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A Lesson in Babysitting (Tyr & Katy108)

The young slut moaned as he groped and played with her tits. The look of pleasure and arousal were impossible to ignore on her as was her receptiveness to his aggressive touch and play. More he used and controlled her; the happier she seemed to be. With his strong arm, he lifts her from her knees, his cock freeing itself with a popping sound, as he quickly spins her around and shoves her against the nearest wall. Having stepped out of his pants, and with the full knowledge that she wasn’t wearing and panties he lifts her skirt, while the other one is across the back of her neck, pinning her there. At first it seems that he is going to simply play with it, and tease her, but that is only momentarily, as he hanks her skirt down, just enough that it was out of his way. He takes a glance down, and enjoys the sight of his name and her status tattooed across her ass, as he grabs his engorged member with his hand.

Now it’s time for me to enjoy MY SLUT!

Without any preamble, he drives his cock into her. Without asking or giving her the option, he takes her for his pleasure. Like she … no because she was required to be his personal fucktoy when and where he wanted. Where Mark had enjoyed her, Pete had shown his dominate side, Jake was showing his absolute ownership of her and her body. The first thrust was hard and deep, and he didn’t even give her a chance to wait, as he repeated it again, with even more force, a deep hard jab, followed by another. In a way he was releasing his own pent up needs, as he hammered her with his cock.

And I'm going to fuck you like my slut should be fucked!

Driving into her, and pressing her against the wall.
When he lifted her up, Jenna wasn't altogether sure what was coming next. And that was one of the things she liked the most. The unexpected. The unpredictable. Sometimes the dangerous. She liked that the man she was fucking did things that guys she had been with before either didn't do or did without confidence. They didn't have the confidence to take what they wanted. Ironically they may have been too worried about scaring her away when in fact it would have made her draw closer.

She gasped a little as he spun her round. Whimpered as he pushed her, forcing her to move the few paces towards one of the kitchen walls. Groaned as she hit the wall. Not painfully hard. Not slammed into it. But simply pushed against it with a slight thump. As the skirt came down, she arched her back a little, pushing her ass out. She moved her right foot away from the left as he pressed her upper body against the wall. And when finally he sank his cock hard and deep inside her, she groaned long and loud. God he pushed in to her so deep. And hen he pulled back before driving into her a second time and then a third. Each time was a little harder. It was as if he wanted to hear her noise, wanted to make her grunt, and squeal. It all felt so good and Sam was making no attempt to keep quiet. No-one was going to hear her. And it did feel so good.
Each deep thrust was met with whimper and groan, and as her pussy lathered his cock in her cream, he deepened and lengthened his strokes. Jake’s own grunts grew too, as he pierced her body again and again with his turgid member. His hips ground and rotated as he plunged his length into her with force, burying it each time deep into her wet, hot, embrace. The feeling of her velvety grip as her womanhood wrapped around and took each thrust. Still he man handles her, reaching around with each of his strong hands to grab one of her firm tits, grasping them, possessing them, as he keeps her against the wall. The fleshy sound of their bodies smacking together, as Jake fucked her. This wasn’t two lovers sharing a very intimate moment, this one taking his possession, and having her.

Jakes pounding of her continued unrelenting and without mercy as his large bloated balls laden with cum swung between his legs, smacking into her each time his cock hit bottom. The fingers of his hands dig into her young tits, squeezing them, as he used them to hold and control her. Not that he ever thought she would try to escape, for her wiling participation was never in doubt, but rather the joy and pride of taking her by right of his ownership. Two lovers would curl up and make love, but this wasn’t love this was lust, and she wasn’t his girlfriend, she was his slut. So he fucked her like a slut, pounding her pussy with his cock, giving her every inch of it, as deep as it would go, almost lifting her off her feet with almost violent attacks.

Arch your back slut, because I want feel every inch of that cock in your horny little hole. I can hear how wet you are, you filthy little slut! I can even feel your fucking juices dripping off my balls.

The squishy sound of his thrusting continued as he put hard cock to pussy. He had no idea whom or how she’d fucked in the past, but this time she would know. If he left a few marks or bruises that was fine, all that really was important was the experience. How long had it been since he’d felt this alive? Truth, probably not since he and her father were in college enjoying life to the fullest.
Jenna had never been fucked like this before in her life. The wall was hard and cold and coarse and as her body was forced against it, it began to rub her skin like fine sand paper. It seemed that every time Jake fucked her, he did it with more force. It wasn't violent; no that wasn't the right word at all. Jake had never been violent with her in the few days they had known each other. Jake was certainly aggressive... Almost every time he had fucked her he had been rough; he was forceful, savage maybe... Brutal sometimes - like now. But never violent. Violent implied a sense of out of control and Jake was absolutely in control of everything. He has been fully in control since he as walked in on her two night ago. In control of himself, of the events of the day and of her. Even when he had 'handed her over' to someone else, like Mark, it was ultimately still him in control. And so now as he fucked her, he was in complete control of himself, of her and of the situation. And there was nothing about any of it which she would change. In a little over two days her experiences had been expanded beyond what most women had in a life time. She could have spent her whole life with men who were simply timid by comparison. Her whole world had changed and how she saw herself within it.

