The New Digi-Destiny


Jun 3, 2011
a little back story of our home the digital world. 100 human year's have past since the war between the good and evil of the Xro war's.... and peace has crossed the digital world... although in there time million's and million's of year's have past. both digimon and human's have lived in peace... no war's or evil has dared to come out tio take ether world due to the legend's of the digidestant.... until now! now a new and dark threat has taken over the digital world turning it tord something more..... sexual.... rape and death follows everywhere and all cause of some dark symbol..... now new digidestant's are called to save our world..... and so the story begins.


Yuki sighed sitting at his computer still in his school uniform as he was completing some homework. "fuck..... why the hell to i got to write 5 page's on ancient japan?" he then sighed softly shaking his head then got a wicked idea. "hmmmm i can finish this later." he said softly and saved what he had and turned on a MMO he had be playing for a bit but then something happened..... his screen started to glow with a white light and at this he jumped back away from the computer as it started to speak to him. "you have been called." and all the sudden.... he was gone.

when next he woke up he was in some sort of forest with a shit load of sign's pointing ever which way, he shook his head and looked around. "were the fuck am i?"
Seiko sighs softly shi was lounging in hir bathtub at hir estate as shi played a game on hir computer, shi was enjoying hirself quite a bit before hir screen went blue" oh son of a " was all shi got out before the computer spoke" you have been called" and started to glow brighter and brighter, scared shi tosses the laptop across the room only to be sucked into it with a towel and hir cloths thankfully, but shi suddenly landed in a forest naked except for the suds over hir body barley covering hirself, shi looks around and blinks" where the hell am i" shi asks before shi squeaks noticing a man nearby
Yuki blinked as he heard a crash as well as a female like voice and stood up and looked around to see the naked woman and blushed highly, as the blush covered his face he turned his back to hir and coughed. "ummmmm hi...." was all he could say keeping his back ttord hir. how the hell had this happened and who is that? is this a dream? he thought as a confused look crossed his face.
Seiko blushes more and scrounges around finding hir towel shi quickly dry's off, hir hair was a dyed pink that went down to hir hips and hir form was very shapely shi had the perfect body mostly thanks to daddy's money and many personal trainer's, shi seemed shy for hir looks tho" who are you pervert and how did you get me here!!" shi demanded as shi starts sliding into hir gathered cloths finishing with a mini-skirt and a tank top with a lollipop being licked on it that asks "can i have a lollipop?" and finally two hair bands that looked exactly like miku hatsune's hair clips they looked very expensive
He he grunted and waited afte4r figuring she was dressed be the sound's of lack of movement he turned around. "for one thing i didn't bring you here and in fact i don't even know were we are....." he said calmly figuring getting mad would worsen the problem. "i was just starting to play a MMO when my comp bugged the fuck out and started to shine... next thing i know im here.... were ever this fucking place is." he then looked around.
seiko snorts and looks around too" well i believe you since the same thing happened to me except i made the mistake of playing on my computer wile i was in the bathtub" shi looks around again and smiles spotting hir backpack " aha my bag!!" shi walks over and bends down to pick up hir bag it was a small pink backpack with a haert on it shi looks inside it" good i still have some food and my makeup bag water and even my cell" shi squeals happily and looks at hir phone" hey whats the deal... i have no signal
he smirked and took a large looking knife out the back of his pant's and weighed it lightly before pressing a small button on it it was a old 80's amry survival modded combat knife with hidden compartment in the hilt, as the compartment opened he counted the few hook's and sinker's in it as well and noting his 15 yard's of rolled up fishing line and re shut it. "good for you..... all i need is this." he said showing it to her as he twirled it a bit dangerously around his finger's before putting it back were he hid it. who ever said he was the model student? after all... you never know when you need such thing's. he then took out his own cell and flipped it open. "shit.... mine got no signal as well.... wait what the fu-!!!" he then covered his eye's as his cell started to glow and change into some sort of oval device
Seiko blinked " woa what the hell is that?" before hir own cell started to glow and changed as well but differant than yours hir cellphone was now more like a tazer " what the hell?" shi asked hirself but said it out loud, then she looks at the man" what do you think this shit is about?" shi was now confused and hir tone was very scared shaking a bit it freaked hir out
Yuki bluinked pressing a few button's on the device looking it over. "i don't know, and but i think we are gunna find out soon anuff." he said lightly as he looked up to see someone walking tord them it was obviously male but he wore armor as if he was a knight angel like wing's were apon his back.

Seraphimon smiled at them both as he stood a bit away from them. "hello human's..... I have called you here to help us...... our world is in great danger and the legend's say only human's from the other world can save us."
Seiko looks at the strange fellow and blinks" what the hell are you?" shi asked as shi backed up a bit starting to hide behind the man shi landed with, shi was a bit afraid shi would be attacked and wanted something between her and it in case it decided to attack, then her new cellphone started to beep and she looked down on it the screen displayed a map and a red dot on the map, it appeared to be close saraphimon said

" ah it seems you are lucky seiko your digispirit is close"

seiko gaspsd" do you know my name.. a..and what is a digispirit?
Yuki blinked lightly and frowned as he said this he then shook his head lightly and looked at the armored male as he begun to speak. "as for what i am... im a digimon...... my name is Seraphimon a mega level digmon..... what you hold now is known as a digivice... it hold unknown and unfathomed like power and weilding it make's you digidestant.... savor of the digital world..."

Yuki frowned. "i heard about digimon... it was a popular card game up till 25 year's ago when they stopped making the card's... they make a new game from time to time.... but this is unreal....." he said softly putting a hand to his chin thinking.

