Serpent's Temptation[blakkatt07&SHARPii]

Jan 9, 2009
On my knees, in between his legs.
It was his final year and he couldn't be more ecstatic. He wasn't sure what kind of a person he was turning into but he was liking it. He was staying true to his family, himself and the Dark Lord. He was Draco Malfoy after all. Even with everything that was happening, his demeanor and his confidence never waned. Now was not the time to ever back down from a challenge or let fear cloud his judgment. It was almost like he was a new person but still the same one that many fawned over. Like being a royal in one house.

As always, Draco was sitting with his comrades on the Hogwarts Express to the school. It'd be another dull trip most probably but surely he could find a way to make it somewhat interesting. Sitting there, he leaned against the window, looking out it as his arm was perched up, his fingers over his mouth, that kind of thinking stare. He was clad in his perfectly tailored black suit. Black jacket with a very nice black button down shirt, tucked in with black slacks and leather black dress shoes. Black from head to toe and he was now in possession of his father's cane where his wand resided.

Draco was thinking; what could happen this year that was different from the rest? He knew a lot would but for him personally, what would happen? He solemnly awaited.

A pale hand ran through his very nicely coiffed hair, until a friend of his, Blaise interrupted him from his thoughts. It seemed like there was this tired expression on the very handsome boy. It wasn't he was stressed but there had been a lot on his mind. He just needed something to cool things down. Take his mind off of it for a long while.
"What's it to you Blaise?" He asked in that same and delectable cold tone that he always spoke with.

"Nothing. Just looked like you were worried about something." He said nonchalantly.
"Dont." Snapped Draco, standing and fixing his suit as he did, buttoning up the jacket. "Let it be." With that, he grabbed his cane and his bag and disbanded from his group. He needed time away from them; to simply be alone for the moment because that's what his mind was craving. Solace and solitude, away from all that had been plaguing him. He wanted to think it was all a wonderful destiny but it plagued him; perhaps it's not truly what he wanted but only what his family wanted. Still, he could not let them down. It was like this even the year before. Now, it's what it is and there was no turning back on it. He had become.

Finding a seat in an empty cart, he plopped his bag down and gently leaned the cane in the corner of his seat near the window, the serpent's head glowing with the green emeralds for eyes. It was honestly mesmerizing. Unbuttoning his jacket, he sat down and leaned back in his seat, looking out the window again. It was perhaps the most peaceful, looking out the window, watching as everything passed by them so quickly. It was like life passed by so quickly that he had no idea where it had all gone.
Tiffany Snape, no relation to Professor Snape or none discovered anyway, rolled her eyes for what was probably the hundredth time as her friends gabbed away, talking about all the boys in their year they wanted to snog. And it was definitely a lot, the list spanning all four houses even though all the girls talking about the boys were in Slytherin.

Tiffany rolled her eyes yet again and sighed when the conversation turned to Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter as it always did eventually. Half of her friends would want to snog Harry and go on about how he was the better one while the other half would go on and on about Draco. She looked out the window and let her thoughts wander as she tried to figure out what the other girls could possibly see in someone as stuck up as Draco.

One of her friends decided to interrupt her thoughts by trying to pull her in such nonsense. She waved them off. "Don't even bother pulling me into this. My answer is the same as always. Y'all are on your own with this."

Irritated at this point, she stood up and walked out the cart. It was obvious she needed a break from them already which was a new record for them to not even be at the school yet. As she looked for an empty cart, it surprised her to see the self proclaimed Slytherin Prince sitting away from his usual little group. That piqued her interest since she never saw him without at least one person from his group of friends, if they even really were that. She decided to actually try talking to him and knocked on the door of the cart.
Draco was a little bit deep in thought. Everything from the summer and the previous year kept playing in his head and he feared it would drive him a little lot crazy. Like he wasn't already crazy though. Letting out a soft sigh, his attention was brought back into reality slowly when he felt like something was knocking on his brain. Blinking a little bit, he sat up to realize where he was sitting and then looked at the door of the cart and he saw a girl. His eyebrow raised just slightly and he pursed his lips. Interesting, he thought.

