Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Exodus let out a 'tch' as Yoko chastised them; go figure, he thought. If it wasn't one thing, it was something else. But he did appreciate having her watch his back when things went down like they did; still, she didn't need to remind them constantly of how dangerous it was. There were things in battle one couldn't predict, and it was up to the fighters in question to make adjustments as necessary. That was what determined who lived and who died.

Kamina just smiled and waved it off, telling her it was no big deal and that they had it covered, telling her again how awesoe she was coordinating the support fire. But before either of them could get a retort in, Yoko was off again, going to greet some of her comrades from Littner. Kamina then turned to Exodus, "So, big guy, what's your take?" "We did ourselves a huge favor sinking his fortress like that; its hindered mobility will make a follow-up strike that much easier. Now if we could just force Thymilph out of there, we might have a better chance of victory. Or we might dig ourselves into a bigger hole, who can say"

Kamina started to chuckle, thinking Exodus tried to crack a joke, but then saw that Exodus wasn't laughing; hell, the guy's face seemed frozen in a constant scowl, so that put an end to it right quick. "What should we do then?" Kamina asked, to which Exodus replied, "I have no idea" Well, that wasn't exactly the most comforting answer to hear. "Maybe Ron'll have something; he's been around you guys longer, he could have something" Exodus then suggested, turning to leave just as Kamina was about to ask him what he meant.

As if fate was conspired to work this way, Ron actually called Kamina and Simon over, saying he found something. "What is it, Ron?" Kamina asked; the eccentric engineer replied, "Well, you know how Lagann can fuse with Gurren, right?" Kamina cocked his head, wondering what Ron was getting at, "Yeah? What about it?" Ron smiled and placed his chin in his fingers, "Well, I explored the system responsible for that and found that it's very likely to be able to do that with any Gunman it contacts with"

Kamina's eyes widened at the realization; that meant.......Ron smiled even wider, "Yep, if we play our cards right, we can seize control of Thymilph's ship and use it against him" Kamina then clapped his hands and called everyone together, stating the discovery that Ron found. It was here that he showed his natural charisma and leadership skills and that suggestions for doing this were fielded........input from Littner, the Supers and the Black Siblings were all welcomed. When that was concluded and a plan established, Kamina then made a rather bizarre - but oddly typical - suggestion: Celebrate to help everyone relax before they go on the attack once more
Yoko had gotten in a nice chat with her friends before they were all called together thanks to Kamina. She came forward and listened with the others as they gathered around. As the strategy was revealed, she couldn't help but feel it was brilliant. It meant a lot of hard work before the next attack to repair the gunman and calibrate her rifle. She looked around for Simon and saw that he thought it was a good idea...but the poor kid was shaking in his boots. No pressure or anything.

She frowned a little and made her way forward, only to have the crowd disperse, leaving Simon lost to her. Frowning, she figured at some point she would have to say something to him too. Shrugging, she turned to leave for awhile too, leaving everyone to their duties and helping with what she needed to help with.
Soon enough, the party was in relatively full swing: food was being roasted over open flames and the Supers, being tribal in nature, conducted war dances around several other bonfires. The beat of the deerskin drums saturated the air, their deep voices letting out bellowing war cries as they readied themselves for battle in the only way they knew how. Though they were far fewer in number than the humans, their genetic and bodily modifications at the hands of the Beastmen made them formidable allies. The Littner villagers joined in on the festivities, adding the sounds of laughter and merriment to the mix; Gimmi was off chasing Boota once more, the pig mole's little feet skittering over the hard earth as he tried to avoid being hugged to death by the energetic child.

