Serpent's Temptation[blakkatt07&SHARPii]

His lips eventually broke from hers and nearly attacked her neck in such a feverish way. His lips pressed soft kisses there, ranging from kissing to sucking, his hands still caressing her beautiful mounds. His fingers began to tweak at her perked nipples, but then one hand slid down her stomach, his fingers grazing over her soft supple skin before his hand altogether moved into her skirt and pants. Instantly, he let his fingers tease over her sex, his finger particularly paying attention to her clit, rubbing it fast, all the while one hand remained on her breast and while his lips feasted on her sweet flesh. [non-cannabalistic]
Her eyes opened briefly in reaction to his attack on her neck but soon closed once more as she enjoyed his kisses and caresses. She had been oblivious to his hand sliding down her stomach until he started teasing over her sex. A low moan passed her lips but her breathing became faster when he started rubbing her clit. It was that point when her brain started to kick in once more, fighting how far he was taking things while her body seemed to want to betray her.

She started to pull at his hand that was teasing her sex, trying to get it out from her skirt while also trying to get him to let go of her breast
Draco could feel her trying to resist, even when she started to tug at his hand. He would have just continued on anyways but he stopped and he pulled back from her, taking his hands back. Smirking, he looked at her and stepped back, going to get his wand and his cloak before turning away, about to leave. Before he did though, he took his wand out and pointed it at her, making it seem like he was about to attack her. Instead, with a wave of his wand, her clothes were put together again and he just gave her a smirk before walking towards the Slytherin house, putting his wand away once again.
After she watched him go, she cursed, upset with herself that she let him get to her so easily, especially that far in action. Tiffany quickly gathered her stuff before taking off in the opposite direction. She had long ago learned of a secret route to the dungeons and was glad that it would get her there quicker.

Within five minutes, she was repeating the password to the portrait guarding the Slytherin common room and slipped inside, catching a glimpse of Draco rounding the corner just before the portrait closed. A quick charm to refresh herself, she settled down in one of the chairs of the now empty common room and grabbed a book, giving the impression to those who didn't know better that she had been there for a long while
Draco entered into the Slytherin House and as the portrait closed, he walked into the common room and the first person he saw was Tiffany. How she got there before he did, he had no idea but it kind of irked him. Still though, he had no intention to indulge in her right now. Walking towards her, as if he was actually going to engage with her, he simply walked passed her, his cloak in his arms just lightly brushing the top of her seat and he went towards the boy's dorms.

Once there, he sat down on his bed. He kicked his shoes off and then he sat up on his bed and pulled the green curtains around him, shielding him from anyone's view. With a small sigh, he placed his father's cane with his wand in it on the bed and then took his jacket off. Unbuttoning the buttons on the cuff of his left sleeve on his shirt, he raised the sleeve up and he stared at the mark that lightly swam on his skin, very faintly and lightly. Just looking at it, he could feel the Dark Lord breathing behind him. It haunted him; it literally did. It was still there. If he tried to rub it off, it'd still be there. Even him nearly shagging some girl he hardly knew wasn't enough to get this off of his mind. Nothing probably would be. He was stuck.
Tiffany smirked as he walked past her. She hadn't expected him to really acknowledge her in front of any peers in the common room. But it made her happy that she had likely irked him by beating him there. That simple victory held in mind, she closed her book and headed up to the girls side to her dorm room to relax. Or at least that was the impression people would have of her.
[ill assume to start the next day]

That following day, Draco was up extremely early than everyone. He did have some work to do. This wasn't just an extra ordinary year at Hogwarts. He was there more for a reason other than to learn. He had no choice. At around five AM, he had left his dorm, all dressed and ready and snuck out of the house and managed to get all the way to the seventh floor. He had paced it a few times until he heard a small creaking, thankfully not so loud. Like it knew. Turning, his eyes looked over the appearance of an iron wrought door, coming to large until it was in full motion. Walking to it, a little in awe, he opened it and looked in. Just what he needed. Walking in, he shut the door behind him and it dissolved into the wall, so now no one could come in.

A few hours later, just as breakfast would start, he slipped out of the door, thankfully undetected and as it shut, it also disappeared. He did not look back once and he continued on, going down staircase after staircase until he was at the entrance to the Great Hall. Letting out a small sigh, he opened the door and he walked in, the tables already filled with some students as they indulged in breakfast, before the first day back at classes. He could care less. His mind had totally drifted off from the previous night's events. It was like he was on the train all over again.
Tiffany herself was up early but that was more because she was an early riser over anything else. Within minutes, she was dressed and walking through the portrait towards the Great Hall just as breakfast was beginning. She always prided herself being in the hall by the start of breakfast, wanting a chance at some of the better stuff before greedier housemates gobbled it all up.

