Shadows of the Heart


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
"Hey, what do you think it would be like if Magic existed?" a young man by the name of Neville asked glancing away from his Fantasy book to look at Harry Potter. "What?" Harry asked turning to look at his walking companion with a raised eyebrow. "you want to know what i would think if Magic really existed." "yeah." "i think you need to lay of the books Neville, they rot your brain." Harry stated simply shaking his head Neville laughing a little at his friend.

Harry looked a great deal different, the most notable change, the scar on his forehead had never existed, there was no curse spell to torment him, there was no magic to ruin his life. now he was doing that all on his own. his hair hung in messy, but sexy waves down to his shoulders, but was held up in a ponytail that waved from side to side as he walked. he was also wearing ratty clothes that fit him, but looked like he'd owned for at least ten years. Neville too wore clothes that looked like they where barley holding up. "i can't beleive you went into a bookstore to steal a book." Harry complained rolling his eyes. "at least be useful and steal money or candy or something." Harry complained Neville sighing softly.

"Just because you can't read." Neville complained shooting Harry a scowl that the Brunette completely ignored. "i can so read, watch." he snatched the book out of Neville's hand and scowled at the words. "The..Dark...Lord Wasn't..a..about. to de..dest... ok i can't read." he growled tossing the book in the air, Neville shrieking in horror as his paper back flipped through the air. fortunately Neville wasn't nearly as clumsy as he would have been had he been a wizard, and was able to catch it. "that is NOT cool Viper!" Neville bitched glaring at Harry who laughed and shrugged. "hey i have to go, Voldemort wants me at the gang meeting tonight." "alright, have fun with that, i'm going to go hide in my box and read in peace."

they parted ways and Harry sighed a little as he headed down the street, his short sleaved shirt doing nothing to hide the Dark Mark tatoo on his arm. a sure sighn that he was a Death Eater. one of the most ruthless gangs in the city, they weren't afraid to kill, and where even less afraid to torture. everyone was afraid of the Death eaters, even Dumbledore, the Mayor. between Tom Riddle, the leader known as Voldemort, and Harry Potter, known as Viper, the Death eaters Ruled the city with a violent blood smeared fist.
Tom smiled as he looked out the window, the setting sun making the air itself seem to bleed. One of the best views in london, his office tower overlooked windsor and westminster abbey. While it may seem odd view for a drug lord to actually enjoy, he did like it. Because it reminded him that he had to live as long as possible because if he didn't, the catholics hell was going to be waiting for him.But for now, he enjoyed his life."Viper."He said in way of greeting, barely glancing over his shoulder at his second in command as he walked into the room.Glad that the man had arrived before the others, because he wanted to introduce him to the newest member, and a man who'd quickly proved his worth within the ranks. So far he hadn't found a thing that Blaine Sharazari balked at doing, and for a crime lord, there was no better assassin the one the sitting in his desk chair.A man who'd made a name for himself for clearing out most of rome's crime family, ust because he didn't want to be disturbed by the drug deals in his part of town, Blaine had a vicious reputation, even before moving to london. Since he'd moved here, people quickly learned to avoid queen's lane if they had any ties to crime, because blaine was liable to feed them their hearts."I have someone for you to meet."

Blaine Sharazari tilted his head slightly, looking at the brunette that had come in. She'd heard of the infamous Viper, though she'd had yet to meet him. At 6'2" the male that had cleaned up rome's streets hid a secret that he had killed to keep hidden. he....was really a she. Thin and lithe, it was easy to bind the nearly nonexistant breasts, keep her hair short...after years as a cop, the 25 year old had long learned the art of living in a male dominated world.And that no matter how she tried, there was no outrunning a past that she killed to keep hidden. Because if anyone knew Blaine Sharazari was really Blaine Venitti, her life was over. She'd long learned that not even blood would keep anyone from giving her back to her father and collecting the bounty on her head.

