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Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

"Uh, you know, from.....You know what, never mind" he quickly cut himself off, feeling a bit stupid for even trying. He should have known better; jokes and the like were not his forte. He was a soldier, not a comedian. "What the hell was that, Exodus?" the veteran thought to himself; he wondered what even prompted him to try and make such a joke in the first place. Well, regardless, Exodus cut himself off, going back to eating his food. It was strange, it was like he was starting to see Yoko......differently. Perhaps that was what triggered the lame humor attempt, perhaps not. Exodus wasn't even sure himself what came over him. He then blinked and saw.....Harbinger. Again. He blinked several times, unintentionally staring at Yoko before coming to his senses. It was still there; he quickly became noticeably uncomfortable.

"I....better go find Gimmi and Darri....Let them know I'm OK" he then muttered gently, suddenly standing up and making his way out of the cafeteria. The man was acting strange to say the least, but then, when wasn't he? Regardless, Exodus made his way to the opposite side of the ship in an isolated area, leaning against a wall looking out a portside viewing window. "God damn it, now I'm starting to lose it....." Exodus thought to himself, trying his hardest to get his thoughts back together. But what was up with that little flash of Harbinger on Yoko's face? He breathed out a sigh of aggravation, feeling a bit mixed up about everything.
Harbringer's presence went unnoticed by Yoko who was just watching Exodus curiously. The redhead shrugged off his dismissal and figured it was just a stray thought. "Okay then. No big deal." She smiled softly and then went back to eating. She did, after a moment, though, feel like he was staring at her. She looked up at Exodus, since he would be the most logical guess and saw that he was watching her...looking a little...out of it. "Umm, okay. Say hi for me." She watched him leave, finding it odd that he hadn't gone through much of his plate. That was pretty odd for Exodus. Was something bothering him?

She stared after him for awhile and then shrugged it off. She had enough problems. Best to not go looking for more. Habringer's spirit stayed with her, however, following the young woman around as she went through her routines. They really were spookily alike. It was too soon to appear to Yoko just yet, but the spirit couldn't help but wonder what kind of woman she was. For Exodus to have risked his life to save her instead of Kamina, she was special. Whether or not Yoko or Exodus realized how special she was. The resemblance was uncanny, and their personalities weren't so different either. It wasn't so hard to believe that Exodus could fall in love with she wanted to make sure Yoko was worthy of his affections.

Elsewhere, Gimmi and Darri were running through the halls, playing tag after a spontaneous decision to actually have some fun. They tried really hard not to get in anyone's way though. It was hard to not find Exodus as they ran down the corridor. After all, they needed breakfast too, and he was right there. Gimmi saw him first and his eyes lit up. "Exodus!" he called. Darri smiled and laughed, running to him full speed so they both reached him at the same time. "Big brother!" Their voices were one as they called out to him, each one latching on to one of his legs.
Exodus just watched the scenery roll by as the Dai-Gurren went on its way, leaning against the wall just to the left of the rather sizable window; a whole lot of endless, sun-scorched expanse. A terrain baked by heat and torn by war, empty and meaningless to many. It saddened Exodus slightly that humankind was forced to live in depressing cave-villages; even if it was home, at least Kamina had some valid points: Up here, there was no ceiling, nothing to restrict them from moving about freely from place. With the glaring exception of the Beastman campaign to eradicate them all - the current exception of said campaign being himself - the surface world was a chance to start anew, to discover and explore. Exodus could only wish for it to be under better circumstances, but in truth, that gave him a part of his drive to stop these genocidal demons from winning.

However, he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a relatively tiny voice call out to him. He turned his head to see none other than Gimmi and Darri running towards him, their small bodies clamping onto each of his legs as they called him 'Big Brother'. He just looked down at them, his face relatively neutral; however, it didn't last long before his normally hardened features softened considerably as he knelt down to greet his two admirers. For all the trouble he seemed to bring them, it was refreshing that these two didn't lose faith in him, looking up to him and giving him even more reason to try and win this fight.....For them.

