Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Exodus just stood there, his eyes moving from person to person; it was like he was judging them, based on the capacity to defend themselves. Naturally, the first targets he thought were the little ones; however, he snarled as Yoko and the other three women blocked him from getting to them. He flinched noticeably as Darri started to cry, Gimmi doing the same not long after as they held each other. The shrillness of their cries assaulted Exodus' hypersensitive ears, causing him to cringe and finally bellow in an an attempt to shut them up.

It was at this time Exodus saw the image of a woman appear; as she uttered his name - or at least, that's what was heard - he paused for a moment, then emitted another horrific war cry, causing Gimmi to clutch at Darri tighter. At least he wouldn't attack them yet; Kamina and Simon stood in Gurren Lagann. "Exodus! Get a hold of yourself!" he shouted; while he would put Exodus down if he had to, he was really hoping to not have to do that. Exodus didn't really seem to comply, just standing there, his body still quivering with the urge to kill. "Come on, man, don't make me do this" Kamina then added, priming Gurren to do what he was hoping not to have to do.
Yoko frowned and readied her gun. She didn't want to have to take him down after all they'd gone through to fix him up, but she'd be damned before she let him lay a finger on Gimmi and Darri. The two children continued to cry and whimper as Exodus roared. This thing before them was no longer their big brother--that much they understood now. Yoko didn't trust herself to speak so she merely stared down the monstrous-looking shell of Exodus that stood before her. She knew it wasn't him, but it was hard not to be pissed and afraid at the same time.

Harbringer's image didn't waiver as she stared at him, striding forward to about the place where she was standing next to Yoko. They could have been separated at birth for how closely they resembled one another. The blonde specter of his lover made her way toward him, steely-eyed, but full of compassion. "Snap out of it. That's enough," she warned, the same voice she'd used back when Adiane was messing with her the first time so long ago.
Well, that would slow Exodus down; it was like someone cloned Yoko and made her blond. Seeing them side by side drove that little tidbit home quite well. Now he just stood there, his body relaxing noticeably as his head shifted between his former lover and his current ally. Well, her being an ally was still up for dispute, given the fact that the line between friend and foe was a tad blurred for Exodus at the minute. Still, if anyone looked, they would see the raging hellfire of anger in his eyes disappearing, albeit slowly. Then, something unexpected happened; a single shining stream made its way down his cheek, like the specter of his lover was his mind's construct for rationality. He then looked down at his hands, seeing the clawed digits for himself that he was about to tear into everybody with, feeling a rather large amount of shock, given his current less-than-capable mental state to process such emotion.

Though his primal instincts were still in control for the most part, his humanity seemed to be re-awakening a little at a time. He then fell to his knees and hunched over, the long sharp nails digging into the earth and leaving small trenches as his fingers contracted into fists. His breath heavy and shuttering, he finally managed to speak out, his voice still gruff and heavy on the bass, "Y...Yok....o......Do.....it......" His body trembled as tears could be seen dripping down unto the scorched ground beneath him; he then spoke again, his voice choking up from an unfortunate combination of sadness, regret, rage and primal urge, "D...do.....it.....You....pr....omised" Now his mind was at war with itself; the primal side was ironically his first defense against the pain of loss, but his rational side wanted him to come back and face his pain like the man Harbinger knew he was. Kamina was stunned by this; what the hell happened? First Exodus looked like he wanted to kill them, now he was asking Yoko to do it? Do what? "Yoko.......what exactly did you promise Exodus?" Kamina then asked, genuinely confused as to what was going on.
Yoko watched him carefully, completely unaware of her resemblance to the specter that stood next to her--unaware of the specter itself, for that matter. What she did notice, however, was that the tension slowly left his body, even as he dug into the ground with those newly sharpened nails of his. Suspiciously, she watched him, hoping that the rage inside him was slowly being quelled. During all of this, she held her ground, ignoring Kamina's question for the time being.

"It won't come to me fulfilling it," she said, calmly. Though she believed it, she wasn't an idiot. She stayed perfectly still, ready for him. "Fight it off, Exodus. I really don't want to follow through with that deal we made."

