Siren's song

Nov 30, 2010
Lucius Malfoy looked out the window overlooking the grounds of the school. Having not seen his son and adopted daughter yet, having come to talk to the headmaster.Because sometimes old allies turned enemies made once enemies friends. The fact that Tom riddle-Lord Voldermort- was a mudblood, changed things. He was a hypocite if Voldermort thought that any of the old purebloods would follow him after they found that out. he, himself had only discovered it when he'd taken his lord's daughter into his home. Because looking into those silver blue eyes had revealed that somewhere in her bloodline, there was less then pure blood.

Though he did not like the girl, he'd taken her in, because she'd be a useful weapon against her father when she was old enough. And soon, with dumbledore's help, she would be ready to fight the father she didn't know existed, didn't know she had. For as long as she could remember, Fydra had been raised in malfoy manor.

"Headmaster, my...ward, will be useful against the dark lord."He said, knowing he was turning his back on everything he'd believed before, and probably making a enemy of anyone who still followed the dark lord, but he was the rightful leader of the purebloods!And he would see to it that he had his right."She has come a long way since she was a child, hopeless at magic. know who she is."He said, hesitating. Because he couldn't be sure, but he had a idea that Fydra's mother had turned to Dumbledore for help when she'd found herself pregnant and unable to speak to tom.
Dumbledore was also looking out the window his eyes not nearly as twinkly as they usually where. standing next to Lucius as he watched the students milling about on the lawn, watched closley by teachers well hidden, letting the students feel free was one of the few things Dumbledore insisted upon. it made it much easier to learn things about them and their homes. "she is only a child Lucius." Dumbledore stated simply shaking his head. "and she is already so powerful, but she has no control over herself." he sighed a little. "Harry is out best weapon as of yet, i know you despised the potters but it would be beneficial to us all for Draco, Fydra and Harry to become freinds." he admitted shaking his head. "and get Harry away from those useless Weasley's. their holding him back from his true potential, and he can help Fydra with her control." he decided stroking his beard a little.

"yes, if we can get Harry and Draco to get along, then Harry and Fydra have a much greater chance of working together, giving them both a greater chance at killing Voldemort." he decided nodding a little before scowling a little. "but Harry, he had been resistant to me lately...sometimes i think he suspects me." at this point, the old man was just talking to himself, trying to figure out the best course of action. "what do you think Lucius?" Dumbledore demanded, deciding to take his newest Allies opinion on the matter. "how do you think we should deal with Mr. Potter and your Fydra?"
Lucius smiled slightly as he thought, looking out the window. Overlooking the grounds he watched the students mill about. His smirk widening when he saw a familiar shock of white blond hair, accompanied by that jet black hair that was so dark it was highlighted blue."New romances have been known to distract the younger men. I will ask her to make friends with mr. potter-"His mouth twisted a little at the name."and see where it leads. After all, she is a beautiful woman, and he has a hero complex. Surely he will feel the need to protect the helpless slytherin when she gets in over her head."He said, already formulating a plan on how to force them together, after all harry couldn't help but be a hero. "I will speak to her."

Meanwhile down on the grounds Fydra smiled as she looked up at Draco as he approached her, sitting on the edge of the lake she was glad to see him. Blushing ever so softly. Her soft features mirrored her father's, even if she didn't know what he looked like, the soft features and wide set eyes that missed nothing, was tom's. Her skin, despite her black hair was as pale as moonlight, looking fragile with the blue highlights of blood showing under her skin. Her hair grew in charming curls, framed eyes so pale a blue they were the color of ice, of winter skies. Tilting her head at her friend she smiled, having in the last few months grown from awkward teen to young woman, showing the woman she would become. Having grown to no longer think of him as a brother, but not sure where they were it made the ice queen of slytherin nervous to be around the ice prince. Their house constantly marveled that two people so cold, so nasty to everyone, could actually spend time and not try kill each other on a regular basis.

"Draco, done tormenting potter today?"
Dumbledore nodded and smirked a little. "you might find it harder to sway potter than you might think." he admitted shaking his head. "but see what can be done, the sooner we get the two of them training, the sooner we can be done with Voldemort." he stated simply smiling at Lucius. "and you will regain your proper role once more, and i will resume mine." they both where in seats of power, and with the two of them working together, they where going to be almost unstoppable. they where almost as bad as Voldemort...just a lot less bloodthirsty.

