Memory Bound


Sep 6, 2010
To say that Harry Potter didn't get along with his aunt, uncle and cousin would be a huge understatement. The truth was, they downright hated him, and vice versa. Even though he had never done anything to really hurt any of them, they still treated him like dirt.

It was getting dark when he woke up after a fight with his cousin, not that he could remember it. In fact, Harry Potter couldn't remember anything, not even his own name. He winced as he got to his feet and started wandering the streets, though he had no clue where he was going.
striding through the darkness of the streets was the most feared man in Wizarding History. Tom, Marvolo, Riddle, also known as Voldemort strode through the Muggle streets as he searched for the Boy who Lived who had stepped outside of the protective barriers of his home. Voldemort smirked as he caught sight of the black haired Wonder Boy wandering about as if he had no idea where he was.

he pulled out his wand and licked his lips, eager to slaughter the foolish brat who had stepped out of the saftey of his home. Voldemort no longer looked like a snake, now he looked as he had when he was still in school, black hair, firm soft skin, though he still had red eyes they looked much more natural, much more alluring. "Potter." he growled in Parseltongue his wand aimed at the boys face. he wanted to see those emerald eyes before he slaughtered the other.
Harry looked up when he heard someone speaking, glancing around as though he didn't know who the man was talking to. But there was no one else around except for himself and the mystery man. "Are you talking to me, and why are you pointing that stick at me?"
Voldemort lifted an eyebrow, watching the boy closley, waiting for the trick or the trap, ready to dissaparate at a moments notice looking the other over. "Potter, what are you playing at?" he demanded his head tilted a little as he watched the other, red eyes narrowed as he reached out with his mind and gently brushed Harry's, checking for recent memories and found...nothing. " don't remember anything do you?" this pleased Voldemort to no end as he lowered his wand a smirk on his lips. "well isn't that interesting."
Harry stared at the man in front of him, wondering what he was talking about. "You just called me Potter. Do you know who I am?" If this person knew him, then perhaps he could help him get back the memories he had lost. But then again, the guy could have been the reason he lost his memory in the first place. "Tell me just how you know who I am, when I don't remember ever meeting you."
Voldemort grinned viciously as he examined the Boy Who Lived his head tilted a little. "i know who you are Harry." he stated simply reaching out and gently touching the others cheek, very gently, touching him carefully. "i've been looking for you all night." he admitted. "your my pet, i take care of you, earlier someone took you from our home and made off with you. they must have done something to your head since you can't remember. can you tell me what you DO remember? are you in pain anywhere?" he would take Harry Potter for himself, he'd always had a strange lust for the Green eyed Kitten standing before him, and if he could convince Harry, then he could twist and manipulate the boy into being his own personal little evil slave. and if he was kind to Harry, the boy would be much more willing to stay when he did remember everything.
Harry looked a little uncertain, but the man seemed to know him so it should be okay if he went with him. When asked if he was in pain, he shook his head. He might have had a few bruises from the fight earlier, but they didn't hurt that bad. "I don't remember anything before waking up here in this town. Is this where we live?"
Voldemort smiled at him and shook his head. "no this isn't where we live, we live in a place that is much prettier." he promised chuckling a little gently kissing the others forehead. "let's go Home Kitten." he purred smiling a little. "hold on tightly to my waist, i'll explain everything when we get you home and fixed up, then we'll take a nice long bath with dinner ok?" acting as if this was something they always did. "poor thing, your all bruised up, i'm make you feel all better." he promised gently kissing a bruise, healing it through contact magic. (i just made that up.)
Harry felt no reason not to trust this person, so he wrapped his arms around the man's waist. "That sounds wonderful." He probably would have gone with anyone who had claimed to know him.
Voldemort chuckled and Apparated, sending them straight into his private bedroom at Malfoy Manor the room full of silk and soft, classy and rich the man smiling down at harry. "remember this? it's our room." he lied waving his hand around at everything, using the motion to fill the closets and drawers with clothes that he hoped would fit harry, he could always lie and claim that he had lost, or gained weight but Tom had always been good at guessing people's sizes. "come sit on the bed and let me take care of those ouches." he ordered gently setting Harry on the bed gently tugging the others shirt off, running his wand over the many scrapes and bruises. healing them.
Harry sat down on the bed, a little relieved when the oversized shirt was removed from his body. He'd just assumed that the clothes he'd been wearing when he woke up in that park were his even though they didn't fit him. He looked around the room as the man healed his wounds with just a wave of the stick he'd been holding. It amazed him to think that such things could actually happen. After a few minutes, he looked up at the man with confusion. "You know who I am, but you have yet to tell me your name. All I know is that I belong to you"
Voldemort blinked looking startled. "ah, i'm sorry Pet i forgot." he murmered softly, gently running his hand over the others scar smiling a little. "i am Lord Voldemort, but you usually call me Tom." he admitted gently kissing the others forehead. "come on, lets get you out of those horrid muggle clothes and into the bath." he decided helping Harry out of his clothes and taking a moment to examine him intently, examining every inch of his new lover. harry was gorgeous, a little thin, but very beautiful. "would you like bubble bath?"