When he gave her her instructions, she pushed her ass back and up; she pushed her upper body more against the wall, curving her spine, gasping and squealing, feeling his cock moving deeper. She didn't think it could go deeper... And then it did. She screamed again, her eyes watering as pain and pleasure mixed. Her legs were starting to tremble; she was sure that but for Jake holding her and mapping her, they would not have continued to hold her upright. She closed her eyes tight and screamed, letting her head drop forward onto the wall as she came hard.
The sweet young innocent girl that he remembered so fondly hanging around his friend Mike was a far different thing from the hot piece of ass that gasp, squealed and moaned from the assault of his cock. The more he took control of her body, the more she responded, till she was shivering, shaking and cumming on his cock like a wanton slut. However, that wasn’t enough, it wasn’t enough by far, he wanted complete domination of her and over her. The only respite he gave her, was to briefly withdraw and spin her around. His strong hand coming up and caressing her face as his body pressed against her, the wall against her back, her nipples against his firm broad chest. So as the last residual of her orgasm worked their way through her body, he spoke to her.

Oh that’s good, cum for me, like a good little slut. Now wrap your legs around me.

His hard dick, still stood between them testament to his desire and endurance. Jake’s head tilting down, as his hand lifts her chin, his mouth opening to take a deep passionate lust filled kiss, both their chests slick in perspiration, hers only marred by the red marks where his hand had held her. Even as his lips pressed against hers, his tongue reaching out to meet hers, while his other hand slips down to rub his cock against her wetness. Still kissing her, one on his hands guides his engorged member back into her wetness, then both of this hands move to grab her legs, and to hook under the backs of her knees, lifting her, using the wall to keep her where he wanted her. Looking into her eyes as they kissed, he began to fuck up and into her. The pace was slow, but ever increasing as he continued to enjoy his property.
She turned around without really recognising how... or feeling it. She didn't feel his hands on her shoulder and hip, pulling, turning, pushing. The only thing her brain was picking up at that moment was the high of the orgasm as it racked through her body and then she felt the bumped as he pushed her back against the wall. her eyes were half open, her head fell back and she was breathing hard and fast. She was conscious of his hand lifting her chin. She smiled a little as she looked up at him and then kissed him as his lips met hers. Her mouth opened to his, feeling his tongue deep; moving hers around his. Despite what had happened only moments before, Jake kept her hungry. Jenna reached up her arms and placed them loosely around his back as he reach down for her legs. Smoothly the two of them worked together and within seconds, he had her just as he wanted, pinned against the wall, his body hard against hers. She crossed her ankles behind him as her toned legs wrapped around his body.

As Jake fucked her steadily, but firmly, claiming her with every stroke, Jake's land-line phone rang. The kitchen phone was attached to the wall about four feet away from where Jenna was pinned now. Both of them looked across to it and then Jenna looked at Jake. She silently prayed that he wasn't going to stop, that he would just ignore the phone. Her legs and arms gripped him a little harder. Jake didn't stop and he didn't answer the phone. Jenna buried her head into his shoulder and neck. And then she heard her Dad's voice as the answer machine kicked in... just as it had done this morning. Calling to let his friend know that he had found himself some company from the hotel bar. Calling in case the slut that Jake had taunted him with the previous night had left him high and dry.

"I figured tonight I'd get a little of the real thing. Can't let an old man like you have all the fun."
Jake wasn’t going to interrupt what he was doing to answer some stupid phone call, though as he continued to relentlessly fuck the young woman that was his slut, he was amused to hear her father on the line discussing his own acquisition. So as his hard ample cock speared into her, piercing her soft wet folds, a deep chuckle rumbled through his chest.

Hahaha, I think your father is horny after having seen you get fucked. So what do you think of your daddy’s big dick right now in some girl’s pussy?

As his cock took pleasure from her body, and gave it in turn, its length lathered in her nectar, he began to tell her a little more about her father, as his secret life was already basically out.

He told me recently he’s been fucking one of your friends. I don’t know which one is, but she like the idea that she’s fucking some well-endowed older man. Would you like to know which one? I think we should get him to send us a picture. Would you like to see your daddy fuck one of your friends? Which one do you think it is? Which one of your friends is a good little girl in public, but a cock hungry slut in private?