All of this was being watched over by Kamina himself; this is what they needed right now, a chance to relax. Things had been way too tense lately, so this would be a good way to let off steam. But he had other goals in mind, namely Yoko. He wanted to talk to her, see what she thought of everything. He looked around the camp until he found; he then went up and said, "Hey, Yoko, got a minute?"
Yoko had been talking to a few people from Littner and some of the supers when Kamina got her attention. She'd just been laughing, so a smile still graced her face. She turned around to face him and grinned. "Oh, hey Kamina. Sure." She excused herself and then gave her attention to him, tilting her head. "What's up?"
Kamina saw that Yoko was smiling; this made him smile as well. This is what he was fighting for, to help give people like her and the children like Simon and Gimmi and Darri a better future. He kind of led them away from everything, such that the two of them were alone. "Just wanted to talk. Things are getting pretty crazy, though, aren't they? First it was about keeping Littner safe, then we find Exodus, and now here we are, facing down a General in the Beastman army." He then stood there, looking out to the horizon. He had a feeling Yoko was more bothered about him and Exodus' tactics today, but he would let her express that if she so desired.
"Yeah, it's been quite a journey, hasn't it?" She sighed and rolled her shoulders a little to get rid of some of the stiffness. "But the key is that we are here together. I wish you'd try to remember that a little more often, you lughead. There are plenty of things only Gurren Lagann can do...but there are still a lot of things that the rest of us can handle taking on too. And now we have way more people on our side. Team Gurren is huge," she said with a little smile. "They're all here because of you and Exodus...I just wish you guys would remember that."
Kamina couldn't help but smile as Yoko chewed him out in her own special way; she made a lot of valid points. But he couldn't help it; how could he call himself a man if he didn't give it his all? "I know that, Yoko; I just want to fight for everyone, put all my spirit and power into the fight to give everyone a peaceful world to live in. One where the kids......" he paused and motioned to Simon, Gimmi and Darri, " and all their loved ones can grow up without having to worry about all of this. About having to live just to survive. They don't deserve it, no one does"
"I understand--and it took me a long time to adjust my style too--but we're a team now. All of us are in this together. You should rely on us once in awhile." She sighed and shook her head. "But I guess we'll all have to work on that together." The redhead tilted her head and looked at him curiously. "Anyway, did you want something when you asked me over here? I feel like I got you off topic somehow."
Kamina just smiled when she asked if he wanted anything, "Yeah, there was" It was time to be man and follow Exodus' advice; he stepped in front of Yoko and laid his hands gently on her shoulders. His eyes met with hers, his mouth curved into a smile as he said, "I just want you to know how I feel about you, and I hope this gets the message across" He then leaned in and shamelessly kissed her fully and passionately on the lips, holding there steadfastly to see if she might return it. Most everyone was too busy celebrating to notice the little display of affection.
Yoko blinked as he put his hand on her shoulders, his eyes taking on something more of a serious intent. She caught that sexy smirk of his and blushed as she realized what was happening...about a second too late to do anything to stop it. Not that she would have anyway. She let the shock wear off quickly before she leaned into him a bit, kissing him back as he held her there. Slowly her hands worked up between them until her arms were around his neck.

Her eyes closed and she relaxed for a moment, enjoying the way it felt to know what he felt.
Kamina too put his effort into the kiss, his arms wrapping around her back gently as his hands came to rest between her shoulder blades. Judging by her leaning into the kiss, he guessed she felt the same about him. He figured he caught her off guard, and would have apologized if she didn't like what he did. But she didn't seem to protest, so he assumed it was alright to continue. After a prolonged period of lip-lock, Kamina pulled back, Yoko's arms still around his neck. For the longest time, he gazed into her eyes, the moon and fire lights making her golden hues seem to sparkle. "Yoko....." he finally said, smiling at her.

(If you could do Simon here, please)
The curvy redhead wasn't normally one for public displays of affection, but she didn't mind so much this time around. He'd caught her off-guard, but she hadn't cared after it clicked in her head that he was kissing her because she was important to him. He cared about her and wanted her--that much was apparent through the way he held her and kissed her. Her lips curved into a smile as he broke the kiss, her eyes staring back into his. Her heart skipped a beat when he said her name. "Kamina," she teased back playfully.

For all the positive energy around the two of them, there was one person who felt as though he'd been horribly betrayed. Before it had seemed like a spur of the moment thing, and so much had happened since then it had been easy enough to forget. But this... when he needed their support most, just ripped his world apart. His bro was kissing Yoko, and she was kissing him. It would have been different if it wasn't her. He could have watched anyone else kissing his bro...but not her.

