Snape's "Draco-Sitting" Job

Aug 28, 2010
Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory
"Draco, are you ready?" Narcissa Malfoy called down one of the many hallways of the Malfoy Manor. In about five minutes her and her husband Lucius would be heading out on "private business" for the remainder of the week, something of which they had explained little. They had contacted Severus Snape, their son's godfather, and asked him to watch the boy in their absence. Draco was not a baby anymore, but his parents still felt that supervision was a must.

"Yeah Mum." Draco replied, sitting cross legged on the covers of his green, silken bed. He was currently looking over his collection of rune stones, trying to remember which ones were which. Narcissa had dressed him in dark slacks, a deep green button down shirt and a sweater vest, something she thought would make him presentable to Severus. Draco enjoyed it when Severus came to watch him. He loved getting into all sorts of mischief in his presence, making it a real job for him; the expression Severus had when he found a broken relic in the house, or a large spider in his tea.

Draco jumped up excitedly when the doorbell rang, hurrying down the stairs in his socks (forgetting his nice oxfords) and right into his father. The man grunbled and pushed his son back, straightening his coat before opening the grand front door to welcome the expected guest.

"Ah, Severus...come in."

Draco smiled mischeviously at the man, standing politely with his hands behind his back. His blond hair tickled the tops of his eyebrows.
Severus stepped inside the entrance hall, nodding to Lucius and Narcissa. He didn't think that Draco needed watching, not when there were house-elves all over Malfoy Manor, but he wasn't about to turn down a request from two of his dearest friends. Taking a quick glance at his godson, he just shook his head. "Do you always greet your guests without shoes, Draco?"

He turned to the boy's parents, a slight smile gracing his lips. "I hope you two get your 'business' taken care of as planned, Lucius. Do not worry about Draco. I will make sure he doesn't get into any trouble while you are away."
"Yes." Draco answered, then receiving a warning look from his father. Narcissa came down the stairs in long green coat with a fur collar, blond hair pinned up and carrying a dragonhide handbag. "Be a good boy Draco. Severus is an adult and has things to do just like us, so please behave." She kissed her son's head and joined her husband outside the door.

"Thank you Severus." Lucius nodded firmly, looking powerful and wealthy as usual. The two strode down the path to the gate, where they would Apparate. Draco ran to watch from the window, always fascinated when his parents disappeared into a cloud of black swirls. He wondered why he hadn't been allowed to know their "business". The boy fidgeted suddenly, then peeled off both his sweater and button down shirt, leaving the itchy clothes on the sofa. He was left in his black T-shirt and slacks.

"So Severus.." he began, strutting forward right in front of the man and looking up, hands on his hips. "I know you know where my parents went. I want to know." The boy said this in a very matter-of-factly tone.
Severus watched them depart, then turned to look at Draco just as the boy was removing his sweater and dress shirt. "Draco Malfoy! You will put those clothes back on right now." He turned and walked to the sitting room, not answering the boy's question about where his parents had gone. Taking a seat in the armchair nearest the fire, he summoned one of the house-elves to bring him a glass of firewhiskey. If Draco was already acting up, then he was in for one hell of a week, and he was already regretting agreeing to watch the Malfoy heir.
"No, they're much too hot and itchy. Besides, those are my dress clothes, and I want to play now." Draco nodded, trailing after Severus. He crawled up into the man's lap as soon as he sat down, his expectant face very close to the other's.

"Can we please play a game Severus? Like...Ten Dragons...or Exploding Snap...or hide and seek?" the boy asked as the man sipped his firewhiskey. "Please Severus? Last time you came over you said you knew some games. I promise I won't cheat!"

Draco pulled gently on Severus' black cloak, looking eager as ever.
Severus set the glass down after taking a couple sips, annoyed that Draco wasn't listening to him. "I'll play one game with you, but then you have to put something on besides that t-shirt. Promise?"

It had been many years since he'd played hide and seek, having learned it from Lily Evans in the summers during their first couple years at Hogwarts. He wasn't too fond of the game anymore, but if it kept Draco out of trouble for a while, then he could tolerate a few games. "We'll play hide and seek then. You can go hide first."
"Alright, I promise." Draco nodded, twisting around in Severus' lap and then sliding off. He wasn't entirely thinking about the fact that most men become uncomfortable if you twist around slowely in the middle of their laps.