Harbringer's ghost watched Exodus calmly, though she was showing some impatience and some compassion. "Exodus, you don't need to do that. You still have a job to do here. You can come back to yourself, my love. Fight for the control. Don't give into what they've done to you." She watched him, her blue eyes penetrating into his core as she came a bit closer.
Exodus continued to clutch at the ground; the storm of emotions brewing in his heart and mind was becoming too much for him to handle. Anger, sorrow, regret, and countless others whirled around, tossing his soul around in an ocean of madness and insanity. His teeth -canines still relatively visible - clenched, feeling like they might shatter from the extraordinary force he was subjecting them to. Why....Why did he have to suffer? Why couldn't he come to peace with what happened? Well, the answer was obvious to anyone who knew of Exodus' past: he pined for Harbinger. Even with him watching her die, losing her hit him hard, harder than most might expect from someone like him.

He realized it now; he wanted to die. All this pain, all these emotions, all the loss and bloodshed was finally taking its toll on him. Not surprising, considering that the two people that meant the world to him, the main reasons he fought so hard and so relentlessly against his captors, had died to save him. And it was that which weighed heavily on his conscious; for him to be the reason they perished was the worst fate he felt could be bestowed on him. And he just couldn't take it. Harbinger's words would fall on deaf ears; selfish, maybe, but he felt like he was at wit's end. "P....lease......Y....oko......it hurts.........I beg you........" he then choked out, tears continuing to darken the ground beneath his hunched form. His body shook like crazy; his head then shot up to look Yoko dead in the eyes and shout, "Please.....Yoko! Kill me!" She would see the gold had disappeared from the color of his eyes, leaving behind a man who looked truly broken, truly overtaken by the trauma of his past. It was a sad - yet somewhat pathetic - moment for Exodus, begging to put down like some rabid animal. Which part of his psyche was. "Yoko.......I'm dangerous.......Please....You promised you would if I ever got like this!" he then yelled once more. Kamina was stunned; he then said rather forwardly, "That was your promise!?"
((Time for a little good cop-bad cop.))

Yoko said nothing, but kept staring at Exodus. Finally, she judged that when the gold vanished from his eyes, it was safe to proceed. She walked forward, letting the Black sisters close ranks to protect the children. Her pace was slow, and if she felt anything at his pleading for her to take him out, she betrayed no emotion. Kamina's words would go unanswered for the time being--his needs were severely outweighed by the man who was being so twisted with grief. The image of Harbringer moved with Yoko, though her face showed everything Yoko was holding back. Sympathy, pity, compassion, anger.

As the two women came toward him it seemed as though their minds were made up. Yoko stopped just in front of Exodus, looking down at him without a single expression. Harbringer fell to her knees and put her arms around him, holding him tightly just as Yoko wanted to. But she wouldn't. A part of him needed the comfort--part of him needed a jolt. Harbringer would play one role this time, and she the other.

"Exodus, you don't have to do this," Harbringer muttered soothingly. "What they did to you is not your fault. You can control this side of yourself, I know you can..." Words of encouragement filled his ears as his woman held him close.

Yoko, however, wasn't up for being warm and cuddly at the moment. He didn't need it. "You're right. I did promise that if you became too dangerous, I would end it. But it seems to me that the danger has passed. I do what needs to be done, Exodus. It may not be pretty, and there may not be much of a difference between me and my enemy, but I'm not a murderer." She stared down at him, looking as though she felt nothing at all.

Harbringer, snuggled into him holding him tightly for what was to come as she watched Yoko become the image of strength itself. "Gimmi and Darri love you, and they'll keep doing it if you let them. They don't know what to think because they're so confused...but you can keep the relationship you had with them before. You don't have to keep punishing yourself," she said softly.

Yoko continued after a pause to let her first point sink in. "You're being a selfish coward, and frankly, I don't feel like giving into the demands of a person who can't see fit to fight for what he has, despite what he's lost."

Harbringer sighed and kissed his cheek softly. "What happened up until now--none of it was your fault. I know you think it was, and you've always let that weigh heavily on your heart. But it wasn't your fault. There was no way you could have known. There was no way to protect us, no matter how strong you were," she said, leaning into him. "There was no stopping us either, no matter how much you wanted to. It wasn't your fault, Exodus. The only thing you could ever be accused of is loving us."

