Of Darkness and Pain

Nov 30, 2010
Voldermort smiled slightly as he stepped into the home, tilting his head at the dursley's as he looked at the small child on the ground, walking over he gently touched the babe's stomach, smiling slightly as the baby grabbed his finger. A shame that he would destroy one child's innocence to get what he wanted."You do not want him. I have a family who does." Darkness passed in that look, then gone as if it'd never existed. "Sell him to me. I will pay any asking price you shall want, and he will be gone from your lives forever."
the Dursley's stared at him fearfully, it was Vernon who fearfully stuttered that he would agree, that he wanted money, not that crappy wizard shit that he was certain the man had. and that he wanted a lot of it too, or he'd never keep quiet. Vernon knew a good deal when he saw one, though he had no idea who he was dealing with. as soon as they arranged an agreement the muggle family was more than happy to be rid of their unwanted nephew.

he was sent to the Malfoy's, who eagerly accepted him, and turned him into a slave, taught to clean from the moment he could walk and talk, and that was how he lived. as he got older he was expected to do more than just keep the house completely clean, and to cook the meals that the Malfoy's ate. harry only got the leftovers, but there was always plenty for him to eat. the house elves where more of a family to Harry than anyone else, and that was how he lived, as a house elf, and as a sex slave. Harry often frequented Lucius's bed, and even Narcissa's. Draco had an unusual fascination with older men, and left harry alone save to torment him about not having any family, about being unwanted, anything really. Harry usually ignored him.

the Malfoy's also moved from London so that no one would ask unwanted questions about the scrawny boy with the wide green eyes, that retained an unusual innocence. though he rarely spoke, and couldn't read or write or do any sort of math, he was very good at the things he did know how to do, and while he wasn't allowed to do magic, he was practicing in the dark of the night where no one could see him. despite having no family, he hoped that someday he might find someone who would take him away, and give him the home he'd always wanted. he just had to hope, and wait...and clean.
Within the world the balance of power shifted, from wizard to fae, and back again. A war between worlds, a stalemate that neither really won, because their king lay dead, their princess distraught and unable to help and the prince of both courts missing. No one knew what had happened to the missing prince, but many believed he was dead. Among those who had suffered under the missing heir's absence was the Unseelie queen's knight. A fae lord in his own right, the man had loved his princess, and loved her well, but had let her go to the seelie king because while the others of the court had seen a political marriage, he'd seen one of love. So when the princess had returned without her son, the knight had vowed to find him. To save the prince that he was sure was suffering. And yet,as the years past, his will faltered, and as the princess withdrew from the public and court, the knight suffered under the queen's harshness.

As the Lord of Winter, the Knight of Darkness and Air, and Master of fire, Kerrigan of Camelot-yes, that camelot- was a man who's goodness had been destroyed in the unseelie court. A rarity among men, among fae, someone who truly believed in the goodness of others. And yet... the man was buckling. With every year that past, the man was losing a part of himself.


Stepping into the manor Kerrigan tilted his head, calling fire to his hand as he didn't hear anything. Waiting patiently, unnaturally quiet as he stood, his heartbeat slowing, almost stopping as he looked around for his lover or any of the servants."Draco?"He said, letting a touch of power lace the words, letting it drift on the air.
there was a small movement and the small Green eyed black haired pale skinned boy was there, Harry Potter, everyone knew who he was, thanks to the scar on his head, but people rarely saw him. even Kerrigan, who had been fucking Draco for how long now? had never seen Harry, who normally hid when guests came, as he had been trained. the boy froze, staring wide eyed at the guest, clearly having not realized that someone had been there, swallowing thickly. "the...the masters are...not home." Harry stated timidly watching the other closley, dirt smeared across his face from tending the garden, his clothes a little too small but that was how Lucius liked it. "i..if you wish to wait for their return, i c..can have someone brink you refreshments in the s,..sitting room." the boy was clearly loosing his courage the longer he stayed there. he wasn't supposed to talk to anyone, ever. or even get seen.
The fae lord tilted his head. The slightly long hair was like fire, the strands a different color, mixing to look as if he was on fire. Looking at the boy he'd promised to find, there was no recognization, no instant realization that this was the child he'd promised his princess to find. Looking at the boy he'd never seen in his two years of visiting, he was mildly curious as he felt magic slide over his skin. And yet, he was tired. So tired of reacting to fae children outside of the courts, that he just didn't care for the moment. Though he knew he should, the knight of darkness was just so tired.

