Brandon's Troubles, a Pokemon RP (for me and Mera1506)


Jun 16, 2011
Brandon sighed as he finally stopped into town. his arm was currently in a sling, his shoulder still hurting. No, it wasn't broken necessarily. Just had a hole in the shoulder. He sighed as he put his Pokeballs into one of the few empty bins to let them rest and he turned it on. It asked him to register his name. Putting his full name in took longer than he would like with only his one active arm.
It was the last room, it only had one bunkbed in it and was the smallest in the whole pokémoncenter. Alana had claimed the bottom bunk. She had recently registered. She went back to the register to hand over her pokémon for a check-up. Seeing a new face who interested her. "Hi there." She said. Alana was a woman in her mid-twenties and a dedicated pokémon trainer. She never had any interest in fame though. She stood about 5'8ft tall and had a lean athletic build and her curves had guys staring more often than she liked. Her long black hair hung in a braid over her right shoulder, her eyes were big and dark blue, her skin tanned from all the traveling. She was dressed in hiking boots, khaki cargo pants and T-shirt.
He turned to her and then he smiled, seeing a new face. At least there were some lively people around anymore. "Hey there," he told her, turning from his Pokemon as they now rested. "And who might you be?" he asked her, trying to keep as much of a straight face as he could. After all, the last thing that he needed to do was give someone the wrong impression about him. Even after the horrible incident that he had gone through. he wanted to show that pain off, to show that he was terribly hurt and still was going to suffer for quite a while. At least, he guessed he would. He couldn't stop getting images of the scene out of his head for more than a few minutes.
"I'm Alana it's nice to meet you." She said, returning his smile. But she could tell he wasn't really happy, the smile never reached his eyes. "Are you alright?" She asked, referring to the sling and all. She knew something was up, part of being a good trainer was paying attention to detail to notice if your pokémon might be injured, which they would never show.
"For the most part, yes," he replied. He didn't want to say what exactly was wrong. "There's nothing really terribly wrong," he said, and then added to himself, "Not unless we count the incident, but never mind that." he then looked into her eyes. A genuine concern for him? That was a first.
He didn't want to talk about it. Their conversation was interrupted when Chansey arrived. "Chan, chansey chansey." It said and Alana looked at it, recognising her pokéballs, her cinccino sitting with them. It jumped on her shoulder and hid behind its scarf when seeing Brandon. She put the pokéballs away. "Thank you Chansey." She said. The nurse pokémon quickly went back to work. "If I may ask, what happened to your arm?" She asked him. Cinccino was a little uneasy with Brandon, peeking over its scarf.
He smiled at the Cinccino that was so shy around him, knowing how certain Pokemon were. But his smile faded after the question was asked. "Bullet to the shoulder, pierced the joint," he said, sighing. "Machine gunners," he told her, shrugging. "I was ambushed. Never knew that they were there, why they were there, anything," he told her, hiding the fact that he had something else to hide.
Alana was pretty good at reading both pokémon and people, she had a feeling there was more to it, but she couldn't possibly expect him to bare his soul to a stranger. "I'm sorry to hear that. If there's anything I can do, just let me know." She said. Traveling had to be hard when you could only use one arms, maybe she could go along to help out? "Ci, cinccino." The pokémon said. It had been saddened by Brandon's story and obviously wanted to help too.
He chuckled a bit and he said, "There's been done what can be done, but I thank you for your offer, and that of your Ciccino." he smiled a bit before he turned to his Pokemon. "SO very strange. All I had done was set them aside and I was alone by myself when I was ambushed. Killed one of my Pokemon as well as they very nearly killed me. I managed to get away and they were subdued by local authorities and the anti-terrorist teams. Still...they did get my arm and I was grazed by bullets in numerous areas. People can be so...evil, sometimes."
"True, unfortunately." Alana agreed. "It has to be hard doing everything with just one arm. Maybe we could travel together for a while, I could help out with little things. The more rest that shoulder gets the better." She said. Cinccino was watching this scene with interest, Alana usually wasn't one for traveling companions.
"I...think that your Pokemon is one to be confused by your action. Do you not take traveling partners, normally?" he asked her and then he asked, "If so, then why take one now? especially a cripple who'll do you more harm than good? It's not that I'm complaining but I only have one arm and that's hardly something to work with, considering it just so happened to be my good arm that was hit."