Jake was playing with her, seeing what her reaction would be as he fucked her and talked about her father. He couldn’t be sure if her father was with her friend, or some other slut, but Jenna didn’t know that. So he was trying to find out what her new state of mind was, seeing if she would ask, not that he wouldn’t do it either way. No matter her verbal response, he continued, his balls swing between his legs, that were spread to give himself support as he bent and unbent his knees, driving his cock up and into her. Now she would learn that she wasn’t alone in her feeling and attraction towards these kind of men, and that there were other women, that enjoyed a strong, older, in control kind of man. These men didn’t share power, they didn’t ask about feelings, they didn’t share theirs, it wasn’t their nature. No these men, like Jake took control, and had very different expectations of what a women’s role was, in such contrast to the new age politically correct, half men that seemed to be so popular now.
For the second night running, Jenna heard her father's voice as Jake fucked her. And it took her by surprise in just the same way. There was something very wrong about it but at the same time it seemed to heighten everything. For a moment Jenna wondered just ow her dad might react if he knew that his friend was fucking is daughter...knowing all that that might entail. But when Jake started questioning her, when he told her about her Dad fucking one of her friends, her mind shifted. She groaned as Jake pushed into her again and she pulled her face out of his neck, shacking her head a little. She hadn't known.

Her mind starting racing. Who? How long had it been going on? Who was it? Where had they been fucking? At her house? Who was it likely to be? Catherine? Maybe. She was pretty and they'd been friends for years. Rachel? Tina? She groaned again. Gasped. When he asked if she wanted a picture, her minds eye saw the photo on the phone from the previous evening...the huge hard cock... The strong hand showing her day's wedding ring. She groaned again with the net hard stroke.

"I... I don't know who... I didn't know... "

A picture? Did she want to see that? Who would it be? Good girl in public? A girl like her? "R...Rachel maybe."
The young woman may have been in conflict to the questions he was asking, but her body sure wasn’t to what he was giving her. Each stroke, each pounding was met with a most satisfying groan, as his cock invaded her warm wet velvety embrace. The feeling of her tight pussy would have been enough for any man, but what made it so sexy and hot was that this was his personal pussy, a fuck hole completely devoted to serving his need. Maybe he should have felt some minuscule amount of guilt that she was so much younger than him, or that she was his friend’s daughter, but he didn’t. It just felt so good to be fucking her now and this way, that he wouldn’t change a thing.

For the moment, the conversation ended, as Jake too was consumed by the pleasure and euphoria of a good... no great fuck. As his balls began to tighten and he felt that inevitable pressure building, he just ramped up this hardcore fucking. When he was done with this fuck, he give some more consideration to the conversation they had been having, and what he might ask his friend to provide, but for now his complete attention, and being was on the hot thing with her back against the wall, and her legs around his waist.

The boiling feeling in his balls grew and grew as he applied his steely length to her softness, fucking her with strength and power, yet without any violence or malice. Simply he was fucking a slut the way a true slut would like to be fucked. The feeling of power and satisfaction increased and increased as the raw force of their joining continued. Two bodies moving towards one supreme goal, a primordial need that could only be quenched in one manner. Jake’s fingers digging in as his grunts and groans joined hers, the fleshy rhythmic slapping sound of their bodies, merging into one total cacophony of lust. The inevitable nature of their wild and unabated rutting approached, as Jake felt his muscles tighten, his cock swell, as it attempted to lodge itself within the tight confines of her sex, before it began to spew it hot sticky load deep into his slut. Whatever natural instinct took over, he drove his length into her, so that he could cum as deep as possible in her, spraying and coating the inside of her young tight pussy.
Jenna clung on tight, her arms wrapped around his neck, legs around his waist and hips. She had never felt any man take her like this before... truly take her... take everything that was her to use for his own pleasure. As he slammed into her and exploded inside her, her scream almost drowned out Jakes own loud groan and then the two of them were motionless except for the hard heavy breathing, his cock buried deep inside her. With her face buried in his neck, Jenna couldn't help but smile at how good it had felt. She expected Jake to let go of her, let her ease her legs down although she wasn't altogether sure that they would be able to support her own weight. But Jake wasn't letting her go. He was almost leaning against her, keeping her pinned to the wall and after what seemed like an age she felt him easing himself back. He almost peeled her off the wall, turned and moved over to one of the chairs at the table which was only a few steps away from where they had stood. Jenna sat up a little in his grasp, still keeping her arms wrapped around his neck, although there were really doing little more than resting on his shoulders now.