He gave a small nod which meant for her to come in if she wished. He simply sat back and looked out the window once again, though he was curious about why a girl would sit with him. Sure, he knew he was the Slytherin Prince and he was aware of what everyone said about him. It never dawned on him just how much it was they talked about him or fawned over him until he saw a girl there. It never once crossed his mind that...a girl could take his mind off of such a problem. This would be interesting.
At seeing his nod, she looked around before entering, closing the door behind her. Retying her long brown hair up in a ponytail, she walked over and sat down across from him. Her blue eyes studying him. Now that she saw him up close, she was beginning to get an idea why the other girls fawned over him. He wasn't bad looking but that didn't mean she would join his fan club.

"Hello Draco. I'm Tiffany Snape" She greeted kindly, introducing herself since she knew they never actually met in person. "I couldn't help but noticing that you seem to have something on your mind. Would you like to talk about it?"

As she waited for his answer, she thought about how deep in thought he seemed to be. Was it possible that he wasn't really just the Slytherin pretty boy and that there was more to him? This was going to be interesting.
As she sat down, he hardly looked at her obviously. His eyes may have moved in her direction but he made no physical attempt to look at her. It was only until she spoke that his turned just the slightest in her direction to look at her. He cleared his throat and he nodded. "Any relation to the Professor?" Was all he asked, completely disregarding her question. His tone was calm but with a very obvious notion that he wasn't in the greatest moods, like he usually would have been.

In his earlier years, he was all for picking on people and deliberately trying to ruin their day and hurt them. He got a real laugh out of it. Now, he wasn't sure when the last time he laughed was. Seemed like a world of sorrow was building up around him. It wasn't a depression but it just wasn't what and where he wanted to be in life. But with no choice, he had to do it. Somehow though, with her in the room, suddenly the air and day brightened up just enough.
She wasn't surprised at his question about her last name. She was used to people asking her if she was related to the potions professor who was also the Slytherin head of house. "As far as I know, I'm not related to him, though I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be that way." She shrugged for she honestly had no clue if somehow she was related to Professor Snape.

Tiffany noticed he had disregarded her question and took it to mean he didn't want to talk about it and so she didn't press. She understood when someone wanted to just keep something to themselves. "Well, should you ever want to talk about whatever's bothering you, I'll be willing to listen."

She then decided to attempt to make him smile. She was curious about his actual smile and wanted to see if she could get him to do it. All the smiles she'd seen him give from afar to Pansy Parkinson had always seemed so fake. "So what's got you away from your usual friends? Finally got tired of how slow they are?" She hoped he realized her questions were more in regards to Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy as she gave him a slight smirk that was more smile than smirk
He let out a simple scoff and sat up straight. “It’s quite doubtful you could be related to him, anyways. I wouldn’t get your hopes up.” He wasn’t trying to be so vile and rude. It was naturally how he was and given the state of things, the last thing he knew how to be was the least bit kind. He was in Slytherin after all and they were never nice. However, when she brought up about his so-called friends, he leaned over and he rest his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together. “I could ask you the same question. It’s not like I’ve never seen you before. Your usually surrounded by your pathetic group of friends who fawn on the most delectable in the entire school. However their one true fault is thinking that any boy was far delectable than that of a Slytherin male. Scary, how girls can be, running only on that mere desire to snog a boy. Pathetic.” He scoffed, looking away from her, moving his hand around the back of his neck.

“But to answer your question…They were annoying me.” He said simply. “And I’ll just assume your friends were doing the same because you don’t seem like the pathetic kind of girl who fawns over what everyone else desires. Or are you?” He almost whispered, his tone almost coated with a malicious intent in the way he was speaking as if he was deliberately trying to insult her. He never had to try to insult anyone. It was part of his natural and awakening charm that apparently girls love so much. Oh if he had a galleon for everytime he rolled his eyes because of that.
She scoffed when he told her not to have her hopes up about being related to Professor Snape. She didn't have her hopes up, she wouldn't be excited if she turned out to be related to her Head of house, nor would she be bummed about it. She didn't even get upset when he called her friends pathetic, in fact she had smirked about that because truth be told, she agreed with him on that. She did find them pathetic the way they fawned over boys all the time.

