1X1 Devil May Cry rp. Dingo and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place where a female elf walks into
Dante office and she sees him sound asleep and she was sent to awake him from his sleep to let him know that Virgil has awakened once again.

And he is causing trouble in the mortal world with his immortal demons or devils that he has under his control, and the female elf archer has killed some of those creatures that have been chasing her and they knew that, they wouldn’t be allowed to get into Dante’s office at any cost.

Virgil is after the female elf archer, because she is secretly a princess of one of the kingdoms that he is after. And wants to over rule that kingdom and turn people that live in that kingdom as his slaves and he knew what kind of skills and abilities that girl has and knew that her skills would make him even more stronger then ever before.

The female elf archer name is Angel and she is a year younger then Dante and it’s about 7pm in the evening on a nice summer night out like tonight.

Angel gently tries to shake Dante to wake him up from his deep sleep and hoped that he’ll wake up soon because he is sound asleep on the couch in his office in New York City.

Angel hopes that she wouldn’t regret waking Dante up and she has heard that when you wake Dante from his sleep, he can be very cranky and grumpy and he could also kill you as well.

She continues on gently shaking Dante shoulder blade hoping that he’ll finally wake up from his sleep he is in (d.)
Dante, asleep with his boots on the table and a gentleman's magazine on his face, felt something shake him. He opened his eyes to see a woman standing over him as the magazine fell to the ground open. He blinked a few times and then said, "did the deliver girls get cuter?" He looked over the woman, noting she had no food in a box and most certainly wasn't a normal one at that. She looked young to him but for a half devil, everyone was young to him. "Look, missy, whatever trouble you have or are looking for, I don't want it unless it comes with a pay check."
The girl glared at him and she said to him,"I had to kill about 3 demons and 4 devils that your twin brother has under his control,and you want a pay check,while this world is in danger. some fighter you are,and you want a pay check,here is a lot of bag of gold came from where I'm truly am from will you help me defeat these creatures and your twin brother is nothing but trouble." (9I had to add a little bit of an attiude towards my character talking to Dante.))
Dante pulled out the pistol and aimed it at the woman. "Shut your trap," he told her as he feet fell down to the ground. "First off, spout that kind of information willy nilly and I'll screw you over. Second, the world is always in danger, either but humans or devils, so I don't have a lot of chivalry in me honey. Now, how did you come by about my brother," Dante yammered as he stood up, the pistol still aimed at the woman. He was getting tired of women around him lately pulling him into crap like crazy and him for one was getting the bad end of deals. Now one thing he had to admit was seven monsters weren't so easy to deal with but he did have to be honest, almost non pros at this business had single digit kills in their names. Pro hunters like Himself and a few others had number in double and triple digits and not all of them were easy simple devils to kill. He knew well enough when one time it was him versus a hell hound with three heads and it didn't want to be nice to him at all. Of course, his attitude didn't help any either.
The girl looked at him and she said to him,"I found about your brother,because he somehow ended up in where I came from and his demons and devils attacked and killed my kind. I killed as much as i could with my bow and arrows,I'm not just some pretty girl that tries to lead someone into crap or danger. I'm little bit different from those girls you wouldn't understand what kind of race I'm truly am,and I gave your pay with lots of pure gold coins that came from a castle from somewhere,but not sure where that castle is. I'm actually a female elfin archer that hunts down demons and devils and if you try to kill me now,I can easily kill you as well,I always hit my targerts right on time,and that is all I know about your brother and his demons and devils monsters."
