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A Lesson in Babysitting (Tyr & Katy108)

Ten days ago, Jenna had been fucked by one of the pitchers from the College baseball squad. It had been the last time she had been fucked before babysitting for Jake two nights ago; before Jake had found her in his study watching his porn; before Jake had started her reeducation. The baseball player - Rich - and Jenna were taking a class together. They'd been working on a term paper, had had a few library sessions before that day. Then on coming out of the library 10 days ago Rich had asked her if she wanted to go for a drink. After one drink had led to two more, they'd decided to go to a club. Jenna had wanted to get changed first though so they'd both gone back to her place. Her dad was out with his friend Jake and she wasn't expecting him back till late. She and Rich never made it to the club. Fooling around in the kitchen had led to them finishing up in Jenna's bed.

Rich was the fourth member of the baseball team she had been with, but she wasn't counting. The baseball team was however. After a party at the beginning of the year when she had slept with the second baseman, they had all had bets with each other about how many of them might be able to fuck her by the end of the year. Jenna didn't know any of this but on her knees at Jake's feet she remembered being on her knees in front of Rich. That was where the similarity ended though and it was reflective of how far she had travelled in those 10 days. Rich wasn't patient or controlled. There was no real presence about him. He just wanted to fuck a good looking girl. He'd never had head that good before but he was worried he was going to cum to quick. By comparison, Jake had control of himself and her and that control was intoxicating and addictive. And because nothing was rushed, because Jake had a level of experience and knowledge that Rich might never get, Jenna was able to take her time. Letting her tongue and her lips explore every inch of of the hard meat before her. Jake had a confidence, an arrogance born from that experience. He knew Jenna, knew what she liked, what she wanted, what she needed, more than she had known herself. Rich knew almost nothing except his own wants. Rich hadn't called her a slut although he might have thought it. Rich had barely spoken to her throughout.

As Jake started speaking to her again, she sat back a little but still kept her mouth at Jake's cock. She turned her head as she licked and kissed, looking up at him, her eyes wide and bright, the smile around her mouth reaching them. She knew she was wet. She could feel the slickness at the top of her thighs. She moaned an 'ah ha' and nodded her head just a little. As he talked of her submission, of her body being his to do with as he pleased whenever he wanted, she remembered what Pete had been saying as he work on the tattoo about giving herself to him... More than a marriage. She couldn't make the comparison, but Jake had certainly said enough for her to know that his wife had given him very little. She'd given him a son and from what Jenna had seen, Jake loved the boy very much. But beyond that...? Her mind suddenly shifted to the tattoo...the written statement of what she was...who's she was...adorning her body. Any man she fucked now would see that, but then she imagined that they would already know that. She nodded and moaned again and then as if to make the point she knelt up once again, brought her head over Jake's upright cock and consumed it once again, taking it deep, holding it, then bobbing her head up and down on it.

10 days ago she had been a girl who liked getting fucked. Who liked sucking cock. Who some guys would and did call a slut, at least to their friends. But Jake's definition - and Pete's and Mark's... and maybe her Dad's... of the word was very different she thought. It meant so much more. She did want it. Her body ached with the need for him...for his cock... And for a moment she was scared at what she might agree to do in order to satisfy that need.
How did his slut answer, in the best way she could, by sucking on his member even harder. She worshiped at it, consumed it, and in some twisted way made love to his fucking cock. Had she been promiscuous he didn’t know, though he suspect from her skills she’d been on her knees more than once. Still he had no doubt from the last few days, that she was his. That she would stay and do as he pleased for as long as he kept her, which caused him to think about just what he was going to do with her. So far it had been all about the sex, the thrill, the experience, and they still had more to do, but what then. For now it wasn’t relevant, but at some point he was going to have to find a solution.

Now that’s starting to feel like a real blowjob slut! But you can do better, can’t you? You’re doing it like a good little college girl at a frat party, better than high school girl in the back seat of car, but I know you can do better.

He hadn’t even really touched her or returned the favor as she was attending him and his needs. That she was wet and turned on spoke to how much she enjoyed serving those needs. That she whimpered and moaned almost every time he told her to do something, only made it obvious that she enjoyed giving it up and giving it up to someone who would take control, the more absolute the better. Jake was only glad, he found her before someone else had.

Now it’s time for you to suck cock like a real slut. Pull it out stroke it, look at it; think about how much you want it. You want it rock hard, so get it hard. Work you tongue up my ass, or a finger, suck on those bloated cum filled balls. Think about how much you like the taste of it, how much you like it filling your mouth. Think about it this way, every time you get it hard; means you get a chance of getting used by it, and that makes you happy doesn't it slut?

He looks down at her, and tries to clue her in on what was going to be expected of her.

Look at that fucking cock! In the morning that’s what you want in your mouth, in the afternoon that’s what you want in your cunt, and when you go to sleep that’s what you want in your ass. And that’s what you are going to do; you’re going to prove to me that you are the hungriest, nastiest, cum swallowing, cocksucking, hungry wanton holed slut there is. Are you ready to go that far slut?
For maybe the first time that night, Jenna was starting to get a little worried. She didn't know what else she was supposed to do to prove her worth. No matter what she did, Jake seemed to expect more. She had licked and sucked slow and deep. She had covered every inch...every millimetre...of his cock with her tongue but it wasn't enough to satisfy Jake. Maybe she wasn't cut out for this. Maybe she'd been kidding herself that she could ever be good enough. She was just a college girl after all. Jenna kept working her mouth and her tongue but her confidence was beginning to disappear. Only moments before she thought she was pleasing him, but now he told her that she still wasn't doing enough.