"Hello."She said, tilting her head to study the brunette in front of her,reclining easily in her new boss's chair.
Harry nodded his head respectfully to Tom a small little smirk on his lips as he realized he was early, he liked being early though he usually got held up in some petty argument or other. it was no secrete that Viper had a horrid temper, and that anyone caught on the wrong end of that temper either ended up in the hospital or Dead. Harry was very good at acting as a bodyguard and occasional 'collector', who went to people houses and demand them to either pay up or die. he made a terrible anything else though, due to his violent temper and inability to read write or do math made him just about useless at any other job.

he turned to the person who Tom wanted to meet and lifted an eyebrow at him, looking him over with a severely calculating eye as if he was looking over a piece of meat. to Harry Blain probably was. it was no secrete that Harry potter was bi sexual, and that he had raped dozens of men and women without discrimination, he was probably running the risks of Raping Blain but he scoffed and shook his head. "i don't like him." he complained crossing his arms. of course, Harry said that to everyone. "he's not staying is he? he looks strong but i bet he's a real wimp." harry also liked to instigate fights, he loved getting his knuckles dirty, or even slitting a few tendons with his knives. And blain deserved an ass kicking, because Blain was sitting in the masters chair!
Tom smiled slightly at harry's reaction ,turning to look at the two."He is. Because amng other things,Blaine here is a former cop.He's good at making sure no one will investigate things."

"WEll, I don't like you either."Blaine said as he pushed out of the seat, moving around to sit in another chair. Having only sat in the master's seat to piss off the man in front of him.After all, blaine sharazari had a legendary temper, almost bad as Harry's, and he liked no better then pissing others off. Swallowing hard, trying not to react to the look the other was giving him.He'd heard about the other's prechent for rape, and as good as she acted like a man, blaine knew that her life would be over if harry tried.She'd killed to keep any from touching her, but she had a feeling harry'd rip down any barrier in his way if he decided he wanted her.
Harry scoffed a little and shook his head. he was one of the few who could get away with talking back to Tom. "no wonder i don't like him, Voldemort honestly how could you trust a COP of all things!? he took out half of the competition what makes you think he isn't just after us too?" he demanded looking Blain over again and smirking darkly. "you should just let me take care of him, he's a threat and a dangerous one at that, we're going to have Pigs running this joint before the week is out!"he smirked a little as he looked Blain over again " he's got a real pretty face. i'd love to take care of him." he purred licking his lips eagerly. yeah, he wanted her, he wanted her bad and he was making sure everyone knew it, because once harry decided he wanted something, only Tom could make him change his mind.
Tom sighed softly, knowing this was going to end badly. But there was nothing he could do to change it.Either blaine would kick his ass, or get raped and still be able to do his job."Viper, don't kill him."

"I have my own reasons for being in london.The fact that I prefer killing people for amusement shouldn't be something you question, just that I know how to work around cops and not have them breathing down my neck."Blaine shuddered a little at the order, knowing that her boss had just decided that rape was on the menu.Looking up as the rest of the gang filtered in.It was always nice to not be the only sociopath in a room,but for a reason viper was making her nervous.More nervous then she was used to.
Harry smirked at her, grinning widely. "i've had arrest warrants on my head since i was eight. they haven't caught me yet, and that was WITHOUT a traitorous cop bastard." no one knew the real first offense that Harry had done, but there where some who suspected that his first offense, had been killing his own parents, who had died right about the same time harry had gone 'dark.' "oh i plan to do more than just fight you." he promised licking his lips eagerly at the other. "and i promise not to scar your pretty face." he paused then as an after thought for Tom. "or kill you i suppose, since Voldemort seams to like you." how nice of harry...