Dante just felt annoyed by the woman as she went off on the whole explaining things. He got up and went over to the back, popping open a bottle of drink and took a long swig before he came back out and said, "gold coins mean squat to a person who can't get them traded for an equal price to services. So, what else do you have for payment?" Dante was expecting the pizza delivery boy soon enough and he figured that by the time the pizza came, the girl would have left. Coins were nice and all but cash got the bills paid, plus, they made him a target for any rich snobby bugger that got to much of an idea to come after him.
The girl looked him and she said to him,"I'm not sure what else I could possbily offer you right at the moment,and I must get going now before your brother attacks anymore of this city and the only thing that I could offer you is this pendent of some kind I'm not sure what it could do or what to do with it,here you go sir,and I'll be on my way now before the pizza deliverly boy shows up and see you around sir." Angel placed her cloak back over herself to keep her identy safe and when she left the pizza boy showed up and entered into Dante's office and said to him,"Here is your pizza sir and who was that girl that was in your office?You should of asked her what her name was,but she is heading for the park to kill more demons and devils with her weapon sir."
Dante watched the girl as she left, leaving the pendant on his desk. When she left, the pizza delivery boy came. Dante placed his guns away and took the pizza, telling the boy to put it on his tab, which he knew they wouldn't like since he had a large tab with them. He placed the pizza on the desk and strated into it when his phone rang. He put the food down, kicked at the phone, and grabbed it while it was in the air. "Devil may cry, we arn't open for buisness right now," Dante said, not wanting to leave during dinner. "Dante," a man's voice stated, "got a job for you. Echon Park, seems like some devils are there right now."
Dante chuckled and said, "oh, and what am I getting paid huh?"
"Heads or tails, you win, I clear all of your debt for you. Lose, you take the job."
Dante sighed and pulled out a coin. "Heads," he called out and flipped the coin into the air. When the coin dropped to the table, Dante sighed, a bit ticked off, and left the office with his blade and guns. The man on the phone knew Dante was a bad gambler and took the quick end to the call to mean he lost the bet.
The girl was already at the park and she remained hidden among the shadows of the trees that were in the park and she sees about 20 devils destroying the park and she withdrew her bow and arrows. And she aims her arrows at 10 of the devils and she let about 10 arrows go and all of her ten arrows hit the 10 of the devils and she wanted to prove to Dante that she is not some weak girl and doesn't know how to fight at any cost but she does know how to fight very well with her bow and arrows that she always carries with her at all times.
And all ten of the devils turned to dust and she sees Dante now and she goes back into hiding once again and let's Dante take out the other 10 of the devils by himself.
Dante walked into the park, Ebony and Ivory drawn out and firing at a devil that jumped out at him. He turned towards a statue and shot out two more devils before a fourth came down on him, biting down on the hand with Ebony. Dante chuckled and didn't even flinch as he pointed Ivory at the demon. "Down boy," he stated before he shot the devil away. Five more were gathering around him and the corpses seemed to be forming together. "Fine, have it your way," he chuckled before he started firing off again.
Angel was watching the ten devils forming into somekind of creature that she has seen once before in her life,and she knew that Dante will eventually need her help with killing this creature once again. She grabbed another arrow that was covered in holy water and she places it into her bow. And she get's ready to aim at the creature weak point which was inbetween it's eye and she holds the bow very steady and she slowly get's ready to release her arrow. When the time is right for her to attack hoping that Dante won't be mad at her for helping him out at any cost. Angel releases her arrow and the arrow hits the creature weak point and she yelled over to Dante and said to him,"Hurry up and finish that creature off,I told you that I'm not like the other girls that always comes to your office. Never misjudge a person by the way he or she looks like Dante."