"Big Brother......You were hurt really bad! Are you feeling better?" Gimmi asked, his voice expressing that oh-so-innocent type of concern only a child could possess. Exodus let a somewhat weak smile make itself visible, ruffling the young boy's hair as he replied, "Yeah, I'm feeling better....Guess I must have worried you two, huh? I'm sorry you had to see all that". It was true; he was trying to make sure that these two, being so young and unspoiled in large from war, had the capacity to enjoy their youth as much as possible. It was the least that he could do for them; he promised the Priest and Rossiu he would take care of them, so that was what he was going to do.
Darri looked up at Exodus, adoration in her eyes as she reached up to him and put her arms around his neck, snuggling into him. "We missed you big brother! We were worried about you lots! But you're okay now, right?" She looked at him like he was the most important thing in the world to her. She'd been worried about her big brother, saddened by Kamina's passing, and in awe of the ship around her. All and all, she and her brother had been through quite a bit in the past few days, and having Exodus back, knowing that he was okay, did a lot to steady the little girl.
Exodus just smiled at Darri as she hugged his neck; she was quite strong for one so little. Then again, it was likely the strength of her love for him that did it, and it made him happy that he had such an impact on them. Plus, just being called 'Big Brother' made his heart warm up; he really did find a family here. "Yes, Darri, I'm much better now....I'm sorry to have worried you". He then smiled and said, "Come on, let's go play a game......Any game you two want".....


In the Spiral King's fortress, Lord Genome sat in his high-backed chair listening to Viral give the report of Thymilph's demise. "I see.....So Adiane has clearly failed in her objective"" He breathed out a sigh of frustration; it was time to call everyone together, it seemed. "Send word to the remaining Generals........Tell them their King requires their presence here immediately to discuss an important matter" The tone of his voice was that of no nonsense being allowed; the servant - a medium-sized, pink-haired Beastmen in metal armor - bowed and then left to send the message out.

(Figured here we would cut over to Genome meeting with his Generals for a short while)
While Exodus and the children from Rossiu's village were playing, news of Thymiph's death traveled to each of the generals. Of them all Adiane was the least pleased. Her soldiers could certainly testify to that end. Composure wasn't exactly something Adiane the elegant was terribly famous for. Furious that her fellow general could have been defeated by mere humans, she had been on a tear. Of course, she was forced to tamp it down when the Spiral King called her in. Quickly as was possible, Adiane returned to the thrown room, the Guam having already arrived.
Genome, Guame the Immoveable and strangely enough, a heavily bandaged Viral, were already present, discussing with the Spiral King anew course of action now that Thymilph had been killed. "I still don't see why we need him, Genome; it's not like we can't manufacture another. There's still time if someone like him is truly important....." Guame stated matter-of-factly, holding a pipe from the the corner of his mouth; Viral retorted "You dare question the judgment of our Lord......" to which Guame replied, "You hardly have any room to talk.....Abandoning your Commander like that....Absolutely despicable. You young pups today have no spine!" Genome then barked out, "That's enough! Both of you!" "Apologies" "Forgive me, my Lord" were the collective replies.

The sound of rapidly clicking heels interrupted the conversation drew everyone's attention to Adiane's entrance; there was a heavy silence on the room as the red, spiral-scleraed eyes of the Spiral King peered down on Adiane. "You're late....." the massive man stated coldly, his arms crossed and looking especially aggravated with his scorpion-tailed General of the Southern Theater. "What can you expect....Probably upset because now Thymilph won't be around to sate her lusts anymore" Guame snidely commented.
Adiane knelt down before the spiral king. "I apologize my lord. It will not happen again," she said, straightening. Her large scorpion tail lashed out at Guam. "Watch your tongue, Guam. You've no right to state such things. Can you do nothing but crudely toss around accusations so soon after his death?" She growled, deeply offended, and exposed. Her failures and short-comings were back in the spotlight now.
Guame's short form leaned to one side, letting the barb of Adiane's tail miss his face by inches; the smallest General of the Northern Theater chuckled at her outburst. "Ah....Hit a little too close to home, have I? You're so pathetically predictable, Adiane. And for the record....they're not accusations if they're true" Guame was always like this to Adiane: Insinuating that the relationship between Thymilph and her ran deeper than they let on, making perverted jokes about the things they do together, overall just being what many might consider cruel.