"Seems to me," Yoko added, "that a man who's lost so much would take care to appreciate what he has left, and anything he has gained. Seems to me that someone who understands the kind of pain it causes to lose someone wouldn't wish that on anyone else," she said, for the first time letting anger show on her face. "Is that what you want? Do you want those children to suffer? And Simon and Kamina? And Ron and me?" She frowned at him. "Do you want me to wake up at night from dreams just like yours and be haunted forever because of what you want me to do?"

Harbringer smiled softly. "You should listen to her baby, she makes one hell of a point." And with that, the image of the blonde stayed silent, just holding him, watching Yoko handle the situation the way only Yoko could.
Kamina and Simon could only watch as Yoko laid into Exodus; Kamina of course agreed with Yoko's words one hundred percent. Yeah, the guy had it rougher than anyone would ever wish on another; but that should just give him motivation to keep fighting, pushing back harder and harder until victory was his. Simon, on the other hand, felt that Yoko was being a bit too harsh on him; it wasn't like Exodus asked to lose everything and be turned into the very creatures destroying humanity. And for her to call him a coward, Simon felt that was a bit of a low blow, but he was a bit too afraid of Exodus (and at this point, Yoko) to say anything. Both were equal in their inability to know that Exodus was being woken up and comforted by not just Yoko, but the ghost of his dead lover.

Exodus, meanwhile, was feeling even more like shit as Harbinger's comforting embrace and words, in tandem with Yoko's biting ones and apparent emotional distance, served to wake him up. Her words initially pissed him off, his hands clenching the ground; however, after listening and thinking it through, he found that she was right. He wondered still why she didn't follow through; did she not see the devastation he'd caused? How close he'd come to murdering every single of them? It was safe to say that a few people would have died - himself likely included - had Harbinger not showed up to keep his sanity in check. What little there was.

At that, the final traces of his Savage persona disappeared; the elongated canines shrank back to their normal size and his nails were no longer small blades on the ends of his fingertips. His voice too, changed back to how it was before, addressing both Harbinger and Yoko, "Even still, what if I lose control again? Then what? How can I be of any good to anyone when I pose a danger to them myself?" It was a valid point, but it seemed Exodus still did not get what the two were basically trying to tell him: Man the fuck up, and take control.
Harbringer sighed softly. They'd made great strides with Exodus working as a team--unknowingly on Yoko's part. It still appeared that exodus wasn't ready to move on with his life. She kissed Exodus' cheek and held him close to her. You'll be even less use to them if you die, my love. And then you'll have opened up a void in them like the one inside you," she said softly, holding him. "Can't you hear what she's telling you? These people love you, and they're willing to help you. Why are you giving up, love?"

Yoko watched him as he changed back into his old self. Instantly the tension in her body clicked down five notches. Her face finally softened a bit and she closed her golden eyes for a moment, breathing out a sigh. "Well that's something we'll have to work on, isn't it? You're not as weak as you think you are, Exodus. Hurt, maybe. Shocked, even. But you're not weak. Not at all. Do what has to be done and own what just happened. Take control of yourself."

That said, she bent down and held her hand out to him. "Come on now."
Exodus sighed as Harbinger's words calmed him down; why was he giving up? He couldn't do that; that would mean Adiane won. The thought of that bitch gloating in victory made his stomach turn; he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of breaking him. She may have taken his lover, but he wouldn't allow himself to fall to her; it would mean Harbinger sacrificed herself for nothing. And that was something he could not let happen.

"You're right" he then finally spoke up, unknowing to Team Gurren directing his response to both Harbinger and Yoko, "I can't be weak. That means the Beastmen win; I will not allow it." He then took Yoko's hand and stood up, his impressive form standing tall and proud. He smiled faintly at both of them; the way they were situated, they stood right next to each other. "Thank you, for giving me the strength to continue" he then said to the both of them.
Yoko took his hand and stood with him, relieved the instant he finished speaking. "Phew. Let's not make a habit of this, okay? My heart can only take so much." She smiled and squeezed his hand before letting go, turning back to the rest of Team Gurren to signal that everything was okay now. Gimmi and Darri seemed to have stopped crying, though they were still a little afraid.

