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Teen Heroes

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Kitty let the whip go through her. "There is many things I can do." Kitty phased through the floor and waited a bit before jumping out behind Naithin to drag him down to the basement.
Kitty phased out of the room. It was made from concrete and iron with a think door. This was made to hold super criminals until the police arrived.
Andol was awoken form his sleep by some loud noises that where coming form downstairs. Quickly getting up form his sleep and looking around, the young man's eyes went wide as he quickly realized that there was a fight going on down stairs. The young man stood up quickly and put on on a bathrobe, as he quickly went around the room and began to let his animal's out of there cages. The various creatures, especially the smarter ones like his pet raven Nevermore began to let other animal's out of there cages as they quickly began to move towards the door to the basement. Andol began to make his way towards that part of the house as he began to call out, "Kitty... Are you all right?... What is going on here." It had been a month sinice her rape and so far she had showed signs of being pregent, and at the same time Rhea had dissapered. Everything just seemed to have gone to hell, thought they did have a new hero show up... of course he realized that he had to take care what was currently going on in the house first.
"Dammit let me out of here!" He roared out, banging on the door until finally he went quiet. Walking downstairs back to the basement, he sat in the middle of it and sighed. "At least I'm in the house like I said." He murmured to himself as he sat in the darkness. He began to slowly leak out the slime in his body...turning the room into a chamber filled with fluids while Nathan slept in it...He found out that it cured wounds and illnesses and actually helped preserved his life from time.
"It is that monster he decided her wanted to be in my life again. Also can we go upstairs? I need to talk to you about something." Kitty said walking upstairs a little out of breath. Once they were up stairs Kitty looked at Andol and said, "You know how I've been getting sick a lot lately. I took the tests and I'm pregnant."
Andol growled for a moment in what seemed like a almost feral nature as he asked, "Kitty do you want me to go down into that basement and kill that mother fucker for what he did to you?" They had him traped so in truth they could just starve him out and no one would ever know what had happened. Ethier that or Andol could just try and kill the guy himself, sinice he had been training to fight the guy for the past month. Making his telekensis powers stronger, sinice that had been his area of weakness before. He curiously followed her upstairs as she turned and began to talk to him he looked at her curiously and then looked at her belly and then back up at her with a smile before saying... "Oh Kitty that is wonderful who is the father...." Yet with every word his smile and excitment faded as he knew the answer, "Oh I see, well what do you want to do about it?" There was always the 'Falcon Punch' option... of course that seemed a little extreme.
Eventually Nathan drained the slime in the basement as went over to the steel door. He placed his hand on the door and began to close his eyes as he tried to drill through it slowly using a slime drill...though it was taking forever. "This is some hard metal this door is made up of..." He murmured to himself.
"I'm going to have the kid. I feel like I need to give the kid a chance in this world. But, HE wants to be in the kids life. I don't want him near me or my kid. But I will be limited to my combat role on the team. I have been learning the communication systems so I will still help the team." Kitty said.
Andol nodded his head in agreement, "Yes I can see that, we wouldn't want to have you running around risking yourself when your childern is going to need a mother to raise it." Plus Andol was most certianly not a fit person to be a father sinice he would probably just end up accidently feeding the baby to one of his snakes or somthing... maybe end up on purpose if it cried to much. The young man stepped forward and gave Kitty a friendly hug and said to her, "Well he should have thought about that before he deicded to rape you. Don't worry, I won't let him get anywhere near you. Plus I know about his new ability and I think I am ready for him." Plus Andol was sure of one thing... he had more control over his telekensis than Lust did the slime, sinice his power was older, and had been with him long than the slime had been with Lust.
Seth went to find out what was going on after a satisfying cup of coffee. He approached Andol. (I'm just assuming they've met, considering Seth has been living with him for 2 weeks) "So what the hell is going on?" He was a bit wired. Made the coffee too strong
Nathan continued to dig through the steel door. " a small hole in to get fresh air at least...come on...just...wait..." The slime drill turned into a slime tentacle that reached through the tiny hole and began to slowly open the door...
"This is a time I wished Rhea was still here. I think I will raise the kid in this house so I will have to do some redesigning so I can have a nursery." Kitty said her hands resting on her belly. "Well I'm going to get some snacks and go to bed. I've been puking for the past couple hours and it might continue for a while. If I need anything I will let you know."
Andol looked over at Seth as the other male showed up and he said to him, "Well Seth it looks like that Kitty here is pregent with Lust's child. Yet not only that, but it seems that the villian wants to be in the childs life and has come here to the house to make sure it is that way. Though form what I can see Kitty handled him very well to trap that monster in the basement." He knew that was the whole story in a nutshell form the way that Kitty had told it. Yet still it was impressive that she had been able to defeat the villian, of course this was a good thing becuase it ment that he didn't have to risk his pets when facing that new attack that Lust had. Turning back to Kitty he said with a soft smile, "Yeah that will probably be for the best. Don't worry we will handle that bastard if he tries anything. You just go and rest." Patting Kitty on the shoulder the young man looked back at Seth saying, "Well shall we go and check on our new 'guest'?"
Thats when Kat showed up but this time she was not in her human form for she loved to change into animal forms or half anyway. Kat had black cat's ears on her head and a nice long cat tail coming out of her body. her hands had longer nails for the cat claws . Her feet stayed the same thou. she was sipping her drink and looking from Andol and Seth and said with a purr "can i play with the man downstairs I promise I wont kill him just hurt him a bit". she got this away ever sense she lost her Father and mother and the life she knew. For some reason on top of that Dr.pepper made her seem like she was evil.[just making a girl that is fun after she is part animal hehe]
"Ahh, that makes sense. I'm really glad I got coffee before I asked. Well then, shall I handle this villain? Sounds like fun." Seth hadn't gotten any action since he left Gloucester.
Kat looked at the two boys and said "come on you two join me" she was down the stairs and really close to Nate and said "eeew gross he is a slime man".
Nathan glared at her as he stood in the doorway of the basement. "Fuck. You." He said before rushing past her and past all the others in an attempt to get free. Once he was outside, he disappeared into the shadows of the alleys.

