Memory Bound

Tom blinked a little and then chuckled. "of course not Kitten." he murmured stroking the others forehead. "but unfortunately, before we got together you thought i was." he admitted softly. "you see there is a bad man, named Dumbledore, who runs the wizarding school you saw, and he would put you in dangerous situations and make you think it was my fault, because he and i are at war with each other. and you where supposed to be his ultimate weapon." the lies fell easily from his lips as he shook his head. "your first year was the first time i ever saw you, all i wanted to do was talk, but i was ugly and didn't have my own i had to use someone else's, but that man who's body i was attached to tried to kill you." he shook his head. "..i think it's better that you can't remember." he admitted softly. "maybe now, you don't have to suffer so much. but i'll protect you Kitten, i'll always protect you. i love you."
Harry smiled up at Tom, moving to kiss him softly on the lips. He felt a little foolish for having such dreams, but surely that's all they were.. Just dreams. There was no way that someone so kind would have wanted him dead. "So this Dumbledore person is evil? That's why you are at war with him, Tom?"
Voldemort nodded. "yes, he wants to kill the wizarding world, that's what you are Harry, a wizard. Dumbledore is killing magic by encouraging interbreeding with muggles, that's non magical folk." he explained softly shaking his head. "he wants to be the strongest Wizard in the world, and kills anyone he can who has stronger magic than him. he's been trying to kill you for years, in 'accidents' that he blames on your natural knack for getting into trouble."
Harry nodded, pausing when Tom said he was a wizard. It felt as though someone had told him that once before, but he couldn't remember who or when he had heard it. Shaking the thought off, he snuggled further into Tom's arms. "You'll protect me from him? He won't be able to hurt me again?"
he nodded. "i'll make sure he never hurts you again." he promised wrapping his arms tightly around the other, slowly, gently pressing his lips to Harry's, kissing him intently, lovingly, passionately. it had been so effortless to destroy Harry's faith in Dumbeldore. "are you still tired Pet? do you need to sleep some more?"
Harry could feel his eyes start to drift closed again. "I am still tired, Tom." He laid his head on Tom's chest, soon falling back to sleep. His dreams were once again filled with forgotten memories, though this time it was of the friends he'd had at Hogwarts.
Harry woke to an empty bed, but saw Tom at the desk when he sat up to look around. Getting up from the bed, he walked over to where Tom was sitting and wrapped his arms around the man's neck. "Good morning Tom." After giving the man a kiss to his cheek, he went to the closet to see what he had for clothes, finally settling on a dark shirt and black slacks.
Tom smiled at him. "Good morning Harry." he purred wrapping his free arm around the boys waist, giving him a hug back smiling at the kiss. "how are you feeling this morning? any better?" he asked hopefully as he watched the boy get dressed his head tilted. "what would you like for breakfast?"
Harry turned to look at Tom as he buttoned up his shirt, smiling. "Anything will be fine, Tom. And yes, I am feeling a little better. I would like to take a tour of my home and see if it helps to bring back some of my memories."
Tom smiled at the reassurances that Harry was feeling better and snapped his fingers, demanding a house elf to bring some waffles, bacon, sausage, and juice before he paused, choking. "harry you've never been out of this one knows we're together." he explained softly, looking startled before dropping his eyes. "i can't protect you if people knew..Dumbledore thinks that your still on his side." he explained motioning harry over and pulling the other into his lap. "you wanted our relationship to be a secrete, because you wanted to hit Dumbledore where it hurt the most... the people who own this house, they don't know your here, because i don't know which of my men i can actually trust...right one knows where you are, so you can get better without having to worry about someone killing you...but, if you leave the room, and someone see's you, if they don't manage to kill you, Dumbledore surly will and i won't be able to protect you like i want to. because i'm not strong enough..." he glanced up at the other, fear in those red eyes. "i know...that this relationship must not seam..very stable to you but your all i have, and i just couldn't bear it if i lost you.."
Harry was a little surprised that he wouldn't be able to leave the room, but after hearing Tom's explanation, it did make a little sense to him. For all he knew, it could have been the owners of the mansion that had caused his amnesia and dumped him in that park before taking off and leaving him. Looking up at Tom, he nodded. "I won't leave the room then." He about jumped out of his skin when the house elf returned with the food, unable to stop staring at the small ugly creature. "What is that thing, Tom?"
Tom blinked at Harry's reaction to the house elf before bursting into laughter at the look on Harry's face. "Harry calm down, it's just a house elf." he admitted smiling patting the creature on the head. "their creatures who live to be devoted." "we does all the chores!" the house elf squeaked happily, beaming at harry. "we makes wizards lives better!" "their sort of like servants." more like willing slaves, but that didn't sound as nice.
Harry relaxed a bit, but he was still a little worried. "It belongs to the people that own this house? Won't it go and tell them that I am living here, Tom? What if they want to kill me?"
Tom chuckled a little. "don't worry, this is MY house elf, it won't tell anyone." he promised pulling harry into a hug and kissing his neck. "i promise. Squeak's been serving us ever since we got together. isn't that right Squeak?" "Oh yes master!" the elf squeaked happily beaming at them before vanishing to fetch dinner.
Harry moaned softly as Tom started kissing his neck, ignoring the house elf. "You said before that I am a wizard.. What else do you know about me? Did I have any friends at that school?"
Tom smiled a little his head tilted a bit. "Friends? well yes you do have freinds, but their completely loyal to Dumbledore." he admitted sighing a little looking sad. "you don't usually talk about it, but i know it makes you feel pretty terrible that your lying to them...but they've always been there for you, even when your fat fuck family was torturing you..." he admitted shaking his head. "your friend Ronald weasley, he flew to your house in a car, a flying car and broke you out of the house when your family had you locked in, bars on the windows and everything."
Harry looked at the floor a moment. "They must be very worried about me since I've gone missing. I should probably tell them the truth about our relationship when I see them again." He turned to look at Tom, a little upset. "I will get to see them again, won't I? I can continue to attend that school?"
Tom chuckled a little and nodded. "of course you can!'s weird though because not a month ago you where begging me to not make you go back." he admitted looking amused as he shook his head kissing Harry's neck. "you just have to rest a little first alright? if you see everything so soon you might lose all your memories forever, it's a rarity, but it could still happen and i don't want you to not remember me..." yes he did, but he wanted harry to be with him willingly. there was a loud CRACK as the house elf returned with two huge waffles covered in syrup and butter and whipped cream, along with what looked like a smoothie and a glass of milk, along with another smoothie and a cup of coffee. "how about you rest for a week, and if you feel better, or remember something, then you can go back alright?" he offered smiling lightly at harry. "that way you can rest, and i can help you try and remember a few things before then, hows that?"
Harry nodded, jumping again when the house elf returned with their breakfast. That was something that was going to take some getting used to. He got up out of Tom's lap so he could eat his waffles. "Alright Tom." He was quiet as he ate his breakfast, wondering how much of what Tom had told him was the truth.
Tom smiled at him and paused for a moment. "is there anything else you want to ask me?" he asked sitting down at the table getting into his own breakfast. "i'll answer any question you have, if i know the answer. we've only been seeing each other for about a month now, so i don't know as much as i would like to..."
Harry looked up at him once he was done eating. "How did we get together? You can just tell me what you do know about me. Anything else, I will have to figure out on my own." Actually, he hoped he got his memories back soon.
Tom smiled a little. "well, we met while you where in school actually. see your first year the person i was using as a host tried to kill you. in second year you met a false 'memory' of me. of when i was a kid that tried to kill you. i wasn't around for your third year but i heard you almost died in a dementor attack, in fourth year you almost died many times, first you fought a dragon, then you had to go to the bottom of the lake to rescue a friend, then you went through a maze full of nasty things. all for a game that you weren't even supposed to participate in. i rigged the trophy into a 'teleporter', known as a Portkey and transferred you into a graveyard. i had to use your blood to reserect myself." he admitted smiling lightly at Harry, lookign a little sheepish.