Harbringer stayed right where she was, smiling softly, her ghostly hair blowing in the slight breeze. "That's the man I feel in love with," she said with a smile. "Look to the little ones now. Make them understand that it's still you, and you still love them." With that, she smiled and kissed his lips softly, slowly vanishing until all that was left was the image of Yoko standing not too far off.
"Will do" was Exodus' response; he realized by now that he'd just seen Harbinger's ghost. Even in death, she made sure he didn't lose control. He watched as her spirit seemed to just fade away into nothing. "You always are with me, aren't you?" he thought to himself, an odd look of remorseful happiness coming across his face. He could see that the Black Sisters had not broken ranks; not that he could blame them. He could also see the residual fear in the little ones' expressions; he would try to mend his relationship with them right now.

"Gimmi, Darri" he then said; they flinched at his voice and huddled together. He wished he didn't have such an imposing figure; well, there was a lot of things about himself that he wished were different, but there was no use wishing about it, since it couldn't be changed. He started to go over to them; however, they retreated slightly, hiding behind the Black Sisters even more, causing him to pause. He then went to his knees - the intent being to make himself look smaller and hopefully less threatening - and held his powerful arms to them, saying and smiling gently "I promise you, your big brother is alright. I care about you two very much and am sorry for scaring you. I hope you can forgive me."
Yoko sighed heavily and came to Kamina's side as she watched Exodus try and gain Gimmi and Darri's trust again. She looked warily at the Black sisters and nodded as though it were okay now. They were still a bit edgy, but their poses relaxed a bit. He did seem to be back to normal. For her part, Yoko said nothing, only nodding when the two little ones looked at her. They ran right to Exodus and into his arms, crying for a different reason now.

"I'm going to go lie down," she said, softly, heading a little ways away to find a resting place. That left Kamina and Rossiu together in the Gurren Laggann with Simon, Ron and the Black Sisters standing just off to the side.

"Big brother, what happened?" Darri asked, her little face crowded with tears and worry.
Exodus' arms came around the little ones, hugging them as they wept with relief that their so-called idol was back in a more friendly mindset. He felt terrible they had to witness him undergoing a 'psychotic break', transforming into that savage, almost completely feral monster. It was a unique trait of his, but one he was not proud of in the slightest. He always wanted to have control of his own body and mind when he fought; to be frank, it scared him when this happened. Whenever he fought alongside Harbinger, he had a fear that his hatred would consume him like it did just now, and he would end up targeting her. Even if she could hold him off, the thought of even accidentally hitting her and causing injury sickened him to his core.

"I'm sorry, little ones, that you had to see your big brother act that way. The Beastmen, the same people as the creature that I went up against, made me very sick." he then explained; they didn't need to know the true trials of his past. The experimentation, the body modifications, all of it would be too much for them to handle. At least, that's what he thought in his mind. But he wouldn't push it any further. Gimmi clung to Exodus, saying "Don't worry, Big Brother, we'lll help you feel better" Exodus couldn't help but smile, "I know you will; you're helping me a lot right now."

Kamina sighed with relief; thank god that was over. He then noticed Yoko walking away and decided to go congratulate her on putting Exodus back in his mindset, unknowing that she wasn't alone in the endeavor. "Hey, Yoko......Nice one there. You really know how to wrangle him in." And it was the truth; both in the cave and here, she showed an ability to keep Exodus in check somehow.
Gimmi and Darri seemed to understand, their tears of fear turning to tears of outrage just before they promised to help him feel better. They didn't need to know what he'd gone through--all they needed to know was that he was hurt and that he didn't want to hurt them. That was all it took to right the world. "You sure did beat him up bad, big brother," Darri said proudly, hugging Exodus. As the scene continued on, Yoko watched from a distance, glad that things were going back to normal. She was pretty much drained, though.

When Kamina approached her, she blinked and looked at him, blushing softly. "Ummm, pants might be a good idea," she muttered, looking away a bit. "But I don't know what I'm doing half time time when it comes to Exodus. I just know that I have to try," she said softly, looking into his eyes with a shrug. "You and Simon did a good job with the giant gunman though," she said with a smile. That said, she took a seat on the ground and stretched out a bit.
Exodus chuckled at Darri's comment, "Yeah, I guess I did". He was glad that the little ones didn't seem to hate him for becoming so utterly violent. So far, it seemed like everything was going back to the way it was; of course, the memory of Exodus' psychotic outburst wouldn't fade from their memory, but they seemed capable of overlooking it for the most part. He would make sure to tell Yoko just how grateful he was for bringing him back.

