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The Lost Woods...

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Nethaniel Shade said:
Angelo looked surprised to see Emilyn "What? Ok Zera another friend?" he couldnt help but laugh.

Emilyn raised an eyebrow.
"What? No, Whose Zera?" Emilyn said as she stumbled closer to them, scratching her head as she untangled herself from some bryers she fell through.

"I-I'm just lost. I heard your voices." She ran her hands through her hair as she looked between everyone in the small group of people.
Emma looked at the new girl and thought she is cute . she looked from the boy to the two girls and made a mental count of one male in a middle of three girls. She started to laugh and could not hold it back as she burst out laughing.
Afer an hour of searching he finally found something useful. Practically planting his nose to the ground he sniffed the lingering trace of people. Quickly he followed the scent, tail lightly wagging.

Adrian spotted them, three girls and one guy. All of then looked slightly worn and tired. He hid behind a tree ears perked and listening to see if they were friendly or hostiles.
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