Jenna did what Jake told her - stroking, licking, sucking - but her mind now filled with doubt. Was she ever going to be good enough? Was she stupid to think that she could be? She did want his cock but if she couldn't meet his expectations then maybe ... She did what he told her but her moans were now reflective of effort rather than wanting. She didn't know what else to do; what to say. She was starting to feel like a failure... And maybe Jake had known it was going to come to this? Did he expect her to fail? Did he know she wasn't a true slut?
Looking down he saw the concern in his slut’s face! The poor thing so wanted to please, so wanted to do his bidding, and so looked distressed as he spoke to her. Jake realized that she needed encouragement that she needed to know that he appreciated her efforts and her submission. So as she looked up for affirmation, he reaches down and caresses her face, giving her a bit of affection, for he did appreciate the gift she was relinquishing to him.

Oh my little slut it’s okay, you’re doing fine. I’m proud of you; you’ve come such a long way in such a short time.

He looks down into her eyes so she can see the truth of his words, and see that she means a lot to him. That her efforts are appreciated and wanted, that she fills a very special role that they both wanted and needed.

Look at my cock, look how it reacts to you. The more you have given in to me the more I want you. I tell you of all the things I want you to do, because I want you to do them. I want to wake with my cock in your mouth, I want to fuck you with my cock, and I want to go to sleep with my cock in your ass. Remember slut, I want you to be there doing all those things.

Jake leans down and kisses her.
Jenna relaxed a little as she felt her fears diminishing. She leaned her head into his hand feeling it rough and warm against her jaw line. She felt his thumb as it caressed over her cheek, back and forth for a moment. The smile began to return to her face as she heard the words spoken to her. She took a breath and exhaled almost in relief. Then she lifted her head from his cupped hand and let her eyes fall back to his cock, just as he was telling her. Thick. Hard. Rigid. Dark pink. Now ridged. Thickly veined. She ran her tongue up the length of it one again, slowly. She was conscious of each ridge and valley as she moved ever upwards.

"I want your cock in all those places too. I just don't want to disappoint you."

Jenna let the tip of her tongue circle around the head of his cock, covering every bit of it, before slowly trailing her tongue back down. She turned her head a little to one side, letting his meat rest against her cheek where seconds before his hand had been. Then she licked and gently sucked on his balls. Moaning softly. Not rushing. Waiting for him to decided when he wanted to fuck her again.
The young thing responded to his words, it was clear to Jake that she needed his affirmation, his acceptance, that she would do almost anything to get it. The way she verbally told him about her desires for his cock, and how she didn’t want to disappoint him, pleased him on so many levels. To watch her work his cock with so much care and thought, to see her take it into her mouth, and suck on it, was pure pleasure. Jake smiled as she got pleasure from serving him, as she took her time, not rushing, but enjoying the experience. Still on purpose he’d done nothing to really stimulate her, but instead was making her learn pleasure from submitting.

There you go take your time, it all yours. No one’s going to take it from you. Show it how much you love it. Show it how much you’re going to make it happy.

Jake eyes showed his appreciation, as did his cock to her efforts. Normally he would be ravishing her, taking his pleasure from her sexy young body, but this was about submitting, about going beyond receiving pleasure, this was about teaching her to give pleasure, about serving. Her moans not only showed she was enjoying it, but that she was taking to this new lifestyle.

That’s right slut, you enjoy doing this, you enjoy giving pleasure, enjoy serving my needs. Oh you like it when I fuck you, but you also like to be at my beck and call, to give pleasure, to attend to all of my needs. It turns you on to know you arouse me, that you can please me with your body. You don’t just have to use your lips, use your tits, use your hand, your body, anything and everything to arouse my length.
Two nights ago she had walked into this house for the first time. Up to that point in her life she had been with five guys. Sure there had been kissing with one or two others... but she had had genuine sexual experience with only five guys. Only. Some would have described her as a slut at that time solely on that record. Within a few hours of walking in there she was being fucked over Jake's desk, a porn movie running in the background which he had walked in on her watching. Some of his words ran through her head as she kept her mouth working over his thick hard member savouring it; 'the dirtier and the nastier it is, the more you want it and the more you like it.' At the time he had said that she hadn't really known what he had meant. ' All those nasty, filthy thought and dreams... no one to take care of that depraved itch... I know exactly who and what you are.'

She leaned over him and consumed his cock deep; never had she given more attention to any cock in her life before this moment. She choked herself for a moment... letting spit coat his shaft and then she slowly withdrew. Jenna looked at him, licking and then chewing her lower lip, as she knelt up. She slid her hands up the side of her body, running them over her tits, her shoulders back, letting him watch as she caressed them. The she leaned forward a little until his upright hard cock rested on her chest in between her tits. Moving her hands she pushed her firm tits together, wrapping them around his shaft. She leaned her head forward and let her tongue flick over the head of his cock which was now 'peeking' out from her forced cleavage. Her mind drifted again.

A day after being fucked by this man - a man who seemed to know her so well... more than she knew herself perhaps - she had flirted with a kid working in a shoe store... she had played with her pussy in front of him. She had sucked a stranger's cock in a store bathroom. Miguel had called her a 'natural born cocksucker who can't get enough dick.' She had sucked Jake's cock in a restaurant, knowing that there would be people looking over.