He clamped his eyes shut and ran away holding his head chanting over and over, "None of my business!" It was none of his business what she did and who she did it with. But still, he couldn't stop the flashes of her in his mind. Memories of how he'd met her, special moments between the two of them, how pretty she was, and how her body had created some interesting situations for him. "None of my business."
Kamina just smiled at her teasing, the romantic silence between them persisting for a short bit longer before he finally said, "Yoko, after the battle tomorrow, everything's going to be a hundred times better. Though how it can be better than this, I don't know, but I'll make it be a hundred times better. That much I promise you." It would seem that they were oblivious to Simon's plight, as they stayed locked in each other's arms; though even now, no one else so much as glanced in their direction. The steady beat of the drums from the Supers' war dance could be heard in the background, as well as the laughter and enjoyment of almost everyone else.
She smiled and leaned her forehead against his. "Ya think so, huh? Well then, I'll have to watch your back. It's your biggest weak spot, you know?" She stayed in his arms awhile longer, just enjoying the fact that he was holding her. Things would be better--she believed him. But it certainly lit a fire under her to not let anything go wrong. Tomorrow would be different. They had a strategy, they had a goal, and they had allies. "I guess Team Gurren's grown pretty big, huh?"
"I couldn't imagine anyone else doing it better than you" Kamina replied, meaning every bit of that one sentence. When Yoko commented on the growth of Team Gurren, Kamina looked out to see for himself. Indeed their group had grown; and now that Thymilph was trapped for the time being, they could afford to rest and prepare for tomorrow's strike. He looked back at Yoko, smiling as he said, "Indeed it has; that's good though. It will show our determination to win, that we can overcome anything the Beastmen might throw at us"

He would try his damnedest to give Simon the opportunity he needed; that sparked a thought in Kamina's head. He should go see how Simon's doing; the poor kid was probably under a lot of pressure. He stayed with Yoko for a few more moments before excusing himself, going off to find his buddy. He soon found Simon sitting in the cockpit of Lagann, holding his head as if in turmoil. "Hey, Simon....You alright, buddy?" he then asked, concern showing over his face, but being utterly clueless as to why Simon was acting this way.
Simon's eyes shot open as Kamina's voice cut through his silent pity-party. He shot up straight in the cockpit, not wanting to let his problems show. "B-bro!" He felt envy wash through him, and for a moment, jealousy. But Kamina was someone to be admired. He was always way better at this kind of thing. Braver, stronger, taller. But one day he would be just like his bro, and maybe then...maybe then he'd find someone else...That didn't really do much to dull the pain of now, however.

"I...I guess I'm just nervous...What if I fail, bro? What are we gonna do? Remember what happened to Exodus?"
Kamina just smiled as Simon told him he was worried; so the kid had nerves, everyone did. Though the images of Exodus' misery indeed passed through his mind, he knew that the combination of those experiences was Exodus' source of strength, his drive and reason to live. Even if it was for the sake of killing those that killed the ones he loved, in some way, they were all fighting to avenge and liberate the oppressed.

He then ruffled the poor kid's hair, trying to calm the poor kid down. "You just gotta believe in yourself, Simon. Do that and everything will turn out alright. Even Exodus has nerves; despite all his experience, he still gets antsy about failure. But that's not fear, that's being smart." He then gave Simon a thumbs-up and a wink, adding "Embrace your fear and overcome it, and that will lead you to victory!"

Speaking of Exodus, the war-torn and battle-scarred veteran hadn't budged an inch; his muscled form still sat cross-legged on the flat rock, hands folded in his lap. His eyes were closed, the dark-brown hues hidden from the world and his long, messy black hair hung past his shoulders; some of the side strands fell down to rest on his broad, well-formed chest. The noises around him had all but vanished, leaving him in a near-soundless void of his own thoughts. Images of his past flashed through his mind, reminding him of his goal: Eradicate the Beastman scourge. It was a whirling vortex of emotions: anger, sadness, bloodlust, happiness and a plethora of others. To say that his mind was messed up would be understating it horribly, but his body was eerily still, betraying not one bit of mental turmoil to those who were not privy to his secret.
Simon looked up at Kamina, and saw the understanding in his eyes and the confidence. Sometimes it was hard to have Kamina as his bro--he was everything Simon wasn't, and it made him feel a little low, but the guy had a way with words. Simon was only half way there. he wasn't quite pumped up yet. The fire he needed wasn't quite behind the words just yet, so as much as he felt better about the situation he was in at the moment, he wasn't quite ready to take on what came next. "Yeah...ok, bro."

