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Little Things That Bother You

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My apologies, perhaps I should clarify. Its not that i have a problem with everybody who uses said products. My problem (not just with the company or with Steve Jobs) is with people who fall into one of two categories: either the person who does no research on the product at hand and buys something expensive because it looks flashy (without knowing that they can get something twice as powerful/effective for the fraction of the cost) or those who buy apple products and get really anal when they see you refuse to use the same thing (such as many iPhone users ragging on Windows Phone/ Android OS users, iPod users talking down to Zune users, or iPad users with a sense of superiority around users of Android tablets)

I never meant to offend or to lump anybody into any groupings without never having had any interaction with said persons. That being said, I hope those who have been offended can forgive me for any lack of thought in my posting.
People in a fandom who look down on others in the same fandom simply because they don't take things to "that level" or don't appreciate things in as sophisticated a way as they do.
Millenium Joker said:
My apologies, perhaps I should clarify. Its not that i have a problem with everybody who uses said products. My problem (not just with the company or with Steve Jobs) is with people who fall into one of two categories: either the person who does no research on the product at hand and buys something expensive because it looks flashy (without knowing that they can get something twice as powerful/effective for the fraction of the cost) or those who buy apple products and get really anal when they see you refuse to use the same thing (such as many iPhone users ragging on Windows Phone/ Android OS users, iPod users talking down to Zune users, or iPad users with a sense of superiority around users of Android tablets)

I have an issue with Apple as well. A lot of people are buying into a label rather than actually decent technology because there are other companies that produce the same thing OR BETTER for cheaper yet people are like "But I have an Apple so I'm cooler."

Also - Zunes are boss.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Millenium Joker said:
My apologies, perhaps I should clarify. Its not that i have a problem with everybody who uses said products. My problem (not just with the company or with Steve Jobs) is with people who fall into one of two categories: either the person who does no research on the product at hand and buys something expensive because it looks flashy (without knowing that they can get something twice as powerful/effective for the fraction of the cost) or those who buy apple products and get really anal when they see you refuse to use the same thing (such as many iPhone users ragging on Windows Phone/ Android OS users, iPod users talking down to Zune users, or iPad users with a sense of superiority around users of Android tablets)

I have an issue with Apple as well. A lot of people are buying into a label rather than actually decent technology because there are other companies that produce the same thing OR BETTER for cheaper yet people are like "But I have an Apple so I'm cooler."

Also - Zunes are boss.

That, THAT, that's what I meant in my first post about.... Yeah. I.... Really cant stand trying to hang out with somebody, and then issue will always come up, "Apple iDevice or blank" and they've made it painfully obvious they're on team apple. That's not to say there aren't people put there who do then research and still prefer apple products for one reason or another (I myself would love an iPod, because my Windows phone sucks ass as a music player) but.....

Yeah. That's...


I cannot apologize enough for any misconceptions or anything I may have said unclearly to offend somebody.

sincerelyyours said:
When people leave horrible tips after you do your absolute best to make sure they enjoy their time eating out.

"Can I have a wedge of lemon? Can you bring my very bratty child some bread before we eat? Can you bring me another slice of lemon, this ones a bit too tangy. I don't think I want medium rare after all, I'd much prefer rare. Do you have any other bread? My kid doesn't like white bread."

-Pulls hair out-. Then to leave a note saying "Get a real job." -Explodes-

Mmm, customers who give me the old "get a job that pays better" line and refuse to pay are infuriating. The worst are the lines who insist on paying the entire bill for 4 people AND your tip (which they only give 10% as opposed to the customary 20% at dinner time) in quarters.

Those are the people you pay the bartender to up charge their drinks.
For me...... I use a Mac. But I could care less who else uses them. I have nothing against PCs or whatever else. Never have, never will. I use a Mac because it's what I'm used to and just happen to prefer. My career is partially what got me into using Macs in the first place because the software out there for what needs to be done in my career is either only solely made for Mac or better on the Mac. I'm also rather fond of the interface. I'm lazy and like that I don't have to do nearly as much in the way of security. And, I like that everything on it is simpler (at least for me and how my brain processes things) not to mention everything is left-hand dominant.... which I am. That's about it really. I do not game or anything, so I don't need something for gaming purposes, which I think the PC far exceeds in that category. But yeah. For me, it's always been a matter of comfort and style preference. Nothing more. Kind of like saying..... I prefer horror while you prefer fantasy. So, who cares. I just don't like it when people make me feel like a lesser or a sell out or sheeple or like someone who has to be materialistic 'just because'. It's never been about that for me and anyone who takes the time to know me, knows that. But meh. I honestly shouldn't have to explain that.
See, those are all valid reasons for owning a Mac. As explained above, I didn't mean to offend, I simply tried (and failed spectacularly) at expressing my disdain for those who choose one brand of technology for a purpose as baseless as "it makes me cooler" or "it just works better"

Once more, I apologize most sincerely if I have offended anybody or stepped on any toes.

Things that irritate me to the point of breaking another controller: the Inverted Castle in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
I completely agree to the whole "people buying into the mac superiority" thing. DA is one of those rare exceptions that actually has valid reasons for buying mac computers. Most of the others spew the sheeple apple garbage.

Also, AMD fanboys, Intel fanboys, and Nvidia fanboys. I have intel and nvidia products in my homebuild, but if I had felt AMD would have been a better way to go, I would have gone with them. Neither one is particularly "Better" than the other, it's personal preference and which of the products you will put your faith in as a consumer.