Carrying her, keeping his cock inside her, he sat down.. She smiled and moaned softly as he sat. She leaned in and kissed him softly on the mouth, her left hand softly caressing at his neck and cheek. And then from where she was sat, she reached over to the counter. She could just about reach the carton of food that Jake had been eating from which still had the cop-sticks resting inside it. Saying nothing, she took hold of the chopsticks, probed into the carton and then with an obviously well practiced dexterity, she brought a piece of Kung Pow chicken out of the carton and presented it to Jake, holding it just in front of his mouth. The smile continued to play around her lips as she waited for him to reach for the food, opening his mouth so that she could feed it to him. Then she probed the carton again and brought a second piece out, this time taking it herself, chewing on it slowly, watching Jake, waiting for him to be ready for the next. One piece after another, following Jake's pace, she gave him sustenance and in between she took her own. And all the time Jake held her on his lap, his cock gently softening but still buried in her.
Jake opened his mouth accepting the tasty morsel that his slut was feeding him, all the while his body stood between her legs, his cock still lodged and nestled in her warm sticky embrace. Their bodies moist and damp from their exuberant activities added to the aroma of their coupling and now food. Where everything a few moments ago was so wild and rushed, this time spent eating was the exact opposite. There seemed to be no urgency, as Jake waited for her to feed him, and watched as she then in turn fed herself. The strong hands that had roughly held her now were either were resting upon her hips, or gently caressing her breasts. Even though it wasn’t said, her duties were clear, that she was to do more than just serve his sexual needs.

Though their heart rates and breathing slowly returned to normal, it was clear that this was only a small respite and that once each had fed they would again return to satisfying their another needs. As they moved within each other’s embrace, Jake cock though only semi-hard moved within her body, still lodge there waiting, lurking, a monster sleeping. It wasn’t that Jake thought bad of her, for he didn’t, but he did think of her as a possession, something to serve his pleasure. As they replenished their energy, and nourished themselves, it was a moment of intimacy. It wasn’t love or at least the normal definition of it, but yet a deep bond was forming, or so thought Jake. Either could have taken the pleasure they desired, called it a moment and moved on, but neither seemed the least inclined to leave the others embrace. Though the power dynamic was clearly skewed in favor of Jake, there was still a synergy between them, one was not complete without the other, and thus her pussy was probably as happy as his cock was that it was buried within her.

In between bites, he would lean in and kiss her, his arms and hands pulling her in, as his chest pressed against hers. His loins pushing against hers as they literally stayed joined at the hips. Was this appropriate method of bonding and forming a lasting a relationship? Jake wasn't sure, but what he did know, was that it felt just as good if not better than his time in college. The whole time he remained married he thought back to those days, and only now was he truly grasping what a mistake he made. His ex wasn’t the type of woman he should have gone with, or even stayed with as long as he did. Maybe it would work for another guy, but not him, he now knew he needed a different kind of girl and life, one that would allow him to be himself, to be the kind of man he was and wanted to be, and yet for her to be more of a women then his past wife had ever been.

I think I could get to like this.

Jake smiled as he stood in front of her, enjoying the food, her body and their time together.
Jenna smiled. She looked at Jake as she pulled another piece of chicken from the take-out container. She waited until he had finished the piece he was chewing before she offered him the next piece. as he took it, some sauce dripped onto his chin. Jenna leaned forward and slowly caught the drip with the tip of her tongue. She ran it up to his mouth and then licked gently across his lip as he chewed. And then she kissed him and moaned softly as she rocked her hips forward just a little... and then back.

"I want you to like it all." She punctuated her whispered statement with a kiss and as she continued speaking, her lips barely moved from his. "I want you to approve of everything I do." Another kiss. "I want you to teach me to be the perfect slut you always dreamed of having... " Another kiss and another slow move forward... and back. "I've never wanted anyone so much... to be with anyone as much as I do right now... " she giggled softly. "Ive never wanted cock as much as I do when Im with you." She sat back up slowly and found more found from the carton.

"What do you think my dad would say if he saw us now... if he knew that it was me you were fucking?" She ate the next piece of chicken and then reach over and put the carton down. Before he could answer she asked if he was still hungry or whether he wanted her to fetch him a drink.
Their lust for each other had not subsided in the least, it was only put aside so they could eat and talk. Still Jake hadn’t felt this much fire for any woman in a very long time. The young woman looking to him for approval and affirmation, clearly trying her best to be what he wanted her to be. The sexy young thing spoke about being not his companion, or his mate, but being his perfect slut, which pleased him to no ends. So he stroked her hair, and looked into her eyes as she spoke of her want and desire for him and his cock. So when she leaned back, his hand comes down and rubs the top of her pussy, touching her new jewelry, doing this not only because he wanted to, but to reward her for her confession. With his cock still lodged between her legs he looks at her, knowing that she was his, and would do whatever he desired.

I’m glad slut that we’ve both found each other.