Kamina smiled at Yoko as she played off bringing Exodus down from his murderous rampage, completely missing her remark about pants as he sat down next to Yoko, little Boota being the only thing covering his shame, "Yeah, well, in any case, what you did was no small feat. I was worried though; if you couldn't talk him down, it'd be a damn shame to have to kill him. Especially after everything we've been through so far." He then paused and added, "I was also worried he'd target you, Yoko, since you were standing in his way and all. But you're strong and quick, you would have thought of something else."
Yoko sighed and looked down as you took a seat next to her. She was grateful for that little fur ball at this moment, but that didn't make it much easier to sit next to him like this. She took his compliments, or what she thought were compliments with a little smile. "Yeah, I'm glad I didn't have to do anything. Honest to God, Kamina, I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea if I'd get through to him or not, but something inside me was telling me to push him." She frowned and saw her hands were shaking from the adrenaline. "I would have killed him if he moved...I promised him I would if he lost control like he did...but I don't know...I just don't know," she said, deflating even though her muscles were still so tense. So much for a relaxing bath.

She lifted her golden gaze to Kamina's and frowned. "Sorry I worried you. I want to say I had it under control, but I'm pretty sure we both know that's a lie..."
"Well, regardless of whether or not you really had it under control, the fact is you succeeded and no one got hurt.....Well, no one important anyway" he then said, remembering just how badly Exodus had kicked Viral's ass. Still, he was afraid that even Gurren Lagann wouldn't be enough to handle Exodus; he toppled Viral's Gunman just by throwing the bastard into it! But still, it was over now, and probably would be for some time.

He noticed how tense Yoko looked and decided to do what a man should do: make a woman feel better. "Here, Yoko, let me help you with that" he then said, moving up behind her and placing his strong hands on her shoulders, moving his fingers to start a gentle massage that would hopefully get the tension out of her muscles. But.....while his main intention was to help her relax, a good part of him just wanted to be having a nice view of the two impressive globes of cream-colored skin on her chest.
Yoko was just tired and this had been a little too much. Exodus kept everyone busy while she just calmed down and collected her thoughts. She smiled at Kamina as he pointed out, however indirectly, that Viral had had the shit kicked out of him. So that's where the silver lining ran off to. She closed her eyes and stretched a bit, surprised when she felt Kamina's hands on her back. She blushed a little, stiffening up at first, but letting him work with her after a moment. When she had her expression under control, she turned her head to look at him.

"Ummm, thanks Kamina..." She smiled, not noticing the perv he was being before she turned around again. And this time when she closed her eyes, it took everything she had to not fall asleep.
Kamina continued to massage her shoulders, smiling as he got to see up close the objects of his desire. Of course, he didn't get to see them in their entirety, like when her top popped off. But that was OK, the view of cleavage was more than enough for him at this point. He figured she would stiffen up at first, given the rather intense situation she had to defuse by herself. "Don't worry about it; a man takes care of those he carea about. He can't call himself a man if he doesn't." he then said, playing off what he was doing as simple duty.

He could feel her starting to relax, grinning as he knew her tension was leaving her poor body. "Just tell me when you want me to stop, Yoko........" he then said, letting her know that he would do this for as long as she wanted.
After a little while, she started to feel a bit better, but she was still tired. They needed to set up camp somewhere... Sighing softly, she relaxed and then looked back at him. "That's enough. Thanks, Kamina." She smiled softly and though she felt a bit tired, and he was still pretty much naked, she felt very close to him. They seemed to have an understanding, and that was the best she could ask for. She hadn't really expected him to come to her like this, but it was nice to know that he had her back and she could count on him. Just made her like him even more. And what happened next seemed inevitable.
Kamina felt the tension in her body drop considerably; it pleased him to know that he could help Yoko and that she appreciated it. When she turned around and told him that he'd done enough, his hands stopped moving, but they stayed on her shoulders. As they gazed into each other's eyes, the sense of a communal understanding could be seen. He felt an attraction to her like he'd never honestly felt before; this seemed to go beyond her physical beauty. While he wouldn't call it actual love, it was definitely more than a crush to him. "Yoko......." was the only the thing he said before his lips pressed against hers in a tender kiss; he cared about her and wanted to help fortify his case.
The way he said her name startled her. It spoke of feelings he had for her that went beyond mere friendship, simple caring. And as her eyes locked onto his, she felt a spark that held a promise of something more. and then his lips came to hers. She blushed softly, surprised at first. But she kissed him back, gently returning those unsaid feelings. Actions spoke louder than words, and this was a prime example. She let her lips linger there for a long moment before she broke the kiss and rested her forehead against his. What did one say after that? She was speechless, so she just spent the time looking into his eyes and smiling softly.