"Wait for 50 seconds!" Draco called, running across the sitting room and up the marble stairs. A wandering house elf told him not to run, but he was out of sight. Of course the boy always hid under his bed, but no matter, that was his favorite. He scrambled into his room and nearly dove under his bed.

"Young Master Draco musn't hide there, Scormy was about to clean!" the same house elf pestered.

"Shush, Scormy!" Draco hissed darkly. Hide and seek was serious business. He knew Severus must be looking by now, but he couldn't help but let out a sneeze as the dust tickled his nose.
Severus stayed in the sitting room for a few minutes after the boy had left, trying to calm himself. He knew he shouldn't be reacting this way to a young boy, let alone the only son of his best friends. Once he was sure that Draco was hiding somewhere, he stood and started walking around the manor. He was sure he knew exactly where his young charge was hiding, and that would be the last place he checked.

He was just walking past Draco's room when he heard the sneeze. He was right about where the boy would hide, but he just walked right past the bedroom, acting as though he hadn't noticed.
Draco clamped a hand over his mouth, cursing himself for sneezing. Strangely, Severus didn't seem to hear. He watched the black shoes move slowely past his door, admiring the way they moved. Draco really liked Severus. He was a little intimidated by him, but he really enjoyed his company. The man was...well, cool to him.

Once he was sure Severus had gone, Draco slid out from underneath the bed and went quietly down the hall, shutting himself in the nearest hall closet. His trick was to move around when no one was looking. That way, you had "the best hiding spot ever".
Severus stood in a doorway a little ways down from Draco's bedroom and kept an eye on the boy's door. Sure enough, the boy snuck out when he thought no one was around and headed toward the hall closet further down. Smirking to himself, he decided to leave the boy where he was for now and went to the guest room that was kept for him when he visited.

Leaving the door open a crack, he removed his cloak, jacket, and shoes before sitting down in front of the fireplace to relax for a bit before turning in for the night.
Draco sat in the closet for a good fifteen minutes before he realized that Severus had probably given up. He crept from the closet and looked around, before returning back to his room, triumphant, yet bored.

Scormy pushed open the guest bedroom door and spoke to Severus from there. "Excuse me Sir, I believe you have not made young Master Malfoy take a bath or brush his teeth. Would you like me to do it instead..?" The house elf dearly wished to avoid this.
Severus had just been about to doze off in the chair when he heard the door open. Hoping it wasn't Draco come to annoy him some more, he glanced over only to see the house-elf standing there. "I can do it, but I would like you there in case he tries to run."

Getting up from his chair, he headed toward Draco's room. "Draco, it's time for you to have your bath and brush your teeth. Into the bathroom with you."
Scormy nodded, "Yes Sir", and went to wait outside the bathroom to stand guard against a fleeing Draco.

Draco looked up from his runes, but frowned immediatly. "Aw, but...but..." he started, but shut his mouth when he saw Severus's expression. The man clearly did not wish to be trifled with. Therefore, the boy slid off his bed, walking past Severus and into the bathroom. He glared disapprovingly at the bathtub and sighed.

"What if I just took one tomorrow..?" Draco offered, looking up at Severus. "You save water?"
Severus followed his charge into the bathroom, glancing at the water in the tub. He looked back at Draco, a scowl he normally reserved for certain Gryffindors marring his face. "Draco, get undressed and in that tub now. I am sure you wouldn't me telling your parents that you disobeyed me."

He stood near the door, waiting for the blond to get into the tub. Once he was sure that the boy would listen, he turned to go back into Draco's room to set out a pair of pj's even though that was usually the job of the house-elves.
Draco hesitated, but decided it would be best to obey. Afterall, the warm water might feel good, and this was something he'd have to do every night. The boy quickly shed his shirt, pants, underwear, and socks.before settling into the tub.

He sighed and curled his knees to his chest, feeling the warmth sink in. Draco hated undressing in front of people, so he'd done it in a flash, his clothes in a heap next to the tub. Once he was actually without clothing though, it was fine then.
Severus poked his head back into the bathroom after getting Draco's pajamas to make sure the boy was actually in the tub. Satisfied that he was being obeyed, he looked down at the house-elf. "Make sure he remembers to brush his teeth. If he gives you any trouble, come get me and I'll come talk to him."