Draco offered her a secrete smile back and settled himself onto the ground shaking his head. "not in the least, you know it's my favorite hobby." he stated with a small snicker. "besides the kid had a black eye, i thought it would be better to leave him alone lest he give me one too." Draco admitted shaking his head. Harry often showed up at school with a mass of painful marks and bruises, all of the slytherins knew it was the signs of an abusive home, but since potter was the enemy no one cared. "i did get in a good round on Weasel though." he admitted yawning, bored. "all he does is turn red, it's so boring. what about you, anything interesting happen yet?"
"we will convince them."He said leaving. Having every intention of seeing his ward and his son before he left the school grounds. Taking his time walking down, knowing that the two would still be outside.

Fydra rolled her eyes a little, smiling slightly."The weaselette tried to give me a black eye earlier for informing her stalking was not cute, much less a turn on, and that potter would do better dating a frog then her."He said leaning back on her hands as she looked at him, a faint blush on her skin.Smirking slightly as she looked at him."I dunno dray, you might look good with a black eye. Look dashing and all that. Parkinson probably would love playing your nurse."She said snickering.
Draco couldn't help it, he gagged at the mention of Pansy and shook his head. "i swear to god i'd rather be gay." he admitted, and Draco was a bit of a homophobe so that was saying something. "besides, that weasel Ginny is perfectly horrid. Potter really should be doing something better with his life, blood traitor or not." he stated waving his hand around like it didn't matter. "i was thinking of tying Blaise up naked and throwing him into the girls dorms." he admitted a smirk on his face. Blaise was one of the handsomest men in school, but he never dated anyone, or even let them ask him out. it would be the girls dorms dream come true. "hey, isn't that father?"
Fydra snickered at the idea of blaise in the dorm rooms."That is something I can get behind. Well...on top of really."She said smiling."You must do it..."She started before pausing as he went on. Frowning as she followed his gaze to the blond walking across the lawn."Yes...yes I think it is."She frowned as she got to her feet.

"Fydra, Draco.Good morning."Lucius said looking over his son and ward, glad that his long robes hid his reaction to the girl. Despite her being his son's age, and to young to consider having, his body reacted to the beautiful woman child standing in front of him."I must ask a task of you two."He said looking at them. wondering how his son could stand to be around the filty little mudblood, powerful or not. Even he, who found her attractive, would could only stand to be near her long enough to get what he wanted from her.
Draco blinked and sat up his head tilted at his father. "a task sir?" he asked politely, as he was trained. he always showed his father the greatest of respect, even now he was standing up to give Lucius his full and undivided attention and respect, his hands clasped behind his back as he matched his fathers gaze subserviently. "i will do anything i can to aid you." Draco promised offering his father a tiny hidden look of affection, one that the people around them would never see, sometimes Draco wondered if Pandora even caught the affection that Draco secretly offered his father.
"I would like you to befriend the potter boy. It would be a...helpful task to know what he was doing."Lucius said tilting his head at his son, before looking at the girl standing next to him. Tall and lithe, fydra was beutiful, and perfect in the way he needed her to be. Casting silently he hid a smirk, knowing that if she was helpless and out of control the gryffindor hero wouldn't be able to not help her. And by the time she realized she'd been hexed, it'd be to late to be anything but the helpless slytherin he needed

Fydra stood just as attentive and respective as draco, "Must we?"She asked, her voice lilting and musical, wondering why he wanted them to do this.But because he'd taken her into his home when he didn't have to, and that draco would do anything for his father, she knew she was going to be doing this.

"Yes."Lucius said, knowing that under the words that seemed to give them a choice, he was leaving his ward and son with no choice but to obey and befriend the man they didn't like.
Draco stared wide eyed at his father, too horrified to say anything. " want me to...but he hates us!" he protested vehemonantly. "i can't jsut, go over to him, apologize, and expect him to accept it!" he stated looking his calm features for half a minute, clearly thinking that his father had gone mad before he took a deep calming breath and closed his eyes, running through the mantra that Lucius himself had taught Draco in order to help the boy control his emotions.