He'd never been so important in his life. He wasn't sure he could do it. It was a lot of pressure to know that if he got caught or did something at the wrong time, he would jeopardize everyone, not just himself. And what if they were wrong? What if Lagann couldn't do what everyone said? What if Ron was wrong? But he was never wrong...was he? Why was this happening now?!

On top of that, he was still getting over the thing with Yoko and him, he still saw them kissing when he closed his eyes. The one girl he'd always gotten along with, who hadn't thought he was weird or smelly for being a digger, the one who was easily the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. She was strong and smart and fun, and she was just cool and mysterious enough...and of course, she'd never even thought of him as anything more than Simon. Kamina's bro. Of course, he couldn't really blame either of them; it was obvious why they would be attracted to each other. But it didn't stop the hurt.

While Kamina gave Simon a pep talk, Yoko found a plate of food that was being cooked up and decided to bring it to Exodus. Last time she'd seen him, he was brooding, and frankly, she knew he wouldn't come out of it until the battle. But everyone had to eat--even a behemoth like Exodus--especially a behemoth like Exodus. Besides, it wasn't a crime to be one with the moment.

"Hey, time for food," she said, taking a seat next to him. "Won't do you much good to be focused and rested if you're too hungry to move," she said, handing him the plate. Watching him, she considered just how far he'd come from when they'd found him. He'd been nearly skeletal at the time, and now...now he was ripped and a healthy weight, though a few extra pounds wouldn't have hurt him. His hair had been shorter, the strands not quite reaching his shoulders like they were now...maybe she should cut it for him before tomorrow. But then, maybe not. So, she decided to ask.

"Want me to cut your hair for you?" she asked. "It's getting pretty long. It might not be the prettiest, but it'll be shorter," she said, making the offer casual.
Kamina was still clueless beyond compare as to the other reason for Simon's rather withdrawn state; it didn't dawn on him that Simon had seen Yoko and himself kissing and holding each other. Then again, Kamina wasn't exactly known for reading into people in that way. Inspiring those around him to fight, that was his strength, and Simon was about to get another demonstration of this particular skill. Kamina could tell Simon still wasn't all that confident; however, he just smiled again and added "Everyone else here believes in you, but it's here that counts."

He paused to place a finger on Simon's chest, right where the little digger's heart was, before adding "You believing in yourself, that's what really matters." He then pulled his finger back, adding again, "And remember, everyone here's got your back. We stand together, we win together. We're all with you, Simon"

While Kamina and Simon were finishing up their talk, it would appear that Yoko and Exodus were starting one of their own. Exodus barely noted Yoko's voice; however, the sensation of someone standing behind and the smell of food roused him from his deep meditative state. His eyelids parted slowly to reveal the color of his eyes, the play of shadows from the fires in the camp giving his face a somewhat haunted look, if that were even possible. He looked over and down to Yoko as she sat next to him, presenting a meal for him to eat. "Thank you" he said, gently taking the plate from her. He ate the morsels in small bits, feeling her eyes upon him while his own stared at the ground beneath them.

While it was true he was mostly healthy in body, he still had a ways to go in regaining his health in mind. His mediation hid any evidence of his troubles, but now exposed, it all seemed to hang over him like a thick coat. One that would never come off, no matter how hard he tried. He paused and stared back at her as she offered to cut his hair for him; the way she asked it, it sounded just like his lost lover. His gaze then drifted back to the ground; "No, but thank you" he then said politely. The length of his messy locks didn't matter to him right now. He then said as he placed the half-finished plate down, rather out-of-place yet oddly relevant, "Tomorrow, the second General will die" "And Adiane will come running, vengeance on her mind" he then added as an after-thought.
Simon felt himself warming to the idea of people believing in him, though he couldn't see what was so special. He had no clue what it was about him that made his bro believe so much. Maybe it was just potential or something, but he sure didn't feel it when he looked inside himself. He sighed and wondered if so many people were on his side, why wasn't Yoko? That was stupid and selfish and he beat himself up for it even as he listened to Kamina tell him they would all stand together. Somehow, it just didn't work for him, so he had to ask. "But, bro...why? Why do you all believe in me?"

