Archangel's fall

Nov 30, 2010
"Goodnight Draco."Maria, his one employee smiled as she poked her head into the owner's office, resting her cheek on the door as she studied her boss.He really was breathtakingly beautiful. To bad he didn't notice when someone was flirting with him. And so depressing about his voice...really, someone that beautiful should be able to whisper sweet nothings in a lover's ear. Shuddering a little at the mental image she smiled, moving to go.

"You wont work to late will you?I don't want to find you sleeping on your desk again."She said softly chiding, she worried about him. And wished he'd take better care of himself, though she understood why he didn't.
Draco looked up at her when she talked tipping his head tot he side before nodding and looking back down at his work. he had skipped lunch again, as she well knew, but he wasn't worried about it, he could go out and get something later, he wasn't hungry. he gave her a small wave, showing her that he 'promised' he wouldn't sleep at his desk again...he'd sleep on hers instead, he didn't want to go home to an empty house, it gave him too many dark feelings. he didn't remember when he worked himself into exhaustion at the book store, besides that was how he made so much money, staying up half the night looking for new hit books, getting book signings with the actual author, running other book stores in other countries, they where bigger than his little two man shop, but he liked this bookstore, it was calm, peaceful. he wasn't depressed there.

he swallowed as he touched the viscous scar on his neck, it looked as if it had been ripped off. he had told maria that he'd been in a war, which was true, but said instead that he'd been hit by a bomb, it certainly looked like it, his face was still pretty, if a little ragged, it was the rest of his body that looked awful. remnants of the night he'd been tortured by Fenrir. horrid memories of his own awful past. much to Maria's annoyance, he was sleeping on her desk when she came in the next morning. he left it up to her to open up...and wake him up, no matter how little sleep he'd had.
Despite everything, maria was actually late getting in the next morning. Even though she was usually there at daybreak, her dog had had to go to the hospital, and instead of the usual morning, his day was about to get a good deal messier.

As the sound of shattering glass rang through the shop, the sound of a girl in pain, struggling to reorient herself in the darkened bookstore, trying to figure out where her attacker was, and where she was and...why there was a small light on in the back. Struggling to get her bloodied wings straightened so she could get out of the store, she stumbled as she climbed over the wall, nearly falling as she caught herself on the edge, looking out into the darkness. having missed her attacker, and apparently she was being left alone to die by herself. Michela looked around struggling to beat her wings to take off, ignoring the ripping and pain.Not noticing she had company.
Draco jerked awake at the sound of the shattering glass rubbing his eyes as he got to his feet, coughing a little as he stumbled into the room his eyes wide as he gaped at the Angel in front of him, that was all he could manage to do, all he could do was stare at the un earthly beauty and the tattered and broken wings as it tried to take off, whipping out his wand he rushed forward and set his hand gently on the creatures shoulder, trying to convey that he meant her no harm, feeling the pain of not being able to talk weigh even heavier on his heart as he realized he couldn't tell the creature what he was intending. he could heal her, not well, but enough that she would at least live long enough to heal on her own...hopefully. ' she needs to stop moving! i can't cast the spell! he complained to himself as he tried to calm her down with her touches.
Michela stared at him, eyes wide and pain filled as she stared at the man in front of her. Fear in her eyes. As large as her wings made her appear, she was slight, and injured already. Not understanding what he wanted, struggling because she thought he was the one that attacked her. Before stopping. Realizing that she was being silly.Whimpering softly as she stilled, her wings trembling as she held still under his hands."Help me."She whispered, knowing there was nothing he could do and still was compelled to say it.

