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Little Things That Bother You

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women who seem to need a man in their lives to feel happy or any sense of definition. Been seeing it a lot lately. "Wah, wah! I just wish I had somebody! Somebody to treat me special and fuck everyone else who is happy around me because I totally call it not fair!"

also people i follow on Tumblr who answer negative asks from anonymous trolls. they get really riled up about it and that isn't bad enough but when you send them a comforting message to encourage them to keep being who they are and don't let things get them down, they then decide to go on a mass editing spree and erase every goddamn thing they said to vent about the situation. the whininess is alienating enough but then the mass editing is a particularly aggressive response i don't care very much for. like, at the same time as trying to tell their followers "It's okay guys! I'm just venting! Not a big deal! lol!" and put up this strong front, they make themselves look fragile and erratic when they just randomly erase everything; like just a couple encouraging messages or even a couple of angry ones is enough to set them off in a whirlwind of action that is not proportionate to what they're responding to.

FeministFrequency on some issues. Generally, I totally agree with her, particularly about the advertisements to children and her analysis of different tropes is fairly interesting. But I don't necessarily agree that when someone sits down to write a story or a script that they should focus on "okay, now how many female characters do I have as part of the core cast and do any of them talk to each other about anything meaningful?" I think overthinking about the problem isn't going to help anything, since half the time, overthinking the problem is where I think the Smurfette Principle and Token Minority even come into play - the story writer feels responsible and acknowledges that there's not enough superficial diversity and includes it just to have it there. Could they try harder to include more female centered stories in the mainstream and produce more product that doesn't sexualize female figures? Sure. But if I'm sitting down and writing a story or comic, I'll write what I want to see happen and where I feel my characters should go and develop. Fans be damned. Not trying to excuse away what they're doing and the whole of Hollywood is geared towards a sale and trying to make money, so catering to what fans want is important. But I don't want the writers of something like Inception to get bogged down in "Dammit! We've only got one girl in the main group..." when they should just focus on writing a good goddamn story that people will want to see.
Things that irritate me:

Boring, mind an, everyday shit. My weekend was an eye-opening, mind-altering experience. I'd done things I would never do in a million years this weekend, and had a blast. And it pisses me off to no end too have took come back to a boring, banal, trite life filled with even more boring shit like bills and school loans and bleerghyblerrghyblerrgh.
People who say they want sex and relationships to "be real" in writing and role-play, then turn around and denounce something as "not real" or more specifically "not even a bimbo would fall for that"... when perfectly intelligent and educated sensible people fall for lines of crap that make porn plots believable every fucking day.
Auditory hallucinations. I mean, I hear music in my head a lot, but lately, I'll be sitting down doing nothing, and suddenly I very faintly hear sounds and music and voices that I'd never heard before.
I'll second that, but to a bit more specific degree.

That being, I hate the kind of ants that show up in a house whenever a spilled drink or piece of food is left out too long. I mean sure, you can avoid the things if you clean up everything you drop/spill, but sometimes, I'll drop a small piece of food without realizing it and not long after.........bam!

I rarely have any bug spray around, so more often than not, I use window/glass/furniture cleaner to kill them..........Works quite well.
Rudolph Quin said:
women who seem to need a man in their lives to feel happy or any sense of definition. Been seeing it a lot lately. "Wah, wah! I just wish I had somebody! Somebody to treat me special and fuck everyone else who is happy around me because I totally call it not fair!"

also people i follow on Tumblr who answer negative asks from anonymous trolls. they get really riled up about it and that isn't bad enough but when you send them a comforting message to encourage them to keep being who they are and don't let things get them down, they then decide to go on a mass editing spree and erase every goddamn thing they said to vent about the situation. the whininess is alienating enough but then the mass editing is a particularly aggressive response i don't care very much for. like, at the same time as trying to tell their followers "It's okay guys! I'm just venting! Not a big deal! lol!" and put up this strong front, they make themselves look fragile and erratic when they just randomly erase everything; like just a couple encouraging messages or even a couple of angry ones is enough to set them off in a whirlwind of action that is not proportionate to what they're responding to.

FeministFrequency on some issues. Generally, I totally agree with her, particularly about the advertisements to children and her analysis of different tropes is fairly interesting. But I don't necessarily agree that when someone sits down to write a story or a script that they should focus on "okay, now how many female characters do I have as part of the core cast and do any of them talk to each other about anything meaningful?" I think overthinking about the problem isn't going to help anything, since half the time, overthinking the problem is where I think the Smurfette Principle and Token Minority even come into play - the story writer feels responsible and acknowledges that there's not enough superficial diversity and includes it just to have it there. Could they try harder to include more female centered stories in the mainstream and produce more product that doesn't sexualize female figures? Sure. But if I'm sitting down and writing a story or comic, I'll write what I want to see happen and where I feel my characters should go and develop. Fans be damned. Not trying to excuse away what they're doing and the whole of Hollywood is geared towards a sale and trying to make money, so catering to what fans want is important. But I don't want the writers of something like Inception to get bogged down in "Dammit! We've only got one girl in the main group..." when they should just focus on writing a good goddamn story that people will want to see.
*waves hands around* ALL OF THIS
People who don't have the courtesy to even respond to a message regardless if it's positive or negative. Being ignored is 10x more disheartening than taking 30 seconds to express disinterest.

Also, wrist pain. I'm on Norco and I still hurt. ): It sucks because I want to tyyyyyyype more.
Facebook tough guys/girls, what's the sense in talking shit over the internet it makes you look stupid especially when you're talking shit to someone you don't even know.
Facebook/Myspace/Twitter/ Any and all social media. Because it has become a breeding ground for vast levels of stupid that 10 years ago would have been sterilized. And because privacy is now a thing of the past.

Facebook/Myspace/Twitter/ Any and all social media. Because it has become a breeding ground for vast levels of stupid that 10 years ago would have been sterilized. And because privacy is now a thing of the past
When my hair is in that awkward stage between lengths where is grows OUT, not DOWN. I can't ever do a damn thing with it (I have amazing hair) so until its a bit longer, I can't have any look except either slicked back hair or.... A boxy, stringy afro thing.

When my hair is in that awkward stage between lengths where is grows OUT, not DOWN. I can't ever do a damn thing with it (I have amazing hair) so until its a bit longer, I can't have any look except either slicked back hair or.... A boxy, stringy afro thing.
People who leave messes and expect other people to clean it for them. I mean what the hell how hard is it to pick up your own shit? Now I'm stuck cleaning your mess....thanks....
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