The Huntress's Last Day of Freedom [Himeko x ForeverMischievous]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
The forest was quiet and long as the huntress wondered around aimlessly for days, her pet staying close by at all times. Himeko was tired of this maze, tired of seeing the same damn thing. She looked down at her pet Tosho and sighed. "I think we should stop here for now and get something to eat and maybe find a place to rest." She said softly as she laid her hand on his head and he nudged it in agreement. She saw a cave nearby and decided to stay there. She checked it out and noticed it was empty, which was good. Sitting her belongings down she took her bow with her and called for her pet to follow. She had to scope the area out first before actually sitting down to relax. She had the cave marked to where she'd be able to get back after she was done, but she still didn't wish to wonder too far away from it.

She had covered most of the area when suddenly her pet started going nuts. "What is it Tosho?" She asked softly as she saw in the direction he was looking at. Just then he started running in that direction with his mistress following behind him. "Wait up Tosho!" She called out as she continued to follow him. Tosho finally came to a stop and was nudging a... Night Elf? "What is it boy?" She asked as she came in clear view of the Night Elf woman. Now being a Blood Elf and a proud member of the Horde, this Night Elf was her sworn enemy. However the woman didn't look to well. "Ummm... Are you alright?" She asked as she neared the woman, hoping to maybe help her out if she had to.
A Blood Elf, in these forests? And a beautifull one at that? Sheetha had been suprised. So suprised, that she got intreagued. She often did, with little reason. But this time, there was plenty of reasons. She had been looking for a new subject, for a long time. Her 'Mistress' was a beautifull Night Elf, but Sheetha could never settle, with what she had. After following the Blood Elf for a while, she watched her enter her cave. She narrowd her eyes, tilting her head slightly, as a grin slowly spread on her lips. She turned around on her heals, looking over her shoulder, raising her wings to look past them, as her body started transforming, form the High Elven form, slowly getting a beautifull purple skin, blue lips, her ears changeing form the tall pointed, to lower and more heavy, yet still beautifull ears. Her eyes, with a falsh, turned from bright purple, to dark blue. The left large wing, started twisting and turning, before growing into an entity of itself, as it started twirling down Sheethas arm, like a snake. The 'former wing' formed a snakelike face, that silently hissed, as its tounge dangled from its lips. Sheetha rose her hand, with palms up, holding the snakes head, as she made a shushing sound with her lips. The snake turned silent, before it started pulling back, both wings, pulling back into their sockets, hidden from others sight. Just as it did, open wounds started turning up around her body, thick blood, pouring from them. A slash, over her stomach, and a brutal cut on her right arm, where mimiced on her body, but she made no expretion of pain. Only a wide grin, slowly spreading over her lips. A scent started imiting from her, fakeing the scent of both blood, and the alureing scent of a Night Elf.
She stopped, in a small clearing, just as she heard the Blood Elf talk, and the cat approach. Her body then dropped to the floor, as if gravely wounded, and the dark bra and Thong disapeared, replaced with ripped purple clothes, ressembleing a Night Elf huntress' atire. And then she went silent, closeing her eyes.

As Tosho nudged the gravely wounded Night Elf, her eyes slowly opened. The dark blue, paleing eyes slowly looked up towards the feline, blinking in dizziness, before a soft whimper escaped her lips, a hand pressed against the horrible wound on her stomach. But the whimper, was nothing like the fear, shot in her eyes, as they where put upon the woman speaking. A Blood Elf? Another enemy, of her faction. The Night Elf whimpered, trying to crawl backwards, but only able to use one arm. She slowly shook her head, the dark green hair, soaked with blood and sweat, sticking to her shoulder, and over her face.

