselves from the Blood Elves, which is why she had referred them as such. She hated how the Night Elves shunned her and her people and turned their backs on them when they needed help. Himeko wasn't the one to really show hate unless needed and she had a damn good reason for it. Ealinn kissed her lips passionately as she had finished her second wind of words and then replied. Himeko listened to her and smiled softly as she wrapped her arms around her waist. "I'm glad you do not see me like the rest of the Night Elves do. We come from the same blood line so all this fighting is horrible as well as shunning one another... I hope you and mistress can help me... I hate feeling so empty most of the time... But... It's good to know that war is now behind me... I needed to get away from it before I was killed." She said as she nuzzled Ealinn's neck. As she was just about to speak again the Night Elf gently put a finger over her lips and told her she'd reply to her questions later, that they both needed to fix their arousal's. Himeko nodded and then kissed her deeply as she allowed themselves to get dragged off into their own pleasures.

Himeko wouldn't stop, oh no she wanted this elf to be pleased and also to submit to her. She was getting the feel for dominating this woman who pretty much begged her to do so to her. She felt Ealinn grab her hair gently, which caused her to grin more wickedly as she sped up more. As she bit down harder she felt the hand remove itself from her hair quickly as Ealinn moaned again. Dear gods this moaning is forcing me over the edge! She thought as she felt Ealinn's leg rub against her pussy, causing her to moan loudly and speed up her fingers in the process. She was starting to lose it now, her orgasm was fast approaching as well was Ealinn's. It wasn't long before she saw Ealinn's eyes widen as she screamed loudly and her body went into convulsions. She too came when Ealinn did, her screams of pleasure weren't as loud as the other elf's but it was still loud enough. Their juices made a nice pool under them as they were both panting heavily at this point. "I... I love you too..." She managed to say as her eyes closed and she let go of Ealinn's ear and laid her head on her chest. "I need some rest now.... I haven't slept in days..." She said as she was still panting heavily and was exhausted beyond anything.
Ealinn listened to Himeko, smileing gently at her words of happyness. Makeing it clear, they did not have a victim with them, but a willing lover. Ealinn herself enjoyed being a victime quite a lot, but she didn't want to be held as one. She wanted to be dominated as such, and just this she was given oh so often by their Mistress. Ealinn tilt her head as Himeko continued, still smileing gently. As Himeko wrapped her arms around her, Ealinn smiled, strokeing a hand up Himekos back, to rest it fiddled into her hair, silently purring, as her ears lowered. "We will." As Himeko nuzzled against her neck, Ealinn shivvered softly, before being able to continue. "We will do anything in our power, to help you, my love. Your ours now. We take care of ours." She whispered the last words near Himekos ear, before kissing it, and then silenceing Himeko, for them to sate their arousal.

Everytime Himeko sped up her fingers, it made Ealinn arch her back futher, makeing her shivver more and more wildly. Himeko was getting incredebly good at this, especially when considering it was her first time trying it. Ealinns legged continued to rub against Himekos pussy, only getting more and more rough as Himeko did, to add even more pleasure to Himeko, wanting them both to release at the same time. As they did, it felt so much better, hearing Himekos scream, joining her own. She gently bit her lip, as her body shivvered, before looking down to Ealinn, as she rest her head upon her chest, after letting go of Ealinns ear. She smiled, blushing softly at the words of passion, raising a hand, to gently stroke Himekos hair. She smiled and slowly nodded. "A wonderfull.. Idea my l.." her words was interupted, as the door shot open, Sheetha stepping inside. "I am b..." Her eyes shot down on Himeko and Ealinn, as they where slightly narrowed. "What in the void has been going on here?" She asked, stepping towards the two, crossing her arms, as her eyes stung down upon them. Ealinn lowered her ears, looking up to Sheetha, with a humble expretion, shortly a hint of a grin. "W.. We where just.." Sheetha waved a hand. "Hush, pet... I didn't tell you two to, nor even allow you to! please each other." her observant eyes eyeing Ealinns ears. "And you even dominated my pet!?" She hissed, but as she did, a small grin widdened on her face, her eyes fixated on Himeko, even though she knew, this was most possibly all Ealinns doing. She shook her head, walking past the two, heading towards the bed. "You two are sleeping on the floor tonight. And a meeting of mine, will be moved.. We're going on a trip tomorrow." She said, not really talking to them, rather herself. Ealinns eyes fell upon Himeko, and a teasing devious grin spread on her lips, clearly showing she expected that all along.
Sheetha jumped to the bed with a pleasent sigh, before raising on an elbow, padding the bed as her eyes fell upon Tosho. "Tosho.. Come here boy." She said, smileing gently, humiliating the others futher, inviteing the feline creature to the bed, where they where not allowed.
Himeko was happy with her new life, hell anything was better than working for Garrosh in his war. Deathwing was everyone's problem, but not hers anymore. She had gone without food or sleep long enough hunting that damn dragon down and she was tired of it. No more would she fight for Garrosh as long as he remained warchief of the Horde. She had already had plans to write a letter to Garrosh stating she was pulling out of the Horde until someone took his place, if she would ever want to go back. She was going to resign from the Horde whether Garrosh liked it or not, then again he didn't care about her kind nor would he really care he lost another slave. Himeko wasn't completely free, however she was free from Garrosh's control so this was well worth it. "Thank you Ealinn... It..." She was cut off when Ealinn kissed her ear and then silenced as she let out a whimpered moan.