"No, not normally. But I'd like some human company." Alana said. "It seems you could use some help with day to day things until you shoulder heals and I would like some human company to talk too." She said. It would work out just fine. "That is if you're OK with traveling together."
"I'm fine with it. Just so long as it works out," he told her, smiling. "That, and I hope that you are up for a good deal of exploration. I like to go places, especially of late." of course, he chalked that up to the fact that he was still looking for a reason to go on living. Most everything that he had gone through up to this point was making him silently contemplate his life.
"I sure do. I spent more time camping than in cities. I like the fresh air, though I have to admit Altomare had a certain charm." She said. She had spent several years there in the hope to catch either a Latias, Latios or both. Cinccino jumped on Brandon's uninjured shoulder and nuzzled his cheek. "Looks like someone isn't shy anymore." Alana said and smiled. It was Cinccino's way of welcoming Brandon.
He chuckled, having heard of this as the way that Cinccinos generally welcoming those that they felt comfortable around. he smiled at the Pokemon before turning to her and he asked, "So you were there, hm? Looking for legendary Pokemon, were you? I admire that in a sense...not many have the real courage to try."
"I was. Of course it doesn't help that they can turn invisible." Alana said. "But patience does pay off and in the worst case you get to see every knock and cranny of a beautiful city and still not see them. Not a bad worst case scenario." She said. Cinccino returned to Alana's shoulder. "So which room are you in?" She asked, having a feeling it would be nr. 27 since it had been the last one with room when she'd entered only ten minutes before he showed up.
"The last room, apparently, and it's a bunk room," he said, shrugging. "Room 27, I think? They said that it was occupied by one other, though, so that's going to be fun. I hope that the person I'm with isn't a jerk or something." he had no idea that she was his roommate.
"No need to worry. I'm your roommate." She said. "This way." She said and lead him to the room. She decided to move to the top bunk instead, she couldn't expect him to climb up with that shoulder afterall. "I'd like to see your pokémon." She told him.
"When they're rested, you'll be able to see them. Gotta take them out of town, though. They're relatively scary to people who haven't seen them before and the last thing I need to do is cause a ruckus in the town that I'm staying in," he told her, shrugging as he sat on the lower bunk. To think that he was bunking with a woman!
"Scary? Now you got me curious." Alana said. Bunking with a man sure felt a little awkward, but he didn't strike her as the type to try and peek or anything like that. "What pokémon do you have?" She then asked him. She loved pokémon and after all that traveling she wasn't easily scared.
"You'll see," he told her, wanting to give her the surprise once she DID see them. Then again, he was not sure how surprised she'd be. After all, that one boy...Ash Katchum...hadn't been too phased, or if he was, he had learned to suppress after a little while.
Alana smiled. "Alright." She said and jumped down, holding a towel, big T-shirt and toiletries and headed into the small bathroom that only held a shower, sink and toilet. She locked the door behind her only to find the lock busted. Well he knew she was in here. She stripped down and turned on the shower.
He listened to the random shower noises and he sighed. Had it been "her"...he could have walked in there and gone naked and done her in the shower, like she always loved when he did. He sighed again, holding his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Elise..." he whispered, a tear trailing down his cheek as he let the memories flow. He would have to shut off the waterworks when she was done, but for now, he would mourn her again.
Alana never took too long in the shower. Roughly fifteen minutes later she came back out. She could see Brandon's eyes were still red from crying, but said nothing about it, it wasn't her place. If he wanted to talk, he could. Dressed in just panties and a T-shirt a few sizes too large she came out. her E-cup breasts jiggled a little when she walked. She put her things in her bag and climbed into the top bunk. This supposedly would give Brandon a good view of her legs.
However, he merely walked into the bathroom himself and got into the shower. He sighed as he showered, thinking about her. He looked behind him, thinking that he felt a presence, but nothing was there. He let out a shuddering sigh as he sniffled and leaned up against the wall. "Why? Why did you bastards take her?" he asked himself, gazing down at the floor. She was gone forever, just admit it. Gone. There was no getting her back through mourning. Why, then, did he still have tears to let loose?
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