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The Lost Woods...

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Wile angelo was there at the river he saw (MA FAVORITE!!!! [:D] ) a big creature about the size of a car swim up from out of the water and sit there on the shore about 20 feet away from him and he tried to scan it but it was too far and not scared because its eyes were staring at frogs and it seemed to love them- he had been gone for about 20 minutes now.
Emma watched them kill the velicpreay and thought "okay they wont die too easy then". she chuckled to herself as she kicked one that she had killed trying to eat her out of the tree very close to the camp". she did that on purpose to let them know she was there. she watched the male leave the girl behind to go wash off the blood. she always lived alone so she figured he could handle himself she not too sure about the girl for she looked like the inacent type who would scream when being attacked and when a big handsome man came and saved the day would be all like "oh thank you sir you saved my life I'm forever in debt to you". she had to stop her self from laughing out from the thought.
I was slightly surprised when I heard a rustling in the leaves in a tree when there wasn't a wind that would make that happen "Who's there?" I said Ready to pull out the short bow and sheath of arrows hidden in my cardigan.
Angelo got closer to the beast and it snaped its head and looked at him with one eye cautiously, couriously and even playfully the beast started walking on land towards him with his fin-like wings in the front kind of folded he was a bipedal but he was walking on all fours with his wings and his back limbs. Angelo got to scan it and-

"Plesioth- An enormous, flightless, aquatic wyvern with wings that have evolved into fins for swimming. Although superficially fish-like, they can move on land as well. They love frogs."

Angelo hesitated... and he put the grenade, knife and lighter in his pockets and then undid the wire and slowly crept up to the Plesioth "Hey there..." he said softly and the Plesioth made a clicking sound- its eyes a beautifull shade of blue and green with turcoise and hazel its eyes slowly changing colors like light on the water. Angelo tied the wire around its neck but left slack for it to breath and walked him back to camp like he was on a leash- he hasnt reached camp yet though.
'probably just a bird.' I thought letting it go but then I heard Thumping sounds as if a large beast was coming toward's me. Instinctively I took out my short bow arrow already drawn and ready to fire.
Emma heard the sound as well and jumped out of the tree and landed with one graceful movement. she dew out her spear she had made with some trees limb and a stone. she stood there looking at the girl from behind and said in a whisper "this should prove to be fun and interesting".
"Fun, I doubt interesting, Absolutely." I said Slightly amused that my suspicions of something being in the tree were correct.
Emma gave a grin and touched the girl on the shoulder and said "well shall we go and find out what made that sound then".
Angelo and the Plesioth came from behind a tree and the plesioth was wagging its tail thumping on the tree he said "Hey Zera guess-" he looked at Emma "What the-? Whos the new friend" but then he noticed he had caugt them by surprise with the Plesioth

(Sorry for goddmodding didnt notice til after i posted)
Emilyn sighed as she walked through the dense forest, She knew it was still daylight but the trees were so damn dense that she had to stop every now and then to make sure her watch wasn't lieing.
She decided then it was a good time to hurry with gathering the branches for her make-shift camp tonight.
Emma looked from the girl to the boy and grinned saying "nice pet this day just gets better and better by the minute". she looked at the plesioth and then to the boy and noted he was a handsome man and the girl a very pretty girl could these too be together.
Emma just watched the two with a chuckle and thought "yep these too must be together no doubt about that".
Emilyn threw her branches and twigs that she collected onto the ground by where she was to build a fire for the evening.
"Jeez how dense are these woods? How far do they go? How long will I be alone?"
All of these thoughts swam through Emilyn's mind as she sat beside her cold mound of twigs and branches and began to work on building a fire.
She almost felt sick at how lonely she felt at that moment.
"What's my purpose in life?" She caught herself saying out loud.

"Am I just to sit here and diddle away at a meager flame until some divine being drops in front of me and tells me what I am to do?"

The young woman felt herself begin to grow frustrated. She stood up and kicked her pile of sticks and leaned herself forcefully against the nearest tree.

"I sicken of my dreadful situation. I am truly pathetic if this is my destiny."
Emilyn sighed and closed her eyes.

Just then she heard voices.

Her eyes flew open and she leaned forward, as if leaning forward magically gave a human being the power to zone in on voices.

Her breath caught in her throat as she quickly stood to her feet to follow where the voices were coming from.
As she grew closer she couldn't help but smile.

"Hallelujah, thank you DIVINE BEING," She thought as she made her way through a small clearing to where three people were standing together, along with some sort of mythical creature.

"Uh..." She caught herself mumbling too late to stop herself.
(I hope u guys dont mind if I join. I'm a girl but for this forum my character is male.)
The shifter raised his head from the sticky ground both his eyes and head felt fizzy. He sat up wondering why the ground was sticky, blinking a few times he looked down. The grass was stained with a sort of brownish red color and once he raised his his hand to his head felt the wound that was there. His blonde hair had the same brownish red stain and was streaked with dirt.
He tried to remember his name...Josh? No that couldn't be it. Struggling even more he remembered, his name was Adrian. It toom three attempts to raise to his feet and when he did he grimaced at his clothing. Jeans scuffed and torn, shoes caked in mud, and his favorite red t-shirt had a large cut in the side. The forest was crowded with thick trees thier tops connecting to make a canopy that for the main part blocked out the sun. He decided to transform so he might be able to find some people. Adrians transformation was easy like taking in a breath, giving one simple thought and it happened. His body became bent over into four legs, his ears became pointed, and thin brown fur coated his body. He transformed into a coyote and began sniffing the ground searching for someone.
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