Himeko enjoyed making Ealinn arch her back in pleasure, it was a major turn on to her. She didn't know she had it in her to be able to do such things that she was doing right now, but it was like it was natural for her. The more she did, the harder she did it, and the faster she did made Ealinn rub her leg against her pussy more, to match Himeko's roughness. When they finally came it was like the heavens or whatever was smiling down on them as their screams of pleasure filled the room. When they finally finished she let go of Ealinn's ear completely and rested her head on her chest and panted heavily. As Ealinn started to speak the door flew open and her head shot up and her heart started racing when she saw their mistress. Their mistress looked at both of them and then Ealinn started to speak when she was silenced. Himeko's ears lowered when their mistress turned her gaze to her and then scolded her as well. "I... I was told that... That you'd be okay with this..." She whimpered when her mistress walked by them and told them they were to sleep on the floor. She knew her mistress would scold her too for speaking, but she had to tell the truth! Her mistress's eyes fell back to her as a grin was on her face before she jumped on the bed and then called for Tosho to join her. Himeko had never slept without Tosho and this was far too humiliating for her now. But she knew full well she wasn't allowed to argue so she rolled off of Ealinn and curled up into a ball next to the bed and closed her eyes as a small tear fell from her eye. I have to get use to this now... I'm not free... I went from being a slave to Garrosh to now being a... Pet to this succubus... It's still better than fighting... Still better than my old life... She thought as she tried to fall asleep now.
Ealinn had grinned slightly as Himeko was scolded, but also looked to her with careing eyes. Himeko needed to feel it. The humiliation. The pain of punishment. But this was nothing. When Sheetha really wanted to punish them, the punishment would be much more sever, and it would only happend when they did something, truely bad. She watched and giggled silently, asHimeko did the mistake of talking back at Sheetha, whos eyes almost ignited as she did. "Silence!" Sheetha was going to be gentle to her new pet, too harsh punishment the first night, would possibly hurt the poor thing too severe. "You dominated my pet, without permission, you don't get to explain!" She hissed as she headed for the bed. As Himeko trolled over, and curled together in a ball, Ealinn smiled gently, crawling closer. "And you!" Sheetha said, shooting her eyes down on Ealinn, which made her stop her crawl, lower her ears, and look up upon her Mistress. "You will not be wearing any clothes on our trip tomorrow... For lieing to my pet.." Ealinns ears tingled a bit. She had thought Mistress wanted her to trick Himeko to do something she was'nt suposed to. Wanted Himeko to be punished. "But.." She was cut off, as Sheethas tail whipped towards her, strickeing her breast, makeing Ealinn squirm, pressing her nails against the floor. "Nothing to discus.." Sheetha said, with a rather harsh voice, as she laied down.
Ealinn smiled a bit, licking her lips, imagining where they where going tomorrow, before her eyes moved down to Himeko. She crawled closer, lieing close behind Himeko, wrapping her arms around the girl, pressing her body against Himekos body. They where punished, but not alone. The punishment was not nearly as severe as Sheetha could be. Ealinns lips gently kissed Himekos ear. "I am sorry. My love.. Mistress wont be too harsh. We both still love you.. And you'll learn to love the humiliation. If you wish, you may still have a pillow." She whispered, as her hands gently stroked Himekos arm. "Ealinn!" Sheetha shouted, to silence Ealinn. Ealinn silenced, closeing her eyes, as her fingers kept strokeing Himeko.

