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The Lost Woods...

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(Accepted lets start this already! xD)

Angelo was in a helicopter flying over dead trees and a bunch of fog. "Damn government" He smugled a paper clip under his toung and used it to pick the lock on the hand cuffs he now pretended to have on... once the woods started looking green he used the cuffs to choke an official on the heli and jumped out of the heli and landed in a tree He also managed to smuggle a dagger and a wire about 2ft long. "Stupid idiots." he smiled and checked the official and couldnt belive his eyes-" A GRENADE!" he took it and jumped out of the tree wondering were he was... He noticed that the helicopter didnt care that he was in the woods and just left.
Zera was walking in a part of the woods she usually traveled to in search of food. as she was walking she saw a peculiar flying machine high above the tree tops (the Helicopter) and she gazed in awe of how it stayed so perfectly in the air. Then something or someone jumped out of an open panel (Angelo) and landed in a tree that was surprisingly close by.

She then made her way toward said tree and was surprised when a man fell oout of the tree after yelling a word she did not recognize. she then asked concerned but rather quickly "Are you alright, sir?"
"Gah!" Angelo tried turning around- he was starteled but he fell out of the tree and landed with a thud. He had a grenade in his hand and a dagger tied around his waist by a wire. He put the grenade up and studied the Elfin girl. "Elf huh? Tangel Elfs? Wood elfs? Forest elfs? Or Lone elfs?" he chuckeled "Nice to meet you."
"huh?" she asked with a puzzled look, he chuckled and said "Nice to meet you." She blushed slightly and answered "N-nice to meet you as well."
"Um, Excuse me sir but what pray tell are you doing in these woods, If you don't mind mine asking?" She said after hearing his small rant.
She winced as he glared at her but, then he sighed and said "I was put here as a punishment..." and started slowly walking away. then as if instinctively she said "Wait!" Hesitated for a moment and Shyly added "You'll get lost if you go that way."
She gasped surprised at his remark and blushed furiously saying shyly, yet again, "I-Is that worse than getting lost?"
She looked a mix of happy but offended at the same time so she decided to say "D-do you have a specific destination in mind?"
(She's a little slow so she thought that he really did think about it for a second)
She was surprised when he said that and instinctively she said "if you want you could stay with me for a while." but when she realized what she had said she blushed furiously.
"Oh, it's fine i assure you" she said nervously and added mor confidently "Follow me." as she started heading to her right.
"So if you don't mind me asking what's it like out there?" she asked as she moved a branch so it didn't hit one of them in the face.
She gazed in awe at the Picture as he explained the concepts "Well that truly is strange but i guess if that is true, hopefully one day they will believe again." she said afterwards.
She was surprised at the small tool he held in his hand that started a small flame at it's head "What a peculiar device." he then explained what it was. after She said "Well, here we are my home" motioning toward a small hut like structure in between a cluster of trees.
Emma was running thou the words and jumping from tree to tree. she had seen a helicopter in the sky but ignored it. She was on a hunt. She was chasing a herd of deer.
Angelo watched as a dow ran by him... "What...?" Then they heard thudding... Lots of it... Then a buck almost trampled him... A few dows and bucks started running thru camp... Away from something... "Oh no... Zera! A STAMPEDE!" Deer were running crazily everywere... until a half eaten deer fell out of the sky and all the deer froze staring at it... some tripped and stayed down. Trying not to move. Angelo looke puzzeled but his face turned to a shocked expression when he heard a faint and otherwise familiar roar about a mile away. Then loud thudding with a pause in between eatch one. A hydra came out from behind a tree but didnt attack instead it slithered as fast away as it could. And angelo noticed a small device on the floor. he picked it up and looked at it. i looked like a PSP but the symbols on it were not english a pack of rapters came running thru the camp and the thing turned on and said

"Velociprey- Aggressive, carnivorous monsters that often travel in packs. Even a master hunter should take care not to become surrounded! Wide ranging, they are found in many different areas, such as the jungle or forest and hills." and showed a picture-
Angelo said "Cool! Its like a monster encyclopedia... It could be usefull..."
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