"N.. No.. No P.. Please.. D.. Don't.." The fear in her face, was replaced with one of pain, as the wound on her shoulder shot a sting of pain through her body. The fear in the Night Elf's eyes, made it clear, that she didn't even hear the other Elf's words. Frightened, beyond anything.
Of course. All a facade.
Himeko noticed the wounds on the Night Elf and looked around, there was nothing there that she could see. Then again the Night Elf's attacker could have been long gone by now. "Look... I know we are mortal enemies, but I cannot just leave you to die like this." She said as she got closer to the Night Elf. Something just wasn't right here, but she just couldn't place it. Tosho would have sensed if something was wrong so everything should be just fine. "I have some bandages and a medical kit in the cave over there. Let me at least heal you. I promise not to cause anymore harm to you than has already been done." Himeko hated seeing her enemies in this sort of shape when just coming across them like this. Sighing to herself she grabbed the womans arm and lifted her up, trying to be as gentle as she could be. "I'm really sorry if this hurts, but please, just come back with me to the cave so that I can tend to your wounds. And after you've healed then we can talk about who attacked you and Tosho and I will hunt them down, okay?" She said as she tried to be as calm and friendly as she could.
The Night Elf's eyes, stared up upon Himeko, with fright still screaming brightly. She seemed spooked beyond belief, as if she had seen something far worse then death. For an aliance, Sheetha imagined being captured by the Horde, would be just this. So she played her facade perfectly. But she didn't want Himeko to give up on her either. The Night Elf gulped, whimpering softly, as Himeko got closer, a tear slowly traversing down her cheek, as she shook her head a few times. But as she stopped, the Night Elf looked upon Himeko, with humble and begging eyes. She didn't move away, as Himeko reached for her, and helped Himeko getting her up, whimpering as she got up, the wound on her shoulder pinching at her again, as the arm dropped down by her side, as if paralized. The Night Elfs humble eyes, still flared with fear, as she slowly nodded, accepting her enemies help. Himeko was a nice woman. Just the kind, Sheetha adored. She just might want to keep her, when the fun was over. The nice girls, always made the best pets. Sheethas thoughts, made her mind grin, but the Night Elfs lips, still pale and winched in pain, from both bloodloss and the painfull wounds. The Night Elf would follow, where ever Himeko would take her, but barely able to walk, needing Himeko's help from time to time.
She was happy that the Night Elf accepted her help at last. "Thankfully it's not that far..." She said as she kept the woman on her shoulder and did her best to try and to not hurt her worse. It took them some time to finally reach the cave, but she was glad when they did. Laying the Night Elf down gently against the wall she looked over the wounds and grimaced. "Whatever attacked you will pay for this..." She said softly as she looked over at Tosho and called for him. "Go grab my bag please boy." She said as he nodded and rushed over to her small bag and brought it to her. Petting the cat gently on the head as she thanked him before taking the bag from his mouth. The bag was very small, but it was an enchanted bag. It had no end to it and she was able to fit everything she needed in it. Taking some medicine out along with bandages she looked over at the Night Elf.

"This might sting a little, but trust me it will help you feel better and your wounds will be able to fully heal." She said as she took some of the liquid medicine out and poured it onto a rag and gently dabbed the wound with it. She could see the woman cringe in pain, but the wound had to be cleaned out before she could bandage it.
The Night Elf shivvered in pain, her eyes turning shady, as she bit her teeth together, giving a silent cry. But she held herself, as if she wanted to play brave, before her enemy. This would be so humiliating, had it not been a mere game. A game, of hide and seak. A game, Sheetha was already winning. And how good it felt, could only be explained by other hunters, stalking their pray.
As the Elf sat down, she winched in pain, hulking once more, as her eyes pinched together tightly and another tear was forced out. Her eyes opened again, as Himeko called for her pet. The pet. Sheetha hoped dearly, a mere seduceing spell, would do the trick. She never enjoyed hurting animals, and confineing one in a prison of flames, would deffinatly scar the poor cat, no matter how strong it might be. Sheetha was just as good as any Succubus, at seduceing her victimes, with petty spells. She merely found it too easy, and ruined the sport of the game.
The Night Elf gulped, at Himeko's gentle words, as she brought out her medicine. Uhh it would sting? Sheetha made sure, her wound was as real as it got, craveing that sting now. As much as she loved dominateing her partners, she still loved being at the other end of the stick. The pain, induced pleasure for her. And the medicine, did just that. That, too perfectly. The stinging of the medicine, made her winch in pain, whimpering, but only shortly. The whimper, then turned to a moan. A moan, far from uncomfortable. He disguise not strong enough, to hide her joy. The Elfs lips, slowly spread into a grin, as the pinched eyes opened, stareing up from her prone placement, as her hand rose for Himekos, and the soft fingers wrapped around her wrist, slowly strokeing up her arm. "That felt.. Quite refreshing.." She whispered, the dark blue eyes, slowly turning brighter, as a silent chuckle, followed the soft grin. The wound on the Elf shoulder, closed in very little time, yet the scar on the stomach remained. Sheetha didn't give Himeko time to think too much about the rapid healing, before she giggled, and attempted to push Himeko around, so they'd switch places. Himeko then on the ground, Sheetha stradleing her, as her hands was placed on the cave floor, on each side of Himekos head.
If Sheetha had been successfull, the bright blue eyes, now stared down at Himekos, acompanied by a wide smile. "Greetings beautifull.. I don't believe, we have been properly introduced.." She said, with a soft and gentle voice, before a ripping sound sprung from her back, as her wings revialed themselves, ripping through her clothes, streching widely. The soft lips, now slowly broadened, to a wide smile, showing off her white teeth, small fangs revealing themselves. All of these features, far from costum to a simple Night Elf.
As she had finished cleaning the wound she noticed something... Odd as she was about to bandage the woman up. She was... Moaning? But why? She didn't really have much time to think as everything had started going so fast on her. The Night Elf had grabbed her wrist and was grinning at her. The wounds were healing faster than normal and she was then pushed onto her back, the woman on top of her pinning her down. "What the hell?!" She snapped as she saw the Night Elf starting to change into something completely different. When she heard the ripping sound after she heard the woman's voice and saw the wings, and everything started clicking in her head. "You're a succubus!" She yelled out as she tried to break free. She should have listened to her gut when it told her something wasn't right. "Let me go this instant!" She snarled as she tried to move her legs to knee her attacker. "Tosho! Get her off of me!" She called out as she looked around for her pet. "Tosho?!" Her pet was slowly making his way to her, but something didn't seem right with him. "Tosho help me!" She cried out as she saw her pet looking down at her, as if he couldn't help her.
Sheethas grin, only widdened as Himeko started struggleing. Her starteled realisation, at what was going on, and what Sheetha was, was like music to her ears. As she spit the realisation, and shock of what Sheetha was, She only widdened her grin, and giggled softly, as she kept her place, Himekos struggleing seeming hopeless, as the Succubus didn't move an inch. As if she weight so much more then she acctually should. She didn't weight a lot, but for her fragile and beautifull frame, she was as strong as any Orc. The perfect Succubus.