She barely even noticed Draco walking in, catching only a glimpse but that was the only sign she acknowledged him as she ate. A once full but now empty plate later, she was standing up and heading back to the dorm to grab her stuff for the first class of the day
While it would be totally unlike him to actually give a care, just seeing her that morning when he did, he couldn't help but actually care. It wasn't much, but it was enough for a guy like him. Watching her leave, Draco got up and he went after her, getting to her just as she left. "Hey." It wasn't much but it was all he could muster for like of him. He wasn't the one to engage first because he took a certain pleasure when a girl approached him but something had to be done. After last night, if he didn't say anything, who knew if she would. He cared a little bit or enough to make himself talk to her. How unlike him.
Tiffany hadn't expected him to follow her. She hadn't expected anyone really, but he was the least expected on her list of people to possibly follow her. What it was that drove him to follow her, she may never know. Not that she cared, she didn't mind him following her. Not like he upset her or anything. "Hey." She responded. What more really could be said after that encounter between them the night before.

That same encounter that had left her wanting more, oh so much more after, but she had made do with what she had. She wondered if he would say anything else, not that she wouldn't mind walking in a comfortable silence, though would this be a comfortable one after the tension clearly between them.
Even he wasn't entirely sure what to say to her. Making conversation with a girl he nearly had the night before, it wasn't something that came naturally easy. It was like trying to make something work after something almost wonderful, but the question was would there be any point to it at all? Deciding to be bold, Draco took her hand and he took her around the corner of the corridor and he leaned her on the wall and without a single word more, he cupped his hand around her cheek and kissed her deeply, pressing his body into his. Perhaps words weren't meaningful at this stage. For now, let their bodies speak and move in a wonderful sync and rhythm.
She hadn't been expecting the kiss but she didn't push him away once he started it either. Instead, she cupped his cheek with one hand. The other moved to his blond hair, teasing it, her fingers running through it. Sometimes it was just easier to let their bodies speak for them. She knew however they would have to pass the point of always letting their bodies speak soon. Gently and reluctantly, she broke the kiss. "Where do we go from here? What does this mean for us?" She had pulled her hands down to her sides, afraid that if she kept touching him so intimately that she'd return to kissing him without a care.
Sadly, their kiss had to part and on her part too which did make him sad but he let it go. Looking at her, he let out a small sigh and ran his hand through her hair. "Take things slow and see where it goes from there. Question is, are we public or private?" He asked softly as he looked at her. He wanted nothing more than to stop talking and just make them submit to each other but he knew there were more important things right now. Like finding a common ground as to what they were. Even he wanted to know. Though he did like the chasing. That wasn't too bad, especially if he could kiss her unknowingly.
Tiffany nodded. "We could remain private, at least until the first Hogsmeade weekend. "I'm enjoying this sneaking around thing. It adds a bit of fun to it." She so was ready to just give in to him completely. "But if you'd rather shout it from the tallest tower that we're together, that's fine with me too.