After the night had gone by, Sheetha rose from the bed, streching herself as she yawned. She had'nt slept, Succubus' not needing to, but it was part of the punishment. She spent the nights, where her pets slept, by their side, or spending it to punish them. She gently stroked Tosho, before kissing his head, and then getting out of the bed. "Get up, pets.. It's time to get up.. You'll be fed in half an hour." As much as Sheetha seemed to've woken at a random time, she had'nt. Her mind had constantly been linked with Himekos, listening to the girls slep, makeing sure she'd get well rested. She wanted her to look her best, for the day ahead. Sheetha passed the two, as Ealinns ears tingled, slowly wakeing up, blinking a few times, before looking to Himeko. her expretion was humble, clearly haveing ment her appology, hopeing Himeko would'nt be too mad. She had been tricked as well, everything Sheetha had done, had pointed towards Ealinn tricking Himeko.
Himeko lowered her ears when she was told to be silent. She did just that and lowered her eyes when her mistress scolded her. Sleeping on the floor to her was a privilege seeing she hadn't slept in a real bed since she was 10. She was use to sleeping on the floor in caves or on the dirt, grass, or wherever she could find a safe place to sleep. As she curled up into a ball she could hear Ealinn starting to make her way over to her when she heard her mistress snap at Ealinn, telling her she wasn't allowed to wear any cloths on their trip tomorrow. Himeko's ears twitched when Ealinn began to protest when she heard a whipping noise. When her mistress finished speaking she felt Ealinn lay close behind her and then wrapped her arms around her as she pressed her body against hers. Himeko fought to hold herself back from snapping at the elf for getting her into trouble when she felt her kiss her ear, causing it to twitch again. She listened to her words but wouldn't reply. She didn't need a pillow, she was so use to sleeping without a bed, pillows, or blankets. She didn't need such trivial things like that, she was so use to sleeping without them. Just sleeping in a home was different for her, but she needed her rest non the less so she would overlook sleeping on the floor inside of a home. Her mistress called out to Ealinn to silence her and she fell silent yet kept stroking Himeko's arm.

Himeko feel into a deep sleep, which didn't take long once everything had calmed down. She was still pissed with Ealinn for tricking her like that, after all she had been worried to begin with and still was talked into it. Her mind then wavered to the past of her older brother who was long gone. Himeko had only one sibling, her older brother Dath'Remar, he was the only blood relative she had left. She grew up with him and her adopted troll family as well as Tosho. Spirit beasts lived eternal lives and only died when beheaded, like everything else. Her and her brother had been fighting together in the third war when everything turned for the worst for them. Her brothers best friends had betrayed them both. Himeko had been led into a trap and they captured her, using her as bait to lure her brother out. When he came to save her Arthas was there waiting. She had begged and pleaded with her brother to just leave her there and run for it, but he wouldn't. His best friends sold them out to Arthas so that they could join his army. Dath had turned his back on Arthas as he made his way over to Himeko as was stabbed in the chest with Arthas's sword, he looked at her as his lifeless body fell to the ground. Just as Arthas was about to kill her Tosho came in and saved her and they both fled. Arthas of course was pissed because he didn't get to finish off her bloodline. Later she found out her brother had been turned into a Death Knight when she had been fighting back the scourge. He almost ended up finishing her off when he was called back by some force unknown. She had lost her only living blood relative thanks to Arthas...