Lord Genome was quick to make himself known once more, ending this foolish display once and for all with a tone of finality that few could hope to match."Guame, Adiane....Stop. Now" The aggravated Beastman leader - ironically, a human - pinched the upper part of the bridge of his nose, before looking to Adiane and adding, his tone cold and unforgiving, "Adiane, not only is that you have failed to capture Exodus, now Thymilph has died at the hands of loosely organized human rebels and are now in possession of the Dai-Gunzan. What do you have to say for yourself in light of this colossal failure?"
Guame was always cruel to Adiane--not that she didn't sometimes deserve it, of course. In fact, there were many who would have cheered Guame on to take her down a few thousand pegs. The "elegant" general drew herself up to her full height, bowing her head. "I'm sorry, my lord. We've been searching for Exodus, but he was on the move. Whenever we arrived at a location, we found that he'd moved on. We'd been working to recapture the supers who'd escaped before, but it seems Exodus met up with them. Thymilph did not inform me of their presence until the battle was already under way. By was too late." She lowered her head, swallowing the fierce emotions fighting within her. She could sense through it all though, that her time was done here. Her last chance would be to avenge Thymilph.
Genome just stared at Adiane coldly, completely uncaring about whatever was going through head. Pinching the upper bridge of his nose as he bowed his head slightly, he let out another heavy sigh of exasperation. He stayed like this for a few moments, his eyes closed as he tried to contemplate a course of action. Based on what Viral had said, Exodus was there as well; that spelled trouble, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be dealt with. He would rather not have to kill Exodus, but if things kept going the way they were.......

He then looked up at his Generals, the same cold expression on his face as he continued in a flat yet aggravated tone, directing his speech toward Adiane "I grow tired of your excuses, Adiane; every time I've inquired about Exodus, you always give the same story. With his former team dead, capture should be a simple objective at this point. Cytomander was even able to take out the only one stronger than him, even if it did cost him his ship. Give me one reason why I shouldn't strip you of your rank and power and have you shot for incompetence."
It was humiliating. Her flaws her failures all reflected back at her, Guam and Viral watching, waiting for their chance to pounce. "I can still be of use sire! I took the life of Harbringer, and kept Exodus on the run. Please your majesty! You must give me one last chance. I'll find Thymilph's stolen DaiGunzan and I'll destroy them all myself!" It was all she could do to keep from trembling. The Spiral king inspired fear for many reasons. She knew he would not hesitate to kill her if she failed next time. She would succeed--she would make sure of it.

From the shadows, Cytomander came forth--he'd attained a few scars, but he still looked as...strangely effeminate as before. He stood proudly and smiled smugly at Adiane. "No, let me go, majesty. Clearly, Adiane isn't up for it. She can't even capture Exodus, let alone kill him." Cruel, perhaps, but in his eyes it was quite true.
"Mind your tongue, Cytomander" the Helix King snapped at the effeminate General. "You had to sacrifice your ship to destroy Sovereign; Adiane was able to kill Harbinger in her personal Gunman. And if you speak of killing Exodus again, I will break you here and now. You will stay here in the Capital until I deem you worthy of battlefield duty again" he then added, his voice carrying that imposing finality that came with all his commands. It was clear that Genome was getting aggravated; his defense of Adiane wasn't out of care, but a need to put Cytomander in his place. The General of the Air Brigade was always cocky and self-assuring, admirable qualities in certain circumstances but ultimately a hindrance to proper command strategy.

Guame then spoke up, directing his gaze towards towards Cytomander as he absent-mindedly fiddled with his pipe, "I'm surprised at you, Genome, that you would even consider him viable for leadership. A pup of only two hundred years age like him has no place on the battleground. Not to mention one that can't even show up when his Lord demands his presence". To say there was contention between the remaining Generals was an understatement; that was to be expected, though. No one actually considered a Divine General was able to actually be defeated by a loose-bound group of apes.
Adaine's entire body tensed as she was defended. Her feats were small in the eyes of her king--compared to her many failures it seemed only right, but it did little to quell her temper. Had she not been in the presence of the king she would have lashed out and taken care of that effeminate upstart for good! As it stood, however, she was in bad enough standing as it was.