"Father Harry Potter is never going to accept me as a friend, or even an Allie. he'd sooner kill me himself than help me in any way or form." no matter that Dumbledore was already telling Harry that Draco was suffering abuse from his home life, as already agreed with Lucius. it was the most believable story after all.

"i will try father, but i doubt it will work well." he admitted sighing a little glancing at Fydra before shaking his head. "must we also befriend his mud-blood pals?" he asked, resisting the urge to grimace at the thought of having to do anything with any three of the Golden Trio. Draco already assumed the Cover story would be abuse, nothing got Harry's dander up more than realizing someone was being hurt by someone else, results of his own horrible lifestyle. "i think Fydra should befriend him first, she's less horrid to him and his pals, and it's a lot easier for her to pretend that she can be a humane person." he smirked at his adoptive sister, teasing her.
Fydra rolled her eyes looking at her adoptive brother,"You mean its more believable that someone's beating the shit out of me."She said, having come to the same conclusion as draco.Sighing softly she nodded,"Whatever. I'll befriend him, but you can jump in the lake if you think I'm befriending weasel and the mudblood."She said rolling her eyes, as much as she liked lucius most days, she was a little less obedient to him then draco was. Most days she went along with what he wanted just because it'd make things easier for both her and draco.

Lucius sighed softly at her words. She really was the most disrespectful little thing."No you do not have to befriend the others.Just potter."He said watching the bruises blossom across her skin, hand prints along her arms and a slight black eye.hexing her into being beaten was easier and less dangerous. If he really tried hitting her, she was liable to hit back, Or draco likely to defend her. Yes, this was easier.

Fydra winced as she looked down at the handprint bruises surrounding her forearms, realizing they weren't going to have time to let her go change shirts before they were expected in potions. Glancing at draco she sighed, grabbing his arm, tugging."Come on, we're going to be late to potions...and our daily date with potter."She said wrinkling her nose, bowing her head slightly to lucius."Goodday father, and goodbye."She said starting to head back to the castle, knowing draco would catch up.
Draco grimaced as he watched the bruises blooming across her skin, resisting the urge to get angry about her pain and bowed lightly to Lucius. "good day father, we will befriend the potter boy if we have to Imperio him to do it." of course, Harry was impervious to the Imperio, so maybe that wouldn't work. he followed after Fydra, hovering over her to make sure Lucius hadn't overdone it with the hex his head tilted. "later, we'll have to hex me as well." he muttered pausing. "or Potter will never beleive me, probably we should keep the bruises hidden under my clothes, or people will wonder." he groaned a little and shook his head. "this is highly aggravating." he growled his eyes narrowed as he watched potter stalk into potions with his crappy freinds, still covered in bruises as he took his seat. "we'll talk to the bastard after potions."

they sat through potions silently, listening to Snape berate Potter and longbottom ruthlessly, watching Harry's temper growing by the second. Harry always had a temper when he came back from the summers. Draco shook his head a little. Snape was making his job so much more difficult. "you should approach potter alone... he's liable to rip my head off." Draco muttered softly to Fydra, unafraid of getting in trouble with snape wrinkling his nose a little. "and i'll take the time to explain to the other slytherins whats going on, no need to have them thinking we're traitors." of course, they where traitors. they just didn't know it yet.
"I'm liable to rip your head off if you don't shut up."Fydra muttered back resting her chin in her hands, looking tired and out of sorts. Not used to being the one in pain, it was...distressing.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Riddle, do you have something to share with the class?"Snape said, tilting his head slightly as he looked at the two teens.