"Indeed, my beautifull little huntress.." Sheetha said, in a seductive, alureing tone as she broadened her smile. She didn't even bother to pin down Himekos hands, wanting her to struggle. Wanting her to fight back. It would only make it so much better for Sheetha. Yet she made sure, to stay pinned down enough, for Himeko not to be able, to use her legs. Sheetha was strong, but not imoveable. Sheethas blue eyes, slowly moved towards Tosho, as her spell seemed to have its effect on him. It was'nt easy, keeping him at bay. He was a loyal pet, deffinatly urgeing to help his Mistress. Sheethas eyes turned down over Himeko, as she smiled, shakeing her head, as she silently shushed her victim. "There, there.. Don't shout at the poor boy.. He has no choise.. But he is a good boy.. He really does want to help.." She said, smileing, as one of her wings, pulled together, turning into a snake like vine, that twirled towards Tosho. The vine gently stroked against Toshos neck, and then behind his ear, gently petting him, if he would'nt ressist. Sheethas eyes looked down Himeko, ending at her bosom, grining, as the eyes went back to Himekos. "Your race proceeds to suprise me, with its beauty." She said, gently putting a hand on Himekos cheek, awaiting the struggleing. Wanting the struggle..
Tosho couldn't save her and was being toyed with by this foul demon. She wasn't the type to just submit to anyone, she was a proud Blood Elf and would fight as long as she could. "Get the hell off of me and let my pet go!" She snarled as she tried to wiggle herself free but finding that to be a very hard thing to do given her situation. Her mind wasn't an easy thing to break, but her pet was all she had left. She noticed the demon wasn't hurting him, just keeping him from being able to save his mistress. "Just what do you mean by that?" She asked as she glared at the succubus and then suddenly felt the demon's hand on her cheek. She turned her head to bite that hand and to her demise it was removed from her reach.

She had never dealt with a succubus like this before. Some of the other Blood Elves had chosen the Warlock's path, but not many of them used a succubus because of how hard they were to control. But this one, from what she could tell was a rogue succubus. Which in many ways made it worse. Glancing over to her bag which was close to her she tried to reach it, but couldn't. It was just a little bit out of her reach and she tried to find another way to escape. She wiggled more and squirmed as she continued to think of a way to get out.
Sheetha giggled softly, and smiled widely, as she wiggled slightly at her spot above Himeko, being in charge as always. She loved the world, outside of the void. Where she had been locked away, for so long. In there, she was the small one. Until one wonderfull day, where a silly little Night Elf, delved too deeply into arts she didn't entirely understand. And here she was. Sheetha shook her head, and stroked Toshos cheek, before the vine wing, split in two. "Noo, I don't think so.. And don't worry about him, he is perfectly fine. But.. Do keep worrying about yourself.." She encuraged. "What I mean? Oh but.." She was interrupted, as Himeko bit after her hand, pulling it back. She pouted, as she wiggled a finger, just out of Himekos reach. "Uhh.. Feisty one, are'nt you? You like biteing? How about being bit?" She asked, grining, as she grabbed Himekos hair, keeping Himeko from moveing her head. Just as she did, her other wing turned into a vine as well, splitting in two as well, one from it, and one from the other, shooting at each of Himekos wrists, attempting to wrap around them, and keep her hands away. Sheetha then moved down over Himeko with great speed, hissing as her teeth stopped just above Himekos throat. She wanted to bite. So badly. But feeding from Himeko, was'nt her main attraction. So the teeth stopped, not biteing, simply attempting to induce fear. She then moved her mouth down from Himekos neck, to above her shoulder. She then finaly bit Himeko, her fangs biteing through the fabric of her wearing, only just pricking at her skin, not makeing greater wounds, then tiny punctures, but the sensation of the bite, was not reduced, as she bit rather hard.
Sheetha pulled back, still grining widely, as she put her free hand on Himekos cheek again, still holding her head in place, by her hair. "Now.. What I meant by it? Ohh, but is'nt it obvious?" She asked, as her fingers, gently stroked against HImekos skin, there mere touch, working as a weak aphrodisiac. Her fingers then stroked down Himekos cheek, as her nails turned into claws, gently strokeing over the soft skin, without cutting it. Until it reached the neck of Himekos attire. The claws then, with one swift rip, tore Himekos clothes appart, revealing her bare stomach, and bra, if she wore any, as Sheetha grinned, putting one claw on her lower lip. "Oops..." She whispered, tapping three claws against her lower lip, as a dance, as she silently giggled.
Himeko glared at her and then winced in pain as her hair was grabbed. Her wrists were being held down now by the vines that had morphed from the demons wings. Her heart started racing as she watched the succubus lower her head with such speed, down to her throat. "No! Stop it!" She screamed as she tried to move her body but couldn't. She saw the succubus move her head over to her shoulder and then felt a small prick. She felt the fangs start to go in slowly and then she felt the succubus bite her rather hard. Yelping in pain from the bite as she then felt the demon pull back, still grinning at her.