Jenna lifted her head and moved her upper body in such a way that her tits moved up and down against Jake's cock. As she did it, she remembered him fucking her in the men's room whilst two of the waiters had watched. When they had gotten back to this house, her dad had called her 'a fuck toy'. She had heard him speaking to her, telling her to think about how good his cock would feel in her ass just as Jake was taking her ass for the very first time. Her dad had called her 'a natural born cumdumpster'. She remembered Jake telling her to lick his ass, to finger it and as if he was at that moment reading her thoughts, he seemed to slide forward in his seat. She saw that as an invitation... a silent instruction perhaps. She let his cock slip from her tits and lower herself down once more. Licking his cock. Licking down to his balls. Twisting her body a little to move further under him. Her tongue searching out his ass.

She remembered him taking her into the store only that morning... having her suck his cock with two others watching... using the cell phones to film what they were seeing. Then Jake having her suck one of them as they both mauled her in her new dress. Another stranger's cock in her mouth. Another stranger finger fucking her and making her cum despite what Jake had told her. Her tongue lapped at Jake's ass as she remembered Pete and Lola. Pete telling her that if her daddy was a real man he would know what his daughter was and he would fuck her too. She had kissed Lola - her first kiss with a woman - and as she did so she took Jake's cum from her mouth. Minutes later as Pete fucked her she was licking Jake's cum from her freshly fucked cunt. And then almost immediately after that, she had displayed her freshly marked and adorned body to another stranger... another woman. Two nights ago she had walked in here having been with five guys. Since then that number had practically doubled and two women had also been added.

She brought her mouth back to Jake's cock, her eyes wide as she looked up at him whilst she licked and kissed and sucked. She wanted him so badly at that moment.
Just a few days ago, his slut had been nothing more than a friend’s daughter, somewhat attractive, worth a glance but no more. Now it was different, she was a slut, his slut pure and simple, a young grown woman, of strong sexual need. Every pore of her body exuded sexual desire, and required him or even any other real man to at some level answer it. Obviously she was his property, and would do at she was told that was clear, and this on so many levels aroused Jake. What women had ever truly given herself so completely to him, only asking to serve and nothing more? It wasn’t that he didn’t have and enjoy women, he had, and there was even a few that came sort of close, but none really since back in college. Now he knew Mike had a piece of ass on side as he’d been bragging of it of late, and it truly spoke to Jake about his own needs. Now he had the perfect solution to his own sexual frustration, and as much as the young thing had gone through her own sexual awakening so had he. Things he’d had buried for so long, thoughts unsaid were now being answered. He hadn’t been true to himself, and by deceiving himself he’d got into a marriage that only in some minor way satisfied him. If this special relationship they had, could endure, and be as open and as truthful as it had been he could be a very happy man, and from what he could tell she too would be happy.

Still there were so many unanswered questions, what was he to do about her father. They were both above the age of consent, and so there were no legal issues, but would be lose a good friend over this? The poker game was only a few days away and he had to figure out how he was going to deal with it. Plus his son would be coming back, and that was yet another thing that he needed to deal with. And now that he’d tasted this fruit, this young ripe thing he knew he wanted more, much more. The last few days had proved that, as he was finally living life as he had always dreamed. Could this be more than a fling, more than a short dalliance that burned quickly and died out? Could they continue this open relationship, this sexually charged partnership and make it last? Looking down as she drove his cock between her tits, the spittle and drool hangs from her mouth as she put the slick member between her mounds, and licks the tip as if it were a treat. Damn he could get used to this.

You’re doing it slut! You’re doing it!

He was getting so close, so fucking close. And when he was done here he was going to take her to bed and keep her there till he couldn’t get it hard again or he fell unconscious from exhaustion, and the latter seemed the most likely, because with such a sexy and eager little slut like her, he saw no forcible way he wouldn't get hard again and again. Just the thought of going to bed with his cock buried in her ass would keep him hard. He had no doubt that he would wake up with something wrapped around his cock if he was any judge of character.


Was all he could mumble between clenched teeth as his cock and his control gave into the satisfying pleasure of orgasm. A deep guttural groan of pleasure as his cock started to pump it ample load, in throbbing blasts of euphoria. His eyes opening to look into hers, to enjoy, to share their mutual lust for each other.
Jenna moaned softly as she consumed more of his cum. At that moment, she had lost count of how many times she had done that during the course of the day. But then Jake had said that he had wanted her to be on a cum diet. She felt a little pleased with herself for having achieved what he had wanted and perhaps emboldened by that when she was convinced that she had cleaned him thoroughly, she stood up slowly. She tidied away the take out cartons and then took hold of Jake's hand. She looked at him expectantly for a moment.

"Didn't you say I needed to bathe or shower with you every day. Isn't it time for that now."

A few minutes later they were both stood in the shower and Jenna worked soap and sponge over his body much as she had done the night before. She took her time. She made sure that she missed nowhere. Soaping and rinsing. In light of everything that had happened during the day however, she just used her hands and the sponge. She worked silently. Focused only on him.