"I would stay.Please get me a drink and some food."He said, before walking into the sitting room, sensing that the boy wasn't comfortable in his presence. He was used to that, used to people being uncomfortable around the man known as the queen's assassin. Sitting down in the seat usually reserved for lucius-yes, he was that arrogant- he closed his eyes, relaxing as he waited for the teen to come back.
Harry nodded and bowed to him before vanishing, well aware that he shouldn't take the red haired stranger the food, but harry felt an intense attraction to him, and he couldn't help himself. he gathered up tea, butterbeer, and the good wine and settled it onto a tray with an assortment of snacks and headed into the sitting room, shivering as he watched the other closely. he had seen the other before, with Draco tangled up in the man and screwing him relentlessly. harry hadn't been able to tell who had been topping but he was certain that it had been Kerrigan.

"H..Here my lord." he mumbled setting the try next to the chair his eyes down, flinching as Draco called that he was home, vanishing from sight in an instant to great Draco and inform him that there was a guest, Draco walking into the room with a small smirk. "Greetings my lord!" Draco purred softly looking amused at the fact that his part time lover was sitting in his fathers chair. "how are you this fine morning?"
Kerrigan looked out the door after the servant before smiling, slowly focusing on hte blond in front of him."I am well.I discovered that I had some free time this morning and was interested to see if you'd like to go for a ride with me."Amusement filled eyes the same color as his hair, as if flame was flickering in the fae's eyes."On a horse draco.First. Maybe after..."A smirk curled his lips.
Draco smirked a little licking his lips eagerly. "aaw." he whined playfully a smirk on his lips. "well, perhaps you could ride me while we ride a horse?" he teased smirking a little. he'd heard rumors about riding a horse with something crammed in your ass was very pleasurable. Draco was eager to try it out, hopefully with Karrigan's dick. "oh, and before i forget don't tell anyone about seeing Harry would you?" he asked looking amused. "we're not exactly supposed to have him, he usually hides when guests arrive. i've no idea why he didn't this time." he admitted scowling a little. "he'll have to be punished." Draco hated punishing harry, the stupid green eyed bitch wouldn't cry, or even beg, he just took the pain and then went back to work. it pissed Draco off to no end.
Kerrigan nodded a little as he got to his feet, shrugging a little."Human problems matter very little to me.You know that."He said frowning slightly as he thought over what he'd felt from the teen.If only he could figure out why his body reacted to the thought of the man.Growling softly as his body hardened, looking up at draco."You do know it was a fae who created that rumor don't you?After all, we're excellent riders."He said walking out to the barn with draco.
Draco laughed and nodded looking amused. "no i wasn't aware." he admitted smirking a little. "is it as pleasurable as it sounds?" he asked a teasing note to his voice as he ordered the stable hand to bring out the usual two horses. "how would you like to help me punish the green eyed one later?" he asked smirking a little. "he has a wonderful mouth, and since you found out about him i see no reason why you shouldn't share him for a while." he smirked a little. "I certainly can't get a reaction out of the little cunt."
Kerrigan nodded,"I would be happy to do whatever you ask of me."He said sliding into the saddle, before waving the stable hand off with the other horse, pulling draco up into the saddle in front of him, settling him against him, absently groping him."You're awfully bossy for a man who bottoms. And of course it's pleasurable. Sidhe only do things for the sake of pleasure"He said nudging the horse into a walk, heading for the woods, intending to do as the man had heard. AFter all, he was a fae lord, if he couldn't give amazing pleasure while on horseback, he'd never live it down. As a knight, especially a unseelie sidhe born knight, he spent most of his life in the saddle. So he kew he could make the blond enjoy himself.
Draco smirked as the second horse was waved away and allowed Kerrigan to yank him up into the saddle, there wasn't much that Draco could do to protest anyway. bossy Draco was, but he doubted that he could actually make Kerrigan do anything the man didn't want to do. "Of Course i'm Bossy i'm Spoiled." he teased smirking as he settled himself just so, so that his ass rubbed against the Fae Lords cock. "i thought the Sidhe also did things for power?" he paused. "i suppose power is a form of pleasure isn't it?" he smirked a little. "well, at least i can be proud in the fact that i offer you pleasure."
The sidhe lord smirked a little, guiding the horse with his knees as he pressed a open mouthed kiss to draco's neck."I do things for power. And pleasure.And I guess you do offer pleasure.Sometimes."He teased shifting the man against him, smirking as he vanished the other's pants, sliding his fingers into the man as he nudged the horse into a trot, letting the horses movement bounce the smaller man on his hand. Really, he'd had to many centuries to discover how to bring pleasure, and this was what he was good at.
Draco moaned at the kiss to his neck a smirk on his lips. "mmm is your sexing me up to gain power or pleasure?" he teased looking amused, fairly certain it was both, after all Draco would do just about anything for Kerrigan, Draco didn't have many freinds but the few he did have he was completely loyal to. he gasped as his pants vanished and fingers filled his ass. "a..aah fuck yess." he groaned tipping his head back, as the horse bounced him around on the fingers. "oh fuck yeah that feels amazing." he groaned smirking as he gripped the others thighs so he didn't fall off. "god your amazing." he growled panting hard. "mmmg.
"Of course I am. I've had a few centuries to perfect it."Kerrigan said with a smirk as he kissed the other's neck. Loyal to draco in a way that he just wasn't normally, the lord of fire just unnaturally loyal to his wizard lover. Which the rest of the sidhe found odd....not that they'd ever confront the man who held their lives in his hand. Not only was he the lord of fire,but he was the queen's weapon, bolverk who was the doer of evil deeds."Hmm a little of both."He said nuzzling his neck, because it was true. He did gain power with every orgasm, because what was lust but a different way of burning?