The dream ended there, like it did every other night. She always had that dream whenever she slept. The scar on her right shoulder was where her brother stabbed her and left her there to die. These scars could never be healed, even she knew that. She was woken up to her mistresses voice calling them to wake up and that they'd be fed in half an hour. Yawning she stretched out and felt her bones crack as she did so. Not being use to sleeping on a floor inside a house was something she wasn't use to, let alone her body. Himeko saw her mistress pass them and kept her mouth shut. As she sat up her eyes met Ealinn's, seeing the expression on her face, she shook her head and slowly got up to stretch properly, getting all the kinks out of her back and neck before making her way to the door. She was still pissed and wouldn't speak to Ealinn unless she had to. She was going to stay silent unless told otherwise, but she didn't want to risk losing her temper with Ealinn for what happened last night. Granted she did get a decent nights sleep, but it wasn't the best given she wasn't sleeping outside and all. She was hungry though and so she slowly made her way out of the bedroom to meet up with their mistress.
Ealinns eyes followed Himeko on her way up. She whimpered softly at the clear anger heating from Himeko, lowering her eyes as her ears tingled. This was a horrible start on their relationship, knowing they had to have one. Had to live with each other. And afterall, himeko was angry at Ealinn, for something Sheetha had planned. Voices always whispered in Ealinns head, when ever Sheetha wanted her to do something. And Ealinn always obeyed, even if it would hurt herself, or others. ealinn slowly sat up, sighing softly as her ears tingled a bit, still as low as they could get. She stroked her hands against each other, as she streched her back a bit, before slowly raising, and walking out of the bedroom as well, her eyes tilted to the ground.

In the dineing hall, Sheetha sat upon a comfortable chair with red stileish cushins, as her tail waved happily behind her, clearly mightily amused by herself. her claws tapped against the edge of each of the chairs arm rests, as her eyes followed Himeko as she entered the room. She held an hand towards the more simple chair, on the other side of the table. "Sit." She said, with a hint of ordering in her voice. Her hand returned to the armrest, as she crossed her legs. Her bare foot spun in circkles, as the dark eyes stared at himeko, a soft grin still on her lips. Himekos frustration with Ealinns actions, was clear as day. She would'nt even have to be inside her head to know so.
Shortly after Himeko, Ealinn arrived in the room. She stopped by the door, her eyes still towards the floor, before moveing up to her Mistress. Her palms was pressed together in front of herself, her ears still shamefully lowered. Sheethas eyes moved up to her, and she tilted her head slightly, narrowing them with a questioning expretion. Ealinn had only ever been like this, three or four times. Times, when she had severely disapointed her Mistress. Ashamed and sorrowfull. Sheetha rose her other hand, hinting Ealinn over, before pointing to the chair, next to Himekos. Ealinn bowed her head, before walking towards the chair, and as she reached it, sitting down, with her eyes still towards the ground. They shortly moved a bit towards Himeko, before returning to the ground again. This was the only kind of punishment, that really tortured her, and it was display from her, as was it a golden vase in a glass container. Sheethas eyes narrowed a bit again, before tilting her head. "What is wrong, my pet?" She asked, smileing deviously. Ealinns eyes moved a bit up, to look upon their Mistress, as she silently gulped. "M.. Mistress.. You.. Told me to.. To please my l.. Himeko.. Last night. Did you not?" She asked, with a humble voice, her eyes asking Sheetha, with a sorrowfull expretion. She was almost certain Sheetha did. But she could'nt be sure. It might just've been her own lust, takeing over once again. Would not've been the first time. Sheethas lips slowly grinned, as her food was served, in the form of a plate, with enough food for several people. Sheethas tail picked up the fork next to the plate, stabing at a piece of the large pork, leading it to her lips. "I surely didn't..." She answered, leading the meat past her lips, to pull it from the fork. Himeko and Ealinn, was brought nothing to eat yet, as Sheetha slowly ate the piece she had taken, her lips slowly grining again. She moved her hands to her knees, resting them on the top knee, as her eyes drifted back and forth between her pets. She then pointed with a finger, again from one to another. "You two need to make up.." She said, resting the finger calmly again, as another piece of the roasted svine, was lead to her lips. She slowly finished the second piece, before her eyes drifted to Himeko. "You.. You wil get to punish your lover, in which ever way you should please. But make it be severe enough, for you to forgive her.." She said, with a stern voice, her eyes haveing a serious glance to them. Ealinn lowered her head a bit more, her eyes drifting back towards the floor, as her palms stroked against each other again. If she could only explain, how punishing this already was, in words. But she could'nt.
Himeko wouldn't even look at Ealinn as she got up and left the bedroom. As she left to the room she sighed to herself and made her way to the dining room. "Just why did I have to get into trouble when I was told it was okay? Why would she lie to me like this? Does she see me as a threat that I'll replace her or something? What did I ever do wrong here? Is this supposed to be some joke or whatever? God damn I cannot stand this shit... Betrayal... That's all I'm ever going to suffer with it seems..." She said to herself, seeing as she was out of earshot of anyone. Getting herself together she walked into the dining room to see her mistress sitting in what looked like a very comfortable chair. She saw her mistress point towards a more simple chair and told her to sit. She walked over to the chair and took a seat. Himeko wasn't good at hiding her emotions and knew her mistress could see it written all over her face. She was hurt and felt betrayed by the fact that Ealinn lied to her about their mistress being okay with what they did last night.