Shortly after than they were in bed and she was already thinking about what next... what might she be faced with tomorrow and was she good enough?
It wasn’t all sex between them; there was a special intimacy they seemed to share, as she gave herself to him, and he possessed her. She didn’t hold back, have some contrived set of rules about how they should interact and when, she simply submitted to his will, and when she did, she was rewarded by his attention. The next day they had to themselves, and they stayed home, for which they spent most of the time enjoying each other’s presence. Little if any clothing was worn, the day starting with him awaking with his cock in her mouth, and going to sleep with them spooning, his strong arms around her, and his spent cock still lodged in her ass.

Still the realities of life required them both to attend to other matters. Jake needed to deal with work, while she had school to attend for a few days. The separation of a few days Jake felt was important, because he wanted to know if it was real, would she really come back? They were in the moment now, but would she have second thoughts or would she be hungry for more, that really was the question. So before he’d let her take off, he gave her some clear instructions.

No sex, no pussy and especially no cock, you can rub yourself, but you can’t get off.

Now he’d find out if this was going to be a onetime fantasy or something else. Was she going to continued to allow him to control her person, her life, and most of all her body? Jake gave her a deep lustful kiss, before he sent her on her way. The babysitter that had cum, had now left, and yet she was far more than that. Though he smiled, he probably would need a new babysitter. Plus he had to make some additional arrangements for his son, especially for the evening of the poker game.
Jenna put the SUV into gear and drove away, still tasting that last hard kiss as she looked in the rear mirror to see Jake disappearing back into the house. The day before had been very different to the one before that; just the two of them. They didn't really do that much. Jenna had made a late breakfast which had meant lunch wasn't really necessary and she had made dinner. Before during and after they had sat and talked and watched TV. Jake had told her more about what he did; she didn't pretend to understand most of it. She wasn't stupid by amy means but hedge funds and mergers and takeovers just didn't interest her. She knew that a hedge fund was an investment vehicle; she knew that hedging was about making certain investments in order to offset losses/gains incurred with other investments; she knew just from looking around that Jake was obviously very good at what he did. But beyond that... Similarly she told Jake about College, about what she was studying, what she wanted to do. In a lot of ways it was similar to days she had had before getting to know a new boyfriend. But this was different; Jake was different and the nature of the relationship that they had had up to then was very different.

As she drove home, to get changed and head into College for an 11.00 lecture she wondered whether anyone would see a difference in her. Of course she was physically different - underneath her clothes, her body was now adorned with silver and of course there was the 'tag' on her back declaring what she was and who she belong to, but Jenna wondered whether she 'looked' different in any other way. She got home and changed into her normal college clothes - jeans, sneakers, t-shirt. But suddenly the t-shirt looked a little plain. She switched it for a Victoria Secret lace t-shirt which showed her curves quite well. She swapped her sneakers for heeled boots, freshened up her make-up and picked up her books. An hour later she was in class. Nobody said anything to her and for the most part everyone acted exactly the same... nothing had changed. There were maybe a couple of guys who looked at her a little differently, maybe looked a little longer and let their eyes wander a little. Nobody said anything though and she had gone to the library and then gone home. She made herself some supper, had a phone conversation with her Dad, during which she struggled to put the call from a few nights before out of her head. She wondered whether his 'girlfriend' was there with him - doing to him as she had been doing to Jake when the call had first started. It didn't sound like it. Jenna heard nothing out of the ordinary. After than she had showered and gone to bed - a big empty bed suddenly. She wondered whether Jake was lying in bed thinking about her? Of course there could even be someone else in there. What had happened with the date he had gone on when she had baby sat for him? She didn't really think that he would be with someone else. She expected him to be spending time with his son and his family.
Jimmy returned and Jake’ life returned to its normality, and yet his mind was elsewhere as he reviewed what had happened. As much as he enjoyed his work, found himself thinking of the young slut that had pledged herself to him. Had it been nothing more than a fantasy that happened one time, or did she really want it to go on further? Jake’s gut told him it was more than some pass dalliance, and that what they experienced seemed far deeper and stronger. Still no matter the fantasy, he needed to deal with reality and one of those involved her father. Jake had decided what he was going to do, so he still needed to see how it played out, assuming his little slut played along. Still the poker game wasn’t till tomorrow night, and he really didn’t want to wait that long to play with Jenna. So while he was taking is lunch break he decided to play a small game with her. If he remembered right she had an hour and half or two hour class about this time. So she’d also been nice enough to give him all her contact information. Smiling he sat down at his desk and whipped out his phone and sent a text message to his slut.

Good day slut! I’ve been missing you and you’re tight little pussy.

Jack continued to smile as he typed out his message. Wondering how she would take it.

I hope you have been doing as I told you.

If this was a onetime thing, she’d probably not answer back or simply brushed him off. If she wanted more, well, he’d see just how much more.

Did you wear panties, if you did take them off. Send me a picture.
The screen of the phone which was sat on the desk next to her open lap top suddenly came to life. It was switched to silent whilst she was in her lecture. She was sat on the end of a row of fixed seats towards the back of the lecture theatre. There were about 80 other students spread around the 200 seats which were set in an arc banking up from the floor where a middle-aged slightly overweight man was lecturing on criminal psychology. For an exciting subject he was doing very well to make it quite dull. She picked up the phone and saw "New Message from JAKE" printed on the screen. Her heart beat quickened a little and a couple of butterflies danced in her tummy. She felt her cheeks flush a little. She hadn't heard from him since she had left his house yesterday morning but she had found it hard not to think about him. She smiled as she pressed a couple of buttons and opened up the new message. As she read the first line she felt her body tingles little. She could hear his voice in her head saying the words she was reading. When she finished reading she looked around. Nobody was really taking any notice of her. She hit the reply button.