Harry ignored her when the others started streaming into the room, the sadistic Twins Fred and George, known as the Butcher twins, well known for their love of hacking people to pieces. Severus Snape, known as the Potions master for his love of acids and poisons. Draco Malfoy, who was a pansy but had good connections in a great many area's. Lucius Malfoy, torture expert, and many others that Harry hated just as much as he hated cops. the only exception was the twins, who lived with Harry in the same Foster home as Neville. "So whats up Boss Man!?" one of the twins asked looking hopeful for some fun messy job, or even a turf war. they liked turf wars.Harry particularly enjoyed the ‘spoils of war’ that came with said turf wars, mostly the free drugs.
Tom smirked slightly as the gang filtered in, realizing that by far, blaine was waaayyy to pretty to be standing among this group.But he'd learn to sink or swim."I summoned you all so that I could introduce our newest member, Blaine Sharazari."

Blaine shuddered a little as she rolled her eyes, casually moving out of harry's arm reach. Before frowning, realizing who she was standing next to."I know you."She said looking at the slight blond next to her, before laughing."You attended the police ball."She snickered, realizing cops had more bad cops then good ones. "I'm going home. I have better things to do then sit around and knit something."she said heading for the door.
Draco smirked at Blaine and leaned forward, looking at her his eyes narrowed a little as he examined her face. "your unusually pretty for a man." he stated sounding more cautious than lustful his head tilted a little as the Twins suddenly leaned forward as well examining her closley. "hey he is! damn man i bet if you put a dress on.." "you know i think we might have one." "you wanna come to our pad tonight?" "we party real good." the Twins, thank god for Blaine, flirted, but never fucked. they preferred each other, and Draco was never interested in anyone. the others in the room however, Blaine was going to have to be very careful hanging out with that crowd. Harry smirked as he suddenly wrapped his arms around Blaine's hips from behind. "hey, come on now don't be rude." he growled pressing his crotch against her ass and rubbing. "whats your hurry? ready to go home and tattle on us? or are you just too good to hang out with people like us?" if she gave him the chance he was going to start groping for her cock, she was going to have to hurry up and get the hell out of there before Harry gave away her secrete.
Blaine twisted out of his arms, nearly falling into the twins before she corrected herself."I am to good to hang out with you people. I have better things to do then get groped.Like maybe fuck something that doesn't look like the wrong end of a dog."She said with a snarl, fear making her temper snap as she headed for the door again.

Tom smiled slightly watching the drama but knowing better then try to stop it. After all, if they were going to work together, they had to come to some kind of understanding.
Harry snarled back, baring his 'fangs' at her, spitting in rage sounding exactly like his name sake. you half expected to grow needle sharp fangs and drive them into her neck, but instead he simply pulled away bowing to her dramatically, aiming for the door, clearly mocking her. "of course Princess{/i] go right ahead." he spate hatefully his green eyes glittering at her with a viscous gleam, showing her that it wasn't over, and that he would get her later. the twins snickered a little as they watched her leave, well aware what Viper was planning.
Except she didn't leave. The minute the words left her mouth she spun on her heel, crossing the few feet between them, raising a hand and punching him as hard as she could. Her whole body twisting into it as she slugged him in teh face. She'd been taught by a boxer to fight, and learned early that your goal wasn't to hit the first part of the object, but five inches past where you were aiming.

"don't call me princess."She snarled, she only had one person she allowed call her princess, and he'd disowned her years ago.
everyone gaped in shock as Harry was punched, and even more punched hard enough to drop him to the ground and draw blood. the guy didn't look like munch but Harry was well known for his pain endurance and the ability to stay standing even after he;'d been kicked in the nads. the brunette touched a hand to his now bloody lip his eyes narrowed dangerously as he looked up at Blaine a snarl on his lips and a very mad look in his eyes. the twins reacted before harry could, each one grabbing one of his arms to hold him back as the brunette started screaming in Irish that he was going to kill him, kill him slowly. it really didn't take much for Harry to completely snap and go on a homicidal rage. if the twins hadn't been holding him back, he'd have been going after her with blades.