They both had strong sexual desires, and each could have been happy on their own sort of, given the right circumstances, but together they were something more. A synergy of personality, sexual energy, and lust came together as never before, and in a most satisfactory way, Jake knew he wanted it to continue. The slut while feeding him brings up a most valid point about her father, his best friend, and what his thoughts might be on their relationship. His cock still nestled in her soft folds and tightness of her pussy, as he talks about her father.

If you weren’t his daughter, he’d just be jealous that you are mine, and would of course want to have a moment or two of your time. Probably even offer me his own slut in return for getting to use you.

Jake left his comment linger for a moment, while his hand played with pussy. Then a smile, almost an evil grin came across his face as he wanted to see her reaction.

Because you are his daughter, I’m not sure. He might just try to beat the hell out of me and disown you, and then maybe not. I don’t know for sure.

Jake pulled back, and let himself slip from her, as they talked.

A beer would be nice.
Jenna groaned softly as he left her. There was something both satisfying about it but something which felt like a loss and a conclusion. She smiled a little consoling herself with the knowledge that hopefully it wouldnt be long before she felt it inside her again. She eased herself off his lap and padded across the kitchen to the refridgerator. She opened one door and reached in for a bottle of beer. The cool air made her skin goosebump and her nipples suddenly become rock hard. She closed the door and padded back across but this time to the drawer. She took out the bottle opener and removed the cap. She reached up for a glass but before she poured it she looked across to Jake, silently asking if he wanted the beer poured out. He shook his head and she replaced the glass on the shelf. The she returned to where Jake was still sitting. She handed him the bottle and then sat herself back down astride his lap once again.

She watched him take a drink. "I don't think he would beat the hell out of you. You're his best friend. His only real friend. He might like the fact that your fucking his daughter." She looked away for a moment as she considered whether or not she should ask something, but then she realized it was already too late. He had seen her look and if she said it was nothing, he would know for sure that she was lying. And she didn't want to lie to him. Not ever. She looked at him and the hint of a smile played around her mouth. She hesitated for a little longer and chewed on her lip for a moment.

"Is it wrong that ... that I... keep thinking of that picture he sent last night... on the cell phone. I keep seeing it in my head when I think about him or... or hear his voice." She saw him looking at her, silently asking 'what picture?' She wondered whether he could see that she was seeing it in her head right then. "The one of him... stroking his cock... his cock big... hard... I never imagined he'd be that... big, but then i guess little girls arent supposed to think that about their daddy are they?" She giggled a little and thought she saw the hint of a smirk on his face and she shrugged. "Well. Its what you've done to me. I... I just... I want cock." She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the mouth tasting the beer. Then she sat back again. There was another question she had.

"Can I ask you something else? Are you... happy that you ... caught me in your study... Did you think about fucking me before that or... or only after you walked in?"
There he was with his best friend’s daughter, her body his now, having a rather open conversation. She scampered off, hernaked body a very attractive sight as she departed and returned. Hopping back into his lap, clearly feeling that was her place, as she watched him. Jake could tell that she was not only adjusting to her new role, but actually enjoying it. He smiled as they again shared an intimate moment, the girl clearly thinking about or wanting to say something. Jake waited letting the cold refreshing taste of the beer refresh and cool him, as the sexy thing in his lap would being doing making him do the exact opposite soon enough.

Never saying a word, he listened as it slowly came out, the thing that had been obviously on the young woman’s mind. So he patiently waited as more and more of it was revelaed, as the sexy thing spoke about her father, and her fascination with her father’s cock. Jake couldn’t help but smile as she laid the blame on him, for her growing desires. Rather than admit or even accept responsibility, he instead applied his cold beer bottle to her breast, teasing it with the hard moist glass. Rather than reject or even declare that such things were wrong, he instead just listened, smiled and let his bottle play with her, his mouth opening as they shared another passionate kiss. Such a thing would have really bothered or even freaked out most people, but for whatever reason it didn't. He found her desire, he need for sexual attention to be very arousing.

The kiss breaking, as she then finally moved the conversation away from her father and his cock, to herself and what he was thinking about when he decided to fuck her.

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about fucking you before. No I’d thought about, but like so many other passing brief fantasies, I didn’t give it any more than a passing thought. You were a sexy girl, but not yet really a woman, and even if you were of age, I didn’t think anything would ever happen. Plus you were my best friend’s daughter, and that only complicated matters, such that I just let the thought pass.

With the beer bottle moving from her breast, he lets its cold surface trail down her body. The base of it nudged her nether region as he continued to play with her and talk.