Cytomander merely scoffed at his failure, grinding his teeth at Guame's insults. "Really, a fossil like you should think of retiring, Guame. As for my failures, it was only luck that they took down my ship. I would have crushed them had I been able to release my personal gunman," he said with a sneer directed at the little anteater/armadillo cross.

Adiane rolled her eyes. "Give this chance to me, Lord Genome. I will not fail again."
Guame snorted, pulling the pipe out of his mouth and replying, "At least I possess wisdom with my age; you are just an arrogant little upstart who couldn't put a dog through its paces, let alone command an army". Genome was growing tired of their constant infighting; it was beginning to give him a headache. Looks like an extended stay at Beauty Village was in order. He then barked out aggresively, "SILENCE! One more word out of anyone and I will execute the lot of you!" He paused, his eyes flashing slightly as they gazed upon each of his subordinates, almost daring them to speak out of turn. When he was certain that they'd quieted down, he then refocused his intense gaze on Adiane, making sure she knew through no uncertain terms that she was walking an increasingly fine line.

"Very well, I approve of your request, Adiane; but know this. Failure again will not be tolerated. Am I understood?" Viral then decided to speak up as well, "Sire, if I may...." but stopped when Genome turned his head to glare at the shark-cat lieutenant. Viral then bowed deeply, submitting himself to the Helix King's will as he continued, "Allow me to accompany General Adiane. Thymilph was my commander, I deserve a chance to avenge him!" Genome paused for a moment, considering Viral's words; he then spoke, his face stoic as he replied, "Very well.....These are my new orders. Guame, continue operations in the Northern Theater as you were. Adiane, take Viral as your new lieutenant; I know you've been without one after killing Harbinger. And Cytomander, go back and oversee the construction of the new Dai-Gunten. Make sure that there are NO vulnerabilities this time. You all are dismissed."

And with that, the Helix King made his exit from the throne room, leaving the Generals and Viral to their duties. Guame was the first to leave, his short little body almost waddling out of the room. Viral then approached Adiane, bowing his head out of respect and duty to his new Commander, "General Adiane.....It will be an honor and privilege to crush these pathetic apes by your side." He of course, had his own reasons; he needed to face Kamina again, show him that he was the superior warrior. Of course, he and the other Generals along with Genome had no idea that the leader of the human resistance was already dead.
Cytomander growled but held his tongue, bowing his head and exiting with a flourish as he was given his commands. Guam's insults hadn't missed their mark however. The little bastard would pay.

Adiane bowed deeply to the Spiral king as he left them. She growled at Viral lashing at him with her stinger. "Do not get in my way!" With that, she stalked off into the hallway. If they had Thymilph's ship then they knew here the floating city was. Since that was the case, they would be coming. And they would have to cross the sea...She would be there to greet them. Grinning, she headed to outfit her gunman.
Viral felt the barbed appendage barely skin his cheek; the lash left a barely visible red line, reminding him of Adiane's nasty temper."By your command, General Adiane" he replied to her rage-saturated words; he knew better than to test her patience. Though with how he did things, it was more than likely that there would be friction between. Letting General Adiane lead the way, he followed his new commanding officer, intent on facing down Kamina again. He'd make that arrogant ape pay for all this trouble, and for killing his former Commander.

*Back on the Dai-Gurren.....*

Exodus had just finished a game of hide-and-go-seek with the little ones, who were both off doing god-knows-what with Rossiu. It was still fairly light out, it being so early in the day. They seemed to have enjoyed it quite thoroughly; plus, the big guy could use some positive reinforcement, especially given that Gimmi and Darri both seemed to love him, just like Yoko said. Even this knowledge, however, seemed to do little to quell his tortured mind. Anyone could see that something was bothering him; though what it was might be difficult to discern since there was a lot of demons that still needed to be dealt with. Little did he know that he would face one sooner than he might have liked.

