Memory Bound

Harry sighed, moving to sit at the window to look out over the grounds of the estate. After a few seconds, he turned to look back at Tom, nodding. "So this room is to be my home now. What is there for me to do when you are not in here with me, Tom? I'm sure your followers will start to get suspicious if you are never seen outside this room anymore. And those working for Dumbledore even more so since it's probably been discovered that I'm missing from wherever they think I'm living."
Tom blinked looking startled. "of course this isn't your home Harry." he stated looking worried. "you only come when you want to. usually you live with your horrid muggle relatives, during the summer anyway, but your Home is at Hogwarts. that's where your family is, your freinds. even with Dumbledore there Hogwarts will always be your home." he promised offering him a small smile. "besides, even when your not here, i rarely go outside of the room, people annoy me. i only go out when i have to." which was true. "if you want to get out, i can always take you somewhere, or even take you to hogwarts...i don't want you to think your being imprisoned here Harry."
Harry blinked in confusion at Tom. He hadn't meant it to sound like he was a prisoner, but what Tom had said in response was contradictory to something he'd said before. "What's really going on, Tom? When you found me, you told me that someone had taken me from our home, but now you are saying that I live with some relatives that I don't even know."
Tom hesitated a moment before he sighed a little looking around. "alright... you want the truth?" he asked softly. "here it is... all of your life, people have convinced you that i am trying to kill you...even though the only proof of that is an accident with your parents when you where a year old... Dumbledore has spent every day since you where ten years old molding you into the perfect tool in which to be my death, over a false prophecy that says i have to kill you before you can kill me. he leaves you in a house with three muggles who hate you, and lock you in a room and starve you in-between beatings. i'm not supposed to know this, but i do because i have to make sure you DON'T die because then i will lose the only thing that keeps Dumbledore from completely destroying the entire world of magic. i wanted to slowly convince you that Dumbledore is full of shit but i'm not a very good liar, as you just found out. you've never been here before, when i found you on the street it was the first time we've come face to face without us trying to kill each other." he sighed a little and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "as the years passed i found myself hating you less and less, and you only started hating me more and more... i saw you there bleeding and hurt, and you didn't remember a damn thing and i took the chance to kidnap you and try to convince you that Dumbledore is a lying cheating manipulative son of a bitch who has been using you since before you where even pubescent..." he glanced at Harry shaking his head. "i'm sorry..."
Harry was quiet as he let everything sink in. He wasn't sure what to think about everything Tom had just told him, but without his memories he couldn't be sure what was truth and what was lies. After a moment, he looked at Tom. He knew he had a choice to make here, but all he had was one side of the story. Until he got his memories back, he would need to be with someone he knew, and at the moment there was only one person who fit that description."Don't be sorry Tom. You could have killed me back there where you had found me, but you didn't. That alone tells me that I can trust you, to a certain extent. You also could have just left me there to die, but you brought me back here. You gave me a roof over my head when I wouldn't have had one. I want to stay here with you until I remember everything myself."
he blinked looking surprised at harry before he relaxed and smiled at him, looking rather amused. "even after all these years, you still manage to surprise me." he admitted softly. "i could never have left you there to die." he admitted gently moving his hair out of Harry's face smiling at him a little. "i will make sure nothing happens to you, not a damn thing." he promised softly. "and when you think your ready i'll take you to Hogwarts." he promised his red eyes staring into Harry's green. "..i want to kiss you right now.."
Harry smiled at Tom before moving to sit at the window again. "Do you think you can find out when school starts again? That way I have time to be prepared for the first day of classes."
Tom paused for a moment looking startled, he'd forgotten about the start date of the school "i don't know when it starts, but i can ask one of my followers, several of them have children." he admitted nodding. "i think it starts in September maybe? that's far too late..." he crossed his arms and cocked his head, honestly baffled. "jeez, i used to know the date by heart, used to be my favorite day of the year..." he shook his head. "i'll find out tonight, and i'll go to your relatives house and get your things." he promised hesitating. "i know your going to want to come with but...their unusually horrid people harry.." he admitted as a warning. "they'll probably try to attack you, but i'll make sure they won't lay a finger on you."