Yoko watched him as he ate, curious as to what he had been thinking about. But the instant she saw his expression, she could see it in his face. He was thinking of them. The trio and the last general they'd fought together. Of course he would. It was that look of a haunted man that he just couldn't seem to shake. The memories, she knew, would never go away. Not fully. And as long as he kept on like this, he would never heal. It would never be right for him--not until all of them paid for what they'd done. She frowned softly as he refused her offer for a hair cut. Oh well, one less thing to worry about. Her suspicions were confirmed when he spoke the words aloud.

"You know, Exodus...I used to worry about you because I thought you would hurt yourself. Because when we found you, you were weak, delirious, and so untrusting. It was understandable, at the time, though. I don't think you'll hurt yourself on purpose--I never thought that. I worried that you'd strain yourself because you didn't think you could trust us." She shook her head. "Now I worry that you'll hurt yourself because you're reckless. You've reason to be, of course. And there's enough justifiable anger in you to wipe out that whole fleet. But you know how to work with a team, and you'll do it again. I just want you to know...if you need us, you should call for us. We've got your back." She smiled and shrugged. "Well, I do anyway. It'll be hard to watch both you and Kamina though. So try and stay out of trouble."
Kamina sighed at Simon's question; this kid just didn't get it. He then smiled proudly and placed a hand on Simon's head, "Come on, kid, do you really doubt yourself that much? Remember the bathhouse Gunman? You really helped me kick some ass!" He then ruffled the kid's hair, adding "It's young people like you that are the future! That's why we believe in you, because you're going to lead everyone to something great one day!" Of course, it would help if Kamina knew why Simon was being so self-depreciating right now, but it was unlikely the young digger would reveal his troubles.

But even if he would, Kamina wasn't going to give him the chance; Kamina just smiled even wider and grabbed Simon, "Come on, I know what'll get you fired up!" He then dragged Simon towards the group of Supers, still carrying on the war dance. The drums got louder as they grew closer; Kamina could feel the raw energy exuding from the rather intense performance. Some of the Littner villagers were even doing it with the Supers themselves; and of course, Kamina being himself, forced Simon into the ring around the intense fire before joining in. The blue-haired leader of Team Gurren instantly picked up the movements of the dance, clearly enjoying himself. "Come on, Simon! This'll make a man out of ya yet!" he shouted.

Reckless.......The same word Harbinger used to describe him before they became lovers. She hated him for jumping right into the action, thinking he was going to get himself killed. Even if he explained that his moves were calculated and precise, she still thought him an idiot. Of course, he'd seen how stupid he was when Sovereign died; but now, all the fighting seemed to slowly etch away at his will to live. Even with Harbinger's phantom appearances and Yoko's encouragement, he found it increasingly difficult to continue. And while he was considerably stronger in the fact that his experiences would have broken a lesser man completely, the guilt of seeing his two closest comrades having to sacrifice themselves for his sake whittled away at his determination.

Ironically, it was combat where he was most comfortable and even seemed to thrive; it was a viciously self-destructive cycle that threatened to prematurely end his campaign for vengeance. As much as he tried to tell himself he had to continue, lest he render Harbinger's and Sovereign's sacrifices meaningless, it grew more and more difficult to rouse himself to fight. He sighed a little as she explained that they would have his back, "I know, Yoko. And I appreciate you reminding me of that....It's just......so damn painful......Knowing no matter how hard you try, you can't save them all. That loss is an inevitable part of war, and that it's often the people you care for the most."
Simon had been hoping for more of an explanation than what Kamina had given him--maybe something specific he could hang onto--but that wasn't Kamina's style. And he had to admit that when his big bro looked at him like that, even he felt it. He laughed as Kamina gave him a noogie, and dragged him out to dance with the others. He wasn't quite as coordinated as the others right away, but he picked it up and started having fun. Even if his issues weren't all fixed, he had been handily distracted, and his troubles didn't see quite so big.