"my follower was not as gentle as he should have been. i challenged you to a duel to keep my face and planned on letting you escape,i nearly lost my nerve when i saw how scared you where, and then our wands connected and you actually beat me fair and square! talk about a blow tot he pride. in fifth year we met again, i wanted a copy of the prophecy, a false prophecy about you and me, and you thought i was trying to kill you and then Dumbledore got involved," he sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. "the worst part of all that was the accidental death of your God Father Sirius..." he shook his head. "but i think the worse thing i ever did to you... you never remembered." he admitted softly. "killed your parents, it was an accident of course, i'd only wanted to see see if the prophecy was true, to stare into your eyes and see if you where really going to be my downfall." he sighed a little. "instead of being my downfall, you ended up being the one person i've ever loved, even at only a year old. and then of course you killed me, which was another blow to my pride i have to say."

"We officially met though, about a month ago, you where at your muggle relatives, they where being horrible as usual, beating you, starving you..the things that muggles do best... i guess you just got tired of it because one night you just, dropped the wards. you said you wanted to die, to end it all right then and there. instead i brought you here and made passionate love to you...ok so maybe i was actually raping you but you like it, in the end." he teased smiling a little. "you make the most adorable sounds when i tease you." he snickered a little and looked at harry. "your life hasn't been at all easy." he admitted softly shaking his head a little. "and i have to admit i haven't helped the matter at all...but i truly do love you harry."
Harry was quiet as he listened to everything that Tom was telling him. The only way he could be sure if any of it was true was to get his memories back, and he wasn't sure if that would ever happen. So for now, he would just have to take the man's word. "I have one more question, Tom. If we have been together for a month as you claim, why don't your followers know about it? I'm sure they would have noticed that there was an extra person here, even if I have never left this room of my own free will."
Tom grimaced a little. "Several of my followers are Spies for the order...that's the small group of followers that Dumbledore controls. i don't know which of my followers are spies and which ones aren't." he explained shaking his head. "my true followers would not hurt you if i told them not to. but the spies would tell Dumbledore and then he would be trying to kill you himself, instead of setting up extravagant 'accidents' that are so famous at his was your idea that they not see you, because i don't know who i can trust." he admitted sighing a little. "the only person that i can trust is you."
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