Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
three months, it had been three months since anyone had even seen Harry potter, at least, since anyone had survived after seeing harry potter. the boy who lived was now on the Aurors Most Wanted list, for the murder of six muggles, three of which where his very own family. the other three no one could find a connection, it almost seemed as if Harry had killed them for no reason at all. he was also wanted for the murder of eight Aurors, all of whom had located, and tried to detain the Boy who lived. save for the murders Harry had all but vanished off the face of the earth. until now.

The boy was walking, a blindfold over his eyes and a gag across his mouth so he couldn't bite, his hair lay in messy grimy layers, coated in mud and blood. his shirt lay in tatters around his emaciated body, streaks of blood and mud stained his skin, cuts and bruises from his fight marred his usually perfect skin. he bore a split lip in three places, and a black eye, his hands where bound tightly behind his back. his wand was gone, he'd ditched it the second that he went on the run, too easy to track. but harry didn't need a wand to protect himself. he paused when his captors paused, well aware of what lay on the other side of the door, if there was a door.

they started walking again, after a moments pause, one of the men had run ahead, alerting the Dark lord to what had happened. a party of six had gone after harry, once they had discovered his location, there where only two left. harry had killed the others in the struggle, he didn't even look upset about it, of course having murdered so many others, he probably didn't. he stopped again, he could hear Nagini slithering on the floor, a small group of people all around him, whispering in astonishment that harry had not only been found, but also detained, and standing in front of them barley wounded, when the two men who had brought him in where sporting massive injuries. one a broken arm, the other a heavily burned face. Harry didn't care, he didn't care about anything, he just wanted to be left alone. he stood there, silent, as he waited for someone to speak, or for Voldemort to spit out the killing curse or an order.
"....he's rather pathetic looking these days. I'm saddened that he beat the shit out of you."

Surprise surprise, the voice that spoke wasn't that of Lord Voldermort, but his ever vicious, sometimes insanely delusional second in command, and lover, Pandora Calaneti, a death eater who's sanity was constantly questioned,but the only thing that was never questioned was her loyalty to tom.

"Dora, he has had a rough few months."Tom said looking at the woman lounging in his normal seat. All the rest of the room was standing at attention and waiting to see what he would do with the boy who lived, Pandora was lounging in the seat with a careless arrogance that said she had no equals, only lessers. The soft blond hair and pointed features could give the Malfoy's a run for their money, but it only made sense, after all she was draco's cousin, many times removed. A throwback to that malfoy blood that made her beautiful in a classic way.

"Ah, but he does get that for running away."Pandora said as she stood, laughing softly as most of the death eaters in the room flinched, walking forward and gently easing the blindfold off Harry's eyes, her own large forest green eyes filled with sympathy."Poor boy, you have no idea what you have done."She said, though the look in her eyes said that she could walk through a town, and leave nothing but corpses in her wake. Her and voldermort were well matched that way.
Harry remained completely silent, only sighing through his nose as he was talked about. he didn't care, he had done everything without a wand, and without a scratch up until now. sure he was filthy from living in the woods for a month and a half, and skinny from eating grass and skimpy apples from out of season. being a vegitarian and on the run was a lot harder than it looked. but hey, Harry had managed, and it was no worse than living with his hell of a muggle family.

he blinked lightly as the blindfold was pulled away and he stared silently into her moss green ones for a long moment, his power flicking through his emerald eyes, glancing as someone snickered in the corner. "little potty's not looking so good." an unfamiliar voice stated. "there's no way he murdered anyone." there was a beat of silence, and Harry let off a strange sort of giggle, a pulse of Harry's magic went through the air and without warning the man was screaming violently as he writhed on the ground, the familiar signs off a crucio as harry tossed his gag to the ground, releasing the wizard who had insulted him and dangling the rope that had bound his hands in front Pandora. "i know what i've done." he stated simply, uncaring for her sympathy, madness flashing in his eyes. "i murdered helpless innocent Muggles." though he never would say why, he grinned brightly leaning forward, a sneer on his lips. "and i enjoyed it." he hissed softly, in parseltongue, trying to provoke Tom into doing something, saying something, anything. Harry wanted to see more blood, wanted to kill more people, Harry wanted to fight one of the people who had driven him into madness.
Tom tensed slightly as harry leaned into Pandora, but he knew better then to react to it. He'd never be forgiven if he interfered and protected her. She'd be liable to gut him for the effort. Rocking back on his heels he smiled slightly as the parseltongue washed over him, knowing what was coming next was going to shock the boy who lived, but really, he didn't expect anything else from Pandora. She had a flair for being dramatic, as Draco repeatedly told her, she really was a drama queen.