However she did begin to get annoyed when he made the claim that Slytherin males were the most delectable, causing her to automatically know he was referring to himself. He didn't realize that she could easily turn that statement around on him. But when he implied that she was as pathetic as her friends and fawned over guys, that was the final straw.

"You are such a pompous, narcissistic bloody arse from hell. For your information, I have better things to do than fawn over immature little boys all day and all night such as my studies. Here I thought I would find more to the so-called Slytherin Prince than just looks and a nasty attitude but it seems I was wrong." It was then she gave him a very mischievous smirk. "And just how you know how delectable a Slytherin male actually is compared to others? Could it be you actually prefer blokes over girls? I wonder how all your little fans would take learning that they officially have no chance with you because you prefer a bloke's arse."
He had to admit; this girl had wit and was rather feisty. Instead of being insulted as one should probably be, he was rather pleased with her retorts back to him. He liked it a lot and it was almost enough to make him grin but his face still remained its usual stern look. Even when she commented about him being interested in blokes rather than ladies, he couldn’t hold back a grin and he looked down and then at her. “And if I am?” Of course he wasn’t but it would be quite the hilarious thing if he was. Killing many hops and aspiring dreams of many beautiful pathetic girls who fancied him and dreamed about a snog with him.

“Oh but believe me, I am very much into ladies. When talking about Slytherin males, I was mostly referring to myself. No one can quite compare. After all, I am Draco Malfoy. Besides, it must have been enough for you to come in this very compartment to try and have a chat with me. There are many other compartments out there, possibly empty one at that, yet you chose to come into the one that I was sitting in.” His could not falter. He was far too amused at this point.

“Perhaps you have a secret of your own that you don’t even know about. Imagine that.”
"I very well wouldn't have been surprised if you were into blokes. After all, you do always seem to have such an air that practically screams that you're gay as you strut around the castle and the common room." She chuckled then. "But of course you were mostly referring to yourself. You're so full of yourself, you probably say your own name when shagging someone."

She then sat back with a satisfied smirk. "As I said, I came in merely to see if there was more to you than meets the eye. After all Crabbe and Goyle follow you blindly and you seem to use that to your advantage which means you must have some wits about you. I'm pretty sure that if you were gay, you'd easily dominate them in the bedroom as well. But then again, your Majesty," she mocked, "They're both too ugly even for you. Not to mention anyone could get them to obey. Even your family owl could put them in line."
“Even if that is an insult, I’ll take that as a compliment because I do like to believe that I have a certain air about me.” He grinned, flattering himself as he sat back, crossing a leg over the other but not completely; just his ankle resting on his knee, like that. Looking at her, his grin widened and he ran a hand through his perfectly coiffed hair and he sighed. “Nope, unfortunately I am as shallow and narcissistic as you make me out to be. Sorry to damper your mood.” He let out a soft sigh and he stood up, putting his bag up on the railing above him and then sat down.

“But if you feel the need to stick around because you don’t wish to acquire the plague of chasing after boys who won’t ever be interested in you then by all means. Perhaps we can find means of entertaining ourselves. After all, you probably think I really do fancy blokes and maybe there’s a way I can change your mind about that. If you’re interested that is.” He grinned, leaning over again, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked at her.
Tiffany smiled. Even as infuriating as he was, he sure was making things interesting. She doubted she's ever get bored talking to him. "I don't doubt that we'll be able to entertain ourselves. I can definitely say this little exchange we're having is quite entertaining."

She repositioned herself, to practically mirror how he was sitting. "I am interested to see you try to convince me that you do in fact fancy girls. I will say this, you have your work cut out for you Draco Malfoy." She just knew her earlier theory was right and there was more to him than what he showed everyone else.
"But of course." He said in agreement to finding their current altercation so entertaining. It truly was and there was no doubt in his mind that they could find something a little more entertaining to do what with the time they had until they arrived at Hogwarts. However, he didn't want to be too hasty at the same time because that left no room for the element of surprise, to which he was a major fan of and quite accustomed to.

