Living Life


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Harry sighed as he dipping his quill into the ink and began to write the letter that he had been putting off for weeks, but he just couldn't take it anymore. he finished the letter with a quick stroke of his quill, rolled it up and handed it to Hedwig.

"Take it to the first Wizard you see Girl." he ordered softly stroking her feathers and watching her take flight across the sky before heading over to his bedroom and picking up the long knife he had stolen from the kitchen, setting it to his wrists, he pressed down, and pulled....

Hedwig wasted no time, fluttering in front of the first wizard that she saw, dropping the letter in their hands and hooting at them, staring, as if demanding that they read it immediately, the contents of the letter where enough to send anyone into horror.

To Who ever receives this letter,

Today i breath my last breath, as i am taking my own life. no doubt, Dumbledore will twist all of this to make it all Voldemort's fault, or even claim that Voldemort himself did it...this is a lie, you are going to be the first person to know the truth, i hope that you can do the right thing, and make sure everyone else knows the truth too.

i have killed myself, today on June Thirteenth the day of my birth, because i can no longer handle the pressure that Dumbledore, and Voldemort have put on me. Dumbledore has twisted me, and the war, and the world to suit his own sadistic, greedy means. and Voldemort is simply a madman no longer in control of his own mind. their war does nothing, but give Dumbledore the control he so desires, i guess that's why he started this war in the first place.

in the end, i guess i'm dead, because Dumbledore is a jackass who is using me, and everyone i have ever loved as disposable pawns, i don't doubt that my death will be very pleasing to him. if you could be so kind as to tell the Aurors where my body is, i would be greatly appreciative, though there won't be a way for me to properly repay you, i suppose you can help yourself to whatever you want in my room, or in the cupboard under the stairs.

also in my room, under a loose floorboard next to my bed, is a large pile of papers, facts and proof of all the wrong things that Dumbledore has been doing. please make sure that it makes it to Kingsley Shacklebolt, he is the only one i know that is not under Dumbledore's corruption.

Harry Potter.

Hedwig offered the stranger a small hoot, and fluttered away, no more than five feet, and turned to look at them, as if waiting them to follow. she would lead them to Harry.
Gabriel Black knew what it meant to be minpilated, to be in this much pain. And looking down at the letter in his hands, he felt his his fury soar. So many, so many crimes committed against this boy...looking at the owl sitting away from him he let out a feral snarl, giving voice to the wolf that was his animagus form. "Lead me."He growled his voice almost so much a growl, it sounded like it hurt coming from his oh so human throat.

Somedays he wondered what it meant to be good. Somtimes he knew that his parent's blood ran in his veins, demanding vengence, demanding more from him then he was willign to give. And yet...he'd been raised by one of the few truly good people left in the world. Glaring at the letter in his hands he winced as the heat of his fury ignited the letter. Following the owl hurriedly,he hoped he'd get there soon.

After all, he tried to be good.

ignoring the muggles slumbering in their beds, Gabriel snarled as he followed the owl into the small room, studying the man laying on the bed for a moment before reversing the damage he'd done. Snarlng as the minutes passed, forcing him to put his limited talents to work. Anger and fear making the very air around him seem to beat, as if the world wanted to mourn with him for this. Snarling he refused to give up. He would not let harry potter die. He was to good for that.

Letting out a relieved sigh when the heartbeat stuttered under his fingers he sat back on his heels to wait for the boy to wake.
she led him all the way, straight up the the boy's room, and he looked horrid. he had slit his wrists three ways across, from left to right, his breath had stopped, and so had his heart, large pools of blood had gathered beneath him, stains that would never come out. no doubt this would annoy petunia to death, no pun intended.

there was a shudder in the air as Gabriel's magic, threw Harry's into work as both magics focused on the wounds that Harry had given to himself, the marks fading into scars, scars that would never leave. there was another shudder of power as Harry's heart stuttered to life, week at first but gaining in strength as a large rush of air filled his lungs, and for almost ten minutes that was all harry did was lay there and live before his emerald green eyes fluttered open.

