1X1 Devil May Cry rp. Dingo and I only.

Dante opened one eye and saw angel at the window. "Don't disturb them," Dante warned, "they have a whole army out there and even with me, the odds aren't in our favor." Dante sighed a bit and closed his eye, trying to get back to sleep. he was okay with the presences outside, not the first time he felt it. But he didn't want Angel going in and acting like a hero.
Angel said to Dante,"I will not disturb them at all,I am not like my brother,who always played hero,and look what happened he is dead now,he's been dead for about 2 years now. He died about 2 years ago on a night like this,Virgil killed my brother and I witness my brother death it was not a good thing to see Dante." She walked away from the window and she sat on the sofa and she knew that they both had to wait until it was morning before they could leave this inn.
Dante grunted a bit and said, "why is it Virgil seems to be after your family so bad. Left and right hes been after someone you know, now after you, its like a serial stalker or something."
Angel said to Dante,"Virgil is after my family because my family is royality,remember I told you this once before that I am a princess,and I am the only one left of my family. I will get my revenge on Virgil for killing all of my family Dante,he will not live ever again."
"ROyality or not, Vergil isn't known for killing people unless he has a plan. ANd for two years to make a plan, it must have been a time thing," Dante stated as he felt the presence of the devils move forward some more. "This many devils in one place, hes got something in mind."
Angel said to Dante,"You do have a point their,and how can we defeat all of those devils and I'm not sure what Vergil is up to this time,if only I knew I'd be able to figure it out Dante." Angel felt a little bit nervous and a tad bit scared at the same time and she knew that Dante could always relax and not be so tensed up like she is.
"Simple, we go in the back door," Dante chuckled as he stretched out a bit. "As long as we don't make a ruckus, they won't know we are there until it is too late. By then, Virgil will be in our hands and you get your revenge." Dante wasn't nerviouse about this. If anything, he could hold of a large portion of the devils but thats if he bottle necked them, which would be hard to do now.
Angel said to Dante,"That is an excellent idea we go through the back door and your right the devils won't know that were their and I will not make a ruckus at all I promise Dante. But I'm not sure if my arrow will be able to kill Vergil or not though,I have ot find a special arrow that could possbily kill a half devil/half human Dante." Angel begins to relax for a bit and she scoots a bit closer to Dante hoping he didn't mind her getting close to him once again.
"Arrows won't work, and apparently, not my blade either. Hes worse then lice by coming back over and over again." Dante wrapped an arm around Angel and said, "plus, we may kill him, buts what to stop the devils from coming after us. Strike one of them and its like asking for an all out brawl."
Angel felt Dante wrapping an arm around her and she said to him,"I do see your point their Dante,and what could possbily kill your brother and his devils? I do not want an all out brawl between us and the devils,and I'm not sure that if were strong enough to defeat yoru brtoher and his devils Dante." Angel rests her head against Dante's bare chest and she was starting to feel so relaxed once again.
Dante sighed for a moment and then said, "nothing is that strong. The only reason how my father did it was close off the gate they came from and then attacked all that remained, but I can't close gates and there are still too many devils for that plan." Dante looked at Angel and saw her relaxing a bit, thinking he should as well while he still could. Once they went to war, no rest for them.
Angel said to Dante,"I never knew that your father created the gates those devils come from. But how do we know that when it's safe to close those gates hmm Dante.?" Angel felt a little bit chilly and she slightly shivers a little bit and she grabs the blanket from the couch and wraps the blanket around herself to keep herself warm for the night and she sighed.
"He didn't create them" Dante stated, "hes just one of the few that knew how to close them down for good. Last time I tried, the gate remained standing but the devils cleared out for a while. But they came back." Dante held close to ANgel and said, "if I know this right, the best way to know when its safe to close the gate is when you kill the devil thats leading the others. So, we either have to kill Virgil, witch I doubt since hes from this part of the two worlds, or we have to kill a devil as strong as him that is comanding the devils. In the end, we got two targets to go after in there and one of them can bring a whole mess of hell on our heads."
Angel said to Dante,"I know what you mean by those words and how do we find a devil like Virgil,I do not know which devil looks like him Dante. I'll be fine thanks to you for holding me closer to your body Dante,I know that I'm always safe with you all the time Dante." Angel smiled at Dante and she closes her eyes and she dozes off to sleep for a bit.
"Not all devils look alike," Dante whispered, "we just have to find one as powerful as Vergil." He noticed she was going off to sleep and just held her as he heard the devils on the march outside.
Angel was out like a light and she felt Dante holding her once again while she sleeps. She also heard the devils marching outside and she whipsered to Dante in her sleep,"How do we find a devil that is as powerful as Virgil is hmm Dante.?" Angel was liking it when she could finally get a good night sleep for a change.
"Find the one that is stronger by going after any we see," Dante replied, not a classy move but it was in all honesty the only real move to find the leader devils.
Angel continued on sleeping away and she felt perfectly warm and she was happy to be with Dante,and she knew that Dante would want another round of making love with her nce again. Angel whispered to Dante back in her sleep,"I do see your point their Dante,and we'll find that devil somehow Dante." She smiled in her sleep once again.
Dante soon slipped off to sleep, his mind thinking about how this whole thing could turn into a hand-grenade in a hand basket hell.
Angel eventually wakes up and she hears a very fimlair voice outside the inn and she didn't know that it was one of the devils disguise as her mother and she remmoves the blanket off of her body and she changes out of her pjs and into her clothes. She knew that Dante would stop her from leaving the inn room at any cost.
Dante was still asleep, unaware of what was going on but something kept bugging him to wake up. He was ignoring it, but soon it would get the better of him.
Angel leaves the room and she was almost at the front entrance of the inn that leaded outside and she knew that Dante will eventually wake up and find her gone from leaving his side or his eye site. The devil was smirking and he knew that they'll soon have captured Angel and see what Dante will do or react.
Dante slowly woke up, realizing more room on the couch. He quickly stood up, swore under his breath, and realized Angel was missing. He ran out the door, trying to find her but ended up in a hallway that seemed nothing like the one of the inn, almost gothic in a way.
Angel was almost out of the inn and she wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing or not and she leaves the inn and sees her mother and father and wonders how they could be alive and not dead. Angel's parent's said to her,"Please come with us Dante is waiting for you in the other inn over their please come and we must hurry up before Virgil attacks any of us let's go Angel." Angel nods her head and she wasn't sure what was happing right at this moment and they leaded her to the other inn and said to her,"Why don't you rest for a little bit you need your sleep Angel." Angel tries her best to stay awake but she couldn't and she suddenly passed out and the two devils formed into their regular form and carried Angel to another room to test Dante abilites to see if he could save Angel before his brother finds her first. One of the devils were in the same hallway as Dante and said to him,"Let's see if you can find Angel before Virgil does we'll see who is more better rescusing Angel let this game begin see ya around Dante." The devil disappeared into the darkness and wondered if Dante will play this game for a bit.
Dante chuckled as he heard that. He could smell the trap easily, hell, it almost dripped from the walls... he looked around and could see some purplish liquid fall. He almost touched it to see what it was when he saw it burn the ground it touched. Only one way to go to him, and that was the other way. He figured if he chased the devil, he would end up into a dead-end and a trap. So he went the other way, hand on the hilt of his blade, ready for whatever came at him.
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