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Teen Heroes

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He grined as he she agreed with his assement of his favorite place in the whole house. No one else seemed to like coming up here and looking at his animal's and here Kat seemed to be having the time of her life. Just this simple fact made the young man smile with a confident grin on his face that usally was not somthing that could be seen there. It made Andol seem quite adorable. "Yeah I know, that is why I like to spend so much time up here around all my 'friends', though you should see the way that I have the gradens set up. It is all really nice." That was just the way that Andol though of this place.... of course again she threw him off with another one of those odd questions that the clueless superhuman alway seemed to not be sure about, and he looked at her where she stood holding onto one of his chickens and said, "Well I already have a lot of two legged pets Kat... I mean Nevermore here only has two legs... all the chickens only have too legs... heck every bird does." He giggled a bit as it was obvious that he had kind of missed what she ment...

Yet he was still having fun with her, which was not somthing many women could say is that they entertained Andol. Which is why the hint of lust still was floating right off of him.
Kat smelled it again and let out a sigh. she put the bird down and stood up and stepped closer to him and asked "okay that is cute tell me when you look at me what do you see"? she was being bold and she knew it. she let out a soft purr coaxing him to make a move. she could start things off and kiss him . she was going to see what this man said next and see what he would do if he still did not get the hint she will make anther bold move. The smell of lust coming off of him was starting to drive her nuts.
Andol wacthed curiously as the girl approched him, and Nevermore with his animal inscent knew that it was probably time to take off. So the Raven flew over and landed in it's cage and shut the door behind itself. The bird was diffently a smart one that was for sure... Of course that was when she got even closer and spoke to him, and of course just left Andol with that very cute blush covering his pale face. "Well I see a girl, who is very pretty and nice looking... though why do you ask Kat?" He wasn't really sure where all of this was supposed to be going. Andol becuase of his nature had never really had any come on to him in his entire life so he really couldn't tell when a girl was doing it... it was really just somthing that was quite new to him. He wasn't stupid... just new to everything. So he waited to see what she would do and let her make the first move.
Kat purred and said "just checking on something I smell ". she then with one hand pulled his head close to her's and kissed his lips. she was purring while doing so but soon the purrs turned into moans. she wanted this boy right here and right now. she wanted to know what was on his mind his fantasy's . she would do what ever she could to make them come true. She had never had sex before but she had seen tv and watch the animals do it at the circus and other people who were in love. She had always wanted to know even thou her parents tried to keep it from her. She hoped deep down inside this boy would let her try it out for herself.
"Wait what do you mean the smell, I try and keep the cages really clean... could you tell me where it is coming form and I can..." Yet he was soon intruppted as she suddenly stepped foward. Then Andol was suprised when suddenly Kat moved in close to him and suddenly he felt her hand on the back of his head as there lips where pressed together... and the young man finally experainced his first kiss. The world seemed to stop all around him as this magical moment contiuned to pass, when he realized what Kat had been meaning all along. He knew that she wanted him in a way that no other human had wanted him up until now... and there where so many things that he wanted to ask for. So many fansties that he wanted to have fufilled... The young man really didn't know where to began, except to simply wrap his arms around Kat in a hug and pull back softly form the kiss and say to her, "Kat are you offering me what I think you, becuase..." He blushed and said, "Wow... no one has ever wanted me like this before. I mean there are just so many things I have always thought about... but no one has ever wanted.... me." Andol was so cute in his innocence.
"yes I'm asking you for sex and yes i want you like this your so cute when you blush" she let out soft purr and a giggle. she then smiled and said "tell what is it you thought about your fantasy's i want to know them all i want to know if i can please i want to be your first and hopefully the only one for you". she knew she was getting into deep waters but she did not care. she was going to take this boy right here right now if he let her if he did not she was going to be annoyed but she could live with it.
Wow... Andol just couldn't believe what he was hearing. Especially with has blunt and has open that Kat was being about all of this... he just couldn't believe what he was hearing. Yet indeed this was happening and this girl was offering herself to him... so he figured that maybe it would be ok to step foward and take this chance. Especially becuase he knew what her powers where and knew that someone like her could do things for him that no normal girl could. So he looked her in the eye for a moment as he thought about what he was going to say and then suddenly became shy as buried his head into her shoulder... relaizing that this would probably be esaier if he didn't look her in the eye. So he spoke softly, "Alright then... well I have always wanted to be..." He paused for a moment and said, "Fucked by a futa..." The young man's face just lit up red as he said this and his face never came out of it's hiding spot on her shoulder... yet his hand seemed to travel down bettewen her legs... and began to feel along her panties... as though waiting to see if that certian bulge would apper, showing that she agreed to what he wanted.
Kat nodded and when he reached down to feel the bulge he did for she crew a cock . It was not a small cock ether but good 7inches not too big and not too small. because of the way her body was built it could not all go into her pants. some of it stuck out of the top of her panties. she giggled looking down and said "tell Andol is this big Enoch for you"? she wanted him to look down and see what it looked . she hoped he took of her panties to get a better look. She had moaned from the touch of his hand on her panties . she leaned into little bit and start to gently nibble on his ear.
As Andol's hand was looking around around the girls wasit line he suddenly felt somthing very fimilar grow out to touch his hand. He couldn't believe at first what he felt and so his fingers rubbed over the part of her cock that stuck out of her panties... and his lithe fingers moved over the head... with a nervousness that certianly fit Andol. He couldn't beleive what he was feeling and was so supirsed that he seemed to pull his hand back as though he had been bitten by a snake. Even so much so that he stepped back a bit away form Kat so that he could get a better look at the new meat that had grown form bettewen the girls legs. The young man just blushed as he answered, "Yeah it is most diffently big egough for me... Though just promise you will be gentle with it." Of course it didn't take him long to step back close to her and put his arms around her, after he slowly took her panties off.