Her ears twitched when she heard Ealinn get close and then her footsteps came to a stop. She wouldn't turn to look at her but she saw her mistress point to the chair next to her and then heard Ealinn walk over and then take her seat next to Himeko. Himeko was stubborn and always had been, but she had her reasons. She had a hard time trusting anyone and Ealinn was pushing her away with her actions. Her mind was clear today and didn't have anything clouding her mind like yesterday. When their mistress asked what was wrong to Ealinn she listened to the elf and then let her eyes go back up to her mistress when she replied. Himeko watched her mistress eat, but knew she wasn't allowed to eat just yet. She watched her mistress finish the bite before letting her eyes drift from Himeko to Ealinn before pointing to each of them and speaking. Their mistress took another bite and then finished the piece as she spoke again, telling Himeko that she was allowed to punish Ealinn, however she had to make it severe enough for her to forgive the Night Elf. Himeko sighed and glanced over at Ealinn as she tried to find a way to punish the woman for her betrayal last night. She remembered Ealinn told her she had been trough everything before so it was making it hard for her to figure something out. Just how am I going to punish her when she's been through it all? What does she not like more than another as a form of punishment? She thought as she then came to a way of punishing her. To Himeko it wasn't a punishment, but maybe to Ealinn it would. "Very well then mistress." She replied before turning her gaze back to Ealinn. "Seeing as you've been through it all, or so you said... Makes it hard for me to find a punishment suitable for you... However..." She paused as she glared at Ealinn before finishing. "However I think this might be fair enough. We had to sleep on the floor, that didn't bother me much except for the fact I'm use to sleeping on forest grounds, cave floors, ect... With no bedding, no blankets, and no pillows. Tonight I want you to sleep outside like I'm use to. No cloths, no bedding, no pillows, and no blankets. After what happened last night I'm hurt and feel betrayed more than anything. It takes a lot for me to simply just trust someone and for you to betray me like that is not a good way to get on my good side. I want a full explanation as to why you said it was okay for us to do such things when clearly we didn't have permission, and lastly, I want a full apology. I will forgive you but I don't want to be betrayed again like this, okay?" She said as she finally finished. She spoke very calmly given her mood and she did very well to keep her temper under control. In her mind she figured it was the best way to get even with Ealinn and hoped their mistress was okay with Ealinn's punishment.
Himekos loss of reaction to Ealinns arrival, didn't suprise her, nor Sheetha, but it whipped her back, worse then a barbed whip ever could. It stinged and seared, worse then any braiding ever could, and it made Ealinns body squirm and tick, her ears tingle and lower futher, her earings resting in her hair, and ears almost hidden away in it. Ealinns eyes turned towards Himek, as she seemed to consider the punishment. Her eyes looked begging, but she didn't want mercy. She wanted reaction. Any sort of reaction. Hatred, or compassion, it didn't matter. What ever punishment she might chose. Sheethas eyes narrowed slightly, as she observed Ealinn closely. She knew, Ealinns punishment, would never be anything Himeko chose. But it would be what Sheetha had done. Forceing her to betray another, only to make this other, extreemely angered with her. In a way, that suprised Sheetha. She had not expected this to be so severe, but it seemed she had found Himekos boundry. Betrayal. It was clear to Sheethas eyes, when they drove to Himeko, that she was hurt beyond what she should've been. Sheetha, did not enjoy this. Punishment containing pain and pleasure, was the kind of punishment she wanted. Not punishment that stung their hearts. Their hearts was Sheethas, not owning one herself. Sheetha frowned slightlying, thinking about her actions, and driveing her eyes between the two.
As Himeko picked her poison, her punishment, Sheethas eyes turned to Ealinn, who still looked to Himeko. Ealinn whimpered, and turned her eyes downwards as she slowly nodded. Her mind was already being whipped by Himekos words and feelings, tears slowly welling up in her eyes. Sheetha narrowed hers, looking from one to another.