Well now, what a surprise indeed.
Kamina enjoyed the kiss for as long as it lasted, looking into Yoko's eyes as she looked into his. His cheeks were not flushed, his expression - a simple smile - showing he was clearly proud of what he'd just done. And she seemed to enjoy it, so that just made it all the better. The fact that she was speechless made his chest swell with pride a little; though if he were honest with himself, he wasn't exactly sure what to say either. But he felt something should be said; eventually he said as a hand came up to Yoko's cheek, "You're really cute when you smile, Yoko"

Their little display of affection didn't go unnoticed either; everyone in attendance had their eyes fixed on them. Simon himself was watching with his mouth wide open; all he could utter lowly was "Bro......" And in truth, he wasn't all that shocked; in fact, he was kind of hurt, even if his expression conveyed something of surprise. He'd had a crush on Yoko and now he felt he'd never be able to get her. Selfish, maybe, but love did weird things to one's heart. His face turned away before anyone could see him; he didn't want to cause any problems.

Exodus too, was feeling hurt; though for a different reason altogether, his face adopted a somewhat solemn expression. It reminded him of the love he and Harbinger had; however, now he had another reason to fight. He could see plain as day they were meant for each other, so he'd fight to make sure their love would have the opportunity to blossom. They deserved it. It was Gimmi who snapped him out of it by asking, "Big Brother, what are they doing?" Exodus semi-forced a smile and replied, ruffling the little boy's hair, "They're just showing how much they care for each other, Gimmi." However, there was a bit of hidden yet humorous irony that he saw; just like Sovereign had seen that he and Harbinger were meant to be together, he'd seen that Kamina and Yoko were meant for each other. The only difference was Kamina wasn't being a stubborn, blind ass about it.
Yoko smiled back at him brightly and blushed just a little more, her face sinking into her scarf just a bit. "Thanks, I think." She smiled and cleared her throat a little before pulling away and taking a deep breath. "Well, you should put some clothes on. I'm thinking we should get back so we can set up camp or something..." If she let herself think about it too much, she might not be able to stop, and neither of them really needed a distraction right now.

When she stood up and turned, she saw everyone staring and blushed a little more. Well, good grief...
Kamina stood up as Yoko pulled away, little Boota for whatever reason still clinging to Kamina's privates hide his shame. "Well, I'll try, but it'll be a miracle if I can find my pants. I think they got destroyed in the explosion." he then said in response to her statement; when he turned around, he too noticed that everyone was staring at them. Well, now he was slightly embarrassed but not enough to be deterred. "Alright, everyone, we got a campsite to set up! Let's go! Let's go!" Just then something soft hit him in the back of the head; he picked it up and saw it was pants, the same color and style he wore before. "Here, Kamina, it's an extra pair of pants I brought just in case you decided to go streaking. And don't Simon got some too." he then heard Ron say to him from Lagann. Kamina couldn't help but chuckle as he slipped them on; leave it to Ron to be prepared in that way.

This caused little Boota to scamper off, causing Gimmi and Darri to begin chasing the little pig-mole. Exodus just gave a half-hearted smile; it was good to see them enjoying themselves, but he remembered what Viral said before he became that savage monster: "I don't even see why you try, Exodus; I mean, just because you couldn't have kids with that bitch Harbinger doesn't mean you take these little bastards as your own" Was it true? Did he just look after Gimmi and Darri because they were what he could never have? Was he really that shallow of a man? He slapped himself mentally; so what if he did? So what if his ulterior motive was a tad selfish? He loved these children like they were his own, and he was giving them a chance at a future! He gave a slight grunt as he stood up; his whole body felt quite sore. Not surprising considering the hyperactive state he was in; he was sure to feel the aftereffects. He always did.

Exodus closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, banishing the physical discomfort from his consciousness after a couple of seconds. And with that he went and helped with the creation of a campsite; soon there was a roaring fire and fresh meat being roasted over it, flat-topped stones moved (with the Gurren Lagann and Exodus' help) to circle the blaze that would act as makeshift seats for everyone.
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