What's the above user's avatar thinking?

"Hope you're enjoying this as much as we are"
"Into the heavens I transcend. These ebon wings shed of all light. I reintroduce my body to the white. To the sky I ascend. God forgive my sins for I have humanized. My prize, damnation. Abrasion upon myself, forgive me my father. Bother thee my repentance. Like light to the flies, I find myself into the pearly gates. I will show thy what it feels like to die and damn me if I do not shoot the devil in between the eyes. Rapture serves as no guidelines In This River.

Forgive me Father for I have not sinned, but have decided it is your time."​
"WHAT'D YOU SAY ABOUT MY FOREHEAD!?!" *adjusts hat* "Now it's on, bitch!"
"A room? We don't need no stinkin' room! The WORLD is our love nest, baby!"
"Oh mercy me, I do believe I have a case of the vapors"
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