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Little Things That Bother You

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When someone can't seem to be honest when they don't want to write with you, rather saying sorry I just don't have room for another game. Then has the guts to update their request thread, to get more games. Fine if you do not want to write, just tell me I am a big girl I can handle it.
^^^^^ ----- Been doing that frequently as of lately. It is getting really bothersome.

When you make plans with people and they bail out on you for a stupid reason.
Rogue said:
Wanting to nap, but not being able to because there is no humanly possible way for me to get comfortable.

I second this. I'm so weary from lack of sleep. Cutting my leg off seems like a better and better option.
When you have writers block and the person that you are RPing with can't seem to think for themselves, they want you to come up with things and move the storyline along by yourself. Then they complain about what you did... what the shit
When someone bashes you for smoking weed yet they are angry because they can't do it and don't want to be judged for having so many abortions and what not... Don't judge me, and I won't judge you.

When someone claims you are they're best friend and then they won't tell you shit

WHY have a phone when no one can contact you?
Yoshie said:
When someone bashes you for smoking weed yet they are angry because they can't do it and don't want to be judged for having so many abortions and what not... Don't judge me, and I won't judge you.

When someone claims you are they're best friend and then they won't tell you shit

WHY have a phone when no one can contact you?

A thousand times over. And any variation thereof as well. It even goes for people who claim to hold you in high regard or see you in a certain way and expect you to tell them things, even if it's just a bit, yet they cannot do the same. Fuck that noise.
Yoshie said:
When you have to be quiet when someone else sleeps but when you are sleep they can make as much noise as they want to.


I live with two male roommates (that's my own fault though, I guess). And I try to be quiet, I walk a little heavy and we live on the 2nd and 3rd floor of an old house, so you can't really do much. However, one of my roommates has this friend (who was originally our third roommate, but bailed on us 2 days before the move-in date) who comes over and will be SO loud, drink MY booze, smoke MY weed, and then try to lie to me about it. He drank over 1/2 of a 2-6 we bought... and refuses to pay me back for it, that was a $30 bottle..

But yes, he's loud. And he doesn't even live here. He will blast dub step at 2 am, and I have to go and shut it off. Fuck man, he just makes me so mad.
When you are working on a Group Project and YOU are the only one that seems to be working.

When No one CARES when you have problems but when THEY have problems they come to you crying

When you can't scream I told you so after your friends do something you specific told them not to.

Steel Butterfly said:
Knowing only the bare basics when it comes to Italian.
Oh well, yet another language to add to my must-learn-this-language list!

I am trying to learn Japanese... I know some but there is no one to practice on sadly.
Yoshie said:
When you are working on a Group Project and YOU are the only one that seems to be working.

When No one CARES when you have problems but when THEY have problems they come to you crying

When you can't scream I told you so after your friends do something you specific told them not to.

Steel Butterfly said:
Knowing only the bare basics when it comes to Italian.
Oh well, yet another language to add to my must-learn-this-language list!

I am trying to learn Japanese... I know some but there is no one to practice on sadly.

Kanji: こんにちは、私は基本的な日本語を話す。
Latin: Kon'nichiwa, watashi wa kihon-tekina nihongo o hanasu.
English: Hello I speak basic Japanese.

:3 I still screw up the grammar sometimes but hey, what do? ^^

On Topic: When someone complains about the very thing they do all the time.
EG: If someone complains about people randomly bailing on RP's, and then bails on RP's themselves.

(Note: I'll grant an exception if you make a mistake, but if it's a consistent thing you do, that you then complain about when others do it... AGGGGHHHH! :mad:)
When the loophole in Obamacare big enough to drive a Sherman tank through may allow 21 states (including my own, fuck a duck!!) to deprive women under a certain income access to abortion, and what people seem to care about most are Michelle Obama's bangs?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?
Ruphhausin said:
When the loophole in Obamacare big enough to drive a Sherman tank through may allow 21 states (including my own, fuck a duck!!) to deprive women under a certain income access to abortion, and what people seem to care about most are Michelle Obama's bangs?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?

o.o... What is wrong with your country? :huh:
DirtyMidnight said:
Ruphhausin said:
When the loophole in Obamacare big enough to drive a Sherman tank through may allow 21 states (including my own, fuck a duck!!) to deprive women under a certain income access to abortion, and what people seem to care about most are Michelle Obama's bangs?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?

o.o... What is wrong with your country? :huh:

A lot.

What do you expect from a bill that wasn't even passed Constitutionally by the House of Representatives?

Anyway along those lines, I've always been bothered that insurance companies cover erectile dysfunction medicine, but not birth control.
When people make assumptions and avoid actual in-depth discussions and conversations about topics out of fear of disagreeing and getting into an argument. That is an insult to me as a person and my character.
People whose lists do not agree (even between the lists themselves with each other and/or) with their request threads. I have found that a lot on some other rp sites.
Sometimes I still wanna punch that bitch in the face whenever I see her name on my ex's facebook [we're friends still].

And then kick him in the dick.

People are lucky I have restraint *and distance between us.*
Dear [redacted],

If I wanted to do something which you suggested, I would agree to it. If I don't agree to it, don't force it on me in the middle of our RP.

RP's are consensual things.

Pretending they're not lands you on my ignore list, or worse.

Sincerely, an irritated role player. (Seriously this has happened to me three times already. Argh.)
People who bitch and complain about EVERYTHING, I mean come on, you've got a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and people who try and please you every second of the day. Of course I am referring to someone I know personally lol I'm so fed up with people who have a lot complaining everyday. If you have everything you need to at least get by in life don't bitch there is always someone out there that has it worse then you....
Snake Plissken said:
People who bitch and complain about EVERYTHING, I mean come on, you've got a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and people who try and please you every second of the day. Of course I am referring to someone I know personally lol I'm so fed up with people who have a lot complaining everyday. If you have everything you need to at least get by in life don't bitch there is always someone out there that has it worse then you....

THIS IS MY MANTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*hugs you*

People who panic and drive horribly when it's merely flurrying outside. Come on, people! Really? @_@
Snake Plissken said:
People who bitch and complain about EVERYTHING, I mean come on, you've got a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and people who try and please you every second of the day. Of course I am referring to someone I know personally lol I'm so fed up with people who have a lot complaining everyday. If you have everything you need to at least get by in life don't bitch there is always someone out there that has it worse then you....

But I'm entitled to all of those things! And more!

I am in love with the phrase: 'first world problems'
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