Serpent's Temptation[blakkatt07&SHARPii]

Hearing his words about attempting to win her over being a challenge, she smirked as she stood up. "Seeing how long you take to win me over is something I look forward to myself. May the best woman win." She grinned before peeking out the window and seeing Hogwarts in the distance.

She left and headed to be with her friends once more, though she definitely wouldn't tell them of her experience with Draco.
After she let, the slightest remains of a grin remained on Draco's face as he looked out the window, seeing Hogwarts in the distance. She'd be fun, no doubt but at the same time, winning her over may prove boring in the end, depending how much she resisted. He was used to girls dropping at his feet for him but she--well he knew she wasn't that type. While it may prove entertaining, things do tend to get boring at some point. He had a small hope this wouldn't be like that. He did fancy her but what fun was there to let her on about that?
She had a feeling these next few weeks would be fun. She knew Draco was used to girls falling at his feet so she knew she'd give him a real run for his money. What made the whole thing even more fun was that she wouldn't let her friends know a thing. If and when she got with him, that's when her friends would find out that they missed their chance.

Robes on and chatting with her friends, them thinking she had only taken a walk along the train, she got off and headed towards the carriages once the train pulled into the station
After the train arrived to the station, Draco, having now changed, grabbed his things and he walked off the train and headed towards the carriages. His father's cane was in his hand while his bag was in his other. He wore a button down with a sweater vest over it with the Slytherin emblem proudly seen on it and black trousers and a green and silver striped tie. He had his robe in his bag and would put it on later when need be. Getting onto a carriage, he was sat with his familiar comrades, Pansy making extra sure to sit next to him which probably annoyed him more than ever. It had been rumored that they were dating though he truly had no interest in her which probably only made her far more clingy. As for him, his mind had gotten stuck on the task truly at hand, rather than thinking about how he'd sway Tiffany to his liking, winning her for himself.
As the carriage pulled up to the school, Tiffany followed her friends out and up the steps. Part of her wanted to wait for whatever carriage Draco was in so she could walk in with him. However, reason prevailed so that she wouldn't give the impression to Draco that he'd already won their little challenge. Instead, she followed her friends inside and headed for the great hall and the welcoming feast. No matter what, she wouldn't allow herself to even directly look at Draco for she knew that for sure would give them away. No, she would act as normal as possible around her friends. Let the fun between her and Draco begin.
Walking into the Great Hall, he took his seat at the Slytherin table, putting his robe on and he spotted her. Grinning, he figured a nice game would be fun by simple staring at her, letting his eyes and stare burn into her. He was confident that he had already achieved winning her and so little games about trying to get her even more would be fun. Entice her, taunt her. Make her want to give in. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad. Their little game would prove to be very amusing and entertaining and the ways he could get her; tease her; he was looking forward to it so much. And it all started with this little staring game.
She felt someone staring at her as she, like the other students, watched the new students get sorted and listened to the welcome speech from the headmaster. Rather than turn her head completely, she glanced from the corner of her eye and picked up that it was Draco staring at her. She rolled her eyes at his cliche start to winning her over before returning her attention to the headmaster. He wasn't going to get to her that easily if she had something to say about it.
Draco caught her rolling her eyes and he looked down, hiding a partial smile though it had that sort of mischievous glint to it. This was definitely going to be fun. As the Headmaster proceeded with his usual speech of certain encouragement and enlightenment, Draco kind of pushed out of his mind since it clearly didn't help him at all with his problem. Not with winning Tiffany but with his other problem. Adjusting the sleeve of his robe, he very lightly added food to his plate as the feast appeared before them. His eyes wandered over to her again, slyly teasing with just a look. He was also able to notice many girls looking at him with such fawning looks but he simply disregarded them.
She filled up her plate when the food appeared, not to the level someone labeled a pig might but it was definitely more than a lot of girls who thought they were too fat might fill theirs. She caught sight of Draco looking her way once more and grinned slightly, a bit mischievous as well. She bit back a snicker as she watched all the other Slytherin girls that caught his sly look that were believing it meant for them but she almost burst out laughing at how silly they looked fawning over him so naively. They were really gonna have some fun for a while.

After eating her fill of food, she stood and gave an excuse to her friends before heading for the doors of the Great Hall. She gave a discreet look to Draco that basically said "follow if you want" as she passed him
Of course he was going to follow. After finishing his food, he sipped his pumpkin juice to an end and then got up, not saying a word to those who called themselves his friend. Looking at Pansy, he shot her a look that was equal to 'get lost' before walking on, walking out of the Great Hall and following slowly after Tiffany. He took his robe off, finding it to now be a ghastly piece of cloth that weighed him down, in his hand his father's walking stick that had his own watched sheathed within it. Taking his wand from its confines, he held it at his side, acting as if he was going to hex her. It was simply for his own amusement, as he thought of the things he could maybe do to her from afar. Nothing sexual but initiate in some kind of fun duel of some sort. "Oy!" He called out, after her, soon coming to a stop as he raised his wand at her.
When he called out to her, she had slowed her walk but hadn't completely stopped. Turning her head slightly, she caught a glimpse of the wand in his hand and smirked. So he wanted a little dueling game? She was prepared for that. In one fluid movement, she pulled her wand from its holder at her waist and turned to face him, pointing the wand at him. "Flipendo!" That would teach him to point a wand at her back
While he wasn't expecting her to throw that one out right off the bat, he shouldn't have been surprised. He spoke fast. "Protego." Shielding himself from the spell, even going as far to send it back towards her. To be hit with their own cast of a spell. Probably a most embarrassing thing. But given that on the train she had expressed that for her, a guy needed to be well skilled in dueling well he felt the need and want to show her that he was fit for a duel and maybe overtake her. One could wish.
She was just as quick on her thinking, and aimed her wand at his feet. "Locomotor Mortis!" before her first spell could hit her with a quick "Protego Totalem" behind it to prevent the first spell from hitting her instead. She didn't understand why he felt he needed to prove his dueling skill to her, especially since she knew since their second year how well he could duel.
Perhaps he was bored, or he simply wanted to do this for the fun of it, especially with her. Maybe an excuse to get close to her or even see how her body moved, particularly in dodging harmless spells. His wand aimed low, deflecting her curse to his feet, grinning as he moved kind of in a slight circle, though gaining closer to her, he very quick on his defenses, rather attacks, just because some defenses proved to be better attacks anyways.

