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Testing The Waters

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Jun 3, 2011
So after much browsing around and otherwise exploring this very interesting site. I have decided to try and make my very own request thread I'm not sure how well this will turn out, but it's a learning experience.

First some rules and then I'll follow it by pairings and maybe a few plots if I have any worth mentioning. I also have an F-list which is: . That way I don't have to try and list everything. Keep in mind, that they are all mostly negotiable. If there is something you don't like, I have no problem going without. Likewise if there is something you really, really like that I may not have on my list, or if it's in the maybe or no section. We can also discuss it.

I can play dominant or submissive. However dominant is generally limited to Yaoi only. And in a hetero pairing I will never play the male. Yuri rps are pretty much off limits, unless I'm craving Yuri Though I am not above futa pairings. I also have a number of furry characters I can use if the situation calls for it. Now onto the rules. ^_^


1. Now this will be rule one for a reason. I really have difficulty role-playing with anyone who gives me less then two good sized paragraphs. Now I know there are people who say quality over quantity, and I do prefer that. I've just yet to see a good quality post in three or four lines.

2. I prefer threads and pms in that order. Emails are too much of a hassle and ims I generally use for people I've known for a while. ((I.e. long, long term partners.)) I prefer to keep my im friend list neat and compact; it makes it easier to focus. -laughs-

3. Please do not ask me to play a position in an rp that I'm not comfortable with. Meaning do not ask me to dominate in a hetero pairing when it's stated I prefer not to. If you do ask it just leads me to believe that you didn't read my intro. It's there for a reason ladies and gentlemen please do not ignore it.

4. I only accept a limited number of yaoi pairings in which I'm dominant. Generally it's limited to 3 or 4.

5. Master/Slave and Master/Pet themed rps I find tend to die quickly unless there is some kind of plot to act as the backbone. In fact I generally prefer if the Master/Slave coupling is buried within a plot of some kind. It's not really all that hard, it just requires a little creative thinking.

6. I like smut only rps as much as the next, in fact sometimes I prefer them. Most of them time though I like at least a vague plot so it doesn't die quite as quickly.

7. Please contact me here before you send me a pm, that way I won't be completely surprised when I suddenly have a message in my inbox.

Now onto pairings.
RE: Testing The Waters (Yaoi and Hetero)

Sent you a Pm concerning possible playtimes. I do like Daddy/daughter pairings
RE: Testing The Waters (Yaoi and Hetero)

hello there, i was wondering if you where up for a roleplay still?^^ i'm looking for a Yaoi pairing and i have a TON of plots that we could fiddle around with ^^ (some are just half formed idea's that i keep in mind to hash out with my roleplay partner, theirs nothing better than a unique plot for two!^^ (i also won't be insulted if you don't like my plots or find me boring or just don't want to rp, promise.^^)

uhm, i usually post 2-5 paragraphs depending on the Rp or whats happening in the rp, so, er... i guess that's all i can think of right now, lemme know if you still have an Rp opening! ^^ (do you mind if i PM you? i find discussing plots and things easier through PM.)
RE: Testing The Waters (Yaoi and Hetero)

I have a werewolf/warrior thread that might be up your alley (Listed as Fourth Plot Idea):

If it doesn't strike you, I would like to try a Best Friends RP. I've never tried it before, but I want to give it a shot and see what happens. I have a simple but effective plot in mind for it.
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

*Eyes boggle* ... x-men rp??? Where have you been all my life!!! What did you exactly have in mind?
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

Therein lies the question. The world is so expansive there are a dozen diffrent scenerios that can be used. Be they Yaoi Heter or Yuri. lol It's hard to figure out what sort of plot to do.
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

You just posed that question to a Plot Factory who has run a OrigCharacter X-men rp before. Depends what aspects you want most. Stick them in the brewing vat and see what comes out.
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

Hi! If you are still interested in playing X-men, then what about some F/F pairings?

I would gladly play a female wolverine or iceman, but any character you want yours paired with is possible...
In reality a Wolverine turned into female with she still interested in Jean, but his/hers newfound young female body is more suited for Rogue, who gets te pleasure to help her in the female ways... A little playful, a little dominating, and Mystique's daughter maybe find out why her mother transformed the man who could be her father into a she...

Reading youd kink-list I find all of your favorites possible, even if mine is a little heavyer into the kink.

But of course any other F/F pairing have merit...
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

Unfortunatly on the rare occasions I do F/F pairings. And this could very well be one of those times. I cannot dominate in them, it's very difficult to the point it would become more of a task to respond then actual fun. From what I gathered you would choose to be submissive yes? I would hate to start something with you and then end up cancelling the roleplay even though your ideas are very good. I apologize.
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

As you wish. but being the one who initiates the sex does not mean that my character would not become dominating if that is you seek... In Wolverine's case her animal side would seek to top your character for sure, and maybe not only in bed, while IceGirl have a whole level of teenager hormones and playfulness that would make her get you where you want to be. :)
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

You do have a point, I probably shouldn't have assumed. How about I pm you and we can discuss it in moer detail?
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

I am game if you are. :)
Just include which characters or characteristics from X-man you would play, or want played...;)
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

That's so -Bump-!!! :)
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

Hello, I'd certainly be interested in playing x-men with you. I dislike doing cannon characters though, so if you'd be willing to work within the universe but playing OCs then hurrah!

If not then certainly something twin related.
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

OC's galore for everyone. I don't mind doing an oc X-men idea as long as we have a solid plot.
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

Oh, I'm always good for super hero plotting.
RE: Testing The Waters (Craving X-Men)

There we go I dropped you a pm so we can work on a plot together.
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