Shifting his fingers to press against the blond's prostate he wrapped a arm around his waist, holding him up off him easily to undo his pants, sighing as he slid the blond onto his cock, holding him still, before pressing his knees into the horses' sides, feeling the horse shift smoothly into a run, the motion rocking their bodies together, the sidhe warrior mercilessly taking the man he was holding.
Draco moaned loudly at the fingers on his prostate, arching against the lord panting hard. "f..fuck, Ker!" he whined panting hard the horse making sure that Draco was constantly pleasured, making him whimper and moan panting hard. "feels so fucking good." he groaned, hissing with pleasure as the others thick cock spread him wide. "oooh YES! thats it. mmmg so good." he growled tipping his head back shivering a little. "fuck, fuck..." Draco had a bit of a potty mouth when he was being pleasured. "aaah yesss fuck yes." he could feel the horse under him, his cock brushing the saddle the cock in his ass so good. Draco wasn't going to last long, and he didn't. barley a minute into the ride Draco arched and spilled his seed all over the poor horse.
Kerrigan moaned, shivering as he came into the blond, cuddling him against his chest for a moment before picking him up, sighing as he slid out of him, cleaning them both up before settling the other against his chest again,pressing a kiss to his neck."Such a bad mouth.And look what you did to the horse."He teased reachhing around him to brush his fingers over the cum, letting the touch for fire burn it away without harming the animal.Slowing the horse to a walk as he directed him through the woods."Now was that as good as you thought it'd be?"
he moaned softly as he was lifted off the other, a small smirk on his lips as he panted, recovering. "that was BETTER than i thought it would be." he admitted licking his lips as he looked down at the cum stained horse. "eh. it wouldn't be the first time he's been covered in funny things." Draco admitted snickering a little as he watched the flames burn away his spunk. he never felt the tight throb of power flutter through the forest as they neared the stables, Draco un-banishing his pants and carefully replacing them onto his body, it was harder to do than it seamed.
"I don't think I want to know what you were doing to the poor beast draco."Kerrigan snickered slightly, lightly setting the other on the ground, helping him with the pants, before sliding out of the saddle himself. Stretching slowly before pausing. Tilting his head, feeling the call. Feeling the touch of power fluttering over his skin, like holding his hand in the flame. Closing his eyes as he led the horse into the barn, trying to figure out which of the fae had come to bother him.
"it wasn't the horse." Draco admitted a sadistic smirk on his face. "it was the stable hand." he snickered as he led the horse, freezing as he caught Sight of Harry, the boy crouched on the ground his back turned to them, the specific flavor of Faery magic leaking off of him as he pulled, a bright green vine sprouting from the ground, growing larger with every second as Draco snarled violently. "Harry James POTTER!" Draco roared, complete fury etched on his face as he grabbed a leather riding crop grabbing Harry by the hair and yanking him hard, spilling the boy onto the ground and yanking his shirt up, bringing the crop hard across the boys back, rising thick red welts with a fury that Draco rarely showed to anyone. "what have you been told about magic!?" he demanded, small dots of blood beginning to rise on the boys back.. but Harry did not utter a single noise, nor did his eyes water from the pain, Harry simply gritted his teeth, and took it. Draco had not been kissing earlier, Harry really was not making any sort of sound, his emerald green eyes flicking open, meeting Kerrigan's eyes with an intense inner fury that most mortals could not manage, the green inside the barn withering up as if they had been suddenly struck with a blight.