Seraphimon nodded or what looked like a nod. "yes... all because our world's path's have crossed meny a time... digimon have went to your world as human's have come here... but each time was due to the fate of both world's.... and right now our world's are in danger once more...."
seiko shakes hir head" but why us" seiko would ask a bit perplexed and wondering if this was all a dream, oh shi hoped it was a dream , shi spoke suddenly" and more importantly why me, I'm seiko fujioma heir to my father's business and estates across the world, i never even clean my room let alone save some world that i don't give two shits about
Seraphimon shook his head at her and sighed "i see... well as troubeling as it is i didnt choose you the fate's did...... i just cast the spell and who ever came was pulled here by fate.... now your digi-spirit should be close by." he looked at her digivice and pointed east. "in that detection there should be a ancient temple inside it is your digi-spirit..... to put it into your digivice you must point the device tord the spirit and call out Digi-scan.... after you have it to turn into thee said digimon you must save Digivalotion wall calling out the spirt...... after you have become the spirit you uhhhh..... ummmm..... one second." he then pulled out a book and started to read.

Yuki almost facefloored at this. 'oh wow.... this is priceless....." he said chuckeling a bit watching the armored angel.
seiko blinks a bit having a total blond moment" what the fuck do you mean? i don't want to do this and you cant make me" shi had turned hir back to the angel digimon and sat down on a rock to do hir makeup
Seraphimon nodded at there book and teardroped at the sighed of the girl. "after you have become the spirit you must say devolution to return to your human form..... and anyways... you have no choosing but to help us... cuz as long as this evil force stay's at large your stuck in our world.... im unable to send you home..."

Yuki blinked at this and shrugged. 'oh well..... i guess that mean's we are stuck...." he said lightly and looked back at seiko. "why dont we try to help them? it might be fun..."
Seiko huffs a bit" because im not supposed to have to work!! hell i rarely walk to the bathroom im always carried there its not fair not fair at alll!!" shi was totaly having a temper tantrum and was defiantly in denial" soon enough i will wake up be near drowning in the bathtub and safe so until then im gona sit here and do my nails
Yuki snorted softly he was tired of this. "i see so this is a dream huh?" he said lightly and walked up to her. "well then i guess i cant do this." he then raised his hand and back slapped her with all his strength. "get over yourself! this ant your home! stop depending on others! your father and maid's arnt here sio get a fucking life and grow the fuck up!" his eye's looked like they were on fire as the angel like digimon took a step back wondering if all human's acted like this.
Seiko yelps as shi is hit , scowling shi pullls a tazer from hir backpack" LISTEN HERE BUB I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT IM NOT AFRAID TO USE THIS" shi huffs" i shall sit here as long as it takes to be found and brought home" shi was definatly defiant and in major doubt
Yuki smirked softly and shook his head. "name's Yuki and i ant afraid of your toy.... ok then you can sit there as long as you want.... im leaving..." he then looked to the angel like digimon. 'do you know were my spirit is?"

Seraphimon nodded softly. "the same place as her's is... but in a different Chamber i think... i will lead you to it..." the he then turned and started to head east.

Yuki smiled softly at the woman. 'have fun sitting there.... i will wait 2 day's at the temple.... if you do not come your on your own." he then walked off as well he didnt have time to deal with a bitchy pampered princess.
Seiko sighed and sat there for ten minuets[/color] doing hir nails before something in the bush rumbled, it was a giant spider with a very ugly face, shi squealed loud and darted twords where the two males headed faster then the digimon could ask directions and ran strait into yuki " AYEEE ILL DO IT ILL DO IT!!" shi said huffing and panting hard
Yuki smirked as he saw her run tord them and winked Seraphimon who was teardroping again. "welcome back." yuki said lightly and looked to a brown and moss covered temple that was starting to appear out of the treetop's.

"it's not far.... one you have reached the temple we must part way's.... for that is as far as i can lead you."Seraphimon said lightly looking at the two.
Seiko pants and nods" r..right ok.. l...lets just hurry up maby ill find myself home once we get the spirit thingy...." shi obviously still wasn't taking this seriously but shi would have to eventually
Yuki nodded. "yep and you can go back to being a richy bitch who know;'s nothing of life." he said lightly still a bit pissed at her. he then went silent for a moment thinking thing's over and looked to Seraphimon "by the way dude.... what can you tell us about this evil?"

Seraphimon sighed lightly walking beside them but yet leading them at the same time. "not much im afraid, but some info has appeared. " he said lightly a grim aura most seemed to surround him. "what or who ever is cuasing this darkness is possibly not from this world.... he or she has set this world to something we have never delt with before.... meny humanoid digmon have dark mark's spread somewhere on there body's and give's them dark power's as well as they go out of control.... they not only lust to destroy everything in sight but they also lust for sex... meny innocent digimon are ether raped or forced to become sex slave's... being alone in this world is highly unwise."
seiko takes out hir tazer gun and fires it at yuki's back before shi blinks at what the digimon says" so.. we are stuck in a teenage geek's sex dream?" shi asked bluntly starting to think shi wad drugged and is now stuck in a forest and some perverted supergeek's sex movie
Yuki hear's her pull out the tazer and as she fired her quickly took his knife out and quickly turned around blocked the small arrow like thing's being shot at him, it showed he was well trained in the martel art's. "nice try.... keep that up and il leave you alone." he said puting his knife away and started walking again this girl was getting on his last nerve...

Seraphimon nodded lightly. "you can say that i guess but i don't know.... althou i am one of 10 guardian's of this world not even i know everything...." as they reached the temple he stoped. "and this is were i leave you both.... i am sorry but i must go back to the castle and report the digidestant have arrived.
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