Her body was slowly starting to get hot, maybe from the heat the demon was producing or possibly from the bite. She couldn't tell. She felt the demons fingers stroke her cheek again, then she felt the nails start to become sharper as it gently stroked her skin. The nails, that was now claws, had reached the tip of her cloths and then with such speed her cloths were ripped apart, exposing her stomach and breasts which were safely hidden by the bra she wore. "You sick pervert! Get off of me! Leave me alone!" She cried out as she tried to break free, however her body was growing hotter and hotter with each passing second. It was starting to become very uncomfortable for her now. She could also feel her groin was starting to get a slight tingle to it, but she tried to not pay attention to it as she tried to turn her head so that she wasn't even facing the succubus now.
Sheetha watched her reaction joyously, loveing the way her treatment, seemed to frighten the beautifull Blood Elf. Yet still, something else was happening. Her body heat rose. Only feeling uncomfortable, getting that kind of reaction, to being pinned down by a demon. Had it been a man, or anything not pinning her down, she might not've seemed so uncomfortable. But this would change. Sheetha was going to make her love her position. Love being treated as a slave. Her screaming attempt, to make Sheetha stopped, only made Sheetha giggle, as her teeth bit down. Likeing it, or not, her body was haveing a reaction to this, as if she loved it. And she possibly did. It was just behind that shell of pride. A shell, Sheetha would tear down, like a beast, blocking the way to something beautifull. Just like her bra. Sheetha grinned at her thoughts, as she rose a brow, at her complaint, and attempt to spit at her with words. "Pervert?" She giggled cheerfully, as she shook her head. "I am a Succubus.. What did you expect, silly girl?" She said gently tapping Himekos cheek. She then stroked a finger down Himekos neck, and to her bra, gently pushing her claw between her warm skin, and the bras string. Himekos attempts to look away, made Sheethas grip tighten upon her hair, pulling it slightly, as it was fiddled into her fist. "Look at me..." She hissed, with a dominant voice, as her bright blue eyes, stared down upon Himeko. "I won't disapear, from simply looking away.. Look at me!" She hissed loudly, as she pulled Himekos hair, in a punishing way, her eyes flareing with anger. The angered eyes stared down upon Himeko, as their eyes hopefully met again, and slowly turned into smileing eyes, accompanied with the same cheerfull smile. her claw then ripped upwards, cutting the bra, thereby exposeing her breasts. Sheethas eyes then dropped over Himekos breasts, as she licked her lips.
Such a beautifull pair.. Hidden behind such a foolish attire, tsk tsk." She shook her head slightl, looking back towards Himekos eyes again. Her hand then flattened out its palm, on Himekos chest and stroked over her right breast, caressing it gently. "How does it feel? Knowing, you've got no control of this situation.. At all." She whispered, as the blue eyes smiled down upon her, and her hand started squeezeing Himekos breast, tighter and tighter, ending in a painfull grip, causing her nails to press down on Himekos skin, testing it but not cutting or stabing. One of the vines behind Sheethas back, started stroked down her side, and then down from her leg, reaching Himekos. It stroked down Himekos thigh, before slideing upwards upon her inner thigh, moveing between her legs, as Sheethas expretion looked searching, licking her lips again. Her grip of Himekos breast, finally losened, leaving with a gentle stroke of her fingertips, two fingers catching Himekos nipple, starting to play around with it teasingly.
The vine had made its way between her legs, entirely ignoreing any movements Himeko made, staying slicklæy against her leg, how ever she moved it, not even halting if squeezed, if she'd press her legs together. The tip of the vine, then pressed against her pelvic, through the fabric of Himekos pants. "How much control.. Does your foolish pride, have over your body?" She asked, as she smiled widely in a wicked grin, as the vine stroked down over Himekos croch, pricking gently against it, through the fabric of her pants, and just as it did Sheethas fingers pinched Himekos nipple hard, and giggled wickedly.
Himeko didn't like this whatsoever, however she couldn't do anything to stop it. Her hair was grabbed tighter as the succubus showed her how angry that made her, for Himeko to try and look away. She looked into the demons eyes and saw she was furious. "Just let me go then!" She snapped as she then felt her bra being ripped next. "Please... Stop it!" Her body was growing hotter now as she felt the demons eyes move down to her breasts. "N-No!" She yelled as she felt the succubus grab her breasts and began caressing them gently. "Please... S... Stop..." She said as she was starting to pant. The demon had started squeezing her breasts tighter and tighter, causing her to give out a small yelp. She could feel something starting to make its way up her leg, sensing what it was after she began to squirm more. It was working it's way up inbetween her thighs now, getting closer and closer to her pussy which had never been touched before. "No! Not there!" She screamed as she tried to close her legs tightly together, but still feeling it get closer and closer to her entrance. She felt it stroke her crotch and caused her back to arch slightly as she felt her nipple get pinched hard. "Please, don't do this to me! I don't want to lose my virginity to a demon like you!" She screamed, even though she knew full well that the demon didn't care.
Sheethas furious gaze, had slowly lightened up, the more pain Himeko was in. Not neccesarily physical pain, it was so superficial. But phsycoligical pain and suffering, lured her mind even more. This young beautifull Blood Elf, had such an easy life. War, death and dismay to her people and losses, was nothing compared to the horrors of Sheethas world. But this. This kind of treatment, was exactly like her world. Degradation and humiliation. To slowly be broken down, from ones beautifull frame, to be turned into something much less.. Dust on the ground, if you where lucky.
"But I don't want to stop, beautifull.. And soon, you won't want me to either..." She whispered, with a wicked grin, as she leaned down closer, her lips close to Himekos, as her eyes kept stareing at hers. Her hand had started caressing Himekos breast again, the one holding her hair, starting to gently stroke it, as she lowered her head, her tounge passing her lips, as if it had a life of its own, like the vines on her back. The tounge moved its way down to Himekos breast, licking her nipple, as Sheetha stroked a little down Himekos body, to be closer to her breasts. The ruined clothes upon the Night Elven body, vanished, turning into ash, disapearing with the wind. And then, as if it was branded upon her, her black bra and thong apeared once again. A tail grew from her, waveing cheerfully behind her, like she was a happy animal, playing with her toy. Which she, in many ways, was. She pulled her tounge back, and giggled wickedly. "Yees, keep pleading me to stop.. It'll only last so long.. Before you'll be pleading for more..." She whispered, grining widely as she leaned down, and kissed her breast loveingly, hissing as she parted her teeth, and was about to bite her, but stopped, as Himeko pleaded her, not to take her virginity. Sheetha rose her eyes to Himekos again, with an almost gasping expretion. "Virginity? You.. Have'nt?" Her lips broadened to a wide grin, as the vine by Himekos croch, pressed harder against the fabric, as if so eager, it wanted to just break through it, and enter right away. Nothing was better, then forming your own little toy, from scrach. And she was untouched. Untainted. If Sheetha had a heart, it would be burning with desire.