Lng hair the color of ice fell around her shoulders, each strand sparking like ice, as if each strand was encased. Pale and beautiful, her eyes looked like diamonds shattered into a million colors, with each turn of her head the colors shifted. She was a archangel, she was beautiful in her pain, and totally unqiue in her beauty.
he swallowed thickly and carefully ran his wand along her body, slowly healing her wounds as much as he could as soon as he calmed, pain in his eyes at seeing something so beautiful, so hurt. he healed her as best as he could, the pain in her body fading, but not vanishing, Draco wishing he could heal her more, wishing that he could somehow communicate with her, all he could do was heal the bleeding, and mend the broken as much as he could before dropping his wand and rushing to the bathroom, getting the first aid kit and running back to bandage the rest of her wounds, panting softly as he tried to help her to her feat, his neck suddenly in plain view, giving her the clue as to why he wasn't making any noise.
Pain flickering over michela's face as she realized why he wasn't talking as she slowly flexted her wings. The shattered bone shifting. Whimpering softly as she hunched a little, trying to lessen the pain that her body was feeling. Turning her head to look at him,pressing a hand into his arm as she started to feel faint. She hadn't been mortal for long, and as one who was used to a whole different pain scale she was fading fast."If you can...something soft to lay on..."She said slowly slumping against him, icy diamond white wings dipping to the ground as she past out, hanging limpy as she slumped into him. She'd heal...but it would be a slow process.
he nodded and gathered her carefully in his arms, carrying her as carefully as he could into the back room, which he had a cot, not that Maria knew about it, she'd take it away if she did. Draco only used it on the nights that they where closed. it wasn't the softest thing, but it was all he could manage. he laid her out as gently as he could, swallowing thickly as he got up again and rushed off, coming back with several ice packs and some cool rags and a nice glass of purified water...for some reason he didn't want to give her anything with muggle poisons in it, gently laying the ice packs on her bruises, carefully handing her the water.
Michela stirre as he pressed the glass into her hand shifting to take the water from him."Thank you."She said softly, her voice shifting accents, a strange lilting tone that said she wasn't from around here.Whimpering softly as the cool touched her wings, they were extremely sensitive, and as a whole angels disliked having them touched unless they were intimate with the person at the time...but he was being helpful and she couldn't snap out at him for helping her.Smiling warily, watching him with tired eyes."I'm....sorry...I fix soon as I can..."She said slowly, smiling. Knowing that was the thing to say. Having been around enough to know that, but mostly....the world confused her. It was probably good she'd found someone to help her, because otherwise she'd be really lost.
he shook his head, waving his hand about as if to say to not worry about it, he'd already fixed everything himself with his magic, couldn't have the world trying to figure out what had happened and interrupting them. he sighed a little and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper writing something to her, hoping she could read. 'don't worry about the mess i already took care of it, you just rest, stop trying to talk and try not to move too much. i'm sorry i can't do more for you but i highly doubt i should take you to a hospital, people would panic and you'd never get the time to rest, and those stupid muggles would try to experiment on you. just get some sleep, i'll try to heal you a little more if i can but i'm at the limit of my skills.' he didn't ask questions, she was too hurt for that, he could ask her later.
Michela laughed softly. He sounded like gabriel...pain cossing her face at the thought of the other archangel.nodding a little as she settled down to go to sleep.Feeling safe and knowing that he wouldn't let anything happen to her while she was there.She wasn't sure how she knew but she knew he'd help her.Falling asleep, she looked innocent and broken, like a toy tossed aside. For the first time in weeks, truly at peace.

When she woke up it was early afternoon, and she pushed herself up, whining slightly as her body protested it. But she needed to know where she was. And what she was going to do. Everything was just so new to the ancient immortal who was no longer immortal.She was just learning that when she got hurt, there really was a serious chance she'd die. Whimpering as she looked around, wondeing where her hero had gone.Blushing softly, realizing she hadn't even asked his name
there was a small smell filtering through the air, it was nice, cinnomen rolls and spiced coffee when she woke up. Draco had called Maria, and using the 'tap code' he'd set up informed her that he was closing the shop for the time being due to an emergancy in his family. and that she would be payed while he had to keep the store closed. he'd hung up before she could protest. now he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, wondering what the hell he was doing, he wasn't good at things, he should take her to someone else...but who could he take her to? not a muggle for sure, they where too stupid. and he didn't trust any of the wizards, save potter...but no one knew where the Hero was. which left Draco all on his own.