(i can't remember, when does the school year start for them? XDD)
(September 1st, I believe)

Harry looked up at him, turning his back to the window. "I think I should go with you to get my things. Seeing these relatives that you say I live with might help me to get my memories back."
you would be correct. i looked it up in my books.)

he nodded biting his lip, looking worried. "just...remember that you wanted to go with when we go...and try not to attack them..." he stated simply. "we don't need you getting in trouble over a bunch of abusive bastards...when you get your memory back you can punish them all you like but for now it would be best if you didn't hurt them.."
Harry nodded, looking back out the window. "If it was Dumbledore who placed me in that home, he's probably got people placed there now to search for me. It would be dangerous for you if you were to take me there. I should go alone, so as not to cause you any trouble."
Tom scowled. "Hell no!" he spat, looking more worried than anything else. "if you go there alone their going to lock you in that damn Cupboard again! i don't care about trouble harry, i only care about your safety." Voldemort wasn't sure anymore, if he was lying or not. "besides the oaf probably hasn't even noticed that you've gone missing." he grumbled scowling darkly. "and even if he has he probably doesn't care..."
Harry stood and walked over to Tom, putting a hand to his cheek. "I appreciate your concern, Tom, but on the chance that he had realized I am missing, I don't want to see you captured by him or his followers. If everything you have told me is true, then you are really the only person I can trust right now. If you get sent to Azkaban, who will be left to take care of me?"
Tom scowled and he took Harry's hand shaking his head. "if you go back...they won't let you back out." he whispered softly, looking worried. "i could...i could..." he bit his lip hard and scowled a little before he brightened. "i could use a charm to make myself look your age, and pretend to be a muggle!" he decided. "then i'm safe, and if they try anything i can still protect you!"
Harry smiled, liking that idea. "We'll go whenever you are ready to take me." He was a little worried about what his relatives might do, but he did his best not to show it.
Harry nodded, smiling. "Tomorrow sounds good. What spells are you going to teach me?" He paused, biting his lip. "We could just tell a partial truth. That I lost my memory and you found me wandering around and let me stay the night at your house."
he grinned and nodded. "sure, i can do that." he agreed nodding. "Partial truth would probably work a lot better, my name will be Tommy Thompson...that's a muggle name right? maybe i recognized you from down the street or something." he decided nodding a little biting his lip.. "lets see...spells spells. Expelliarmus for certain, i think that's your favorite, it should be the most familiar for you, and i think..." he paused, working his lip. this could be a chance to introduce Harry to a dark, too soon. "full body lock, they should be enough to protect you from muggles, i can handle any wizards that might show up."
Harry nodded when told which spells he would be learning. "I can't wait to get started. Is there anything I need to practice these spells?"
There was nothing in the pockets of his clothes when Tom searched. It either was dropped during the fight between Harry and Dudley, or it was taken from him afterwards.
Tom scowled a little. "well that throws a wrench in the plans." he muttered biting his lip as he shook his head. "never mind, you can use my wand." he decided. "it has the same core as yours, maybe that will be enough to make my wand compatible with your magical signature." he stated handing harry his wand. "i know wandless magic, so it will work out alright. hopefully your wand is with the rest of your things."
Harry took the wand from him, looking at it. "I hope it is as well. Now can you show me the spells you were going to teach me?"
Tom grinned and showed Harry the spells, and then ran him through each step until he could cast the spell without even thinking about it, using himself as the Guinea pig. once Harry had the spells down they ate lunch, Tom looking very pleased as he nibbled on a chunk of fruit, humming a little. "do you remember anything yet?"
Harry stuck the wand in his pocket after mastering the spells that Tom had showed him and sat down to eat lunch. He stopped eating when asked if he remembered anything, shaking his head. "No.. I don't remember anything yet, Tom."
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