"Hello. Missing you but no sex, no pussy and definitely no cock." She hesitated for a moment. Looked around again and then back to the screen. "Woke up so wet this morning. Dreaming all night about you inside me. But didn't get off. Just like you said." She hit send, then looked around again. Then back to the screen. There was another ten minutes before the lecture was due to finish. She could go to the bathroom once it had finished. She wasn't wearing jeans today though...she was wearing a dress which came to her mid thigh. The butterflies kicked up again at the thought of walking around school and sitting in her next lecture without underwear. She started hitting buttons again.

"Picture to come in a few minutes"

She started packing her things up just before the lecture finished and when it did she left the theatre and headed for the bathroom. Locking the door of the cubicle, she hooked her bag on the back of the door and then removed her underwear. Nothing particularly sexy. Light blue briefs with a little lace. She laid them in one hand and took a photo. Then she tucked them in her bag. Next she held up the bottom of her dress, she lifted one foot from the floor and rested it on the seat of the toilet bowl and then she took a second photo. She clicked a few more button, attached both photos to a message and hit send.

"Xx wish you were here right now."

Then she took her bag off the hook, took a breath and headed for her next lecture.
Jake smiled as she confirmed she’d been following his demands, and that she’d been dreaming about him. Those were encouraging words and said a lot about how she felt, which pleased him. So he nibbled at his sandwich as he waited for her to respond to his next request. Would she? Soon enough he got a text saying a picture would be forth coming, and he grinned. Just as she forewarned he soon had a nice digital of her pussy, without any underwear on, and he chuckled for she was still living up to and exceeding every one of his expectation. He got a thrill from the thought that he had such complete control over her, that she would do almost anything he asked without hesitation. Though the picture was hot, it was the concept behind the picture that caused a stir in his pants, for a smart educated, sexy young woman, wanted to please him, wanted to serve him, and wanted to be his perfect little slut. What more could a guy ask for in a woman, and he couldn’t think of it.

He waved to someone as they passed his office, as he had the blind open, and continued to eat his meal, giving her a little more time, before he made his next request. Jake didn’t know if she had a large class, a small one, or what, but it really didn’t matter, as he was enjoying the little game they were playing.

That’s a sexy little pussy you have slut. Rub it for me!

Jake smiled as he wondered how she would accomplish it, would anyone see, would she chicken out. Just the thought that he was sitting at his desk, and making a hot young woman, who was old enough to be his daughter, rub herself was hot. The more power he exerted control over her, the greater the thrill he felt. There was definitely a sexual energy about her that he found undeniable arousing and attractive. He almost wanted to just demand she quit her class and come directly to him, but by increasing her need for him, he was increasing his need for her. So as he thought about it he quickly texted off another message.

When you get it nice and wet, send me a picture.

If it wasn’t his daughter Jake was sure Mike would have been happy to hear about it. Fuck Mike had said when he got a chance he’d bring his slut over for Jake to share, just because that’s what best friends did, which of course meant he would have to reciprocate, and that of course presented the problem he was about to face. Still he smiled as he waited to see what his slut would do.
Jenna sat down in her second lecture of the day. Still thinking about Jake she pulled out her laptop, set herself up and then as she was setting things up she saw the screen on her phone come to life again. She was sat towards the back of the theatre again. The two or three friends who she normally sat with weren't there... They had already texted her to say that they were going to be working on an essay for another subject instead, so Jenna was sat on her own. There was a guy she didn't really know at all sitting about four seats away on the same row and then three guys sat two rows behind her. She picked up the phone, read, smiled and then was taken a little by surprise at Jake's instruction. Maybe Jake had misunderstood where she was. Maybe he thought she was still in the bathroom.

"I'm in a lecture again. I don't think I can do that here without someone seeing what I'm doing." She hesitated for a moment before hitting send. Jake usually knew exactly what he was asking her to do. Usually the fact that she might be seen didn't matter to Jake. That was part of the point. This was a lecture though. She wasn't exactly anonymous here although she didn't really know the people around her very well or at all. She hit send and looked around a little nervously. Two of the guys sitting behind her looked at her and smiled, whispered something to each other as she returned the smile, nodded a hello and looked away. As she waited for Jake's response, suspecting what his response was going to be, she tried to work out how she could do what he wanted, shuffling a little in her seat, crossing and up crossing her legs.
It wasn’t long and his phone chimed with a text message notification. Jake’s finger touched the screen till the message popped up and while taking a bite out of his sandwich he read it. Interesting, she texted back that she wasn’t saying no to his request, only what the possible ramifications of it might be. He took a drink from his bottle of water as he thought back what to respond. So she was in class as he suspected, and she might get caught, which didn’t bother him, as he liked the idea that she was in a compromising position. Taking his time, he let her sweat, knowing she probably had been worried about the text she sent, and he’d already given her an instruction, and she was questioning it. Now it was time to push and see what the results were.

So what? Where’s my picture?