He stood with his shoulder against the wall, peering out toward the horizon. It was then he saw it: A patch of sky that was darker than the rest, WAY off in the distance. He felt attracted to it, like it was something important to him, and it was a feeling he couldn't ignore. So once again, the half-human did his own thing, without telling a single soul of what it was he was up to. He snuck his way down towards the Gunman hangar at the stern of the ship. After convincing the door guards that it was his shift, he waited until they left. After getting the door open, he entered a bull-headed mech and was just going through the power-on checks when a rather feminine yet very distinguishable voice said, "And just what do you think you're doing, Mister?" "Damn it" Exodus thought before replying, "I happen to know you're able to let Gunman in and out manually, Ron.....So open the hangar doors" "And why, pray tell, should I do that?" "There's something I need to go see.....Alone"

A heavy silence persisted for a few moments, before Ron responded, "Well, I know I couldn't stop you anyway, so fine. But know that I'll see where it is you're going" "Just don't tell anyone else where I am; if it's what I think it is......It's a place I don't want others to see". A rather pronounced sigh was heard over his speakers as Ron replied, "You're going to have to learn to trust us at some point, Exodus; I know you feel like you're alone in the world, but we all need another shoulder to lean on from time to time. I can name a certain few who won't be happy in the slightest with this. But don't worry, I won't breathe a word....Unless they ask" "I do trust you, but there are some stones that are better left unturned. And Ron......Thanks" was Exodus' response.

The hangar bay doors dropped open, exposing the ground beneath and his ears to the loud slams of the Dai-Gurren's gigantic feet crashing into the sun-baked earth over and over again. The heavy doors would muffle the crashing considerably, alerting no one to his presence. "I'll be back soon" was his final message before switching off the Gunman's comm systems and dropping out of the Dai-Gurren. He felt his stomach flutter as he descended, his body jolting as his mech crashed into the ground. After verifying that he had the location of the Dai-Gurren constantly transmitting to his positioning system display and that his mech was still in decent shape, he then ran off for the thing that attracted him like a moth to the flame.
Yoko had just finished recalibrating her gun when the alert went off. They were being attacked by gunman. It wasn't a big group, but they seemed to be more powerful than the last--or at least more skilled as they tended to avoid artillery shots. This was definitely a call for her and the gunman pilots to get to work. She wondered if Simon was up for the challenge. She ran for the loading dock, rifle in hand as Rossiu joined her. He'd taken over for Kamina in piloting Gurren Lagann with Simon.

Just then, the little digger appeared out of nowhere. His eyes were a bit sunken and his skin was pale. Dark shadows sat beneath his eyes and she gasped at the sight of him. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, much less had anything to eat. She'd known he'd thrown himself into training, but this seemed like too much. But before she could ask if he was alright, he was in Gurren Laggan and Rossiu and Simon were out the loading bay door. Worried, Yoko hurried to give him some back up.

Simon was angrier than he'd ever been in his life. And not just for Exodus' betrayal and Kamina's death, but because that bastards that had killed him were still running around like they owned the damn place. Well, he wasn't going to let them have it. Bro had never given up, bro would never forgive these guys, and bro would have kicked their asses, no problem. Yeah? Well then so would he! "Gotta be like bro," he muttered, launching himself and Rossiu at the fighters.

((I figured this might be a good time to pick up Nia, but we could just have it be a shortened battle that shows how Simon is unraveling as well))
Exodus was so consumed with discovering what this patch of darkness that he didn't even notice that his new comrades were under attack; hell, he didn't so much as look back. But then again, he put an impressive amount of distance between himself and the battle site, so it was unlikey he'd even notice there was a battle going on in the first place.

His eyes remained glued to the horizon as the patch of darkened sky drew closer and closer; strangely enough, the closer he got, the more familiar this felt. It was like he'd been here before, a real deja vu experience. And yet none of the surrounding terrain looked familiar to him. There was also an increasing sensation of dread, the feeling forming a knot in his gut. He had to find out what was here, it was killing him not to know. His Gunman jumped with a surprising amount of nimbleness given its rather bulky design from stone to stone, navigating the mountainous terrain as he neared his objective.
Ron and the team in the control tower were trying to rain shells down on their attackers, but they were just so damn quick and agile that it was impossible for the targeting computers to generate a proper firing solution. So Ron did his best to try and at least scatter the attackers to make them easier for those on the ground to fight them. Ron, all the while, was keeping his unspoken promise to Exodus - he wouldn't tell anyone where he was unless they asked him. But they could use his help right now; he just wondered what it was that so damn important.