With their faces not exactly far away from each other now since she was mirroring his sitting position, he grinned a little bit. "Oh really now? Then perhaps it isn't worth it. You make it seem like you're completely convinced that I am into blokes. Perhaps I should just let you think that. That way if you deliver the message, millions of hearts will be broken and my heart will be filled with nothing but darkening joy." He smirked, looking at her. "But, to completely dismiss the idea to prove it to you, would be a true waste. You're not...bad to look at."
She had been listening intently to his words. His last statement was the one that got her. Was he trying to flirt with her or was he just trying to catch her off guard? If he was aiming for catching her off guard, he definitely succeeded and it showed in her face. By the time she realized it and tried to straighten her expression, he would have been able to see that effect.

"I can understand why the other girls fawn over your looks. You're far from ugly that's the truth. However, I prefer more than just looks in the guys I look for. The ability to hold an interesting conversation on more than just quidditch for starters." She looked at him curiously. "If you truly prefer ladies, what do you like in your girls or do you just prefer looks?" She thought back over her words and she realized that she had just basically said he was cute. She kept from shaking her head at the realization so as to keep him from thinking she was insane
"No, it's more than looks." he said softly, looking to the side. "Of course, shy girls are something adorable to behold but they can be quite boring because I do like a challenge or some adventure in my time with a lady. What I look for most, other than looks is wit. Something you definitely possess otherwise I would not such a vesting interest, let alone in our conversation." He explained, looking back at her, his eyes eying her in a way as if he was checking her out.

"So there you have it. Perhaps I am exactly what they say about me or perhaps I'm something. I suppose I wouldn't know or anyone else would but there it is. Lying face up on the imaginary table, right there between us." He sat back and he looked at her, watching her face for any sign of something. Thinking back to what she had said, he then realized she did make some inclination to him being attractive. From simply realizing that, a grin came to his face; as if that was enough for him but he wouldn't let on to that. He'd take what he could get.
She had paid close attention to his words and body language. So she had noticed how his eyes moved as if he was checking her out. Just as she caught how he mentioned her wit caught his interest. She decided to lighten the mood a little more. "You're right it is all out on the imaginary table. An awfully small imaginary table judging by how close we are. But it's there nonetheless."

The more she looked at him and talked with him, the more interesting he became. "With such high standards that we've set, seems we've narrowed our pool of possible candidates by a whole lot. That's including the fact that we're both likely the type that would stick to dating within our own house."
"Of course." He responded, resting his left arm on the ledge of the window as he looked out of it. "I believe there's only a selected few--of girls, I mean--that are left in the possible pool of prospective girlfriends." He couldn't help but grin, almost making himself think that he'd have multiple girlfriends at once. He honestly wondered how that would go but he didn't let his mind linger. While he didn't care if this one ran off, he wasn't about to instigate it. It was far too amusing to have these little spats with hers.

"So now you've heard my fancies, now what about you? What do you look for in your taste of guys?" Leaning over again, he sat in that same position he had reverted back to those two other times. He honestly wondered what he taste tended to be like because it couldn't be his type. He wouldn't think of her as the type to follow the herd, given how she expressed her feelings towards him throughout this entire conversation.
"Besides looks obviously, there's intelligence. Maturity to think before acting. A guy who's willing to fight for his beliefs and can actually duel if need be. I'd rather see a guy win a duel because he was actually good not because of luck like a certain Gryffindor managed." She'd seen the duel second year between Draco and Harry Potter and knew that Draco would have had the upper hand if it had not turned out that Harry Potter was a Parselmouth.

As they sat mirroring each other's position, she suddenly wondered what he tasted like. They were pretty much close enough where they wouldn't have too much farther to move before actually locking lips. As soon as the thought entered her head, it was just as soon gone. "So name a couple of girls on your list of potentials."
When she mentioned about a certain duel, he had a feeling of what she was talking about, causing him to think back on his second year with Potter. Oh, what a year and how it all flew by so fast to this point. This moment right here with her was perhaps the most entertaining he had in a long time and it got his mind off what had been troubling him, thank goodness. For the moment, he was able to enjoy being a teenager; act like a teenager in his stature and upbringing would act. Though he’d never let her know such a gratefulness.