"Stop!"Kerrigan growled, his voice holding the sense of power, the touch of flame and anger. Reacting instinctively to the idea of another sidhe in trouble, rather than who it was."Malfoy, stop!"he snarled, fire scroching a circle around him as his temper slipped the leas. Planting his heels down hard on the ground, struggling to not lundge for the other man. Because it was a instinctive need to protect his own, and whatever else he might be, the servant in front of him made the lord of fire answer.
Harry bowed his head, the look of anger gone, replaced by the usual terrified timid look he had, Draco pausing mid strike staring wide eyed at Kerrigan looking baffled. "he's just a slave Ker, he gets worse than this from my father in bed." sadly, that was true. "i can't just let him go unpunished for this, Magic is for Wizards and Lords, not servants and certainly not slaves." he stated glaring furiously at harry, who still had his head down, his back bleeding gently, still no sound of pain left his lips, and no tears filled his eyes, he was too stubborn, or too stupid, either way it pissed Draco off. Harry looked up at Kerrigan again, looking very nervous, as if he wasn't sure what to make of the angry person in front of him, emerald green eyes following the trail of fire, looking intensely interested and curious a look that did not go unnoticed by Draco who snarled darkly and yanked hard on Harry's hair again. "Disloyal brat! i will make you know your place!" later, when Kerrigan wasn't so upset.
Kerrigan swallowed."he's using sidhe magic, not wizard.Stop. Otherwise I'm going to attack you."Kerrigan warned, the flames licking at his legs, brushing over his leather pants, dropping a hand casually to his hand, flame filling his hand."Draco, Stop."He ordered, not wanting to attack the blond. Kerrigan losing himself to the side that was the fire lord, that merciless lord of fire was looking out kerrigan's fire gaze. "He's answering my call Malfoy, not because he wants to, but because I am Sidhe."He snarled, struggling to wrestle his temper into control, but he was reacting to seeing a wizard hurt one of the sidhe. It was amazing he hadn't already gone for draco's throat. It said just how much he did care for the other man.Though Kerrigan was quickly starting to forget it the longer draco hurt the sidhe brat.
Draco released Harry's hair, the brunette looking from Draco to Kerrigan looking utterly baffled and confused before Harry, without warning crawled forward, ignoring the flames licking up Kerrigan's legs and nuzzled his knee, Draco snorting a little. "Harry's not Sidhe Ker." he protested, but dropped the flogger so that he didn't pose any threat. Harry wasn't sure what was happening, all he knew was an intense physical and magical attraction to the person he had been completely terrified not even an hour ago. "Harry leave Kerrigan alone." Draco snapped, half worried that Harry would make Kerrigan snap, but the brunette completely ignored the blond in favor of nuzzling Kerrigan's legs all over, like a puppy begging for attention. all the dead things in the barn bursting into life as Harry reacted subconsciously to Kerrigan's power, even the hay in the stables went green and threw roots, the horses whinnying loudly as they 'turned wild' and tried to burst free of their stables.
Kerrigan whistled sharply through his teeth, commanding the plants to burn...at least down to their normal levels. And commanding the horses to calm. Before swallowing hard, absently petting the head of the man nuzzling him."He just threw magic into a realm I have no control of. He gave life...all I can do is take it."kerrigan sighed, looking down at the man he was petting before back up at draco."You might not think he's sidhe, but he's acting like one of our children when the Lords and Ladies of their persceptive gifts walk by. I assume i'm the first Lord of a gift that came here. The first that commanded my gift instead of just answering. It'll get better with time...the first time, it's...potent."
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