"Oh how I love you now..." She said, and leant down, forcefully kissing Himeko, as her hand grabbed her hair once again, her lips roughly pressed against Himekos in an intense kiss. The vine stopped pressing against the fabrick, and stroked to the edge of her pants, slideing between her skin and the fabric. Another vine joined it, doing the same, as they started pulling down her pants, and panties, should she wear such. They didn't stop for anything, if she wiggled her legs in protest, they'd only pull harder, slowly forceing off her attire. Sheetha didn't stop the kiss, continueing as her fingers squeezed Himekos breast tightly once again, her nails this time pressing slightly harder against it, so it tested her skin, yet without punctureing it.
Himeko's body was starting to grow hotter and hotter with each passing minute. No matter how much she begged and pleaded with the succubus, the demon just wouldn't let her go. "P-Please... Just let me go!" She panted as she watched in horror as the demon lowered herself to face Himeko fully. Her breasts were becoming very sensitive now the more the demon touched them, which by now the succubus was caressing them once again now. The demon had opened its mouth just for the tongue that seemed to have a life of its own slide down to her nipples. Her eyes couldn't help but go back to the demon's body as she watched what was left of the close turn to ash and float away, leaving only a black bra and thong on her body. She watched the tail grow and began squirming more.

"I just want to be free!" She cried as she watched the demon lower her head down to her breasts, kissing them. "No... I've never been touched by any other man or woman and I surely do not want to lose my virginity to the likes of you!" She screamed as she watched the grin on the succubus's face grow wider. She could feel the vine pressing against the fabric and against her crotch, but she tried to close her legs as tightly as she could together, however the vine was unaffected. She heard the words of 'love' come from the demons mouth before the demon forcefully kissed her, pulling her hair tightly once again, causing her to yelp in pain again only to have the demons tongue force its way into her mouth. She could feel two vines starting to pull her pants and panties off now and tried to keep her legs closed, but her legs wouldn't move. She could feel a slight wetness starting to form from her crotch now as the demon's tongue played around with her own. The simple touches had been affecting her body, but the kiss was worse. Oh how she had wished more than anything that she had never helped this demon out.
Sheethas grin, only seemed to shortly grow wider, when ever she pleaded her to stop. The pleading, was the best part, ofthe first time. The begging to stop, turning to begging for more. And it would come, in time. It was hard to ressist, urgesof the flesh. All had them, it was only humanoid. But to be raped, and abused by a Succubus, would'nt usually go under these 'urges'. Not until they tried it. Only few, had ever kept ressisting. And why should they? Pleasure comes in many packages, no reason to be ashamed of your own. And Sheetha, always picked her targets well.
The confirmation, of her taintlessness, drove Sheethas desires futher. SHe would have a hard time, keeping herself from just ramming inside of Himeko, and taint her right away. But she knew the pleasure of moveing slow. And the 'ramming' would come.. As Sheetha kissed Himeko, she could feel her willingness, as if it was an emotion of her own. She was starting to want it. And if Sheetha was'nt mistaken, that scent she caught, was simply more proof. She was getting wet, and her legs had stopped fighting as eagerly as they did before. And how the Blood Elf accepted her tounge, not biteing down, yet at least, made Sheetha's urges burn wilder. When ever others submitted to Sheetha, she always felt her blood boil with joy.
Sheethas tounge pulled out, her lips kissing Himekos a few more times, before she let them part, but only to keep them very close, and stare into Himekos eyes, should she look back.