for a moment he did not notice Gabriel, and the green eyes filled with dismay at realizing that he was alive, tears filling those emerald green eyes...because now he was going to have to try again, and it had taken all of his courage to do it the first time. "fuck." harry whispered hoarsly, he felt horrid, he couldn't seam to catch his breath, and sitting up was more effort than he could manage, but he pulled himself up anyway, panting lightly. "ok... so.. Slitting the wrist's apparently not a good way to die." he muttered before freezing when he noticed Gabriel his eyes wide. "ah shit... look can you go away and come back when i'm dead?"
Gabriel laughed softly, though the smile on his lips looked more like a snarl then a smile."Slitting your wrists IS actually a good way to die, but no I wont leave. Not without you."He growled looking around, trying to decide what to take with him when he got the man out of here. For a moment, looking like the grim reaper, and in this case he guessed he could be. After all, he'd just pulled someone back from death. Smirking he studied the boy."You can come willingly, or I'll just bundle you up and take you home with me."
Harry blinked at him and then blinked again. "you think leaving is so easy?" he demanded, looking suddenly angry. "don't you think i would have left this hell hole already if i was capable!?" he demanded shaking his head. "good luck forcing me to do anything!" he spat angrily before groaning a little and pausing, a hand to his head, blood loss making him week and dizzy. "just do me a favor and kill me now, i don't want to live anymore, there's no reason for me to live, not when everything is a lie anyway. just take what you want, kill me, and go away." Gabriel was going to have to do it the hard way. "and do it before those fat fucking Muggles wake up too would you?"
Gabriel growled softly waving a hand, silently summoning vines and wrapping the man up snugly. "I think not. I'll just walk out with you."He said, arrogantly sure of himself as he picked him up, heading for the door. Silently slipping outside, but having left harry's mouth unbound he was pretty sure he was going to get bitched at. That he could deal with. He wasn't Phedre adopted son for nothing, he'd long learned to take a verbal beating. After all, it's what he got .He might be able to claim on of the world's heros as a mother, but it was his father who was it's greatest traitor. He knew what it was like to get verbally abused. And there was no way that this pint sized sucidial bitch was going to push him past his limits.
Harry gasped when the vines wrapped him up, but instead of looking pissed a look of panic crossed his face and he clenched his eyes shut and gritted his teeth and didn't say a word save for a single. "don't forget my shit you fucking jackass." but even that was laced with a small terror that could only be explained by a trauma or a phobia. it seamed like Harry Potter, didn't like being tied up. about two blocks from his house however they ran into an invisible wall, Harry huffing darkly. "and this, jackass, is exactly why i haven't left yet." he spat hatefully squirming against his bindings. "now put me down and let me go! before i call the Aurors down here to arrest your ass!"
Gabriel snickered a little."It wouldn't be the first time they tried."He said but let the bindings go having seen how the boy reacted, even though he held him in his arms. Frowning at the wall he smiled a little."Now.We're leaving."He said raising a head throwing raw power into the wall, because he didn' know how to make it buckle nicely, he'd just keep throwing things at it until it went away."What is it anyways?"He asked curious.
Harry relaxed once the bindings where gone, but he was too tired to struggle, so all he could do was let the stranger take him wherever the hell he pleased. "it's a spell, to keep me in." Harry stated simply closing his eyes. "it drains my magic, so that i can't break it...i guess Dumbledore never figured on someone coming to help me." he admitted. "you better hurry, it won't take the Auror's long to come,they've probably already noticed that the spell has been broken. Dumbledore told them it was a Fail Safe...just in case." he scoffed a little. "morons..." he was so bitter, and so tired as he started to doze on Gabriele's shoulder. "i still hate you." he mumbled softly.
"That's okay.Everyone hates me."Gabriel said snickering as he wrapped his arms around harry, doing the nifty bit of magic he'd learned from his foster mother. Instead of apparating, or flooing, it was sort of a mix of the two...simply taking aa step between here and there. Looking around his home at the black manor he smirked, putting the boy in bed and settling down to wait for harry to wake, looking out the window as he laid in the window seat, waking for harry. Wondering how he could make a sucidial man care.
Harry slept for the rest of the night, occasionally a tear would roll down his face like a gleaming crystal, highlighted by the full moon that was lighting up everything. Harry finally stirred just as the sun was breaking the horizon, a small mumble falling from his mouth that sounded suspiciously like. 'Dursley breakfast'. as if harry got up every morning at the crack of dawn just to serve those pigs a meal that they wouldn't share. he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes, moving to stand up, his legs giving out sending him spilling across the floor with a small groan...for a moment all harry could do was lay there, he looked dead. really he was just trying to remember where the hell he was and why he hurt all over.
Gabriel's sleepy, german accented voice filled the air in those moments that he laid on the floor."It's not wise standing up first thing in the morning.You can lay there for awhile."He said yawning as he stirred, pushing up and walking over, looking down at the man. his own dark hair sticking up every which way, dark green eyes looked amused and grouchy.He hadn't slept well, but he hadn't wanted to crowd the other. "How are you feeling?"
Harry sighed a little. "oh yes...i remember now, i was kidnapped by a fuck head who won't let me die like a decent person." he complained making himself comfortable on the floor as best as he could. "i can't move." he admitted after a long pause. he had lost too much blood to be able to move himself around, he was entirely helpless, and Harry hated that. he hated having to be dependent on other people. "....can you put me back in the bed?...this is very demeaning." even if harry was trying to kill himself, he still had his pride.
Gabriel rolled his eyes a little picking the other up and putting him in bed, laying down next to him, even though he was careful not to touch him. Sighing in pleasure at the soft matress. "Lots of things that are enjoyable are demeaning."He said conversationally, smiling a little."And I'm not a fuckhead. Well...okay, I do fuck with people's heads but I prefer fucking asses."He said absently, sleepily.
Harry grimaced as he was picked up and laid on the bed sighing softly, tensing as he felt the other lay next to him, relaxing when they didn't touch. "well your not getting my ass." he growled closing his eyes. "my ass still hurts." he admitted. "wait a couple days." he yawned a little and closed his eyes, ready for more sleep, and you are a fuck head, because the minute i cam move i intend on fucking removing it."
gabriel snickere a little, looking over at him."I've had better people threaten me, you don't scare me pretty boy."He growled before letting the other go to sleep. Purring as he went to sleep himself. It felt good to be sleeping in bed.