"This, is not right.. I have changed my mind." Sheetha finally said, her ears raising a bit again, still being in her Night Elven form. Her fingers taped against her knee in a wave, before she continued. "Ealinn will not take her punishment, and will not sleep outside." She said, with a stern voice. Ealinn narrowed her eyes in suprise, before she looked up to Mistress with begging eyes. No. She had to allow it. If there was even the slightest chance Himeko would forgive her that way, she'd take it. "I will." Sheetha then continued. Ealinns brows rose a bit, as she rose her head slightly, one ear tingleing a bit upwards with curiosity. Sheetha seemed serious, as her eyes drifted away. "I now realise what i've done, and I can not live with that. I told Ealinn to do this, so that I would have a reason to punish you both. Knowing your far too good a girl, to make any mistakes otherwise, pet." She said, with her eyes focused on Himeko, with a serious expretion, clearly her words serious and content. "But I now realise, how much this idea, had hurt you both. You, clearly hurt by the betrayal of my pet, and you, tortured by her anger and sorrow." She said, first pointing to Himeko, and then Ealinn. "You two, will both sleep in bed tonight, and I shall sleep outside, takeing the punishment, rightfull to me." She finished, leaning a bit back. The punishment was not really punishment, but going on, even but a day, with the thought of the two heartbroken, or at least Ealinn, was torture beyond what Sheetha wanted.

Ealinns eyes shook a bit, as the tears vanished, not haveing to leave her eyes, as she parted her lips. "B.. But Mis..." Sheetha pointed at Ealinn. "Silence. Eat." She said, as her tail pushed the plate with the roasted svine opon, towards her two pets, useing her tail. She did so before raising. "Take what ever time you need, girls. And try to forgive each other.. You Mistress begs." She said, without looking back at the two, as she walked towards the kitchen. Her tail was'nt tall and waveing as usual, but secluded towards the ground, in an uncomfortable display.
Ealinns eyes drifted towards the ground again, strokeing her palms together. It didn't change anything, that Sheetha had told her to do it, she was still the one who did it, even though their Mistress was everything, meaning she had no other choise. Her hands slowly reached for the svine, without raising her eyes, the sorrow and pain still clear in her frowning expretion, as she pulled some pieces of the svine, to bring it to her plate. She slowly started picking pieces from it, without moveing her eyes from it. Without looking up to Himeko. She was still ashamed, and hurt beyond comfortability.
Himeko looked from Ealinn and then to their mistress as she waited for a response from someone. Her mistresses eyes turned to her as she seemed to be lost in thought, Himeko thinking she might had overdone it a bit with her choice of punishment. Ealinn however was giving her a begging look yet as if she hadn't wanted any mercy. Himeko couldn't help with how she felt, after being betrayed so many times it had became engraved into her to close herself off once betrayal was in play with anything. Himeko, who had always been too weak tried everything she could to become very powerful, but even now it was useless. She was still as weak as ever and was only hoping that somebody, anyone would help her heal these wounds. She wanted to run away and curl into a ball and just cry her eyes out, but she knew in this case it wouldn't be allowed, well at least not the running away part. Her ears twitched when Ealinn whimpered when Himeko had picked her punishment and her eyes wondered back over to her to see tears swelling up in her eyes slowly.

Her ears twitched again when she heard her mistresses words and thought that she had taken it too far. Her eyes turned back to her mistress as she stated Ealinn wouldn't be taking her punishment and then Himeko's ears lowered. Himeko was about to say something when her mistress said she'd take the punishment which shocked the hell out of her. Himeko herself was curious as to why her mistress said that and then her mistress explained that she had told Ealinn to do that and that she was in the wrong. Himeko's eyes lowered back down to the table feeling so confused now as her mistress explained everything to the both of them. Her eyes looked back up to see her mistress point to her and then to Ealinn as she told them they'd be sleeping in the bed tonight and that she would be sleeping outside and take the punishment that was rightful to her. Himeko's eyes were back on Ealinn as she tried to protest and was silenced and told to eat. Himeko didn't know what to say or do at this point. She, in many ways hadn't wanted her mistress to take the fall for this, but now understood somewhat as to what was going on. She watched her mistress start to rise after pushing the meat towards them and told them to take their time and make up.