"But why not?" She whispered, with a teasing, yet kind tone, as her eyes stared into Himekos. One of the vines, that had pulled down Himekos pants, started slowly strokeing back up her leg, the vine turning rather moist, as something seemed to leak from it, only to stop, leaving the vine rather sticky and soft, rather then the rough tentacle, it had been before. "Why not, one the likes of me? The pleasure, I can provide.. No man, nor woman, could give you.. Some parts of you want it.." She continued whispering, with that alureing voice, as the vine had made its way, between Himekos legs again. The tip of it, being rather thick, gently stroked over her pussys walls. "Mmm.. Your body needs this.. Want's it.. Accept it, my beautifull little girl. And I'll relive tensions, you never even knew you where carrying.. Give you pleasure, beyond your wildest imagination.. Submit..." She whispered, the last word close to Himekos ear. Oh how she wished Himeko would refuse. How she would love, to break her down, the hard way. No matter what. Sheetha, would see her pride broken. Reduced to nothing. Not a Huntress.. Not a proud member of her endangered race. Not a proud woman. Just. A woman.
Himeko's body was burning up now, but her mind wasn't broken yet. It had been some time before the kiss had been broken, leaving her there panting heavily. Her pants and panties were off her her now, leaving her entire body completely naked and fully exposed. "Because... I've been holding out for the right one. Demons weren't on my mind when I had chose to keep my virginity!" She snapped as she was trying to regain her control over her body. She could feel one of the vines that had removed the last of her clothing back up her leg, it felt like it was moist as it made its way up her leg. She was able to move her legs to shut them again, but she knew full well that it wouldn't help her one bit.

The vine was sticky and soft compared to what it had felt like before and it was starting to make the huntress worry more. "I will not accept it! I will not allow you to taint my purity!" She snarled as she could feel the vine starting to stroke over the walls of her pussy, which was starting to slowly get wetter now from it. "My body doesn't need this! I won't accept this! No!" She screamed as she started struggling again, only this time with more vigor as her virginity was now on the line. "I will never submit to you!" She said as she tried desperately to break free now more than anything. Her virginity and pride were both on the line here and she wouldn't allow herself to be pulled down to nothing. Not without a damn good fight at least.
Holding out for the right one? Ohh even better! Sheetha was far from what she would've hoped for, but she'd make her look back on this, with great glee! Either that, or she'd walk away, with a scar on her dignity. Either way. Sheetha would have her fun, no matter the consquence. Sheethas hand placed itself on Himekos cheek, and slowly stroked down from there, down her neck, and to her chest, where it flatened out, just above her breasts, the nails tapping gently against her soft skin.
"Ohh, I know you where, my darling.. But the world, simply does'nt spin that way. Azeroth, is a dangerous place.. And i'm affraid, you won't be one of the few.. Acctually getting their way.." She still whispered gently, as her hand stroked over Himekos breast, just as the vine reached her croch. Her body was steaming hot. She needed the relief, weather she liked to realise it, or not. She then leant down, as Himeko started struggleing, her hand strokeing up from the womans breast, to gently wrap around her neck, her slender fingers, strokeing against the warm skin. Sheetha lent down, so her lips was close to Himekos ear.

"Weather you like it.. My dear.. Beautifull thing.. I'm going to take what I wan't.." She whispered, only just loud enough, for the struggleing woman to hear it. The vine, then finally got its way, first tickleing against Himekos clit, as Sheetha licked her lips, closeing her eyes. SHe clearly felt what the vine did, as it moved a bit lower, and then slowly slid inside of her, not being brutal about it. As if Sheetha wanted to take it slow. She felt the moist of Himekos tight pussy, wetening the vine even more, then its already moist exterior. The vine didn't stop, by simply sticking in the tip. It slowly dig its way deeper inside Himeko, entirely ignoreing her struggles. The vines holding her wrists, grabbed onto the tighter, and Sheethas fingers around Himekos neck, slowly started pressing down harder on her throat, as Sheethas eyes rolled in pleasure, and she silently moaned. "So untainted.. Unspoiled.. A gift, for any wo.. Demon... Like me.." She grinned, not opening her eyes, as her fingers stopped their rough treatment of Himekos throat, only holding it tightly, to shroud her words, should she try to speak, but not rendering her unable to.
The demon stroked her cheek again and then stroked down her neck and to her chest, Himeko felt it flatten there, right above her breasts. The nails tapped gently against her skin as she felt a small tear run down her eye, knowing full well now that everything she had prided herself on was about to be ripped away from her, as well as her virginity. "Please... Don't do this to me..." She begged one last time as her body was starting to give way. She felt the hand stroke her breast before gently wrapping her fingers around her neck as the demon leaned down. Himeko could almost feel the succubus's lips against her ear as she heard the demon speak, her eyes widened in fear as she listened carefully.