This was a point where he could back off, and give in making it a more normal relationship, but that’s not what he wanted. If she was going to be his slut, and he was going to be her man, than that’s what they were going to do. No half assed, no part way, it was all or nothing he thought. His last relationship had been about compromise, about giving in, and it hadn’t worked. The last few days had been great, and he saw no reason to turn back now. No need to give her any leeway or to leave any doubt who was in control, and who had power over whom. Plus the risk added to the thrill of it, if she were alone home, where was the excitement of his demand, how hard was it to comply to. By making her do it in public just further proved her submission and subservience to him, and if someone saw her, they would just have to be jealous because she was his slut, not theirs.
The phone lit up and the butterflies sparked in Jenna's tummy. In truth she didn't need to pick the phone up and read the text to know what it would say. Nothing over the past few days indicated that the message she was about to read was going to say "okay... I understand... don't worry... just do it if you can." That was most certainly not going to be Jake's attitude. Even as she picked the phone up she knew it was stupid to suggest she couldn't do it. . But then how was she going to do it. She looked around the room again and shuffled in her seat. She turned a little sideways, her knees pointing out towards the steps which ran down the side of the lecture theatre seating. The other side of the steps was a wall and so no-one could see from that side. She leaned forward onto her elbow and slipped one hand under the hem of her dress. The lecturer at the bottom would have seen nothing... a student leaning forward looking for all the world as if she were listening intently to what was being said. The guy to her right wouldn't have been able to see anything because she was turned away from him and by leaning forward the guys behind couldn't see either... at least she hoped that that was the case otherwise her reputation might take something of a hit.

She looked for all the world as if she were listening ... but it didn't take long before she wasn't. It didn't take long before her fingers had made her mind wander to Jake... to being with him... to what being with him had involved over the last few days. Her breathing became a little more shallow and little more ragged. She needed to remember what he had told her though. No getting off. This was perhaps the easy bit though; taking the photo was going to be much harder to do. She withdrew her fingers, now slick with her juice, adjusted her position in her seat again. This time she turned square on and picked up her phone. Without looking at him too obviously, she kept her focus on the guy to her right. He was probably the only one who might see if he looked left. She picked up her phone and slipped it under the table top. She spread her knees and tried to line up the camera. In some ways it was as much luck as it was judgment when she looked at the phone and saw the pictures and saw that she had taken a clear picture of her wet pussy with the silver stud glistening. She typed out a message which simply said 'xxx', she attached the photo and she hit send. Then she put her phone down and looked around, feeling her cheeks flushed.
Casually he ate his lunch and drank his water, as he cruised the Internet on his work computer, awaiting his slut’s response. Truthfully he had no doubt that she would comply, and he looked forward to see the result of his command, but in the end it was far more arousing that she did what he commanded, than the actual picture itself. He really wasn’t reading the day’s news, but just going through the motion as his mind was elsewhere. Finally his phone chimed and he reached over picked it up, and clicked on the message. The name of the message brings a smile to his face. With a press of his thumb, he brings up the nice high resolution picture of his slut’s wet pussy, and it was his slut’s as he saw the silver stud. Jake chuckled as he looked at it, and a thought came to him. So he copied the file, and then wrote out a new message.

Doesn’t that look good?

And he pushed send, of course the message was sent to Jenna’s father. While he waited for a response, he typed out a message for Jenna.

Thanks slut! I sent it to your dad.

Jake almost wanted to see the look on her face when she got the message, and realized that he’d forwarded it to her father. The very taboo of it, made his cock stir, as he sat there finishing his sandwich. The message just sent and another arrives, from Mike.

The only picture I want is the one with my dick in it but if you’re going to show me pussy, get a few fingers in there.

Jake laughs and types one out for Jenna.

I thought you might like the response I got, do it.

And he attached the email response from her father and sent it to Jenna.

Several seats up and over was someone that Jenna didn’t know, but was watching. He couldn’t tell exactly what was going on, but he was suspicious. He briefly got up as if he was going to the bathroom, but in fact relocated a few seats closer to her and at a better angle, her attention seemed to be on her phone.
As much as she expected the last messages she got, this one she didn't. The hint of the smile playing around her lips as she picked up the phone disappeared when she read the message. Her tummy flipped. A spark of both fear and excitement coursed through her ending between her legs. She read the message again. Was she understanding the right. Had Jake... Oh god. She looked around a little. Still no one was taking any notice of her. They were either listening to the lecture or in their own little worlds. At least that was what she saw from her brief look around. She looked back to the phone as it lit up again with the arrival of another message. Her thumb moved over the keys as she opened it. Another spark, bigger than the first as she read both Jake's message and her father"s response. As she read the latter she could hear in her head her father's voice saying those words. Until a few nights ago she could never have accurately imagined her Dad talking like that. But then that had changed with the phone call.

As she stared at the screen her mind jumped back to that. Jake pushing his hard thick cock into her tight ass for the first time as her dad talked to her.

"... When I take your ass, it will feel like you're losing your virginity all over again... I'll have a slut like you fucking yourself on my dick quicker than you can think.... I bet you’re the kind of slut that like guys to take turns using you... two big cocked guys one right after another, filling every one of your holes... Fuck we should tag team this little cunt... she can call us both daddy as we fuck her horny holes..." Her memory shifted to Mark's the fact that her Dad liked to fuck her and that she called him Daddy as he did just like she had to Jake. It was more obvious than ever why Jake and her Dad were good friends. They liked to treat their women the same way and they both seemed to like the same kind of women. Jenna could help but wonder what her dad's reaction would be if he found out his daughter was 'that type'.