"you better leave." Draco advised Blaine looking amused. "nice hit by the way, it's a shame that it was Viper you hit, now he's really going to try and take a piece out of you." he clapped Blaine on the back. "it would be easier to just lay there and let him rape you when it comes down to it, you'lll suffer less injuries that way." Draco knew, Draco had once been one of Harry's targets. he still had the words 'Harry's Bitch' carved along his inner thighs.
Blaine bared her teeth in a almost smile, that was more a snarl then anything else."I'd like to see him try.I'll feed him his heart."She growled, pissed and agiated as she walked out of the room. Giving the blond a amused angry smile as she did. There were few things that truly pissed off the red head,but calling her princess, forcing her to relive one of her childhood memories were a good way to do it.

Voldermort watched in amused tolerance, actually looking forward to teh sight of the two facing off together. He was pretty sure one of them would be dead by the end.
Draco just smirked and shrugged turning to help calm harry down, pulling out a small baggy full of powder for Harry to snort, or for Draco and the twins to force him to snort, whichever happened first. it was one of the only ways to get Harry to calm down, and Draco was always the one to administer the drug, because anyone else was incompetent and would let Harry OD again. "so were not getting a job?" one of the twins asked, pouting at Tom, they'd wanted something fun to do, he didn't care to notice when harry stopped struggling against him, lost in his own high. for now, Blaine was safe.
"NO. not yet.In a few days."Tom said, knowing that what was coming was going to rock the world.Or at least their world...if only blaine and harry could get along long enough to complete it.

Two days later blaine blew out smoke rings, smirking a little as they hit harry in the face. Before brushing past him she stepped inside, looking at tom before the boss turned to face the two. Though it made him nervous to have only the two of them here, he also knew that they would both obey him without question."I have an assignment for you two. Sharazari, how long has it been since you've been to rome?"

Blaine paled under her tan, nearly choking as she enhaled on her cigarette. Ohhhh, she wasn't liking where this was going."Two years."

"And you still speak italian?"

"Reluctantly, yes."
Harry lifted an eyebrow at the person a smirk on his lips as he leaned forward, his lips brushing her ear. "your so fucking mine." he hissed in the supposedly males ear running his tongue up the others face before joining him in front of Tom, lifting an eyebrow at the mention of Rome. "going to Rome? that's like...six states away isn't it?" not even close you illiterate rapist, not even close. "what do you need me to do?" he was quite certain he wouldn't need Blaine at all, not a single little bit...but it would be nice to get him all alone in a bedroom somewhere, there where only so many places to hide when you where working together, and eventually, he wouldn't be able to get away. Harry would have his share of the others ass, yes he would.
Blaine shuddered moving away from harry. "Not even close you moron." She scowled a little."La sua non gli stati uniti. I sei paesi non gli stati. Bastardo" She said easily switching between english and italian. Its not the untied states. They're countries not states. Bastard

Tom sighed, translating mentally.This was going to be interesting to say in teh least."I need you to track down Igor Kakarof, he's living in rome now. AND before you protest, you have to take blaine. He's a native, and knows the crime world there. There'll be no place in rome where he can hide."
Harry turned to scowl at her baring his teeth at her, looking more amused than pissed. "complain? why would i complain? i would LOVE to travel to with Blaine." he smirked at her again and licked her lips, eager to make his little Blaine his personal bitch for a while, he'd get tired of the fair faced bastard quickly no doubt, but for now the struggle was exhilarating and exciting and got him all hot and horny.

"do we have details on Kakarof?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "picture, bank accounts, credit card numbers, last known location, any of the above at all?" after all, they couldn't find someone if they where working from a dead end. "i'll make sure to puck up a few Narcotics from Snape." he admitted smirking. Harry loved using narcotics on his blades, it slowed the opponent down, made them easier to control and contain. and if Blaine wasn't careful she was going to find herself with some sleeping drug in her system. "assuming of course you want him alive."
Tom nodded slightly."I would prefer him alive."He said before handing blaine a folder, after all it was in italian, it'd do no good to give it to harry."I assume you know where all this is?"