Leaning into her, so their faces were truly closer than before, his fingers lightly ghosted over her cheek, his eyes first looking over her delicious looking lips before slightly looking into her eyes. “Take a guess.” He said simply, his thumb lightly grazing over her lower lip, he being so incredibly tempted to lock those lips with his own but he still held back. Not pulling back but he was teasing her. With how close his face was to hers, he could kiss her but he found a certain pleasure in prolonging it.
Somehow, Tiffany knew that she had taken his mind off his troubles just as he had taken her mind off of her friends.For that bit of relief she was grateful even more so for the entertainment. She wasn't going to let him know that though.

The closeness of their bodies, the increased closeness of their faces was beginning to get to her. Causing her to appear slightly flushed in the face. When his fingers ghosted over her cheek and his thumb grazed her lower lip, her lower lip began to slightly quiver of its own accord it seemed. She had to remain focused. She wasn't going to just fall for his charms the way her friends did, she couldn't allow herself to hope for something that wasn't even there. She resigned herself to play hard to get and let it be that if he actually wanted her, he would have to pursue her. That thought in mind, she smiled. "Not too many come to mind."
His grin's never truly faded from his face; maybe dimmed a little bit or grew but nothing maniacal. His grins were smiles with a little dark intent behind it. His eyes darted from hers to her lip, that quivered just slightly enough under his touch and that alone brought him enough pleasure to last him the entire train. Still though, he wanted to play. "Not many, huh?" He whispered, his lips so close to her own, they could have brushed. "And the ones you think, are they worthy of even being in my presence?" He asked. "Are you...worthy of being in my presence?" He thought so, but he wouldn't tell her that. Instead, he'd like to make her think on that but that was him personally. He wasn't a fan of sadistic games. He just liked games. And this was one of them.
"Honestly, I can't say whether or not they're worthy of your presence because I don't know them all that well and they're not here in this cabin with us." Her breath hitched when he asked if she was worthy. "I would say so what with the conversation we've been having and that if I was as boring as your friends you would have long ago told me to get out."

Before she knew it, her finger moved lightly down his chest over his shirt of course. "The real question is; are you, Draco Malfoy, worthy of me?" She grinned in such a way it was more a smirk. She liked to tease two and since he wanted to play the teasing game, she'd tease right back
"True." He said softly, as she explained if she was worthy enough for him. If she wasn't, he wouldn't have waited to actually have a chat with her. He would have known right off the bat and would have told her to leave. Just like that. Given that he didn't, it must have said a lot. "But is it enough?" His grin widened on his face upon hearing question and also feeling her finger. He kept their faces still so close and moved his other hand to rest on her leg, a little up towards her inner thigh.

"Of course I am. Who are you compared to me?" He smirked, moving his hand a little higher, his hand around her cheek moving around the back of her neck now, making sure she stayed as close as she was. He wasn't forceful but he did like the hold he may have on her. Definitely heightened up on his title and what he was known for and as.
"What makes you think you are worthy of me?" She looked straight into his eyes even as he held her in place. "I'm not an easy catch, ready to throw myself at your feet or be at your beck and call. Your status may get you most things you want, but it is not enough to get me."

She started to pull away against his hold. "Hate to break it to you Draco but you have to work to win me over."
Draco smirked and he pulled back slowly, moving his hands off of her and rested them over his knees. He ran his tongue over his lip and he chuckled. "I guess it shouldn't be too difficult. I mean, I did almost have you there, for the second. Then again, I suppose attempting to win you over will be an enjoyable challenge. I do like challenges and perhaps you are worthy of it." He said simply, sitting back now.

For the duration of the train ride,, he'd like to remain in his solitude. So looking at her, he waved his hand, as if she was like his own play thing; clearly she wasn't but he'd like to think of it however he liked. "You can go now." He said simply, turning his attention back to the window, where he planned to be for the duration of the trip.
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