"So do I. Pandora hissed back, an answering madness flashing through her eyes, power flickering there, small and lithe she didn't look like a woman people feared. the only female parseltongue, she creeped out the death eaters more then voldermort did for it. After all, it was generally a male trick, what would come of a woman who spoke to serpents?

"Oh hell, Pandora's found her next project.First Malfoy, now potter?"The same death eater cursed, and you'd think he'd learn.Really, you'd think he'd know better then to make fun of a woman who his lord loved- and was as fickle as she was beautiful.

Pandora's eyes flashed as she stared into harry's emerald colored ones, the only hint of the storm behind that look as she lashed out without turning, power rippling the air, like lightening going to the ground, ripping flesh from bone, both hanging there for a moment before the man feel into a goo heap, shockingly alive, trapped in the mess she'd made of his body. Holding him there before she ripped him apart. And in the process never taking her eyes off the man standing if front of her. And in those moments, seeing how close they were, and feeling the sparks of power dancing between them, the woman known as hope's death leaned forward and kissed the boy who lived. Before stepping back, smiling at Tom, smirking at the jealously and anger in that look before moving on. She'd talk to him later, she had other people to talk to right now."Draco?"She said, her voice sounding like thunder in the now silent room, looking for her cousin.
Harry hissed softly as Tom didn't react, his eyes locked on Pandora, looking startled when she hissed back in parseltongue and then, surprisingly he looked curious, cocking his head tot he side liek a small puppy who had heard a new noise, and in fact that was the look on Harr's face and in his eyes, like an innocent curious puppy who simply didn't know what was happening around him. Harry knew better than to underestimate this woman who stood before him, he could feel her power washing over felt kind of good actually, nice, safe, it was a power that was similar to Harry's own.

Harry didn't even bother to look at the mess of the death eater, unable to tear his gaze away from Pandora before he stepped forward, hesitating and stopping, looking very suddenly, completely uncertain of what was happening around him, looking terrified as he finally turned away from her, glancing at the exit in which he walked in, as if he was about to make a run for it. several death eaters stepping into the way, not that it would stop harry if he really set his mind to it.

he turned back to Pandora, looking from her to the Dark lord and back again, a strange sort of calm settling over him once more as he gathered himself together. " Kill me if your going to kill me. i would welcome death. he admitted his voice low, soft...pleading, not even trying to hide the long scars that traveled up his arm from where he had tried to off himself several times. but every time his magic had healed him, it was a bloody nuisance. "Go ahead, i won't even try and stop you, kill me! get rid of me! slaughter me and make an example of me i don't care just end this game! " he didn't know what was going on, but he was quickly getting tired of it, his green eyes flicking up tot he dark lord. " kill me, unless you've lost your nerve!?" antagonizing the only man who was even capable of killing the boy who lived.
Tom tilted his head slightly as he studied his lover, wondering what she wanted. The world may laugh at him for answering to the woman, but she was beautiful, intelligent, and most of all, she made him sane."Pandora?

Pandora smiled slightly moving around to face harry again, "Cowards die many times before their deaths.The valiant never taste of death but once." She said, classic pandora. Skipping through shakespeare to illustrate her point...calling harry a coward for unwilling to face life, and in fact dying many times before actually dying...and for facing death and surviving so many times....then again, there could be no reason at all for her words, besides that it his words had reminded her of them."you shall not face death here valiant hero.... Tom...?You will see to that he is kept safe? She hissed keeping this conversation private, and because she knew it freaked out the death eaters to listen to them going back and forth.

"You're will is my command.Show him to your quarters if you wish."