She felt the vine then start working it's self on her clit, as if teasing it. Himeko's eyes were almost buldging out of their sockets now as it got lower and then slowly went inside of her. "No stop!" She cried out as tears started to roll down her cheeks, however the vine went in deeper, gathering up the juices that were starting to flow from her pussy. Her wrists were now fully bound as the vines had tightened their grip on her. She felt the demons fingers start to tighten around her throat and pressure was starting to be slowly applied now. She had felt as if she was about to pass out when the demon spoke again, and her grip on her throat started to slowly loosen now. She knew her protests were in vain and her body was starting to feel as if it was on fire. The vine in her was starting to feel good and her mind was slowly starting to near its breaking point. "Nnnn..." She moaned out softly as her body was starting to give in and give way fully now.
Sheetha stayed close to the young Blood Elf's ear, her lips pressed together, in a soft moan, the scene turning her more and more on. Sheetha had always been more eager then her race. She had always wanted more and more. The reason for her deformation. She was differant from other Succubus'. A differance, she loved greatly. And about the only thing, Sheetha was fragile about. The exact reason, why only one person, was ever told about it. But all this, was far dug back in SHeethas consiousnes. Himeko, now thecenter of her attention. Sheethas eyes, had opened just in time, to see the fear caught in her eyes. How beautifull this was. This would be the last time, she'd fear Sheetha this much. Sheetha would take every bit of joy she could from this. She slowly shook her head, as Himeko cried out to make her stop, and she smiled, looking into Himekos eyes.

"Noo.. No, I won't stop, my dear.. And trust me.. When this is over.. You'll beg for more.." Her voice, was now sweet and alureing. Seductive, in the meanest way. Himeko could not be in a more volnurable position. Sheetha abused this, just as she was taught. Yet Sheetha, didn't do this, to have another victime on her consiousness. She wanted Himeko. She was pure. Sweet. Perfect. Just like her Mistress. Her hand released the preasure, to gently stroke up Himekos cheek, as the vine, forced itself slightly deeper, and Sheetha moaned softly a single time. "Do you feel it? The pleasure? It is.. Soothing... Becomeing a slave.. To a feeling like that.. Is not a weakness.. It's not humiliation.. It's. Nature." She whispered, grining, as her lips met Himekos, but this time, in a wanting way. She didn't forcefully kiss Himeko this time, but kissed her with passion, as the tight grip of her hair, losened, to gently stroke her instead. "It'll hurt soon.. But it'll only make it feel better.." She whispered, not moveing her lips far from Himekos, as her eyes stared into hers, and a grin slowly spread on her lips. "Brace yourself." She finished, as she gave a pleased moan, just as the vine made its way deeper, in a single rushed thrust, forceing the vine to reach Himekos Cervix.
Himeko's body was fully betraying her with each passing second now as she felt it go in farther and farther. "But I..." She tried to protest when she had let out another soft moan. She was becoming a slave to something she knew nothing of but soon would in a matter of mere moments. She knew she had lost, lost the moment she chose to help what she thought was an injured Night Elf. "Please.. St..." Her words were cut short as she listened to the demon and knew what was coming now. She was told that it would hurt, but how would she make it feel better? She was confused but really didn't have much time to even think when she was told to brace herself. She felt the vine go in deeper and with a single rush the vine had reached her cervix.

Her back arched up as she screamed, feeling her virginity being stolen from her. Leaving her there a now soiled huntress that was now at the complete mercy of the succubus. Having lost her virginity she started to feel something start to swell up inside of her groin. "Unnnn..." She moaned as she finally closed her eyes, feeling her juices starting to flow more and more from her now tainted pussy. "Please... Hel... Help me... My body... It burns..." She whimpered as she was starting to give in. Her mind was now wanting the pleasure, wanting to just fully give in now.
Confusion struck her. No wonder. Sheetha was'nt really being very descreet, nor informative. Himeko was being thrown into a whole new world, without any guidance and counciling. Which was entirely on purpose. Sheetha, wanted to build her up from scrach. Give her a piece of her world, and explain it later. Build her up, to become something differant. A humiliation and degration, many would say. But not in Sheethas eyes. The void was her home, she knew real degradation. Degradation without pleasure. Something Sheetha was far too familiar with.
Sheethas widened brightly, as Himeko screamed in a mixture of pain, and burning desire. Pleasure. She felt it now. In it's truest form. Sheetha herself moaned, her sencitive vine being tickled by the tight insides of Himekos vagina. Sheetha closed her eyes, leaning down to Himeko, moaning silently in her ear, before her tounge passed her teeth, licking Himekos ear seductively. She felt the warmth grow, and the juices increase in mass. She was most deffinatly feeling it now. And now, she pleaded again. Sheethas brows rose slightly, as she pleaded for something differant, then she had expected. Help? Sheetha smiled widely, and licked her lips, with a teasing glint in her eyes.