"Forgive me for the sudden duel. I was bored, in following after you. You really expect me to chase you? It can grow tiresome, especially when I know I won you on the train." he grinned, lowering his wand though with a hint of a guard as he walked towards her.
Of course the leg-locker only bounced off her full shield. She smirked as he moved in closer. "Cocky as always, huh Draco? Until you've got me agreeing to be your girl, you haven't won me yet. The sudden duel is fine, gave me a bit of practice and at least you got to see that I won't be one of those girls that can't protect themselves, forcing you to come to the rescue all the time."

She watched him carefully. "Realize, we may be playing little games, but in the end, you can't just dump me once you've won me. Giving my heart to someone is something I don't take lightly. You have to prove that you deserve it and earn the right to keep it once you have it."
Draco moved in one big step towards her so that he was directly in front of her, though not able to really get any closer because she did have a full shield going on around her. Smirking, he crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head. "Who says emotions need to be remotely involved? Just...a fling? Something fun. I mean I never stated I was looking for something serious, just semi-admitted to finding a small fancy in you." He explained, circling her, his wand still tight in his clutch, in case she tried anything. "That is quite the generous offer, after all." He stood behind her, still repelled by her shield but close enough to whisper. "You do want me. And not even your facade can hide that."
She smiled, softer than the smirk she had before but only he would be able to see it due to his close proximity. "I did admit on the train you're attractive. But face it, the other girls want you for your looks and your status in society. I want to see Draco Malfoy, the person and maybe if that person is to my liking, then sure a fun little fling. So far, it seems to be to my liking, but then again you could be luring me into a false security so my guard is still up."

"What about you? You must like me to some extent or you wouldn't even bother trying to win me when there's so many other girls that would be happy to just get shagged by you."
Draco grinned and he clicked his tongue "Let your shield down. I'll even prove it to you." He put his wand back into his father's cane and he walked away from her and he let it lean against the corridor wall and then turned to look at her. He put his cloak down and then loosened his tie a little bit and clasped his hands behind his back and walked towards her, circling her once again, so she was once again standing behind her. "I might like you. Just...might." He said simply, lightly scratching his chin as he slowly circled her. "The reason I bother with you..." He stopped walking and he let out a heavy exhale. "If I told you that, what fun would that be?" He stood right nearly against her shield. "Let your shield down." He whispered.
She watched as he put his wand into the cane and leaned it against the wall. She knew he must be serious if he was willing to do that just to get her to let her shield down. She was curious to see what he would do and with a nod of her head, she let her shield down before putting her wand up so they were on equal ground. "There, the shield is down. So let's see what you're made of."
Watching as she took her shield down, Draco moved behind her swiftly and adjusted her hair over one shoulder and then leaned in, moving his other hand around her waist, pulling her back into him a little fiercely as his lips lightly brushed over her neck, he taking in her scent. "My my..." he whispered, pressing a light kiss to her shoulder. "You smell divine." Hus hand around her waist, lightly moved over her stomach, almost teasingly inching upwards. Daring and bold.
She froze for a quick second, having been caught so off guard by his actions. But she did relax when he pressed a light kiss to her shoulder. Inside, she wanted so much to believe his words, but it was the Slytherin playboy she was thinking about here. When his hand began to move upwards from her stomach, her mind kicked back in gear as she teasingly swayed her hips against his own
Draco moved her a little bit towards a corner, even if their things were a little bit strewn about in a collected fashion. His hips moved into her from behind and his lips brushed so gently over her shoulder, his hands moving around her, that slowly began to unbutton her shirt just a little bit. He needed to fell that skin and the way his arms kind of swarmed around her so if she tried to leave, he really wouldn't let her.
She was enjoying teasing him and the teasing he was doing to her. But of course, she couldn't let him see her enjoyment or he would think he'd won. Tiffany began pushing her hips back into his as she slowly tilted her head to give him better access to her shoulder.

Even though she realized the way his arms wrapped around her prevented her from leaving, she also realized she didn't want to leave. It felt so right to be in his arms for some reason, not that she would tell him that
He moved his hand around her cheek, tilting it back in his direction as his lips descended onto her, kissing her with quite the heated passion as he pulled her shirt open after unbuttoning it. He let his hands caress her bra-clad breasts, before slipping under the cup to actually caress the beautiful mounds of pure joy and bliss. All the while, his lips never left hers, still entangling them both in a heated moment and kiss.
Tiffany's arms snaked around his neck, fingers locking together as if to pull him as close as possible during the heated kiss. It took all her resolve not to moan as his hands cupped her breasts skin to skin though her body did seem to push the soft mounds further into his hands. Any other guy had even begun to open her shirt, she would have hexed them into the next century or ten but something wouldn't let her resist his hands on her in such a manner
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