Mid morning gabriel yawned, opening a eye as he heard the other moving around."Does this mean you're up to trying to kill me yet?"He said arrogantly, as if he was sure he couldn't be hurt. Smiling as he stretched.
when Gabriel woke up to see harry shifting, it was not harry attempting to kill him, it was Harry having a nightmare, writhing on the bed with tears running down his cheeks, silent screams spilling from parted lips as The Boy Who Lived was forced to live through unseen terrors, and horrifying memories. leaning over and gripping Gabriel, pulling the other closer and snuggling in as tight to the other as he could possibly get silently seeking comfort, green eyes fluttering open and then closing shut again, but did not push away, or try to leave, he stayed right there, silently sobbing into Gabriel's shirt, wishing that the other would comfort him, even just a little. but harry knew better, no one ever cared, and this strange kidnapper would be no different.
"Oh, hey hey hey, its so not cool to have snot on your rescue's shirt. Come on kid, wake up."Gabriel growled, shaking the other's shoulder, wrapping his arm around harry, shaking him a little. WAnting him to wake up. "Fine, you can get my shirt as snotty and wet as you want. Just means you can do my laundry later."Gabriel said sighing when he realized it wasn't going to work in waking him up, laying back with a sigh,holding him.
Harry couldn't help but giggle at the comment of doing the laundry, snuggling tighter into Gabriel, silently enjoying the hug, it might not have been real comfort, but it felt like it, and harry was going to take it. "sorry... i didn't mean to wake you up." Harry muttered after a small moment, in which he gathered himself together. "i don't usually break down like that." he admitted slowly starting to pull away, wiping his eyes. "i'll make sure to wash your shirt." he promised rolling over onto his other side, sounding both grateful, and very tired of life. if Gabriel didn't keep a close eye on harry, the boy would no doubt try to commit suicide once he was strong enough to move around. "hey...did you get my things?" the boy suddenly demanded, turning to look at Gabriel, blinking at him. "at least tell me you remembered to get the documents out from under the loose floorboard..." harry couldn't remember much of that evening.
Gabriel looked offended, before noddng."They're in the trunk at the end of the bed"He said before stretching, stripping out of his shirt and tossing it on harry's face. Snickering as he did."Now come along. We're going to do laundry before the snot sets in."He said smirking a little.
Harry nodded and sighed in relief closing his eyes. "good...the Dursley's are probably burning everything else...i didn't want them to burn my mum and dad." he admitted blinking when the shirt hit him in the face, sighing a little. "look jackass, i DIED last night." he grumbled. "if i was capable of walking around, don't you think i wouldn't have run away by now!? stupid idiot." but he was slowly sliding out of bed on shaking legs, and heading for the door, determined to do the laundry. it was familiar, it was expected, Harry felt this intense need to do house chores, so...he would.
Gabriel sighed getting up and putting him back in bed, setting him there."I was just giving you a hard time. Rest. After all, you've been mostly dead all day."He said snickering. Oh yea, he'd watched the princess bride waaaaayyyy to many times.
Harry snorted a little and pushed the other out of the way. "get out of the way, i'm doing the laundry." he paused looking the other over calculatingly before examining his own way too oversized clothes. harry was a little smaller, but Gabriel's clothes could at least be shrunk to size, unlike Dudley's. "and i'm borrowing some clothes." he paused. "and the kitchen is mine now, your not allowed in it." he stated heading for the stairs, pausing at them and scowling a little. "dammit..." he knew better than to try and use stairs when he was that weak, looked like he was stuck on that floor for now.
Gabriel growled a little, as he walked out after him, dragging him back into the room, tossing him carefully onto the bed, pressing a kiss to his head."Now rest. I demand it."He growled looking ready to sit on his chest to keep him still. Not liking that he'd taken his teasing to heart. His heart hurting at the idea of what this child had gone through
Harry growled darkly as he was forced back into bed, a strange look of rage in his eyes. "you demand it?" Harry demanded, suddenly surging upwards, knocking the other off him, onto the floor, surprisingly strong for someone who had been dead, not to mention how skinny harry was. the boy leaped off the bed and onto Gabriel, pinning him to the floor, spitting in parseltongue, simple cusses and curses. "you DEMAND ME!?" he demanded again pressing down on the others wrists, snarling lightly. "i am 'demanded' more than you will ever know, and i will not have some third rate wizarding PUNK! tell me what to do!" he hissed before staggering to his feet, looking rather startled at himself. "s...sorry...that was...i just....sorry..." sometimes, a little bit of Voldemort peeked out from harry, the scar connecting the two was stronger than Dumbledore, or even Tom would ever suspect. harry moved back into the bed, pulled the covers over his head...and trembled with silent tears, crying at his own misery and shame, not able to hold back the horror at attacking someone who was only trying to help.
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