Now my little slut, since you are asking. Did you ever think about fucking me?
Jenna flinched a little as Jake drew the cold bottle around her breast and already hard nipple. The metalwork which now adorned her body clinked softly against the glass of the bottle. She smiled a little as her body grew accustomed to the coldness. After the kiss, she kept smiling as her trailed the bottle down. She thought for a moment at Jake's question. It was only fair she supposed that he ask her the same question she'd asked him. Jake probably visited her house maybe once a month or once every six weeks or so. Usually it was a brief visit where either he and her father were arranging some kind of get together or where Jake was picking her Dad up to go on said get together. She knew Jake to say hello to, to pass polite pleasantries with, but that was about it.

She shook her head slowly almost embarrassed by her answer. And then she laughed a little.

"Don't get me wrong; its not that I didn't think you were pretty good looking for... for someone your age... " Her smiled broadened some more as she teased him and she looked down, watching her own finger as it trailed aimlessly over Jake's chest. "I just never imagined that you would want... with me... with your best friend's kid. And I guess I never really imagined that I would get together with someone so...o...I mean experienced." She leaned forward and kissed his mouth again softly. Once. Twice. A third time. And then a thought struck her. She sat back a little.

"Actually, when you think about it, the reason we're here this... Is because my Dad volunteered me to babysit for you. So in some ways, it's his fault." Then another thought hit her and this one made her grin disappear. "You don't think he knew... Suspected... Maybe he wanted you to... He knows you... What you like... What you want... But why would he think that I..." She was thinking out loud really, speaking each thought as it came into her head, trying to decide whether her father had set his best friend up with his own daughter, knowing exactly what his best friend would likely do. Did her own father see her as a slut... See her as he saw Kelly all those years ago?
Jake didn’t take offense when she talked about someone his age, or that she really hadn’t given him any real consideration as a potential partner. It made sense given the disparity of their ages that neither of them had thought of the other as such wasn’t normally done. Though why that should be was interesting. Why wouldn’t a young inexperienced partner want to be with an older more experienced partner, to learn, to enjoy those skills it made sense. Still such relationships have always existed, most were shunned or looked down up by the majority of people. For Jake this just showed why the majority of people were stupid.

So your father is to blame for this?

The cold bottle continued to play with her as they talked. A kiss and a touch, their intimacy growing as he enjoyed her body and in another way her mind. For if she were just stupid, she wouldn’t at all be as attractive to him. She was a smart girl, one that was finding a thrill and enjoyment not only from the physicality of their relationship, but of her submission to his will. That she trusted enough, enjoyed giving him absolute control, said a lot given her intellect. That truly made her hotter than any girl he’d known before. The others were a joy to fuck, but this girl was a joy to fuck and keep.

Maybe your father did and maybe he didn’t. We’ve always talked very honestly when alone, and we’ve shared a lot of things including pussy, so I would think he would have said something to me. Your father has never been one to hold back as it were.

Jake slides the neck of the beer bottle into her, letting it nestle at the entrance of her womanhood. Slowly Jake pumps just the mouth of it into her, using it as an improvised dildo.

Are you scared what your family or friends might think if they found out about the new you? Or that you serve me?
Jenna smiled and shook her head a little at the suggested that she 'blamed' her father for this. Blame was certainly not what she was looking to do. Well at least not in respect of her Dad. She was doing little more than speculating as yo whether he might have ... Might have what? Given his daughter to his friend? Set his friend up with his daughter. Did that sound somehow more acceptable? Jake seemed to be suggesting that he thought Mike would have told him...asked him if he had liked his daughter. And maybe he would. As a friend. Jenna squirmed in his lap as the bottle came between her legs. She looked down for a moment and then back up, chewing her lip, smiling. Jake carried on looking at her, talking to her as if nothing unusual was happening.

Was she scared? She looked at him. Thought about it.

"Maybe. I guess. And it's not because I'm ashamed to be seen with you, or because I don't want people to know we're together. It's not you." Jenna kissed him as if in reassurance and for a second it was almost as if she were seeking to look after his feelings as she might do with any guy who asked whether anyone was to know about them. Even though that really wasn't the kind of man who Jake was; he didn't have those kinds of insecurities, but for a second, Jenna couldn't help herself.

"It's me... About what they might think of me. I know I probably shouldn't care. I know that I should be content for everyone to know what I am... Or what your teaching me to be... It's just... I just am right now." She shrugged a little, guilty and ashamed by what Jake would maybe see as a weakness in her.
The bottle continued to play with the sexy young woman, as she shook her head and explained her fear of what others would think of her. It was an interesting point, as she was his to do with as he pleased, and by inference he could present her to her family or friends as his slut, something he wouldn’t do, but he understood. The embarrassed almost fearful look she had as she chewed on her lip and knew that she would do it all if she demanded it of her.

Don’t worry my little slut; there are times I realize that your nature must be kept between us. But so to there are times that I am going to relish showing you off to others. Call it the princess and the pornstar approach. You will go to grandma’s looking like the perfect granddaughter for example, but when I take you to a club, you’ll dress just like the slut you are, so that everyone knows who and what you are.

