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Little Things That Bother You

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I hear you, Mitsu. On the flip-side, it bothers me when the dominant RPer feels the need to take things so far as to forget that the RPer playing the submissive role actually has an opinion and wishes to contribute, that they might actually want to write out what their character is thinking or doing and have the plot go somewhere according to their own thought process and such and not be god-modded. Oh how refreshing it is when both parties are able to mesh and contribute thoughts and ideas equally. *nod nod*
Going somewhere and not realizing you left something you need for said place when you're almost there, or after you've already arrived. A couple of times, I've traded stuff in an Gamestop only to realize I forgot my license at home. And since your license is required to complete a trade in........ Thankfully, those few times, I was riding shotgun with someone, and they just showed their license instead.
My cat that jumps on my desk and sits right in front of my monitor, starring at me with "come-at-me-bro" eyes. This would be okay if I didn't put her down eight THOUSAND TIMES! (literally a couple dozen times each day) She always hops right back up.

Oh and people who can't prioritize/have any perspective. #FirstWorldProblems
^5, Nennius. We are slaves to idiot creatures that pester us until we feed them, and give only hairballs in return.

I hate having to write out serious-business work stuff in clear, cogent detail without even the option to drop in a "fuck" or three (...dozen).
Having a white person tell me that me saying the word nigger in any context offends them and asking me to stop. Yet hearing them use it later in the night.
Having a white person tell me that me saying the word nigger in any context offends them and asking me to stop. Yet hearing them use it later in the night.
The fact that my friend has had sex and masturbated more times than me in my apt. She's only been staying with me for the past 7 weeks.
Buying things that have been marked down (like 50 - 75% off), but finding out when you get home and you've looked at the sales reciept, that they charged you full price for the stuff!! *%@#!
Suspires said:
I hate having to write out serious-business work stuff in clear, cogent detail without even the option to drop in a "fuck" or three (...dozen).
I don't see why there isn't protocol for this. I mean there are definite situations that call for strong language.

Amarena said:
Being called 'kiddo'. I'm 20 goddamn years old.
I feel I owe you an apology as I call everyone under 35 'kiddo.'

Here's a few:
People who are wrong
People who are wrong and stubborn
The fact that I get lost in Ikea... every. time. I. go. in. the. store.
The grossly out-of-control impact of political correctness
Professional sports coaches who claim loyalty right before changing teams
Bad beer
Nennius said:
My cat that jumps on my desk and sits right in front of my monitor, starring at me with "come-at-me-bro" eyes. This would be okay if I didn't put her down eight THOUSAND TIMES! (literally a couple dozen times each day) She always hops right back up.

Oh and people who can't prioritize/have any perspective. #FirstWorldProblems

To prevent this, and I've had problems with this as well. Kitteh likes the warmness of your computer. Place a box next to your computer with a small blanket inside with enough room with her/him to lay in. As long as you have that box next to your computer she/he will leave it be.
Stupid people who make even stupider decisions.

Also, those who think they're superior because they eat healthy and work out - bitch, I lost 60lbs and still drink soda and eat chocolate.
Yoshie said:
To prevent this, and I've had problems with this as well. Kitteh likes the warmness of your computer. Place a box next to your computer with a small blanket inside with enough room with her/him to lay in. As long as you have that box next to your computer she/he will leave it be.

Thank you! I put one of my cat beds on my desk and it seems to be working. You must be some kind of wizard.

Also... there seem to be a lot of health concerns in here today. :s Perhaps some of you should visit your local shaman for herbs and curse buffeting... you know... like the health department suggests.
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