1X1 Devil May Cry rp. Dingo and I only.

Angel eventually wakes up in another room and she scans the area and she doesn't see any devils around this room and she wonders what the blazes is going on here. She couldn't move her hands because they were tied up in a tight knot and so were her legs and ankles tied up as well,and she slightly cursed underneath her breath,and wished that Dante would hurry up and find her and untie her hands,legs and ankles. Another devil sees Dante almost near the room that Angel is locked in and he withdrew a sword and the devil charged right at Dante to see how well Dante's refelxes were like and the devil had a smirk across his face. The devil said to Dante,"You'll never save that girl I will stop you at any cost,and I am a little bit stronger then your brother is let's see if you can kill me before I kill you Dante."
Dante saw the devil and chuckled to himself. He drew out Ebony and fired rounds into the devils, causing it to fall over and slowly die on the ground. "Real devils can put up more of a fight," he spat at the devil as he got to the door. WHen he tried to open it, he found the door to be sealed with a red aura, and the devil getting back up on his feet. "Have some fight left in you," Dante joked as he drew out Ivory.
THe devil said to Dante,"When you defeat me then you'll have the key to free Angel from the room she is stucked in,I do still have some fight left in me Dante." The devil charges at Dante once again and his nails were sharp and he tries to slash at Dante. To try to slow him down or actually have a chance to scratch Dante at any cost.
Dante could see the move coming and sidestepped to avoid the claws. He aimed the two guns and pulled the triggers in rapid succession, mainly aimed at the body of the devil. When the hail of bullets stopped, Dante saw the devil on the ground, but he wasn't sure if it was out or not. "Get up if you have some fight left in you."
The devil drops the key on the floor and he was dead and he didn`t move at all and the devil body turned into dust and the devil was defeated by Dante. Angel heard the gun shots and she was a bit startled and she knew that Dante wouldn`t leave her behind at any cost.
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