Memory Bound

Harry looked up at Tom, reaching up to touch his face. As he lay there, he was struck by the feeling that he'd done this before with someone else, but the memory wasn't there. At least not yet.
there was a loud Clatter suddenly as Toms door forced itself open, the blond haired Draco suddenly standing there with furious eyes. "i KNEW i heard Potters voice!" he snarled angrily Tom paling. "oh shit..." he muttered, suddenly realizing he hadn't put up the silencing spells. "Draco i order you to..." "shut up old man and mind your own business! Harry how could you! i thought we where happy!?"
Harry sat up quickly, looking to the door. "I'm sorry.. I don't..." He trailed off, flashes of a memory of him and Draco curled up in each other's arms and naked going through his mind. "Draco... You don't understand." He looked away, knowing Draco would never believe anything he told him now.
Draco snarled, tears forming in his silver eyes. "i understand perfectly! i know i told you that Voldemort wasn't the bad guy but dammit harry did you have to fuck him!? i thought i meant more to you than that!" he protested Tom blinking, looking rather stunned. "uh,..." "SHUT UP!" Draco roared at Tom who snarled unleashing a pulse of power, slapping a silencing spell on the blond who staggered into the wall, stunned by the power. "now you listen here Draco Malfoy, you are NOT going to sit there and tell me what to do! as for Harry he doesn't remember anything, he has amnesia now Calm the hell down!"
Harry moved to stand between the two, his back to Tom. "Draco please.. What Tom just told you is the truth. I don't remember anything before a couple days ago. Tom found me wandering the streets of some town, and he brought me here. I didn't even remember you until you barged in here just now."
Draco swallowed thickly, still looking hurt but less angry as Tom dropped the silencing spell that had kept draco silent., "Harry." Draco whispered touching his hand to harry's cheek. "Harry you know me... how could you...with him?" Draco didn't fully understand, didn't want to understand. "i'll leave you two alone." Tom promised yanking on his pants, gently setting his hand on Harry's arm. "try and stay calm." he ordered to both of them before hesitantly leaving the room. leaving Harry and Draco to reconnect, ignoring the pain in his own half dead heart.
Harry shook his head, looking at Draco. "I'm sorry, but I don't know you... Except for a single memory of us together. But that's just one memory." He reached for Draco's hand, pulling him down onto the bed. "Maybe you can help me though. Tell me about us. How long have we been together?"
Draco sighed a little covering his eyes with his hand as he listened to harry. "not long..." he muttered softly. "maybe a year, i'm bad at Dates, that's usually your thing." he admitted swallowing thickly. "you had to remind me it was my birthday." he admitted following harry onto the bed still looking a great deal hurt as he began explaining to harry how they had met, how Draco had explained to Harry that Tom was the one who was the good guy, how Dumbledore was betraying everyone, he reminded harry of multiple dates to muggle amusement parks, and how Draco had puked all over some stranger after getting off his first spinning ride. Draco tried to tell harry everything, but he still sounded sad at the end of each one.
Harry listened to Draco's stories, wishing he could remember all of that. He didn't know why, but it bothered him to hear the blond sounding so sad. "Maybe if you spend a little time with me every day, more of my memories will come back. But you can't tell anyone that I am here. If word of my whereabouts reaches Dumbledore, my life could be in danger. At least that is what Tom has told me."
Draco nodded. "Tom wasn't lying, i don't know why Dumbledore is trying to kill you, hell i don't think Tom even does, but Dumbledore's been trying to since your eleven." he admitted tangling his fingers in Harry's. "...are love with Tom?" Draco and Harry had never admitted to any feelings, so Draco wasn't sure why he was feeling so betrayed...they'd really just been freinds, who had great sex when they where feeling why was he so upset, seeing Harry be with someone else?
Harry was quiet for a few minutes as he thought about Draco's question. He wasn't exactly sure why he had let things with Tom go that far, except that it felt really good. "I don't really know what I feel for Tom. Though sex with him is really good."
Draco grimaced a little and offered harry a small smile. "i wish you could remember all the sex we had." he admitted biting his lip a little sighing softly. "i guess i can't be mad at you..." he grumbled, sounding rather sulky about that.
Harry looked a little sad, leaning against Draco. "I wish I could remember it too. I hate not knowing anything about myself."
Draco smiled a little as he leaned over and kissed his once lovers lips, hoping that a familiar pair of lips would help Harry to remember. "maybe i can help you." he whispered softly, trailing his lips down the others neck, "maybe i can show you." Draco just wanted to wash harry free of Tom, and get the others memories back.
Harry closed his eyes as Draco kissed him, hoping that having the blond around would help him get his memories back. After a moment, he opened his eyes again and ran a hand through his Slytherin lover's hair. "I would like that, Draco." Maybe once he had all his memories back, he could convince Draco to let him keep Tom as a lover as well as him.
Draco smiled and ran his hands along Harry's sides, nibbling on the others neck. "are you ok to go another round" he asked smirking a little as he gently spilled harry onto his back, pressing his palm onto the others crotch, squeezing gently. he was pretty sure Harry still had plenty of stamina, but he liked to make sure.
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