Kittan was performing quite nicely in his King Kittan Gunman; he laughed as his spear pierced a rather skeletal-looking enemy mech, fearless despite the impressive speed this batch of enemies moved with, "Sure you bastards are fast, but that don't mean squat if you can't even chip my paint job!" He sensed an enemy at his rear; he spun around and brought his shield up just as another one tried to slam him with an axe-ended polearm. "Could use some help here!" he shouted, trying to keep his attacker off of him.
Yoko fired a few rounds in Kittan's direction. "Damn it, where's Exodus? He should be out there by now!" she growled and kept providing cover, working to help her friends. "Ron! Where's Exodus?" she yelled, struggling to hear herself over the sounds of battle.

Simon, for his part, was focused on getting through this battle. "More like bro," he muttered, launching himself at the enemy without a plan. He kept fighting, his heart racing as he attacked, exhausting himself as he tried to keep up with his older bro's pace.
The man of Yoko's question was continuing his excursion towards the place that drew him in like a bee to a flower. It was strange, considering that he didn't know this terrain at all; soon, he would realize that this place was very familiar indeed, and all he was doing was taking a different path towards it. Eventually, he reached the center of the mountain range and merely stood there, his eyes wide with disbelief and his body frozen with shock.

He'd found where Cytomander and Sovereign had fallen; the air was thick with despair, desolation and death. Memories of the battle, from Exodus firing that shoulder cannon to Harbinger saving him from that one enemy to Sovereign's brave sacrifice. All of it played back in his head, the familiar despair beginning to well up within him as he descended down a rocky grade, eventually reaching the floor of the basin. The veteran then exited his machine, feeling the wind ruffle his long, partially-shaved lock and wash over his body.

"This place......This terrible place.....Sovereign...." Exodus muttered as he drew closer; he now knew why the sky over this area was darker. His first major loss and the death of a General occurred here, and now here he was, standing in all of it. Clouds of white and black ash fluttered about, piles of wrecked and rusted Gunman parts were strewn everywhere. And in the center of it all, sat the wrecked flagship of the former General Cytomander the Swift. A single tear trailed down his cheek as he squeezed his eyelids shut, placing a hand to his heart from the wrenching pain in his chest.

Ron chose to ignore Yoko's question, feigning that he didn't hear what she asked of him. It wouldn't be too hard to say that he was distracted; after all, he was helping to try and scatter the remaining enemies to make them easier to pick off. The improvised artillery strategy seemed to be working, and the human/Super resistance was winning out.

Simon and Rossiu were battling the fray as well; however, due to Simon's lack of planning and despair about the whole situation, an enemy was able to dodge the Gurren Lagann's assault and knock the Gunman to the ground. Rossiu shouted to Simon to get up; however, just as the enemy mech was about to swing down with its club for a killing blow, Kittan appeared by their side and speared the foe, making the hostile mech go limp and keel over after the long-shafted weapon was withdrawn. "Damn it, Simon! Get it together!" he shouted, trying to fend off attackers so Simon could get back up and fight.
Yoko growled and kept firing, distracted once more until she had to scramble or be hit. "Damn it!" If they were getting away with this sort of thing, then it was pretty clear that Exodus wasn't here. "Ron! Where is he? We need the back up!"

Simon, frustrated, angry, annoyed, just yelled. He couldn't control himself any more--too many emotions clouded his mind and he got up swinging, determined not to fail. "You won't win!" And he started to really wail on the gunmen he could catch, though, frankly, most of the shots were lucky ones. Gurren Lagann took more damage than it gave.
Ron indeed felt guilty about keeping Exodus' location secret from people; damn that man and thrice damn his own non-combative personality. But right now, he needed to focus on the battle and keep everyone's attention on it as well.

Though right now he was more worried about Simon; the kid seemed to be swinging around wildly, getting hit by enemies and beat by enemy units more than he was hitting them. "I would focus on Simon right now, dear, he's getting hammered rather hard" he then replied to the red-haired sniper. If Simon kept this up, he'd become a liability to his allies and that was something that he could not allow to happen. But fortune would seem to smile upon their continued resistance towards their attackers, for the degree of the assault was weakening.