She pulled him in for another kiss. She couldn't get enough of him. He was like an addicting drug and she was getting a high off of him
Draco leaned into her and he nodded, kissing her again, moving his hands along her sides a bit sensually, pressing his entire body into her. As he pulled back from their kiss, he sucked on her lower lip and looked at her. "Private. I wouldn't suggest it any other way until the time's right. Though there is a certain...pleasure to go up the tallest tower and shout we're together but sneaking around is far more fun." He grinned. With all that said, he allowed himself to enjoy planting his lips on hers in a rather passionate kiss. They had some moments before class so perhaps a little snogging wouldn't be bad at all. He rather enjoyed himself and her.
Tiffany grinned in the kiss as she enjoyed the few moments they had before class. She played in his hair and pulled him closer to her. She loved how deep the kiss was and wanted it to go further but she knew they couldn't. It was going to be torturous for her while they kept it private, keeping from snogging him in the great hall. But it also gave them their privacy. After a while, she broke the kiss yet again. "As much as I'm enjoying this, we can't do this all through the last minutes we got left. We still have to get our bags and get to class."
He wanted to as well, but for her, classes couldn't just be blown off. He honestly didn't care if he went to class or not but he couldn't exactly let her know that. As their kiss parted, he leaned back just slightly and he looked at her, his eyes scanning over her actual beautiful features. He wasn't sure what he'd admit to her about them being together like this. Whether he liked it or not, whether he fond her attractive, whether he liked her; stuff like that. It was fun to play their kind of game. Took his mind off of the dreadful things, like this year. "Hm...well technically you need to get your bags. I don't." He said simply. "But...I could walk you to and fro." He grinned.
She noticed he did say he didn't need to go to class. But she wouldn't press. If and when he wanted to tell her, she'd be ready to listen. She looked him over with a grin. She couldn't believe the prince of Slytherin was hers, that she was dating him. There was no turning back now that they've made the step. "I would love that. But it can't happen too much if we really want to keep this private." She sighed. "Guess I should go get my bag."
Looking at her with a sort of plain look, he bit in his lower lip and shrugged. "Sod it. Sod them. If I want to walk with you, I will. Perks of being the wonderful 'Prince of Slytherin.'" He said, sarcastically about the Prince of Slytherin thing. "Besides, who would dare say anything about it? If they knew what was good for them, they'd stay quiet and not even dare think it, right? So come on then." He said softly, pulling the strap of his bag on his shoulder and took her hand, lacing his hand with hers as he walked out of the corridor's corner with her, not exactly waiting for any kind of approval or consent. She should know he wouldn't. As they walked more closer towards where people had started walking about to head to their classes and or get their things, he let her hand go just slightly, keeping their pinkies laced, as the sleeves of their cloaks covered their hands, walking towards the Slytherin House with her. It was so crowded, no one would or could tell.
She bit her lip as he grabbed her hand and pulled her in the direction towards the Slytherin House. She still was a little worried they would be exposed but that was until he happened to release her hand most of the way but kept their pinkies laced. She glanced his way with a grin, enjoying that tiny bit of secret contact between them. She wished she could just go somewhere with Draco and be alone but unfortunately they had classes.

Arriving at the Slytherin House, away from all other spectators, Draco spoke their password and the portrait opened for them both. Even keeping it a secret from the moving pictures would be a difficult task. Still, this one didn't seem to notice, thank goodness. Walking in with her, the portrait shut behind them and he let her pinkie go altogether as they came across the common room. Too many people to pull it off in front of, especially since it wasn't that crowded like it was in the halls and corridors. "I'll wait here." He murmured, moving from her to let her get her things as he went off on his own and walked towards a single seat couch. People around it simply moved from it to let him have the way to it and he sat himself down there in that laid back fashion and then he crossed a leg over the other, though not in that feminine way. Girls gathered around him slyly and just admired him from a distance. It was like he was sitting on a throne with an imaginary crown on his beautiful platinum blond hair and bundles and oodles of power at his leisure. Such an ideal life, if only it could be real.
She headed up towards her dorm, noticing the girls gathering around him. Tiffany bit her lip to keep herself from yelling at them to back away because he was hers. They wouldn't keep it quiet long if she went and did that. Quickly, she turned into the dorm room and grabbed her bag, wanting to hurry out before her friends ambushed her. Her bag strap around her shoulder, she turned and headed back down the stairs. She glanced over towards Draco, hoping he would get her signal that she was ready to go. As much as she had wanted to just say she was ready, again it was something that would easily expose their relationship
Draco honestly ignored all the girls around him and looked up at the stairway leading to the girl's dormitories for Tiffany every so often because he'd know when it would be time to leave. Alas, there she was walking down. He sat up and he simply got up and he looked at the girls with one divine look that would melt their hearts and he turned and walked to leave, meeting up with her near the exit. In case anyone was still looking, he did not look at her and he walked out of the portrait hole and stood by. "Where's your first class?"
Tiffany walked with him out of the portrait hole, making it seem pure coincidence. "Divination with that crazy Professor Trelawney." She sighed. She honestly hated sitting up there with all the smoke that always hung in the air. She was tempted to try to cut that class but she figured she might as well. "What about you? Where's your first one?"
Draco chuckled faintly and he shook his head. "She's a loon is what she is. Plus that class is just ridiculous and pointless." Sighing, he put his finger to his head, trying to remember exactly what class he had, clearly showing he did not care. Not this year. Not anymore. "Um...Potions or something of it. Advanced Potion Making with that old oaf; what's his name?"
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