1X1 Devil May Cry rp. Dingo and I only.

Kira looked at Dante and she said to him,"Virgil killed my mother and father and I promise myself I would avenge my parent's death,and we should rest at that inn for the night,we need some more rest Dante." Kira leaded them both to the inn and no one was running the inn at all,and she wonders where the inn keeper is now. She heads upstairs to their inn room and she walked into the inn room and scanned the inn room very carefully and their was no sign any of the devils not yet.
Dante followed behind, his eyes still searching around for devils and anyone who may have stayed behind. "If you wanted to kill Virgil, how come you didn't do it when he confronted us before," Dante asked as he followed into a room with Kira and plopped himself on the bed.
Kira looked at Dante and she said to him,"I'm not strong enough to kill Virgil not yet,even if I did try to kill him when we confronted him,his devils servants will block the shot at any cost Dante." She walks over towards the window and she closes and pulls the drapes across the window for safety reasons. Kira sits down at the edge of bed and she sighed,and she couldn't believe that she had to share the bed with Dante. She lays down on the bed as well and she keeps her back towards Dante and she wasn't sure what would tonight between Dante and her.
"Virgil can take a bullet like I took that sword, his devils wouldn't protect him anyways, our father made us targets. The only reason why they follow him is he threatens them." Dante watched Angel, more watched her body, as she closed the drapes and then lying on the bed. Dante chuckled a bit and rolled himself over onto Angel and kissed her on the lips. "Tell me, why do you put up with me, is it the skills of my blade, or the idea of being with a half devil gets your blood running?"
Angel said to Dante,"I had no idea that Virgil threatens them,and you do have a point their,I saw you take that sword,and you can fully heal yourself as well." "The only reason why I put up with you,is because of your skills and your also a half devil as well as half human,and plus I paid you to protect me as well Dante,does that answer your question hmm.?" Angel felt Dante kissing her on her lips and she returned the kiss as well and notice that Dante rolled really close to her as well.
"You could easily say you want your money back and make me leave," Dante noted before he kissed Angel again and placed a hand on her hip. "Tell me, what is the reason you want me to stay around you? You haven't even kicked me out of the bed, nothing but take it. So, why do you truly keep me around with you?"
Angel looked at Dante and she said to him,"The real reason why I keep you around is,because I'm starting to like you more then just a protector,and we've traveled with each other for almost one week. Plus your father told me that you were sick and tired not getting anything out of deal when you have protected a girl once before. Then give me one reason why you stay around with me for and your not leaving It's been while since I've been with a man Dante. i'm not like most girls that would kick you out of the bed I am different from those girls Dante." Angel felt Dante placing his hand on her hip and she was fine with it.
"You talking about Patty, couldn't really ask for much from a little girl when she pratticly gave away her fortune to an orphanage." Dante kissed Angel again. "And the reason why i stayed with you is because not only do I like how you look, but to be honest, I grew a bit of an attachment to you. Money aside." He held her close to him and continued to kiss her.
"Yeah I think your father told me that was her name Dante. I had no idea you like how I look, and that is very interesting that you grew a bit of an attachment to me Dante. Yeah your right I guess we can put your money aside for the time being Dante." She felt Dante holding her close to him and she returned the kiss as well.
Dante continued to kiss Angel as one of his hands slid under Angel's waist band and was slowly pulling her pants down, revealing a part of herself to him. He then kissed her on the neck as his hand slid back up to her mound and pressed up against it, pawing at it and trying to make Angel enjoy the feeling.
Angel felt Dante what he was doing with one of his hands sliding underneath her waist band,and she felt him slowly pulling her pants down. She was fine that Dante revealing part of her body that he wanted to see for himself. She returned the kiss as well and felt Dante kissing her neck and she gently groaned when he was kissing down her neck. She felt his hand slid back up to her mound and felt him pressing up against it, then pawning at it as well. Angel was enjoying the feeling and she removes Dante pants off of his body and she knew where this was leadign to and she was fine with it.
Dante then brought his hands up to Angel's chest and slowly removed her shirt before he went back to kissing her. He then slid off his shirt and got between her legs. While he kissed her neck, one hand was on a breast massaging and the other hand was on her mound trying to make her feel better.
Angel was enjoyign this very much,and she felt his hands bringing up to her chest,and she let Dante remove her shirt off of her body and also her bra as well. She returned the kiss as well and she watches Dante remove his shirt off of his body as well. She then sees Dante getting between her legs,while they both continue on kissing each other,and then she feels Dante kissing her neck once again. She felt one of Dante's hand massaging her breast,and his other hand was on her mound,and she was feeling way better now.
Dante continued with the massaging and neck kisses until he felt his member throb a bit, wanting attention. He brought both of his hands up to her breasts and kissed her on the lips as he entered her. He pushed in and out, slow for a bit but then fast and hard, wanting the feeling he felt to cool off before he did some damage or something.
Angel felt Dante going inside of her very slowly and then going in and out more faster and Angel was moaning like heck and she gripped the sheets of the bed and she was really close and ready to cum anytime soon and she continued on gripping the bed sheet nice and tight with her fingers.
Dante continued in and out of Angel as his arms wrapped around Angel and his lips were on her breasts. He enjoyed the feeling and felt Angel ready to cum. He could hear her moans and see the obviouse signs that she was ready. He wasn't ready but he figured Angel would enjoy it.
Angel said to Dante,"You can't never say that you got a bad deal out of this journey Dante. Oh god I'm going to cum anytime soon oh god Dante." She felt him kissing her breasts and she continued on gripping the sheets of the inn room bed.
Dante continued in and out of Angel as he could hear her moans and felt her body shutter, clamping him into her. "Who said I was going to complain," Dante joked as he continued on. He kissed on her neck and his hands snaked between her fingers and clutched her hands into his.
Angel said to Dante,"No one said that you were going to complain,I thought you might of complain but I was wrong Dante." She felt Dante clamping into her and she was almost ready to cum anytime soon,and she felt his hands clutching her hands into his hands and she was glad that she was able to make Dante happy and also herself happy as well.
Dante continued more and more until he felt the final shove push him over and he spilt his seed inside of Angel, occasionaly thrusting with each spurt. When he stopped, he chuckled a bit and said, "been a long while since I did that."
Angel said to Dante,"Thank-you for letting me know that it's been a while since you've done that with a lady Dante." Angel finally cums all over Dante manhood and she was out of breath and said ot Dante,"That was very darn good and I loved it Dante,but we need to get some sleep now,I am very exhausted out from what we did with each other ok,good night Dante." Angel put's her clothes back on and she slowly begins to doze off to sleep for a bit.
Dante chuckled a bit as he watched ANgel seem to switch from one personality to another in a blink of an eye. He got his pants on and walked over to the sofa, resting up on it with his feet planted on the wall. He enjoyed the time with ANgel but he figured life may change her when the time came.
Angel was sound asleep on the bed and she smiled in her sleep,and she was enjoying this time with Dante as well. She wonders if both of their lives will change for the both of them or not and she sighed in her sleep.
Dante slept for a while but a part of his mind wouldn't rest. Devils were moving, not for them persay, but just moving as if forming ranks. Something big was coming, the devils knew it, but Dante was clueless as to what. For now, he just slept and enjoyed the peace and quiet for now.
Angel suddenly woke up from her sleep and she couldn't sleep anymore,so she crawls out of the bed and stares out the window and she felt a bit unease about this place and wondered if devils could change things in this town or not.
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