Harry glanced at the discarded clothes, making a face. He didn't know why, but he never wanted to see that outfit again. Looking up at Tom, he nodded. "A bubble bath sounds wonderful. Will you be joining me, Tom?" He felt a little uncomfortable under the other's gaze, but just attributed that to the fact that he can't remember anything.
Voldemort chuckled a little and paused, pandering. "well, usually i do." he admitted. "but if you feel uncomfortable i won't, i know you can't remember anything. i don't want you to feel pressured." he admitted pulling out a robe. "i got you a whole new outfit selection so i'm sorry if they don't fit. they where supposed to be your birthday present." every robe was ornately detailed with designs and colors, something that usually only the rich, like Tom or Lucius, wore on special occasions, as well as the normal black sets, and a few emerald. "the bathroom is through here." he admitted slipping into the room, the white marble...everything gleaming perfectly. even the tub, which looked more like a small pool, was made of gleaming marble, the taps of gleaming silver.
Harry reached for the robe, surprised at the extravagance of the bathroom. "This is a bathroom? It looks more like an indoor swimming pool" He started to fill the tub, looking around for the bubble bath. "I think I'll bathe alone tonight, master. I will need some time to get re-acquainted with my home."
Tom chuckled a little and gently took Harry's chin tipping his head back. "never master." he growled softly, offering him a kind smile. "it's Tom." he promised gently kissed him and then motioned for him to take a bath as he pleased. Harry was the one person he would ever think of as someone other than a slave or a pawn. not equals, but certainly not a slave.
Harry smiled, nodding as he slipped into the large tub. "Can you have some food sent up for me? I'm really hungry, Tom." He closed his eyes, leaning back against the side of the tub as he let the warm water soothe his aching body.
Tom smiled and nodded. "is there anything you would particularly like?" he asked his head tilted, even though he already knew all of Harry's favorite foods from Draco stalking the boy at school, he felt it was nice to ask. he snapped his fingers once he had left Harry to his own devises and had the House Elves bring a little bit of all of Harry's favorites, moving the tray into the bathroom once the food had been brought and gently laid it down next to the other on a 'table'. "there you go Kitten." he stated with a small smile. "are you enjoying your bath?"
Harry sat up a bit in the tub so he could eat when Tom brought his food up. "Thank you Tom. Do you want some?" Even though he was starving, he thought he would ask since Tom had been so nice to him.
Tom smiled and shook his head. "you eat." he assured the other. "i can eat anytime i want, your the one who's gone for a while without food." he admitted gently stroking the others cheek. "poor thing...i can't even imagine what those poor brutes did to you to make you lose your memory." he admitted, actually managing to make his expression look sad. "now i want you to eat until your full and relax in the bath until you get tired, and then go to bed alright? your probably exhausted." Voldemort was a patient man, he could easily wait until Harry was more relaxed before he began to claim the boys body as his own.
Harry smiled, eating two-thirds of the contents of the tray before he was full. Once he had finished eating, he sunk back down in the tub, closing his eyes. At this point, he probably would have done anything Tom told him to do, seeing as the man seemed to be the only person he could trust. When he started to feel tired, he got out and walked back into the bedroom without even bothering to dry himself off. "I'm going to sleep now, Tom. I'll see you in the morning." Pulling back the covers, he climbed into bed still naked, feeling no shame.
Tom smiled as he looked up from the desk he was sitting at. "Good night Kitten, have good dreams." he said softly watching the younger man slip into the covers, naked, feeling a rush of lust pool in his belly and fill his groin. "i'll join you when i've finished these reports." he promised, sounding as if this was something they did every night, it was all going perfectly to plan. when Harry woke, Tom was laying next to him in bed, an arm draped over Harry's hip, dressed in a pair of silk sleeping pants that made him look as sexy as the devil himself. it was an intimate and loving gesture, his arm wrapped around the others waist like that. it must have been a nice touch, to the probably affection deprived harry.
Harry glanced over at Tom when he woke from a bad dream, but made no move to get up. It felt so right to him to have someone treat him so kindly, even though he couldn't remember what his life used to be like. After a minute, he turned onto his side and reached over to touch Tom's face. "Are you awake, Tom?"
Tom inhaled sharply at the others voice and his eyes fluttered open. "kitten? is everything alright?...did you have another nightmare?" he asked softly rubbing at his own eyes. "come here." he murmured pulling harry gently into his arms, comforting him. he knew that Harry had nightmares, from the connection they had, and it was just another tool to make harry think that Voldemort and him had always been together. for now, he just enjoyed holding Harry in his arms, comforting him, giving him the kindness harry had never had, a sick sort of glee at his success in turning the boy who lived to him. soon he might even be able to turn the boy who lived dark.
Harry snuggled against Tom, mindless of the fact that he was still naked. He felt oddly at peace with the man who had, in the past, tried several times to kill him. "I dreamt that I was a student at some wizarding school and you were trying to kill me, Tom.. But you wouldn't do that to me, would you?"
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