"I'll help you, beautifull.. But first.. You've got to do something for me as well.." She whispered, grining softly, as she lowered her body, so her large breasts, pressed against Himekos. Sheetha stroked a finger along Himekos jawbone, as the vine, gently spun around inside her. "I.. Am going to let go of your wrists.. And then you.. Are not... Going to try to push me off.." Her voice now dominant, with a clear hint of sensirity. Even if Himeko ressisted, and would attempt to get Sheetha away, Sheetha would still be overjoyed. Getting to punish her new pet, right at the start. But if she had given in. Mind as well. "And.. Then when your beautifull little hands are free.. Your going to please my breasts with them.. Just like I did yours.. Got that?" She asked, with a saying and strickt expretion, makeing it sure, she knew she was serious. The vines on Himekos wrists, slowly let lose their grip, freeing her hands. Sheetha knew Himeko would be able to do her no harm, should she wish it. And she wanted to see, how far along her pet was. How much she'd do, for her new.. Mistress' pleasing. How good a girl, the beautifull Blood Elf, turely was.
Himeko's mind was breaking completely now, her will was breaking as well. Her body had betrayed her, and she was now begging for help. Help from this demon. Oh she felt it swelling inside of her, how she longed to be relieved of the burning sensation that kept building inside her non stop. She listened to the succubus and nodded weakly, she didn't have the strength to even attempt to run away now. If she had the strength and had managed to somehow get away, where would she go? She had no where to go now, no one to turn to. She had no choice now but to give in and do as she was told.

"I... I won't run away... I won't even... Push you off of me..." She panted as she looked up at the demon and felt her breasts rubbing against her own. She nodded again as her hands had been freed and then slowly moved them down to the demons breasts and began to slowly caress them. She tried to remember how the succubus had done it and tried to mimic it. She squeezed the breasts in her hands and felt the demons nipples where hard like a pea, just like hers, she took her forefinger and thumb and gently grabbed the demons nipples and gently pinched them. "Like... This?" She asked as she looked deeply into the demons eyes, hoping she was doing it right.
Sheethas eyes observed Himeko, as her mind ran the orders through. Mixed with the burning desire, and the sheere lust. Sheetha could feel it, as clear as a branding upon ones skin. Sheetha watched her, as her lips started moveing, curious as a cat. Her eyes widened at Himekos submission, and the vines that had held her wrists, pulled back with utmost haste, wanting her in restrains no longer. For now, at least. Sheethas curious catlike eyes followed Himekos hands, with great glee, raising slightly from her, so she could get a good grip. Sheetha licked her lips, as Himekos hands first touched her breasts, and as she started caressing her eyes was closed, and she moaned softly. Her eyes opened wide, followed by a high pitched moan, as her nipple was pinched, grining widely, as she looked down upon Himeko. So pure. So perfekt. And already good, at what was comeing for her.

"Yees.. Just like that, my love.. Mm.. Keep it up.. And i'll grant you, what you need." She whispered, licking her lips again, as the vine slowly pulled outwards of Himekos pussy, only to thrust inside again, with another rough thrust. "Mm.. So beautifull.. So pure.. So tight.. My little piece of sunshine.. Kiss me." She ordered, her lips, only a small distance from Himekos, as she had leant her face down. Her vine started thrusting inside Himeko more rapidly, and much more eagerly. One of the vines that had confined Himeko, moved to join it, the tip, starting to stroke Himekos clitoris, to spoil her, for being a good girl. One of Sheethas hands started strokeing Himekos hair softly, as Sheethas breathing, turned to an eager panting, as her vine was clenched by her tight cave, and her breast and nipples, pleased by Himekos soft hands.
Hearing the demon moan indicated she had been doing something right. She kept her pace up on the demons breasts as she was told if she kept it up she'd be granted the help she needed. Hearing the order to kiss the demon she opened her mouth and brought her head up and pulled the demon into a deep kiss. She closed her eyes as she kept working her hands on the demons breasts and let her tongue dance with the succubus's. She could feel the vine inside of her starting to thrust inside of her rapidly, causing her to moan louder than her previous moans. "Nnnn... Feels... So... So good..." She panted as she felt the other vine that had once bound her wrist join the other and was now stroking her clitoris.

Her mind had now shattered into millions of pieces as she had fully given into the demon. No longer would she be able to fight this, her will to escape was broken and long lost now. She had lost her virginity and her pride in just mere moments. She could feel that fire swelling up more and more inside of her groin now, almost about to explode. She had never known about any of this stuff until now. She was still ignorant to everything else, but wouldn't be the more she spent time with the demon. Now she only wanted more, craved it. "What is this fire that is burning deep inside of me? Deep inside... Of my groin?" She panted as another moan escaped her lips as she looked at the demon with pleading, questioning eyes.
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