All the time he talked and explained what would be expected of her, his hand used the bottle to tease and arouse her womanhood. His other hand playing with and teasing her nipple as they discussed the dynamics of their relationship. Jake was enjoying the conversation, because they were talking about what and how their relationship would be. Neither having any expectation that it would be conventional or in any way ordinary.

Now don’t get me wrong, if I require you to give me a hand job and grandma’s Thanksgiving dinner, you’re going to. I will however respect that others don’t hold to the same conventions we do, and not require them to observe or participate. However, all of that is my decision and my decision alone, are we clear. So if I require you to get down on your knees right in front of your best friend and suck my cock, you will. Are we clear?

He pushes more of the bottle into her, as he asks his question.
Jenna giggled a little at the idea of the princess and the porn star, but the smile drafted a little - not entirely - as Jake told her again what he expected; told her how she would do what he told her; told her that the decisions were his alone. She nodded. He was more than clear. The image of her on her knees in front of him, in front of her best friend filled her mind's eye almost as soon as he had gotten the words out. At the same time she felt the butterflies in her stomach at the prospect; fear and excitement like she had never felt before. This wasn't a giddy-school-girl kind of excitement but something which struck at her core. She nodded. Leaned forward and kissed him again softly.

"I understand." she whispered. "It sounds so inadequate to say that... I've never been with anyone like you before... most of the time I... I don't know how I'm feeling... but I... I can't imagine anyone else making me feel like this and I don't want to stop feeling like this. I like being good enough for you to show me off. I like ... pleasing you... and I... I know I'll make mistakes... I know I have loads to learn... but I want that. I want to learn." Jenna kissed him again. Saying she wanted to learn didn't come close to to how much she wanted that; how much she wanted to be with him.

As he pushed the bottle into her, a soft, barely audible moan escaped her lips. Jenna sat up and her back arched a little, her shoulders pushing back, her hips moving back. The neck of the bottle was slim by comparison to what she had been used to over the last few days, but there was still a chill to it and it quite literally took her breath away. Jake's positioning of it too was just right... exactly where a well positioned finger of a man who knew what he was doing might be placed... and Jake certainly knew what he was doing as far as Jenna was concerned. Slowly she started to rock her hips back and forth - ever so slightly. The move was barely visible but Jake could feel it in his lap. She rested her hands on his shoulders and closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of his fingers and of the bottle.
I’m glad you want and are willing to learn. It shows a good attitude, one that my cock and I are going to appreciate.

The young woman was just so damn sexy. Jake was finding it hard to think of much else, especially with her very compliant personality and her incredibly sexy body. As a man, how could he not be happy to possess such an incredibly willing and eager thing? Just watching her react to his efforts, as she submits to his will, got him hard. It didn’t matter if he rode her hard and fast or took his time and played with her softly and slowly, she always seemed ready to play. Such a contract to his wife, she never seemed to have the desire to please, as his slut did.

You’re doing fine, you might make some mistakes, but you seem to know how to make it up to me.

Jake said as he continued to use the bottle as an impromptu dildo. Her body clearly again giving itself up to him, her eyes closing, and her hips rocking to his efforts. Not even an utterance of a complaint, a whine, or even a protest from her, as she submitted to his efforts. Her body responding as only he knew it would, such a beautiful thing. Even now he was thinking about what he wanted to do with her in the future. Still much planning was impossible as her body required and demanded his attention, something he was more than willing give.

Plus I’ll make sure you learn how to be the perfect little slut for me. And you’re going to do everything I want, when I want to, aren’t you slut?

It wasn’t that he didn’t know the answer; he just liked hearing her say it. Making her reiterate who and what she was to him. He liked the power it represented, the pleasure and knowledge in knowing what he now possessed. Only later would he have to deal with the one person that could cause him issue, and possible screw up this perfect little arrangement.
Jake's question brought at least some of Jenna's attention away from the sensations which were currently coursing through her body. Her brain did a quick rewind and she recognised what he had asked her. She wondered whether it was a rhetorical question, but the look on Jake's face indicated that he was waiting for an answer. She smiled. Leaned forward.

"Everything you want." She kissed his mouth softly as she whispered the words. "When you want." She kissed him again and then again, but this third kiss was on his chin and then along his jaw and down into his neck. She kissed and kissed and moaned softly, her lips barely losing contact with his skin.