She swallowed hard. She shuffled in her seat again. Maybe it was because of how turned on she was at that moment after playing with herself on Jake's instructions, but her thoughts now weren't really about being seen as much as they were about how she was yo do what Jake was telling her to do. What her dad wanted her to do. She sat forward again this time moving both hands under the table top, one of them holding the phone. She moved to the front edge of the seat and spread her legs, a little wider than before. Had the guy on her right looked over he would have seen a lot more of her thigh than he had before. But he wasn't looking. The unseen stranger behind her was looking and he smiled a little to himself at the toned leg that was now on display. He was still trying to work out what she was doing. Maybe just hiding the fact that she was texting during the lecture.

Jenna's left hand held the phone. Her right hand moved to her wet pussy. Using her middle two fingers she teased the silver stud for a moment. As she did so, she had an idea. She pushed a few buttons on the phone and switched to video. She could hardly believe what she was doing. She held the phone in her left hand as she slid her fingers forward and eased them into her cunt. Moving them slowly between being knuckle deep inside her and teasing around the jewellery. She did it for about 20 seconds and although she really wanted to keep going, she forced herself to stop. She sat back, clicked open the message and attached the video. She paused for a moment. What to say? She thought and then decided that she didn't need to try and be clever right now.

"Wish you were here. Need you so much. Want you so much." She hit send. As she sat back she imagined Jake watching the video. And her Dad.
The lecture continued as the young man watched the attractively dressed girl raise her legs and appear to be doing more than taking notes. The unseen observer watched his mind trying to fill in what he thought might be going on. Still he wasn’t absolutely sure as the sexy girl seemed to be busy with one hand between her legs, while her other held a phone. When her phone disappeared between her legs, he was a combination of a bit shocked and thrilled. Whoever this girl was, she had guts, and was taking a chance, but at the same time, clearly she was hot. He’d always found her exciting, having watched checked her out in class before, but now she was even more so. So with rapt attention he watched, wishing he could have the pictures her phone was taking, not realizing she was doing even more than that. If Jenna was to look, she’d realize she was being watched, and that her activities hadn’t gone totally unnoticed.

Jake’s was finishing up his sandwich when his phone again signaled that he had a message. Again his thumb pushed the surface, but instead of a picture he had a short high resolution video of his slut’s pussy filled with a set of fingers. The video was nice, but the meaning behind her words mattered more, and that’s what caused his cock to swell. Damn he wanted to tell her to cut her class short, and for him to bail on work, and just find a quick place for them to fuck. Though that would have satisfied some immediate needs, it would probably cause them both issues, and he wanted to keep her desire building. If he could keep her on edge and continue to keep her needs high, by the time he did see his slut, she’d be almost desperate, and the thought of how good a fuck that would be, had more blood surging to his cock. Even though he had some discomfort, that thrill he had and the bulge growing between his legs, spoke to how right he was to continue with this liaison, for he wanted his slut, and wanted to keep her. So he sent off a quick response.

I wish I was there too slut! I want you too!

Thinking it was only fair, he reached down unzipped his pants, pulled it out and began to stroke his manhood to a nice erection, before he took a picture, which he attached to his message.

Thinking of you!

He typed out with his one hand, and attached the picture. Still not done he thought about tomorrow’s poker game, and sent her one more message.

Poker Game tomorrow at 7:00pm, be at my house at 6:00pm.
Jenna was too wrapped up in what she was doing. Having excited herself and sent the first pictures, she wasn't perhaps as concerned with being seen as she had been when this started. The initial success together with the text conversation made her forget her surroundings a little. She still hadn't seen the guy behind her who was now watching her every move. She didn't know him; they didn't share any other classes and they'd never even exchanged a 'hello'.

When the phone silently sparked into life again, she picked it up. Smiling. Expectant. But with no idea what was coming next. There surely wasn't anything else he could ask her to do at that moment. She clicked the buttons again. The message was reassuring. She liked the confirmation his message gave. She clicked on the attachment. And then her smile broadened. She almost laughed out loud. It wasn't the picture per se; it was just the fact that he had sent it to her. Just like her father had done two nights ago. A picture of an engorged cock. A cock she had come to know well. She closed the message down and looked down at the lecturer again as if listening. Instead of course, she was thinking about Jake. About what he was doing at his work at that moment. She sighed softly and closed her eyes for a moment imagining him in his a desk. The phone came to life again. As she read the 'thinking of you' line, another text.

"Poker?!" She thought to herself as she closed down the phone once again. Where had that idea come from? And how good a fame was it going to be? Just the two of them? She wasn't entirely sure she knew all the rules. It had been ages since she had played and even then it hadn't been many games. She would need to look up the rules... But still two of them. Unless of course... That wasn't what Jake had in mind. How many times had her dad gone to Jake's for the evening? A few drinks with friends over a poker game. A poker game with the guys. He was asking... No. He was telling her to be there before the game... Then another thought struck her. Her dad was going to be back. He was probably going to the game. Maybe she would be babysitting whilst the game went on... She suddenly realised she was both as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve and as a debutant just before being presented at the first ball of the season. And how was she supposed to last until then without getting off?
The young man continued to watch, intrigued, aroused, and obsessed with the sexy girl in his class. He’d observed from afar, never said a thing, always watching, to afraid to say anything, to do anything, to make a move. She’d been a pretty girl, but now she was more, before she seemed almost approachable, now he wasn’t so sure. Still he couldn’t help himself, he was going to try.