As the young man did this he could feel her cock rubbing against his leg, through his sleeping pants which he was still wearing, sinice he liked to wear them around the house. Of course that little nibble that she placed on his ear seemed like just what the doctor ordered as the young man moaned softly... and said to her, "Kat I am not really sure what to do right now, but I want you in charge. You have given me somthing I wanted now I will do anything you ask." He felt like putty in her hands at the moment and all she had to do was place him where she wanted him... wethier that be on his knees or on his bed... nethier one mattered to him and at his point he could careless.
Kat smirked he put her in just right were she wanted to be. she would be somewhat gentle but not too gentle for that was not in her nature. she pushed him on the bed . she then climbed on top of him putting her cock into his mouth. she sat on his chest and put her hands over his head onto the bed. She was leaning over him. she wanted him to suck her cock. she wanted to what it would felt like getting a cock suck. She never had one before and she never sucked a cock before. she was not going to suck Andol cock instead she was going to get her cock sucked and then she was going to put it in his ass. She was going to please this man all the time. She was falling in love she never met a man like him before.
Tina also known as Angel walked the streets looking for the place on her map she was suppose to go to. She felt lost and hopefully can find someone that could help her out and lead her to the mansion so far things were not looking up for her.
Tina let out a scream of frustration as she countied to walk the streets. she then let out a sigh and decided to stop looking for the place then maybe she will just might find it.
Tina looked at Seth and said "yep I did ". she looked back at the map and sighed maybe he would know it could not hurt to ask "hey do you know were the super house is for teen heroes I'm kinda lost"? she gave him her most pretty smile she could master.
"Cause I'm suppose to live there but is lost and can't find it boy would my dad laugh at me for getting lost". she turned her back to him for a second to look down the street as if checking for him then turned back to the boy and gave him anther smile and giggled "you think i could find the place with a map".
Tina took his hand and gave it a shake saying "nice to meet you seth my name is Tina but most just call me Angel". she smiled again at the boy whom she thought was a handsome boy.
She giggled and said "thanks". she did not step back but cocked her head from side to side saying "well your rather handsome ". she giggled some more and put her hands up to hide her face for she was blushing.
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