Pandora nodded eyes searching through the crowd, smiling slightly as she found Draco. Though he was younger, younger then her by a few years she loved her cousin, and knew he was loyal. And he knew harry. He was perfect."Draco, She hissed softly, because she liked the sound of his name in parseltongue instead of english."Come."She said looking at harry, resting a hand on his arm."Come, and I shall have food brought."She said walking towards the door, not looking at either man, because she trusted that she would be obeyed. Arrogant she was, but it was well deserved. She commanded one of the strongest wizards of her time, because he loved her as much as he was able, and he wanted her happy. And...some of harry's madness was their fault. She could at least take care of him
Harry sneered at her, his eyes narrowing. "Hero's and Valiant didn't have to suffer the way i have suffered." he snarled back his eyes narrowed again. "the Valiant haven't had a sick, psychotic bastard hunting them since birth!" he hissed his attention going back to voldemort, ignoring Pandora completely without warning, stepping towards the dark lord. "are you suddenly a coward Tom, that you would take orders from a woman!? the last i knew you didn't take anyone's orders, your supposed to be the biggest baddest fuck head around, so what!? has she TAMED you Tom!? or are you just old!?" Aggravating the Dark lord, speaking in English now, belittling him in front of all of his people, insulting him in the open, madness shining in his eyes, and a strange sort of exhaustion that showed that harry was simply tired of playing the game of life and death. he was tired of loosing the loved ones he cared for and tired of fighting for a war he no longer believed in, tired of almost dying for people he didn't like...he was just...exhausted with life.

"just kill me, and be done with it!" Harry demanded, his emerald greens boring into Tom's eyes, challenging him completely...waiting. "i am tired, of this game." he spread his arms wide, his eyes silently begging Tom to murder him. "you win, when i die do you not!? you win, so fucking KILL ME ALREADY, YOU SLOW PATHETIC SNAKE FACED FREAK!" he screamed a few tears starting to roll down his face as he realized that Tom wasn't going to kill him, he turned to the death eaters instead. "WELL!? how about one of you then!? do any of you have the fucking balls to kill me!? Snape!? Lucius!? i know you hate me so do it! pull your wand! give me the killing curse!" he demanded, even though he knew no one in the room would dare murder harry. not when Tom was refusing. "YOUR ALL FUCKING COWARDS!"
"Touch him and I'll rip you apart."Pandora's voice sounded through the quiet, a snarl, a viciousness that said she was pissed and tired as she walked back towards him, raising a hand and yanking, slamming harry into the floor with laughable ease. She was willing to withstand insults to herself, but Tom was out of bounds. Way, way out of bounds. "He's mine."She said bouncing the man off the floor for a few minutes before slamming him hard into the floor.

"I am not weak, but I have grown old, and tired of this life. She makes things interesting, and it is amusing to indulge her.Tom hissed walking over, standing over the man as he looked down at him. Shaking his head. Wondering if Pandora was going to revoke her protection because he'd dared insult the people she cared for. Smirking slightly as he watched the small blond raise her hand, making the brunette hover again.

"I have better plans for the fallen hero."She said before walking out, taking harry with her, because Tom had better things to do then to deal with a man with a death wish.
Harry yelped as he was slammed into the floor and he fell both still and silent, simply letting her bounce him around, feeling much like Draco, when the fake professor Moody had turned him into a Ferret. he groaned a little when he was slammed into the ground again his eyes fluttering closed. the pain, coupled with the exhaustion from the fight, added to the fatigue from yelling at everyone made him too tired to resist her magic, so he just closed his eyes, and hovered between the waking world and the sleeping, feeling himself being Carried away he opened his eyes and stared at Tom, looking almost...betrayed. as if Tom not killing him had been a betrayal of some kind...maybe it was, after all Tom was the only steady in Harry's life, he and Tom where always supposed to try and kill each other, that was how it worked! but no, the man had to get all nooooble...all because of a fucking bitch. a hot bitch, but a bitch nonetheless. he sighed and closed his eyes again, no longer caring what they did to him. torture, death, interrogation, he didn't care so long as he didn't have to go back out into the cold woods.