(Going to sleep. See you later.)
Andol nodded his head and said to the girl, "Yeah I think that I would like to join you. I have to pay him back for what he did to my other friends." He smiled a bit in that some time sadistic nature that his face could hold when he wanted it to... yet that was usally only reserved for the villians who dared tried to hurt his friends that he cared so much for. So he followed after Kat as they walked on and over to the basement where Andol noticed that a hole had been formed in the door. He found that quite odd and quicky pulled out his notebook and Kat would see him write down some things in it before putting it back in his pocket. Then as they went down into the basement the young man, told his pets to stay back. He wanted to be able to focus just on his telekensis powers. Looking at Kat he said to her, "Just make sure that your really careful..." Yet with those words he wacthed in horror as suddenly the villian tried to flee. Andol quickly pulled out his daggers and flung them in the direction of the other male in a attempt to wrap his chains around his neck, but he missed and the villian escaped...

So with that the young man let out a simple sigh, "Well it seems he is gone..." Turning to Kat he asked, "So you want to go out and track after him?... I can use my pets to help us?" He was curious what she wanted to do.
Kat purred and said "sure but can i be one of your tracking pets I know wolf's have a good sense of smell". she looked to seth then to Andol and gave him a cocky grin. now what she said would make all the other girls mad for no good in their right mind ask a man to be one of his pets but then again Kat was not normal maybe the animal in her veins was causing her to say mad things or go crazy just a bit.
Andol looked over at Kat for a moment with a curious look on his face as he took in what he she said for a moment. Yet it didn't take long for him to realize what she said, and the young man's pale face began to slowly become covered with a beat red blush that was really adorable there on his face. It had caught him off gaurd becuase he was a little unsure how she had meant that, but still there was no way around the manying meaning that it could hold. He looked at her for what seemed like a few mintues before he said to her in a very nervous and also adorable voice that held kind of a stutter to it... it really wasn't somthing that was normal for Andol, "Well sure Kat if you want to, but do you want to go and try and track him down now or later... unless you want to maybe go out and do somthing else..." Then he stumbled over his voice and asked her, "Or we can go and hold my chickens...?" The girn on his face showed that Andol wasn't really good at coming up with a nice day out... to him it seemed that playing with his birds was a nice day out.
Kat purred and said "you got chickens sweet but i promise i wont eat any of them". she did not want to track down the boy with the slime now she wanted to hang with Andol. she smiled and said "okay forget about the boy he will be back I'm sure so lets go hold them chickens okay". she gave him a smile and held up a peace sign for the heck of it. she looked him up and down and noted he was one handsome man. she walked around the basement for a second finding a mirror she checked her looks and noted with the cat ears and all she was pretty cute. she walked back over Andol holding out her hand "let the way to your chickens".[by the way i'm laughing my but off at the we could do something else lets go hold chickens ]
Andol seemed to just grin ear to ear as she said that she wanted to go and hold his chickens. He was a bit supirsed though about the fact that she didn't know about them, "Of course I have chickens Kat... you know how I have so many animal's around sinice it goes with my power." The young man smiled softly as he wacthed her go away for a moment. He felt a bit like he was on cloud nine for a second, but it was more the fact that someone wanted to go up and look at all of his pets up in his room. He was gald that Kat wanted to hang out with him, becuase he had always thought that she was indeed one of the cutest, if not the cutest girl in the house, plus her powers would probably allow him to explore some of his other desires to.... He began to really blush betime she got back, but he kind of hope that she wouldn't know what he was thinking about. Of course with her strong sense of smell she would be able to smell the traces of lust that where floating off his body...

Andol smiled softly as he took her hand in a almost child like manner, and lead her to his upstairs bedroom which had a connecting room, that had a chicken coop with a whole bunch of hens and a couple of roosters in there. A couple of them where large Rhode Island Reds, and where all beatiful and well taken care of... plus the cage was so clean that there was no bad smell. It was obvious that Andol took care of his pets... plus there was so many other animal's in his bedroom, and in other conecting rooms such as snakes and his other pet birds. Of course soon his pet Raven Nevermore showed up and landed on his shoulder. Looking at Kat it kawed loudly in a curious manner.
Kat did smell the traces of lust coming off Andol and knew she was weak there could not resist. she acted like she did not know. she allowed him to lead her to his room. she took a look around and purred saying "this place looks like heaven". she looked at the bird that kawed at her and she returned the sound just like the bird. she then walked over to the chicken coop and noted she did not look at these birds as food but as Andol's pets. she picked one up and sat down petting it. "so you got a zoo up here question is do you want anther pet to add to the zoo of animals well a two legged one at that". she gave off a soft giggle. she was flirting again and right now she would do anything with this man all he had to do was ask.
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