(((This is what Angel looks like ok.http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u157/angelgirldude/anime_bow_fav24-1-1.jpg))
Dante heard Angel across the way and saw the five retreat into the corpses. He wasn't sure who he was more ticked at. The girl for telling him to do his job, or the devils infront of him that didn't understand they were beat. Dante aimed Ebony at Angel's bow and shot it out of her hand before he drew out Rebellion and brought the blade to arm. He charged at the devil before it had finished and slashed through it, cutting the bodies apart and melting them for not being able to finish the change they started. When they seemed to disappear, Dante huffed and said, "girl, tell me how to do my job again and I will riddle you full of holes." He sounded ticked and he was but chances of him doing that were nill, now that he was considering taking her job since it would get him away from the debt for a while.
Angel picked up her bow and she said to him,"I was just trying to help you out and your father was right you sure are a jerk at times,and your father was the one that asked me to help you out with fighting these demons and devils. For now on you can stay here and be stuck in your debt i'm out of here." Angel pulled her cloak hood over her head and she walked away from Dante and headed futher into the town to see if their was anymore danger or threat in the futher part of the town.
"If you knew my father, you know he left me," Dante muttered before he left, back to the office of Devil Will Cry. He was able to dig into a piece of his pizza before a man in a bungee hat and rain slicker walked in. Dante placed his feet up on his desk and said, "Jobs taken care of Walter."
"I'm here about another job," Walter stated as he took a seat on the sofa near the desk. "I saw the gold purse, who came in?"
"Some stuck up elf person, wanted me to do a job for her, something about devils attacking and what not," Dante stated as he leaned back in his chair and sighed a bit. "Not taking the job because she played the hero card on me. I'm not a hero."
"That's right, your a fighter for hire," Walter stated before he walked over and placed a thick stack of bills on Dante's desk. "I went to the gold exchange, this is the money for that purse, enough to get you out of debt and more."
"She played the hero card, like I give a care," Dante shot back.
Walter pulled out a coin and said, "win, I leave you alone, lose, you go find that girl."
"I win, you pay of my debts. Heads."
The coin was flipped, Dante got out of his chair and went back outside while swallowing a piece of the pizza. He was a bad gambler.
Angel was sitting in a dark corner at a local Tavern and she kept her true identy well hidden and she ordered herself a rye and ginger and she thinks insideo f her mind,"Why did Dante's father find me and ask me to help his son out of debt and kill demons and devils,why did I even bother to agree with Dante's father why me oh well sigh." Angel was taking some small sips of her drink and she was done her drink and she paid for her drink and remained very queit and still in the corner she was sitting in. A male drunken guy came over and saw Angel and he was drunk like a skunk and said ot her,"You shouldn't be here by yourself girl your so beautiful and pretty,and I'm going to show you how to have a good time with me,whether you liek it or not girl." The drunken male grabbed Angel's wrist really tightly and she slgihtly cursed and remembered what taverns could be like at times and she said to him,"I'm not interested in drunks like you let go of my wrist oyu are hurting my wrist you'll be sorry,let go of my wrist right you drunken jerk." The male drunken guy didn't like her attiude at all and he got his other hand and slapped her across the face ad let go of her wrist. Angel slightly winches in pain and keeps that small slap well hidden at all times.
Dante followed the trail Angel left behind, she hadn't hid her presence well like many devils could so when he walked into the Tavern, he saw Angel and the drunkard together and it looked like the man was both drunk and aggressive. Dante quickly walked over to the man, grabbing an empty skillet that laid on the counter, and said, "look, young girls aren't into pedophiles, you dig?"
"Who you calling a..." The man turned around and whack, the skillet hit the broad side of the man's head, sending him into a booth and knocking him out. Dante dropped the skillet and said, "for a killer, you don't know how to handle drunk men, do you?" He looked over at Angel, a guitar case on his back. "I'm taking the job."
Angel looekd at Dante and she said to him,"I do not like to hit man at all,I was not riased to attack a drunken man,and I just finished my drink and now you want to take the job. What made you change your mind hmm.?" She kept her cloak hood over her head and kept her left eye well hidden at all times and she said to Dante,"No one has ever done that for me at all,thanks for dealing with that drunken man thank-you very much Dante."