So as the class came to an end, he got up the nerve, he tried to meet up with her as she made to exit the class.

Hi! Umm… I saw you in class. Umm.. Do you want to … you know study… I’m.

The young man James was tentative, and he was anything but confident as he tried to introduce himself, and meet her.

Jake smiled pleased with himself, finishing his bottle of water and turned back to work, invigorated by what had happened. Luckily he sat at a series of monitors, and no one would notice for awhile he had a rather significant stiffness in his lap. It wasn’t like there weren’t secretaries, or other women he interacted with that wouldn’t have been more than willing to spend time with him, but it wasn’t the same. They wanted a romantic, loving, serious relationship that was based on equality and such. Not that those things weren’t okay, they just at this moment didn’t interest Jake, he wanted something more, and Jenna was offering to fulfill his needs, all of his needs, and not in some fashion of compromise, but totally without reservation. Jake hadn’t got this aroused and stayed this way since he was in college. And as much as he knew his slut was in need, he wasn’t unaffected by the exchanges they were having, his heart rate, even his breathing changed as he thought about her. ‘Damn’, he thought, ‘I could get used to this.’
Jenna was suddenly aware that the lecture was coming to an end. She began to pack up her back and put her laptop away but her mind was still thinking about Jake; about what she had just done and about what might happen at the poker game. She slipped the bag off the desk and onto her shoulder and turned around a stepping into the walkway, she practically bumped into a guy she didn't really know.

"Whoa... sorry." She looked up and him, stepped back and smiled. "I didn't see you." The guy smiled back. Jenna thought he looked a little nervous but when he said 'I saw you in class' her heart skipped a beat. Did he mean this class? Did he mean that he had actually seen what she had been doing? Where had he been? How had she not noticed him if he was watching her? Her heart was pounding. Then she realised he had asked her a question. From somewhere in her subconscious she had to dig out what he had said.

'What... ermm... maybe... I don't know." Perhaps he hadn't seen her. Perhaps he just meant that he has seen her in class not in that class... not seen what she was doing in that class. "I guess we could at some point... Right now, I'm... I'm heading home." Jenna was very conscious of her state of undress and it was her last class. She had nothing tomorrow so her plan was to simply go home, get the house tidied for her Dad's return and then get ready for tomorrow night.
The young man watched as the attractive young woman moved past him, his eyes following her as he like more men in her life took notice of the changes happening to her. He was going to say something else, but she was soon swallowed by the crowd of students exiting the lecture hall. Turning he moved away, wondering if he would ever get a chance with a girl like that, there was just something about her that changed, and he liked it. Even if she didn't know it, she was more eyes would be following her, for she was becoming more and more an object that deserved attention.

Jake was pleased with his slut’s response, and it left him wanting more, which was good, because he knew she wanted more too. As much as he wanted to fuck her all the time, it just wasn’t possible, so a nice buildup was going to make the wait even better. Though the stiffness in his pants really wanted some attention now, began him thinking, that just maybe, that they might need an intern or part time office help. That would sure give him an opportunity to have some tension relief at work and to see more of Jenn, something for serious future consideration.

Still Jake had work to do, and if he was going to earn the money that allowed him to live the lifestyle he enjoyed, he needed to get back to it. Tomorrow night wasn’t that far away, and it already was shaping up to be very interesting. He’d just have to wait for her arrival and see if this continued the way he thought it might.
Jenna didn't really give the guy that much more thought after she had moved on. Having decided that he couldn't have seen what she had been doing during the lecture and having thought that it had been nice to be asked but he was probably not her type and even if he was, he was no Jake, she was thinking again about tomorrow night. She headed out of school, climbed into the SUV and drove home. She took a shower, ordered in a pizza and then did a few hours studying but it was hard to keep her attention focused on the books. She kept going though, knowing that if she wanted to spend time with Jake, in the time they were apart, she needed to concentrate on school. After she had brought herself up to date, she took the remains of the pizza and a cold beer into the living room and watched a little TV before heading for bed.

The following morning she was up early. She decided to go for a run. She liked to do it three or four times a week but the time with Jake had meant she had missed some days. She dressed in a pair of sweat pants, a t-shirt and sneakers and headed out. She had a familiar 10k route which took her anywhere between 48 and 72 minutes depending on how hard she pushed herself and how fit she was. At the moment she was running at about 9-10 minutes per mile and she had decided that she wasn't going to push herself too much this morning. And anyway... it wasn't as if she wasn't getting some exercise when she was with Jake!

Once home, she had a shower, had some toast and eggs and then cleaned the house a little. She had a call from her Dad to say he might be a little late and she couldn't help wondering whether the girl he had been with a few nights ago was the reason for the delay. By early afternoon the house was tidy enough and she began to look at what she was going to wear. She hadn't brought anything with her from Jake's. All the clothes they had bought together were at his place. She, she needed to find something from her own wardrobe. She found a black mini dress. She knew that it probably wasn't going to be slutty enough for Jake, but it was probably the best she was going to do from what she had in her own wardrobe.

She pulled out her black heels and after giving it a little thought, she decided to go without underwear. She showered again, dressed, left her hair down and then headed to Jake's to make sure that she was there on time. She walked up to the door of his house and knocked just before 6pm.
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