He headed back to his room, hoping that he wouldn't have to deal with Draco anymore that night but knowing that the boy will be causing some kind of trouble before the night was over.
Draco frowned when Severus didn't return to wash him. His mother always washed and ran water over his back for him. Maybe the man really didn't like him.

The boy washed up and slipped into his blue pajamas, then brushing his teeth quickly while Scormy watched him. He spat into the sink, then turned to the house elf with a grumpy expression. "You tell Severus I said goodnight, and that I think he's a right dumb git."

Draco marched off downstairs, leaving Scormy with wide eyes. He went to the right, down another hall, and through a black door to sit up on a few cushions and start rummaging through his father's old magical trinkets, potion bottles and broken wands. If Severus wasn't going to pay attention to him, then he wasn't about to be nice to anyone.

Scormy entered Severus' room with a tired expression. "Young Master Draco tells me that he says goodnight Sir, and that you're a right dumb git. Of course, I don't think that about you Sir."
Severus just shook his head at what Scormy repeated for Draco, amused that the house-elf did exactly what he or she had been told. "Tell Draco good night for me, and that I am smarter than him. So if I am dumb, then he must be even dumber."

He knew that Draco was spoiled, probably by his mother, but he would do still do things his way. And that meant that Draco would be bathing himself while Severus was taking care of him. At age thirteen, one should already be doing that themselves anyways.
When Draco found what he needed, he stuffed it into his pocket and headed back upstairs. He stoppd at the guest bedroom door and crouched down. Scormy came over, obviously about to tell him something, but Draco put a finger to his lips.

The boy set the Acromantula down and tapped it twice with his wand whispering, "Wingardium Leviosa", sending the large spider hovering up towards the back of Severus' chair. He stifled a giggle as the legs tickled the top of the man's black head.
Severus felt something touch the top of his head, but instead of looking up, he turned toward the doorway. The house was usually kept free of insects and spiders, so he knew that whatever was above him was put there by a certain young boy. "Draco, you should be in bed now, not roaming around playing pranks on your elders. Now get whatever you have above me and go to your room."
"I don't know what you mean Severus. It must have just wanted to say goodnight." Draco smirked. He hovered it above the man for a moment, like he were going to stop, but then lowered it slowely down. Its scratchy legs tickled the back of Severus' neck ever so irritatingly, like a feather to one's nose. Scormy gave him a warning look, then went away, deciding that cleaning would prove much more useful than watching Severus slowely lose temper.

"Severus...I think it wants to be your girlfriend."
Severus reached back to swat away the spider before getting up. He wasn't going to put up with such behavior, even from his own godson. "That is enough, Draco. Now put that thing back where you found it and get in bed!"

He was starting to wonder why he had agreed to watch the boy. Not even a day into the job and Draco is already starting to act up. He walked toward the boy, eyes narrowing when Draco continued to defy him. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, I told you to get into bed. Now go!"
"There's no need to yell, Severus Tobias Snape!" Draco retorted, having the young Acromantula smack right info the back of Severus' head before running back to his room with it under his arm. He turned and stuck his tongue out at Severus before skipping into his room. He put the Acromantula in one of its many baskets and jumped onto his bed. The boy loved teasing Severus. He'd of never done this to Lucius, the man would have punished him dearly.
Severus headed to Draco's room, annoyed by the boy's actions. Oh yes.. This was going to be a very long week. Entering the room, he sat down on the edge of Draco's bed. There was no way he was going to let the boy think he could do what he wanted without some kind of repercussion. "Now I want you to tell me why you did that, and what your father would do if you tried it with him."
"Um..." Draco said quietly, looking down. "'re the only one who let's me do that."

Draco glanced over to the basket, then looked into Severus' face. "I don't know what Father would do." he lied. "Maybe...take my spider away?" The boy shrugged, looking sheepish and silly with a guilty expression and some toothpaste on his lip. His blond hair was still damp and sticking up in odd places, instead of its usual smooth neatness.
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