"I want... to be perfect... just for you... your perfect slut... I want to make up... for all the time you lost... with your wife... I want to make you... and your cock... really... really... happy." Her words came between kisses as she worked her way down his neck and across his shoulders. And then she eased herself off of his lap, off of the bottle. But as she backed off, she stayed bent forward and kept kissing, now working her way down his chest, over his tummy and his abdomen. From there, it didn't take long for her tongue to find Jake's semi-hard cock and then she focused her kissing and licking only on that.
The young woman, didn’t back away from his comment, or even just nod, or even just verbally confirm it, no she moved to pay homage to his cock. It wasn’t like some forced obligation required by their new relationship, but more just a clear indication that she was willingly and eagerly fulfilling her new role. Like some supplicant she kneeled before him, and instead of worshipping at some altar, she worshiped at his cock. That very act made her sexier than any other woman he’d ever met. Some may have had some physical attribute that pleased him more, but she was the complete package and only solidified the desire he had for her. So his cock swelled as she paid tribute to it.

Going to be the perfect slut are you? Then suck my cock like a wanton slut! Spit on it, then suck it down, because you want to taste every inch of inch in your mouth. Worship at that fucking dick slut!

Jake wasn’t physically forcing her, but instead verbally pushing her to submit. Any girl could play the fantasy, be that kind of person for a moment or even a night, but it took a very special kind of woman, to freely become that kind of a sexual object for a man and to do so without caring or knowing when it would end if ever. To give in so completely that your life, your meaning for being was to serve and to do so for no other reason was very special.

Think of it as the most important thing you’ve ever done in your life. Nothing else matter, than pleasing my cock. Nothing matters more, if you best friend walked in, you wouldn’t stop, if your dad walked in you wouldn't stop, no instead you would just keep sucking that cock, because that’s all that matters, nothing is more important.

Jake didn’t reach down to fondle her or even to touch her. Her only pleasure she would get right now was in serving his cock and him. And if she was a true submissive slut, then she would truly be happy.
Jenna was going to take her time. She was in no rush and as long as Jake wasn't looking for something quick and dirty, she was definitely going to take her time. The hint of a smile played around her lips as Jake told her what to do and as she let her tongue lick slowly and softly. She pulled her head back a little and spat on the shaft. She kept her hands away from it but brought her mouth over it. Slowly she let about half of his shaft slides into her mouth. She could still taste herself from the fucking her had given her not that many minutes ago. Her Tongue rubbed lightly against he underside of his steadily hardening shaft and she moaned softly sending small vibrations through into his thick cock. Then she pulled back her head sucking softly and breathing steadily through her nose. She felt like she did on that first night, except now she was a little more confident and a lot more relaxed. She still wanted to please him though... to obey him.

She eased her head forward again, taking him deeper now... deeper... From her position on the floor, from the way she was sucking on his cock, she couldn't look up at him. Her focus was only on his cock. Her head was effectively over the top of it, and her mouth literally slid down his vertical cock. Then she pulled back up again, letting it slip from her mouth. She moved her head to one side - now looking up at him - and she moved her head a little so that she could lick his balls. Her tongue circled and caressed them. She took each one into her mouth and sucked gently, pulling her head back just a little and letting them slip from her mouth almost in slow motion until the very last fraction of a second. As she moved her mouth from his balls she went back to his shaft, taking the head back in her mouth again. She let him slip deep again... deeper than before... taking him fully into her mouth so that her nose was pressing lightly up against his groin. She held herself there, his cock buried in her throat. She pushed her tongue forward and licked softly at his balls again. If her Dad walked in right then, would she stop... could she stop? She really didn't want to put it to the test at that precise moment.
As the young woman serviced his cock like a good obedient slut, he watched with pride. She was taking her time, giving attention to every inch of his member. The sexy woman showed great improvement as she worked every inch of it into her mouth and throat and went even further and held it there. Like a dedicated employee she applied herself to her job, bring all the things she learned to bear on her task. Jake continued to leave her alone, letting her explore and expand her knowledge and experience, for his cock was enjoying this practical education. The more they played, the more she complied, the great her hunger seemed to grow, it appeared to him. If there was such a thing as a natural born slut, this young woman seemed to be taking on that identity with unequal abandon. This blowjob exemplified it as she initiated it, and was now taking pride and effort in making it the best she’d ever done.

That’s it you’re sucking cock like a true slut now! Nothing matters more than serving that dick.

Jake stared down and enjoyed the image of the young woman’s mouth and throat impaled on his length. He left her to her own designs, but now tried to see if what he suspected was true.

How wet are you slut? How much does it turn you on to please me, to submit to my needs? To know that your body is mine to do with as I please, at any time I please. The more it grows in your mouth, the harder it get, the happier and wetter it makes you. It shows you’re a good slut, and you want to be the best slut possible don’t you?

The more the young woman gave into his demands and needs, the more she became the sexual object of his desires, the happier and harder his cock got. He wondered how far she would go, how much she would do to be his personal slut. When would she say no, could she say no? Those thoughts continued as his balls began to strain with the load that was growing within them.
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