Also, slogan zombies. This also ties in with the fanboys thing. they love to spew their slogans as if saying them again and again will actually make it true. "AMD: Never Settle!" 'No STFU Nvidia, the way it's meant to be played' NO JUST STFU AND STOP ARGUING. What does it matter that someone else likes a product over what you have. There's a reason I don't often post my specs. I don't like getting into online dick measuring contests. That and my build is usually better ANYWAY. But I don't want to make people feel inferior over something as arbitrary as how much I fucking spent on my computer. I just want to enjoy my gaming and feel awesome and not impede on others' ability to do so.

And another thing. Console gamers thinking that console gaming is somehow surpassing computer gaming. It's not. I like consoles, but there is a stark contrast in how much better PC games look and play. I'm not saying people should just drop everything and switch, a lot of people can't afford a really nice build and that's fine. Just don't act like your console is the end all be all of gaming
Watching (with $60 invested, mind you) the debacle that is the SimCity launch. I played the original when I was a kid. Was interested in seeing how it came along. Pre-ordered (something I rarely do with PC games). Have gotten in maybe 90 minutes of play around the lockups, blackscreens, "unable to connect to server" (why the frak does a city-builder need a mandatory multiplayer component anyway?), etc.

If you're going to force players to connect to a server to play, make sure the damn thing actually works.
DamningTheHeavens said:
And another thing. Console gamers thinking that console gaming is somehow surpassing computer gaming. It's not. I like consoles, but there is a stark contrast in how much better PC games look and play. I'm not saying people should just drop everything and switch, a lot of people can't afford a really nice build and that's fine. Just don't act like your console is the end all be all of gaming

I have played, at some point, at least one game on almost every console out there, and I have to agree here. Too many people get worked up over "Team Sony" or "Team Xbox" or, my favorite, "PC Master Race" to just sit down and enjoy gaming for gaming. Do I have a PC that can play great games? No. The heap I'm using crashes trying to load Oblivion on lowest settings.

Now, do I WANT a better gaming PC? You bet your ass I do. I love my consoles- of which I own one of the big three that are available now but given the choice, if I could opt to play a game like Skyrim on the Xbox (even though it's Bethesda's first game built on the 360 then ported to PC and PS3, as opposed to their usual policy of doing the exact opposite) or playing it on a PC that could handle high graphics and a bunch of fun mods to play around in the game, I'd choose the PC version every time. That isn't to say that some games don't just feel better on the console- for instance, I will never play BioShock on the PC- but for a lot of games, con ole users need to just admit that the basic package Microsoft/Sony give us just can't match what a PC can do.

That being said I hate my crappy computer. I want to play a shit ton of old games, but all I can really handle are the PC Fallout titles, Diablo 1, and The Sims.
There really isn't anything wrong with Macs, as this has been a broached topic on here I will put my twenty-five cents in on it.. My issue is that much of the Apple are overpriced, and the "cult of personality" that still exists around Steve Jobs, a man would was a manipulative bully who was not above emotionally abusing anyone and everyone he knew. Most of the Mac users I personally know, however, are not like that and don't by into it, it is just they are comfortable and most productive with the product.

Now onto other things....

People who act adult about most things, but then get childishly spiteful about things that really don't matter. Totally nuts.

People who have a conniption about their "privacy" on the net, but have no problems with "the Cloud phenomenon".
Millenium Joker said:
Rooms and things that smell like popcorn, but are not popcorn.
Oh man, false popcorn alarms are the WORST.

Making it to the weekend... with a cold, so I've done nothing all day but lounge around coughing up lung oysters.
People who ask you questions like they give two shits what the answer is, but they don't.
If I'm pissed off, you ask me why, I tell you I'm fine, you respond with 'No, you're not.', I don't say anything, and you go back to your fucking game... it makes me wish that you would just fucking disappear.
At least then I can worry about finding someone who would actually give a fuck about the answer without starting a fight. And that's not you.
Rogue said:
People who ask you questions like they give two shits what the answer is, but they don't.
If I'm pissed off, you ask me why, I tell you I'm fine, you respond with 'No, you're not.', I don't say anything, and you go back to your fucking game... it makes me wish that you would just fucking disappear.
At least then I can worry about finding someone who would actually give a fuck about the answer without starting a fight. And that's not you.

But.. if you're pissed off, and they asked you why.. why wouldn't you just tell them if that was the point? If they asked, then at least they care enough to pretend to give a shit.. but tell them "I'm fine" and then not responding again isn't going to help them, or you.
CyanideDisaster said:
Rogue said:
People who ask you questions like they give two shits what the answer is, but they don't.
If I'm pissed off, you ask me why, I tell you I'm fine, you respond with 'No, you're not.', I don't say anything, and you go back to your fucking game... it makes me wish that you would just fucking disappear.
At least then I can worry about finding someone who would actually give a fuck about the answer without starting a fight. And that's not you.

But.. if you're pissed off, and they asked you why.. why wouldn't you just tell them if that was the point? If they asked, then at least they care enough to pretend to give a shit.. but tell them "I'm fine" and then not responding again isn't going to help them, or you.

Because pretending to give a shit, is the exact same as not giving a shit.
People who refuse to make any effort in a conversation (or any other situation, really) and then start complaining when people don't like talking to or working with them.

I don't mind coming up with ideas but why the heck do some people expect me to do all the work? I'm terribly indecisive and even I think and put more effort into things than they do. e.e

I can't stand doing group projects.. *facedesk* it's like people have no understanding of what "group" means.
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