"So how is it that you can speak parseltongue? " Harry finally asked, the sudden urge to have someone murder him gone, making him feel chipper and chatty once more...they'd get used to his random....moods. they'd have to, he supposed, if they expected to do anything with him. "are you an Heir to Salazar slytherin like tom? " it never occurred to him that someone might learn parseltongue, or that salazar wasn't the only one with that bloodline. of course, Dumbledore had kept him in the dark about a great many things.
"Slytherin's bloodline wasn't the only one to have the gift.But I learned it from Tom, instead of being born with itShe said simply, because she wasn't bout to get into the debate of bloodlines about him. How teh mingling of gryffindor and slytherin's bloodlines had created a wholly unqiue bloodline, that had the gifts of both. The streak of noblity, the language of serpents, cunning, intelligence...insane she may be, but his was an extrodiary witch. Though it wasn't a natural talent-like tom's was, she did have a gift for learning it.

Walking into her mostly abandoned chambers, she put him in the bed before summoning a house elf to get food, smiling slightly as she took the tray from the elf, setting it on the nightstand."Now, you will eat. She ordered holding out a piece of toast towards him.
Harry huffed a little and closed his eyes again at the explanation. "i didn't know someone could Learn parseltongue. he admitted sounding sleepy now, unwilling to ask the questions he really wanted to ask...what did they want with him? what where they going to do to him and most importantly...would Harry ever be let go, or was he just going to be used and then killed? Harry sighed softly as he was laid on the bed and rolled over onto his side so that his back was facing Pandora.

"i'm not hungry." he protested, though he didn't seam really in the mood to argue about anything. honestly he was still feeling ill from the apparation that he had done, he'd been on the entire other side of Britain, they'd had to apparate five times in rapid succession to get him there, they where lucky he hadn't puked on them. of course, he figured the only reason he hadn't was because he hadn't anything TO throw up. and besides the food she was offering was probably laced with a truth potion or something, and he didn't want to risk them asking sensitive questions that harry didn't want to answer.
Pandora frowned a little before shaking her head at the sight of her back. She knew she wouldn't be able to convince him to eat just yet. Shiftng to lean back against the headboard summoning her book she started to read."You have to have it in your blood, a talent for learning it. "She said absently, reading.Because she didn't have anything else to do until tom finished with the meeting. And she really was a noble sucker, and she wanted to take are of the boy who lived.
Harry ignored her, dozing lightly on the bed his eyes closed for little more then ten minutes before he rolled onto his back and slowly sat up, feeling sore and tired...and starving now that the nausea had passed. he glanced at the tray on the table and decided he didn't give a shit if it was poisoned. he was hungry, so he picked all the fruits off the plate and started nibbling on them slowly, making sure not to upset his poor underfed belly by eating too much or too fast. he didn't think he could manage the vegetables just yet, no matter how much he would prefer them, and he certainly wasn't touching any of the meat on that plate, or the toast, which always made him want to gag. he was still ignoring Pandora though, his eyes still closed as he ate small bits of the soft peach, taking his time and enjoying the taste and the texture. for a kid who had been starving ever since school had let out for the summer, this was heaven.
Pandora studied him over the edge of her book, moss green eyes watching every action,"If you want something else made, I can have the evles bring it in."She said after a long moment, lookingback down at her book, pretending to ignore the man laying with her.Swallowing hard shivering as she felt magic slide over her skin, biting her lip. The boy who lived made her want to bask in the feel of his magic. Which struck her as oddly wrong, because the only other person who'd attracted her like that was tom. And despite being old enough to be her father, and having his own moments of insanity and looks that left things to be desired sometimes-because he'd managed to create a spell that made him appear as himself at about 20 instead of the ugly serpent man, and she did care for him.