Dante was about to go on with an air head speech when a few of the men got up and the one he hit earlier as well. He could tell they were together as a group and he practically hit the hornets nest on this one. "Well boys, if you want a piece of me, have at me, because I won't let you take the girl's womanhood for the night." This ticked off two of the closest men the hardest and when they charged Dante, Dante had started to swing the guitar case around and knocked the side of one of them and caused the first man to his the second one. The one that got his with the skillet came next and Dante gave a swift kick to the groin, kicking the man down. "Like I was taught, fight and cheat," Dante chuckled as the last two came at him. He was ready for them but he didn't look ready.
Angel quickly ducks behind the bartender counter and she remained hidden until the fight was done and she kept the bartender safe as well and they were both watching the fight from behind the counter and Angel wished that her parent's taught her how to attack a drunken man at any cost. The bartender was enjoying tihs fight as well and he was cheering for Dante and knew thta Dante will win for sure.
Dante punched the first one in the gut and forced him down to the ground while the second one charged at him with a improvised club. Dante simply lifted his leg up and kicked the man in the gut followed by a swift ankle stomp to the groin and a toe upper cut to the face, sending the man backwards. "Come on, devils have a better bit then you guys have," Dante mocked when he saw the original drunk man stand up, legs shaking and blood on the side of his face. Dante walked over to the man and at arms reach, the man pulled out a handgun. Dante looked at the gun and then at the man. "Not so tough with a gun pointed at you, huh, boy," the man laughed and had a big grin on his face. Dante smirked, the man's smile disappeared, Dante's fist landed right into the man's face and knocked him backwards hard into a table; the gun flying away. Dante looked around and said, "next, anyone want to take on the champ huh?" The men slowly backed away from Dante, hurting enough and realizing they were matched. "Figures, not a single back bone in one of yah when you get beat, huh." A man stood up wanting to take Dante on but Dante swiftly kicked the man in the groin and forced him down again. "You know, my father never taught me to fought fair, then again, he was never around." He walked over to the bar and took the beer that was on the counter.
Angel said to the bartender,"Here is a bag of gold it will replace anything that is broken in your tavern I have go now see ya around bartender." Angel climbs over the bar counter and she said to Dante,"That is the first time anyone has been a little bit protective about me,and I'm not sure if you were being a bit portective about me or not though,but thanks for helping me,and my left wrist is slightly sprainged nothing to worry about at all. I have the ability to heal any kind of injury or wounds up at any cost,I have certain talent that I'm gifted with and that is all I'm going to tell you and the name is Angel and not girl or woman understand Dante."
Dante chuckled a bit and said, "whatever girly. Just remember, you hired me for protection so that says something already." He swallowed the rest of the beer and stood up, following behind Angel. "Besides, it wasn't protection, it was the job you hired me for." Dante shouldered the guitar strap and said, "so, boat, train, car, what?" He wanted to know how they were getting to the job site because he wanted to know how much sleep he would be getting on the way.
Angel said to Dante,"Before we arrive to the job site,we have to finish off these demons and devils in this place before we can reach the job site and were not going by boat or car,were going by train after we finish up killing the rest of the demons and devils in your town Dante." A fimliar person appeared and said to Dante,"Well, well look isn't it my brother Dante and with an elfin girl archer this is too funny. You'll never be able to defeat my demons and devils little brother,don't you know who I am hmm.?" Angel slightly cursed underneath her breath and she hated Vergil with a passion for what he did to her people and to her home land as well.
"Devils are everywhere, can't kill them all," Dante stated as he noticed a familiar face. "A little bold coming to me, after our last get together. Last I checked, I kicked your arse down that tower. Now, knowing you are still up to your same tricks, maybe I should give you a reenactment down to the letter." Dante had a grin on his face and showed no signs of worry meant. He was ready for a fight and planned to give one if Vergile kept around more.
Vergil said to his brother,"You are too soft,you'll never have power like me,and you'll never ever be able to control my demons and devils at any cost and I have a bit of surpise for oyu brother." Vergile whistles and another 3 headed hell hound appears out of nowhere and Vergile said to his brother,"I'd love to stay and watch you get killed by my Hellhound,but I have other places to take over and destory ta-ta for now brother." Angel said to Dante,"How the hell do we defeat this 3 headed hellhound it's your fault not my fault,where is his weakness we got to find his weakness at any cost Dante."
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