he sighed a little and headed into the back room to check on his guest, smiling when he saw her awake, feeling his terror that he'd somehow killed her fade away as he grabbed the pitcher of water and a glass and headed back over handing her a glass of cold water, looking worried. she had fresh ice packs all over too, he must have been changing them out every hour from the feeling of how cool they where. he hoped he was doing everything right.
She smiled softly, taking the water from him, sipping it slowly. Her chest hurt from being bashed into the glass, and her wings were broken, but she was healing. But it was going to be a mortal slow healing, instead of the almost instantous healing that she was used to."Hello...I'm Michela."She said softly, not sure what to tell him, she felt awkwardly out of place, a immortal in a mortal's world. Neither one or the other, but trapped between. Gently flexing her wings, wincing a little at the movement she settled back again, looking at the blond in front of her. A look akin to fear crossing her face."I...I'm sorry.I dont have anything to thank you with for your help..."She said looking around her. Not understanding that he was being helpful to be helpful, not because he wanted something.
he blinked at her and smiled as she introduced herself grabbing his pen and paper. "it's nice to meet you. i'm Draco' he wrote out to her, looking over the ice packs and sighing softly. at least it was keeping the swelling down. 'i'm very sorry i can't heal you completely. but i fixed everything i knew how. i would bring someone else over to heal you, but i get the feeling you would rather no one knows your here.' he paused his head tilted as she talked about repaying him and he scowled at her grabbing the paper back from her and writing furiously, clearly she had wounded his pride. 'you don't need to repay me. you getting better is all the thanks i need. just get well alright? are you hungry?' he offered her a warm Cinnamon roll and a cup of coffee, she wasn't sure if she could eat those, but it was a nice gesture in any case.
Michela looked startled at the idea of not having to pay him, nodding slowly."I am."She smiled slightly as she took the roll and coffee cup, eating daintly and carefully."I'm sorry...when people usually help me the want something in return..."she said looking confused on why he wanted to help her. It wasn't normal, but neither was he.Smiling slowly as she looked at him, turning her head to look at her wings."No, you're right. I would prefer no one knew where iwas.At least for now."
he smiled at her as she ate sighing softly as he looked away to stare out a window his eyes blank as he remembered the last person he had tried to save. Harry, and in return harry was missing, and it was Draco who had been attacked so brutally that he couldn't talk, and woke with a limp most mornings. no one would notice, but his left hand was half paralyzed as well, good thing he was right handed. he sighed again and turned to blink at her before smiling a little, picking up his pad of paper once more. 'are you an angel? like, from the Muggle God? how did you get into this condition? and is there a way i can move you? it's not very safe here, too public. we'd be a lot more secure in my own home, i would be able to cook better food for you there, and get some medicine to help you heal faster and prevent infections.'
She tilted her head at the questions, thinking it over before nodding."I can be moved."She said biting her lip."I was...once one of the chosen of god."Pain flickered over her face as she thought about what had gotten her cast out of her home."I...made a mistake with..."She shrugged a little."i trusted someone I shouldn't have."She said looking down."I'm easier hurt now then I was...and I was attacked when I was in front of your's the right word isn't it?"She questioned, looking cute and curious.Struggling to think of what he was talking about."But what is security?Is that a good thing?And what is a infection?and medicine?Is it a person?"So very innocent the centuries old archangel was....and yet she'd spent a life in heaven. No wonder she didn't knwo what the hell was going on
he blinked looking amazed as she explained what had happened looking almost dark at the thought of someone attaching the angel looking baffled before he smiled at her innocence and made what looked like a chuckle. no sound, but it was the same motions. ' yes, this is a store, it's a store that sells books. security is a place that's safe, where no one can get to you, or it is a system that will tell you if someone is where their not supposed to be. it's basically the same meaning as safety, and protection. infection is an illness, a disease that get's into open wounds and makes them hurt more, and makes you sick, and medicine, is a healing implement. a tool that mortals use to keep the infection out of their bodies, and take away the pain while their healing....can people see your wings, do you mind if i cast a spell around you, so that you don't look so..well, Angelic?'
Michela bit her lip as she read what he wrote, looking thoughtful. There was just so much that she didn't know."I've never had to worry about someone seeing them before."She said tilting her head as she stood up,"I...I guess a spell would be okay."She added before stoppng, "What's a spell?"She said curious. Assuming that he wouldn't hurt her with whatever he wanted to do,but she still wanted to know what it was.Despite the pain it caused she folded her wings tightly against her back, smiling slowly.Looking adorablely innocent as she studied him. Wanting him to help her because well...she needed someone she could trust.
he smiled and made a chuckle again and held up a finger to indicate for her to wait as he pulled out his wand and let her see it before waving it at himself, changing from a scarred blond boy to a red headed, very busty, emerald eyed female. another wave and he was back to draco with a single white rose in his hands that he offered her before picking up his paper again. 'a spell is something that wizards use. it's spell, curse, and hex. it's three different types of the same thing, Magic. i am a wizard, someone who is born with the natural ability to access and use that magic.'
Michela smiled a little as she smelled the rose nodding slightly. Looking confused, but willing to go with what he'd said, since he hadn't hurt her yet."Then I give you permission to hide my wings."She said turning her head to look at the white wing in question.Pain flickering over her face at the thought of losing them, even temporarily. Before looking at him again, biting her lip as she studied him."Is there a reason you made yourself female?Are you trying to tell me you feel misplaced as a man?That's not the kind of prayer I can answer."She said going from one idea to the next like water tumbling down a hill.She had that quick moving mind that was sometimes difficult to keep up with until you got used to the woman herself."I wnat to be different."She said wishing that everything was different, and that she could be normal.