Blaine gave the master a look."Of course."She said before looking at the brunette standing next to her, then at the master again."When do we leave?"

"No. You're viper is downstairs waiting for you."Tom said, smirking slightly.

Blaine gave him a look, looking disgusted."You stole my car?"

"Burrowed, with the intent of returning it. Now go.You have places to be and people to find."

Blaine looked disgusted still as she turned to leave. She didn't want viper anywhere near her car. The damned thing was her baby. The only thing she'd kept of a spoiled daughter's life. Sighing softly at the sight of hte emerald green car she looked at harry as he came out."I assume you can drive?"
Harry smirked a little, finding it highly ironic the type of Car that Blaine owned, stalking over tot eh car with a loud, very impressed whistle. he didn't even try to touch the thing. "Damn man, this thing is HOT." he chirped grinning as he stalked around the car a smirk on his lips. "awe, and it even matches my eyes." he purred fluttering his eyes at her, snickering a little. "you assume wrong." Harry stated simply. "i can't even read what the hell makes you think anyone would be willing to let me behind the wheal of ANY vehicle?" he demanded opening the passenger side door and slipping inside. "damn this thing is nice." he purred, forgetting his obsession with Blaine for a moment to properly lavish his attentions onto the wonderful beautiful perfection that was the car.
Blaine whined softly.Truly hating the idea of putting the man in her car. Or that she wouldn't be able to read over the file.Tossing it into his lap as she slide into the driver's seat, she smiled a little as the car came alive with a well pleased purr. Backing out of the parking spot she headed out of was going to be a long drive."Touch anything, you're losing a vital piece of your body. This thing is worth more then you are right now."She said, treasuring the car more then anythign else, because it was the last gift her father had given her before he turned on her. A congradulations for passing law school....and the very thing that nearly killed her a week later. Having destroyed it when the preordained wreck had happened, she'd had it remade for a reminder. That not everything is white and black, and that blood and family were the people likely to kill you for following your heart.At least viper was truthful in his desire to hurt her, while anyone else came at her back.
Harry flashed her an intense smirk and just to piss her off he reached forward and flipped on the radio before leaning back and flipping open the file, ignoring the words and focusing on the pictures instead, grunting int he back of his throat as he looked the man over. "he looks German." he admitted looking the man over, professional for now. "looks like a drinker, we should probably look over the Bars first, see the yellow in his eyes? kidney failure, long drinker." that was another thing harry was good at, recognizing other addicts. "probably a gambler too, and a bad one from the looks of his clothes." he shrugged a little. "that's all i got, i can't read even a few of these words." he admitted flipping through the papers shaking his head. "damn gibberish, what is this Latin?" wrong again.
"iltalian, latin's not spoken anymore. Though I can read it."she said looking at the other, brushing her hair out of her face. Frowning slightly, it was starting to get long enough to bother her, hanging just slightly in her eyes."Rome's good to her gambler's and drinker's. It wont be hard to find them.All the addicts gamble at a venitti's house.It's the only ones in rome worht going to."She said with a shudder. Which made her remmeber that she had a few things to do before she got to rome. Like cut her hair again. And maybe die it.And hopefully pass through a crowd that once had been her nearest and dearest.
Harry glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. "maith le duine cliste" he stated sarcastically in Irish shaking his head a little turning to glance out the window, sighing softly. "i hate bookworms." he grumbled, he tolerated Neville, but only because the man was focused on things that didn't exist. but Blaine pissed him off, he hated people who thought they where better than him. he hated people who lorded their superior knowledge over him. "hey, we need to stop on the way." he ordered. "i need to stop at the Potion Masters place, pick up a few things, it will make taking down this Igor a lot easier, a single spiked drink and he's totally ours." he admitted flashing her a smirk. "we probably wont really need you." he admitted yawning a little plopping his feet up on the dash.

(Translation: well someone's smart)
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