"Yes mistress..." Himeko replied weakly as she watched their mistress walk towards the kitchen. Himeko's head was lowered as well as her ears as she tried to think of something to say to Ealinn. She could smell the meat now it was closer to her and her mouth was starting to water. Having not eaten in days hunger was starting to take over now. Shaking her head she turned her eyes back to Ealinn and sighed. "Look... I'm sorry Ealinn... It's just hard... Hard for me to trust people after what has happened to me in the past.... Always being betrayed by those who were your best friends or your brothers best friends.... It's taken its toll on me... I've had to grow to not trust people and always be paranoid of what will happen to me if I let my guard down... My own brother betrayed me when he became a Death Knight to Arthas... I'm sorry for being cruel and vicious towards you... I really am... But I cannot help it... I close myself off when betrayal is at hand..." She paused as a few tears fell from her eyes. "I guess brother was right... I'll always be weak in the end..." She finished as she slowly stood up and walked over to the wall, trying her best to hide her tears. She didn't like people seeing her cry and this was no different. "I just... Cannot help it..." She said as she fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around her body and began crying. She hated feeling like this and hated how she treated others when forced into her own little shell. She didn't want to hurt Ealinn or their mistress, but it was too late for that now, she had hurt them both in the process.
The shock about Sheethas reaction, didn't suprise their Mistress. She had kept both of them in the dark, for her own amusement. But this kind of pain, was never the intended. And she swore to mend this. Their punishment werent going to be revoked, since it was also going to end up being training. Not for Ealinn, she had been through it before, but for Himeko. Her pride had to be broken down, and so was her boundries. Her shyness. She had to be only herself, and only for Sheetha. No one should be able to impenetrate the pride Sheetha would be building up. A pride, telling her she had nothing to be shy, nor nervous about. Her body was both beautifull and adorable, and she had to realise, this was never a thing to be hidden. That Himeko agreed to her order, soothed Sheetha. There was still a chance for them to find care for each other again, and knowing Ealinn, that would happen. A more motherly woman, Sheetha could'nt have wished for.

As Sheetha was gone, and Himeko seemed reluctant to eat, Ealinng rose her eyes towards her. Ealinns ears was still lowered, as Himeko started speaking, but as Himeko continued, her ears slowly rose, listening intently. Her story stabbed at Ealinns heart, realiseing what she had done. This was never her intent, unknowing to these horrible past memories. And had Sheetha known, she would've never ordered such a thing either. Then she would merely have punished them, without calling it a punishment. Never would she hurt her pets this way, and Ealinn knew. Ealinn knew Sheetha would cry by now, the main reason for her absence.
As Himeko reached a conclution, Ealinns ears lowered again, and she whimpered silently, turning around in her chair, to look towards Himeko, halting her eating as well. As Himeko rose, Ealinn was about to speak, but decieded to wait, as her eyes followed the young Blood Elf. Ealinns ears tingled at Himekos last words, before she rose from her chair as well, walking towards Himeko. "Don't say that.." She said, with a silent voice only barely possible for Himeko to hear. As she reached the young Elf, she sat down on her knees behind her. She reached out her arms, but stopped them hessitantly, before letting them rest on her lap, looking sorrowfull at Himeko. "You'll never be weak, for showing emotions. Had we known this, we would've never played you like this. We would never, wish to hurt you this way." She spoke, still with a rather silent voice her ears now lowered again. She shrugged off her hessitancy, and crawled closer to Himeko, only to press her body against the young girls back, wrapping her arms around her, if she liked it or not. "I'm so sorry.. Himeko.. You have nothing to feel sorry about. We hurt you in a way, we should've never.. Please.. Don't cry.." She whimpered, as her cheek stroked against Himekos neck, as her fingertips stroked Himekos arm. "Please.. Forgive us. We never meen to hurt you, when we play tricks.. We really don't. We're just playfull.." She whispered, as her lips gently kissed Himekos neck, as her eyes closed, a tear dropping from her eye.
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