Soon, it seemed the fighting was starting to dwindle thanks to the combined efforts of Yoko and the soldiers on the ground; while at reduced combat potential without the veteran to assist them, they were not incapable of defending themselves. The battle did become more centralized, now focused on protecting the Gurren Lagann from sustaining too much damage; Simon seemed so out of it that even its self-repair ability wasn't activating.

Kittan was also starting to lose his cool, but only because the kid was fighting stupidly. Simon was letting the Gurren Lagann take too much punishment with his blind charges; soon there'd be nothing left to fight in. He then did something incredibly shocking: he used his spear like a bat and struck Gurren Lagann so hard it flew back out of the combat zone, surely jarring Simon and unfortunately Rossiu (him being an innocent bystander in his eyes). "What the hell, Kittan?! He's on our side!" Dayakka shouted, to which Kittan shot back heatedly, "He's also going to cost us this battle if we have to keep saving his sorry ass! We can do this without him!!"

There was only silence from Dayakka, as the man did have a good point. Ron, too, said nothing in defense of Simon, but he secretly didn't really approve of Kittan's actions. Before returning to combat, Kittan added, "Sorry about that, Rossiu; I bet that wasn't a pleasant thing to feel". Rossiu was in a bit of a daze, but replied, "I..It's alright, I understand. But you didn't have to hit so hard...". Kittan said nothing in reply as he rejoined the battle scene, leaving the Gurren Lagann to sit as they began cleaning up the last of the attacking force.
Yoko growled and took a few risky shots, along with some of the supers who'd decided to join up with them. She hung out from the bay, another super holding her in place as she took some very interesting shots, nailing each target thanks to the element of surprise. When it got to dangerous, the more acrobatic super helped her up and back inside the bay. She panted, reloading. God help Exodus when she finally got her hands on him. At this point, it wasn't so much about him leaving them without his aid--it was about her not knowing that he was safe, wondering if he'd taken off after a bigger group to split them up. Thousands of possibilities sprang to mind, and none of them were at all pleasant. Groaning, she took a moment to gather herself before she came back to the opening. "You've taken too many people away from me. I won't let you take anyone else," she muttered, taking aim and firing again.

Simon kept taking the damage as he delivered punishing maneuvers of his own--but it just wasn't enough. When Kittan knocked him out of the way, he was humiliated, and a tiny bit grateful. Pained and surprised, Simon cried out as he and his mech flew through the air and crashed into the ground further down. Exhausted, emotionally drained, and so damn frustrated, he stayed down, practically crying in rage. "Damn it! I have to get stronger like bro! He never would have let this happen!" Unfortunatly, Yoko heard it and she felt a few tears escape her as well. She kept fighting until the enemies were finally taken care of and then fell to her knees on the loading ramp. She kept her eyes down, her body and mind exhausted. "Oh, Simon...I wish I could help...but I'm having a hard enough time with myself." She stared at the mech and then stood up again, taking a deep breath.

"Ron, where the hell is Exodus. And don't you dare ignore me this time. If he's not dead already, I'll kill him myself." And suddenly, nobody wanted to be around Yoko. Maybe it had something to do with the flames in her eyes or the tense way her body moved, as though, she'd strike anything that moved.
It was certainly a big relief when the last attacker fell, for that meant that particular stressor was no longer plaguing them. However, there were still some demons left to deal with: The Gurren and the Lagann, having unfused from each other, showed a massive amount of damage that was going to take a while to repair, Exodus was missing and Simon was a wreck. The second demon would be made very well-known by Yoko; at her comment, everyone else seemed to just move away from her like she was about to explode. Kittan had wanted to chew Simon out as he and a few others dragged the wrecked Gurren and Lagann aboard, but lost interest after feeling the anger roll off the redheaded sniper's body in waves. Even the Supers sensed the palpable darkness enshrouding her and backed off, despite being physically superior to her.