stepping forward and gently touching his neck,pain on her face as she felt the wounds that had made it. Having been the once angel of healing, michela could feel any wound that had been made, weather or not it had scarred.And she could force it to the surface again...but as a mortal, she no longer had the ability to fix anything."I wish I could fix this...for helping me...."She said softly, before dropping her hand, waiting for him to cast the spell.
he smiled at her before he stuck his tongue out at her a smirk on his lips as he grabbed his pen and paper. 'i was trying to prove the level of ability that i have. turning a man into a female is something that is very difficult. it means that i can hide your wings from view until i can get you into my home to safety.' he explained smirking a little. 'besides, women are hot, i would have copped a feel of myself but i didn't want you to get any idea's' he teased grinning at her before tipping his head at her. 'you are amazing, and beautiful just the way you are. no one is 'normal, nothing is perfect. you would not be any happier as a human, than you are now. i would know.'

he flinched when she touched his neck closing his eyes, a pained look crossing his face, not a physical pain, just an emotional one, he swallowed thickly and shook his head. 'my scars are my scars, and nothing will fix them. i don't like it, but there is nothing that i can do about it so i deal with it. i got these Scars defending something i truly believed in, despite the pain they bring me, and the bad memories they come with...i'm proud of the person i am now, because of them...come on, we'll head to my house and i can get you some better medical care.' he promised, casting the spell on her so that she looked like the average human woman, though her unnatural beauty peaked through, despite his every effort.
Michela was quiet as they made their way to his house, quietly looking around the world that she'd not gotten used to yet. AS they walked into his house she paused, biting her lip.Having not meant to cause him pain, it was just that she was so used to fixing things that it never occurred to her that he wouldn't want her touching him."I'm sorry."she said after a moment, having been keeping quiet was they walked, but now that they were once again alone and out of the public that overwealmed her, she spoke. Shivering as she looked around the huse, before frowning as she thought over his words that he'd spoke."...what is...copping a feel?"
Draco smiled as she looked around, looking both pleased, and amused at the expressions on her face as she saw something new or interesting, but it was crowded in the streets and he didn't want to stop to explain anything for fear of one of them getting kidnapped. he offered her a small smile and picked up her hand, giving it a small pat to show he wasn't upset at her and that she shouldn't worry about it as they stepped into his two story house, that was immaculately clean, if covered in a little dust here and there. he ushered her to the nice clean table and paused to stare at her before laughing a little, silent of course, grabbing his pen and paper. 'copping a feel, is touching a woman's breasts or her butt. usually without permission. it's considered very rude and it's not something that is considered correct by our society's standards.' he explained smiling a little. 'when i was disguised to look like a woman i was joking that i was going to grab my own breasts.'
"Oh."Michela blushed slightly as she looked at him, a small smile on her face as she looked around the house. Trailing her fingers over the wood of the table as she shivered, looking at him."Can you give me my wings back?"She said. Almost enjoying being without them and yet, she felt weird without the thing that set her apart from others. She longed to understand the new word that she was stuck in, and hoped he would be able to help her.
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