Shivering she glanced at the man sitting near her she studied him. Because he was cloer to her age, he was an extremely good looking wizard, and he had magic that made her shiver like in the middle of a climax. Swallowing hard she blushed at the thought, for once acting the age she was which for all her moments, was just 22.
Harry paused and then. "i'm a vegetarian." he stated simply, finishing his peach and hesitating, gauging his stomachs reaction to the food before picking up the carrots laying on the try and nibbling on those too, his magic spiking suddenly without warning, harry yelping loudly as he clapped a hand to his scar grimacing visibly, something he would normally not do. "fucking hell." he hissed once the pain had stopped, going back to eating his carrots like nothing at all had happened, not even bothering to explain. Harry was still very connected to Riddle, and even though harry didn't hurt every time the other was near, harry could still feel it when Tom got very angry. and one of the newer death eaters had made the mistake of asking why Tom DID follow the orders of a witch. Harry reached for the Grapes now, munching on them silently, feeling strangely calm and at peace, not just with himself but with Pandora as well, letting her magic wash over him like the wind when he was running. he had to admit, she made him feel...not so crazy.
Pandora whimpered ever so softly as power washed over her, harry's like a summer's breeze and tom's like winter's coldest night. Trembling slightly as her muslces tightened, sending her reeling back against the bed, nearly falling off as she scrambled to get her mind back in order. Panting as she struggled to regain her balance. Reaching out she snarled softly as she reached for tom's magic, and did the thing that he kept her around for, the thing that kept him sane and made him care. She took his rage.

Trembling as she blinked, her cheek resting on the cool stone as she tried to calm her body, feeling the lingering rage on her skin like a breath. Yet, elsewhere, Tom was calm and collected as he dealt with the death eater. Trembling as her heart raced, blond hair spreading out around her, blue eyes focused as she laid on the floor. Not even aware she'd also reached out to harry, pulled his magic around her like a cloak, in the efforts to protect herself.

Somewhere, in the mingling of bloodlines, had created a empath so powerful that not only could she sense magic and other's emotions, but she could take them if she wished.
Harry had moved quickly, leaping off the bed and standing in the corner, simply staring at her with Green eyes as timid as a five year old, as if he was waiting to be screamed at or punished. he wasn't sure what had set her off but he didn't want to be near her, in case it was him. he felt his magic slip away from him but he didn't mind that, it eased the ache that having too much magic caused. normally when someone had as much magic as Harry and Tom did they had to 'bleed' it out. using spells and the such, but harry hadn't been able to, for fear of someone discovering him, but in the magic she had taken she would be able to feel his terror, he only looked startled and slightly timid, but inside he was completely freaking right the hell out, trying to figure out what he had done, and how she would punish him for doing it. the tell tale signs of abuse in his very magic. he stayed in the corner, simply staring at her as she began to recover, and he wouldn't move until she told him it was alright to, or ordered him back onto the bed, considering he was nursing a swollen ankle it would probably be the second.
Pandora cursed softly as she pushed herself up, hanging her head, long blond hair hanging in her face she shivered.Letting the anger drain away, she felt hollow and lost. Which in part is why she stayed with Tom, because he cared enough to keep the void away, to keep her from the depression that followed bleeding magic or feeding emotion. Shoving to her feet she stumbled a step, using the bed to keep her feet as she looked at the man in the corner, releasing his magic back to him she sighed. Keeping her voice gentle as she knew he'd been abused, and she had no intention of adding to it."You can lay down.I wont hurt you...I cant."She said, and it was the truth.

There was much truth to the saying a healer heals, a killer kills. Because as a empath she was almost completely incapable of killing someone. She could barely stand as she sank onto the bed, closing her eyes as she bent over double at the edge of the bed, resting her forehead on her knees as she struggled to find balance. Tom was her usual way of balancing herself, but she couldn't seek him out right now, he didn't need her there undermining his control on the death eaters. Trembling harder as she struggled to keep back the darkness and despair that threatened.
Harry continued to stand there and stare at her for a long time even after she had promised him that she couldn't hurt him, clearly not believing her feeling his magic return he shuddered lightly, not used to such a feeling and he slowly began to inch his way back over to her, watching her cradling herself, uncertain what might have happened, but knowing that lost depression that swallowed up everything. he didn't know what had caused it, but he knew what she felt, he'd gone through it himself. and so he hesitantly lay a hand on her shoulder, terror flooding him as he realized she would probably kill him for doing what he was planning on doing, but he did it anyways. settling onto the bed, he pulled her into his lap, and held her, trembling at the unusual feeling of holding someone, of being gentle with someone and rocked her gently, trying to be helpful. because no one deserved that all consuming darkness that rose up from inside and swallowed all of who you where, until all that remained was pain and bitterness.
Pandora trembled as she leaned into him. For once, not minding being touched by someone else, resting her head on his shoulder as she struggled to push out that darkness that threatened her. Tom made fun of her for it because instead of being like her namesake and unleashing horrors on the world, she brought the horrors to herself, and turned them into her nightmares. Shivering as she felt magic slide over her skin, desire strong and potent making her body respond. Responding to the fact that 1, he was her age almost, 2 he was powerful and 3 most of all because she knew he'd faced the same darkness that was her constant companion. Tom could pretend he knew the despair, yet he only understood the insanity of being a empath, she had a feeling that harry understood the despair.