"We were wondering if I can move up and sit with potter. I'm distressed with having to share a seat with malfoy."Fydra said, a smirk playing at her lips. Yea, let snape wonder what she wanted. And hey, she was bored, and this would be interesting to see how much of a workout they'd have to do to get harry friendly with them.
Draco glared at her for snapping at her but said nothing in response as Snape piped up, cutting off the scathing reply Draco had been about to issue, the blond growling lightly under his breath at his 'sister' as he shook his head in response to Snape's question, looking startled at Fydra's statement.

there was a small yelp at the other side of the room as Harry fell off his seat, rubbing his rear as he stood up and stared at Fydra looking, well astonished to say the least, his own bruises hidden with magic so that no one questioned him about them. Harry said nothing as he sat down and stared at the board, but you could practically hear what he was thinking. ' tell her no, tell her no, tell her no. Harry really didn't want to have to sit next to the Ice Princess, rumors or not, orders or not. besides why should he listen to that old bat Dumbledore anyway!? the entire class waited for Snape's response, most of them holding their breath.
Fydra smirked, sharing a look with draco, biting her lip as she watched harry fall off the seat.

"Fine ms. riddle.Move."Snape said before returning to his lecture, ignoring the girl as she got up. Curious as to what she was up to...and putting her with potter meant she was closer to him, so that he could stop whatever prank her and draco had really been planning. In all his years as head of house, he'd never met two people more liable to get into trouble then the malfoy 'siblings'.

Fydra smiled slightly as she gathered her books, moving towards the gryffindor side of the room. Swallowing hard, because well, moving put her that close to the weasel and mudblood, and even sharing breathing space was almost to much. Rolling her eyes as she slipped onto the seat next to harry, "Good morning."The ice princess chirped, decidely less cool then she normally was. Resting her chin on her hand she set out to ignore the people around her, and concentrate on the lecture.
Harry had leaned away from her when she sat down, but when it became clear that she wasn't about to hex him or prank him he started to relax and ignore her like he usually would, though his eyes kept flicking to the bruises layered around her body, swallowing down whatever he might have wanted to say and continued writing, taking notes on what Snape had to say. Harry didn't even seam to notice her strange beauty, or her charms in any way, much like Draco. Draco had never been affected by Fydra's siren abilities, and it seamed that Harry was just as immune as Draco was.

when the bell rang Harry was one of the first to start shoving his things into his bag, but with a well placed 'splitting hex' thanks to Draco, harry ended up being the last one out thanks to his bag being ripped in half, giving Fydra the chance she needed to talk to harry along as he fumbled over the charm he needed to fix his bag, and then stuff the books and his things back in it. he had bad feelings about Fydra Riddle, maybe it was just her name, but he had a very bad feeling about her indeed.
Fydra smiled slightly giving harry the last book, tilting her head."Ignore him.He has nothing better to do then abuse those who've already suffered enough."She said with a shudder. Hiding the wince, not wanting to badmouth draco, but she knew it was the only way that she was going to get in his good graces. She'd just have to apologize to the blond later....maybe tell pansy off and make the girl leave him alone. Yea... that sounded like a good idea. The sslytherin annoyed fydra without her knowing why, even though most of the school knew why. Fydra hated to share draco's attention wtih anyone, much less a girl who sort of resembled a pug.
Harry flinched away from her and then forced himself to relax. "you startled me." he muttered his eyes narrowed at her, clearly not trusting anything she had to say as he accepted the book shoving it into his bag, watching Draco sneer at them both before vanishing making harry hesitate. " have an unusual amount of bruises.." Harry began uncertainly looking her over again, not in that 'i'm a pervert under the spell of a siren' way like most people did, but more of an 'i'm concerned for your physical well being' way. thought he clearly didn't want to have to worry about her, Dumbledore had mentioned that the Riddle girl was being beaten. Harry hated being such a Hero sometimes.
Fydra swallowed hard, hiding the sneer. Potter was so predictable sometimes. While she may unknowingly use her powers to influence the people around her, the two she most wanted to influence were immune. Potter, because well, who wouldn't want to control him? And draco...she didn't know what had changed between them but something had and it was leaving her feeling unbalanced and onfused on figuring their relationhip some days.