Yoko frowned and came to put her hand on his shoulder. "As hard as it is," she said softly. "You have to remember that they were all fighting for what they believed in. A person can only take so much, Exodus. I'm aware of that. But I think you're letting yourself take too much of the blame." She paused here looking him right in the eyes. "I want you to know that I'm sure you've got my back too, and that if you could save everyone, you would. But you have to know that it's not all up to you. It's not just your fight or your burden to carry. Let someone else take that on." She smiled softly and squeezed his shoulder. "I know it's hard, but you've gotta try. Now finish eating, Exodus. You'll need your strength. All of it."
As Kamina and Simon enjoyed themselves in the dance, Exodus and Yoko continued their conversation. The scarred ex-leader listened as the empathetic redhead explained to him that he was shouldering too much, not letting others relieve him of his burden. How could he? He was their leader, it was his job to keep them safe, that's how he saw it. And if there was one thing Exodus was besides durable, it was stubborn. Even if everyone on the planet told him he was being too hard on himself, a small part of him would continue to maintain that stance.

However, as much as he would try to argue, it would seem Yoko had inherited some of Harbinger's stubbornness as well. The way she talked, how she tried to get him to open up, and the most obvious of her being a sniper as well.....He really wondered if Harbinger had been reborn as this woman. He found himself unable to argue as she commanded him to eat. It had been a while since he felt this much support, be it from one person or a group, and it felt good. He was part of a team, and damn it, she was right: He worked with a unit before, he could do it again.

He then replied, "I'll try my hardest, and I'll be damned to hell if I don't make it work" With that he picked up his plate and rather quickly polished it off, feeling rather ravenous all of a sudden. He hated these mood swings, but he would get them under control. He had to, or else his effectiveness would be compromised. Setting the plate down and breathing out a satisfied sigh, he then looked at Yoko and added, "Thanks for the pep talk, Yoko.......And don't worry, I won't fail you. Any of you".
She smiled as he finished eating and shook her head as he told her he wouldn't let her down. "Don't worry about that so much. Just do your best. It's all anyone can ask." She smiled at him and then stretched. Lets not make this pep talk thing a habit though, kay?" She smiled and squeezed his shoulder before heading off to find Ron. On her way she saw Kamina and Simon in the war dance and chuckled. Just like those two...
"Sounds like a plan" Exodus replied; truth be told, while he didn't mind having Yoko talk him out of his depression, he realized that it detracted from effectiveness if a team member worried over another. Being distracted, for any reason, on the battlefield was never a good thing; some might consider that view point too harsh in certain circumstances, but the fact was it was the truth. So he would try not to make Yoko worry; he'd fight the hardest he could, but even he knew he couldn't guarantee not losing it like he did with Viral. Even if he hated becoming "that", the heart of the matter was that it was part of him, his true destructive potential made real. It was clear Exodus had quite a bit to think about, letting Yoko wander off to do her own thing.

Soon, the party died down and everyone was starting to turn in; the celebration seemed to be what they needed, as the relatively small resistance band seemed more content and relaxed. Well, with the exception of a couple people, though their reasons for their residual tension were very different. Still, it had gone away for the most part thanks to the intervention of their friends. Tomorrow would bring about the victory they needed, that much they were certain of. What they didn't know was just how dearly it was going to cost them.

Throughout the night, Thymilph had his crew working to liberate the massive fortress Gunman from its earthen prison; these were the Supers in his army that didn't get annihilated. They served their purpose by being even tougher opponents than standard Beastmen, but they were even dumber. Their only good use was cannon fodder, in his mind anyway; they also had the advantage of not having to go into that stasis-like sleep to stop their bodies from breaking down. He cursed those filthy apes for causing him so much trouble; he knew they would return to try and finish him off. "Work faster! We have to prepare for an attack at any moment!" Thymilph bellowed; he was naturally frustrated at the lack of progress they were making. But he knew they would come and he would be ready for them.
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