Raising her head she looked at him, moss green eyes filled with tears as she looked at the boy who lived, before doing something she'd never thought of doing with anyone besides tom. She kissed him.
Harry simply held her, looking rather lost as he hesitantly rubbed her back, swallowing thickly as he recalled the times he had felt the way she did. all three times the ever consuming darkness had washed over him he'd tried to kill himself. the last time he'd almost succeeded if it hadn't been for the muggle who had found him, interfering old goat. he blinked and glanced down when he felt her eyes on him and he blinked at her, tensing up completely when she kissed him...again, looking terrified for a moment before he relaxed into the kiss, closing his eyes and slowly kissing back, moving his lips carefully against hers. if this was some trick or ploy to get him to trust was working...he was terrified though, of tom walking in on them. he knew the pain he would suffer would be endless if Riddle caught him snogging his girl.
Pandora sighed softly shifting to lean into him more, kissing him slowly, taking her time. Feeling her balance starting to return. Feeling his magic touching her skin, felt the magic replace what she had taken, and lost in the process. As a empath she could hardly ever find her balance without having someone near. Sliding her fingers through his hair as she kissed him. With every gentle press of lips she felt steadier. Not worried about tom, because he understood that for her, unless tom was right there she had to find her balance quickly or commit suicide.Frankly, she thought he'd forgive some kissing if she stayed alive.
Harry swallowed thickly as he continued to kiss her, pushing forward and carefully spilling her onto the bed, feeling his hormones getting the better of him as he hovered over her, never breaking the kiss, feeling her magic washing over him and moaning lightly as she ran her fingers through his hair. his scalp had always been sensitive, and now it felt wonderful. he carefully ran his fingers down her sides and gently gripped her hips, not fully understanding what he was doing, but he had always been an instinctive type personality. he was doing what felt natural, pressing his hips gently down onto hers, rubbing their crotches together, lightly humping her crotch, wondering if he wasn't going too far, and ignoring that thought in his head, because he didn't care. she had started it anyway.
Pandora swallowed hard, kissing him ak as she shifted. Legs sliding along the outside of his, slender legs wrapping around his hips as she pressed him hard against her. Fingers tangling in his hair as she kissed him back, blond hair spreading out across the blanket under them as she rubbed back against him. Desperate to find her balance, and desperate because she felt a connection with him, a slight hold, like a string between them that could become more...if only she could hold on to it
Harry whimpered softly with need, pressing himself tighter against her, a rough, dirt streaked hand traveling up her shirt, tickling her belly before settling onto a breast, kissing her much more intently now, slipping his tongue through her lips, stroking her tongue as if enticing her to play, growing more and more bold with every moment before he paused, seeming to snap back into himself and he started to slowly pull away. "i..i don't think we should be doing this." he whispered, sounding almost heartbroken. but he didn't want to bring himself into this, only to realize that she was just fucking with him. he didn't want to get attached to something he couldn't keep, and he highly doubted Tom was the type of person to share. he closed his eyes and turned away from her, looking guilty and ashamed of himself as he slowly started to pull away. "i don't want you to regret this." a lie, but the truth at the same time. "your emotional...and i can't..." he wouldn't be able to keep her, he couldn't keep her. he was the sworn enemy of her lover, eventually Harry and Voldemort would duel to the death. besides he knew better than anyone that she was only reaching out to him, because she needed affection in her depressed state.
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