Shaking her head as she pushed away from the table she'd been leaning on, picking up her own bag."It was a rough summer."She said waiting for him to walk out with her, heading down the hall with him, ignoring the sneering staring slytherins as they past them by.
Harry grimaced a little and nodded. "yeah, mine too." he admitted, still looking at her nervously, clearly waiting for her to do something slytherin, he felt bad for her sure, but that didn't mean he trusted her, or was going to offer her help. sure she probably didn't deserve it, but her last name still bothered him to no end. Riddle had belonged to one other, someone who harry was learning about right now with various memories. he knew better than to trust her...and yet he couldn't stop worrying about her!!! sometimes he wished he'd just been sorted into slytherin, then he wouldn't have this damn Hero complex. "alright look, your a pretty woman, but your a slytherin, and furthermore, i hate you... tell me what you want or what your planning, i'll play along and we can pretend you did whatever your planning on doing, hows that?" he demanded crossing his arms.
Fydra looked at him, stopping as she stepped on the stairs to go upstairs. Thinking fast. And to much of a slytherin not to see the benefits of doing this."It's draco.I...well...I don't think of him like a brother anymore."She said, blushing ever so slightly. Not realizing that she was telling the truth, that she wanted to play this game more to see how draco'd react to her spending time with harry then anything their father could want."Spending time with you will drive him insane. And maybe he'll realize we're not really related."She said, smiling at him. Despite those ice blue eyes, she looked like tom, from the soft features and beautiful grace, down to using this to get what she wanted.
Harry stared at her for a long, long moment, clearly thinking she was insane before he groaned and smacked his head against the wall in his frustration. "god dammit... and i suppose i won't be able to get rid of you either will i?" he demanded glaring at her, shuddering at the sight of her ice blue eyes, suddenly seeing very much of Tom in, it was just a coincidence, at most, she was a cousin or something, cousin's often looked a lot alike, right? "fine, since it's not hurting anything i suppose." he groaned shaking his head. "i swear to god though, if Malfoy starts coming after me for this, i am not keeping your secrete riddle." he stated sternly looking him over and shuddering again shaking his head. "this is not going to end well for me, i just know it."
Fydra snickered a little."Don't worry about draco.I'll make sure he doesn't bother you. I just want him annoyed with me."she said,"And don't hurt yourself. Solid stone walls make your head hurt."She snickered as they walked upstairs, knowing that harry spoke the truth. He wouldn't keep her secret if draco got bent out of shape over this. Smiling a little as they walked into the great hall,tilting her head."I'll see you later potter."She said smiling, unknowing why he was staring at her as if she'd just grown another head. She smiled brushing her hand against his, before heading to the slytherin table, smirking as she sat down next to draco, reaching for food.

Hungry, after a morning of double potions, and being pleasant to the gryffindor golden boy, was to much for her."You're being stared at again."She muttered tilting her head at draco, eyes going down the table to look at pansy, before smiling at blaise."Zabini!have you decided on a girlfriend yet?"she asked, switching moods on what she needed, hving every intent of annoying draco. And remembering what draco had said about dumping bliase in the girl's dorm for the night.
he snorted a little and waved her off, looking rather annoyed as he settled down next to Ron and Hermione, both of whom leaning forward to ask Harry what happened looking astonished as Harry explained with a great deal of eye rolling and annoyed looks.

"so i see you made contact." Draco muttered watching Harry out of the corner of his eyes. "that's good, i explained to the others that your only following orders." he admitted sighing a little. "this is still highly aggravating, i don't see why we have to befriend that gay ass." he grumbled, not commenting on being stared at, if he ignored her, she didn't exist. Blaise ignored Fydra as he flipped a page in his book his eyes flickering over to the Gryfindor table for half a second before turning back to his book, indicating that he at least did like someone. he was still going to end up half naked in the girls dorms, love interest or not. "so what did you tell potter?" Draco asked curiously. "i saw him whack his head against the stone so it can't have been that your being abused."
"You make it sound like I've made contact with a alien species."She muttered,a faint blush crossed the bridge of her nose, staining her cheeks, but alas with her pale skin even the softest blush showed."Oh I told him I wanted to jump his bones, and that sex required actually being able to stand what came out of his mouth. Which required talking. I don't think he believed me."She said, not about to tell him the real reason. Because well, that was to embarassing."we're befriending him because it's good to keep your friends close, and enemies closer dray."She muttered, aiming to change the subject on what she told harry. She really didn't want draco to know.that'd ruin the game.
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