Ron focused on Yoko's face through the camera to the cargo bay - which was also home to the legions of stored Gunman that could be deployed - and saw that she was indeed very unhappy with him and how things were. Ron too felt a signficant amount of animosity towards Exodus at this particular moment; why did he choose now to disappear? While Ron had no idea what Exodus was doing, he knew he wouldn't abandon his team unless it was of extremely signficant, personal importance. For some fairly tense moments, Yoko stared at the camera and Ron stared at her face on the screen; it was like a showdown of some kind, but one Ron was more than happy to lose. He knew his hands were tied, and he'd seen first-hand just how volatile Yoko could be. And he'd rather not have her rough him up. He breathed out a pronounced sigh before his effeminate voice played over the loudspeaker in the cargo bay, "I'm going to be level with you, dear. I do know where he is currently, or at least, where the Gunman he borrowed is. Though what's doing out in the middle of nowhere, I haven't the slightest clue".

Unseen to Yoko, he played computer wizard and uploaded the data to one of the Gunman near Yoko herself, a model that was more known for its speed than face-to-face combat capacity. "The Gunman in slot 12B, right next to you, has his Gunman's current position uploaded to its navigation system, so it's yours for the taking if you want to confront him". Of course, given her words to him, he surmised that she wanted to do such. Not that he blamed her; he too had questions about Exodus' odd behavior, but if anyone could get a straight answer from someone, it was Yoko.

While this was going, Exodus hadn't moved from where he had stood, feeling the memories play like a horrific slideshow in his mind. Each stood out, individual yet connected, possessing a unique identity despite being part of a whole. It always ended with the great explosion in the sky as Sovereign made his own Gunman self-destruct in order to save Harbinger and Exodus.

"...." Exodus muttered incomprehensibly as the memories then shifted to when he regained consciousness after being knocked out cold from slamming into the cliff face. Harbinger's warm, comforting embrace. His own despair mixing with hers at the loss of their beloved comrade. His heart wrenched as he heard his own words play back, his curses at the heavens as Harbinger treated his wounds reverberating in his ears. And then came the long walk towards the grave; almost automatically, his body moved as well, walking slowly while the scene from the past played around.

Sensations from that one, drawn out moment of dread, sadness, rage and hopelessness washed over him: The smell of death, the feel of the wind, the pain from his injuries even all came back to him. He was reliving the moment, with all the horrific details that it entailed. Every speck of ash, every smoldering flame, every piece of wreckage all stood out vividly to him; and yet, when he finally reached the site where the Dai-Gunten lay in ruin, his mind snapped to reality. And it was no different from his memory. Everything was left in place, as it was. The mentally tortured veteran fell to his knees, hunching over and resting his upper body on the scrap pile where his brother's corpse lay. His teeth ground hard, straining to hold back his tears as he growled, "Damn you.....Sovereign.......Why, damnit....Why did you do it.....It should have been me....It was my fault....." He choked back a few sobs before shouting to the darkened heavens, "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!" He then fell forward, his hands resting on the scorched dirt just in front of the wreckage, his breaths a strange hybrid of panting and crying.

"Well, nice to see you're still the pathetic brooding idiot you've always been" he heard a gruff voice say to him; Exodus froze and tilted his head up to see the behemoth Sovereign sitting on the pile, still wearing the armor he never took off. His body was a faint, spectral hue, nearly see-through in compostion, but possessing enough clarity to be readily recognizable. The ghost-giant jumped down, landing soundlessly next to Exodus and standing beside him, looking up at the giant pile of parts. "Heh, I did a damn fine job, if I do say so myself".

Exodus was staring up at Soveriegn, disbelieving that his own brother was standing right in front of him; the poor man even tried to reach out to him, but his hand passed right through, like nothing was there. Sovereign looked down and said, "Yeah, I'm a ghost. Boo! Bahahahahaha! "" Sovereign just sighed and shook his head, "You know, Harbinger said it best...For someone so smart, you really are an idiot".

Exodus clenched his fist and shouted, tears trailing down his cheeks "How can you be so light-hearted? You died because I screwed up! Because I let my emotions get the better of me!" Sovereign let out a "Tch!" before replying "Because you didn't let me down with Harbinger....You loosened, manned up and became the man she needed you to be. And, I got to make one hell of an explosion too! Haha!" Exodus just stared at him, dumbfounded by his response.
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